

+ (addition) operator, 114

& (And) operator, 116

&& (And Also) operator, 116

< >(angle brackets), 126, 323

&= (assignment of string value with concatenation) operator, 113

+= (assignment with addition) operator, 113

*= (assignment with multiplication) operator, 113

-= (assignment with subtraction) operator, 113

@ (at sign), Razor syntax, 763

: (colons)

jQuery filters, 822

JSON notation, 720

, (commas), JSON notation, 720

& (concatenation) operator, 115

{ } (curly brackets)

brace matching, 323

JSON notation, 720

Razor syntax, 763

/ (division to return floating point) operator, 114

/ (division to return integers) operator, 114

$ (dollar sign), jQuery, 821

=, == (equal) operators, 113, 115

> (greater than) operator, 115

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 115

# (hashtag), jQuery ID-based selections, 822

< (less than) operator, 115

$(‘ ’) method (jQuery), 822

* (multiplication) operator, 114

< >, != (not equal) operators, 115

! (Not) operator, 116

| (Or) operator, 116

|| (OrElse) operator, 116

( ) (parentheses), brace matching, 323

| (pipes), Angular filters, 889

“” (quotation marks), brace matching, 323

[ ] (square brackets), 126

brace matching, 323

JavaScript dot notation, 801

JSON notation, 720

- (subtraction) operator, 114

_ (underscores), page names, 768

^ (Xor operator), 116


<a> HTML tag, 762

About() method, 742

About.cshtml view page, 742-743

AbsoluteCharOffset property (EditPoint objects), 636

access signal icons (Class View window objects pane), 204

AccessDataSource controls, 583

accessibility standards compliance, 277

Accessibility Validation dialog box, 277


arrays, 122-123

Azure services from Server Explorer, 523

BOM, 805

breakpoint conditions/actions, 402

class members, 97-98

classes from Solution Explorer, 198

data cache (Office), 1058-1059

Diagnostic Tools window, 439

DOM tree nodes, 811

list of nodes, selecting, 812-813

single, selecting, 811-812

traversing, 813

Encapsulate Field refactor operation, 387-388

Extract Interface refactor operation, 383

Extract Method refactor operation, 375

files/folders (WinRT), 1088

jQuery selection content, 825-826

project code, 610-612

Project Designer, 185

Quick Find, 237

refactoring from Quick Actions menu, 363

Rename operation, 368-371

Class View and Properties window, 368

keyboard shortcuts, 369

Quick Actions menu, 370

text editors, 226

visualizers, 441

Watch windows, 435

Web Publishing tool, 469

accounts (Azure)

creating, 477-478

linking to Visual Studio, 478

pricing, 477

Acquire Developer License command (Windows Store menu), 1101

action methods

ASP.NET MVC applications, 742

customers, finding, 757-758

list of customers, returning, 756-757

new customer page, returning, 757

POST requests, handling, 758-759

action panes (Office), 1039, 1055-1057

action result objects, 754-755


breakpoint, 402

user, confirming, 806

Activate() method (objects)

documents, 631

OutputWindowPane, 626

activation (MEF), 685

active hyperlinking, 295

ActiveDocument property (DTE objects), 605

ActiveSolutionProjects property (DTE objects), 605

ActiveWindow property (objects)

documents, 631

DTE, 605

AdaptiveMenu property (CommandBar objects), 629

Add Command dialog box, 65

Add Connection dialog box, 538

Add New Item dialog box

ASP.NET website file types, 719

class diagrams, creating, 281

EDM, 591

WinForms components, creating, 278

Add New Item - Solution Items dialog box, 171

Add New Project dialog box, 330

Add New Test dialog box, 357

Add New User Control dialog box, 278

Add Style Rule dialog box, 258

Add to References button (Object Browser toolbar), 216

addClass() method (jQuery), 827

AddControl() method (commands), 646

addEntry() method, 1187

addEventListener() method, 818

AddFromFile() method (solutions), 608

AddFromTemplate() method (solutions), 608

AddFromTemplateEx() method (solutions), 608

AddIn automation type, 602

add-ins (Office), 19

document extensions, compared, 1041

Outlook form regions, 1049-1052

message class association, 1050

region types, 1049

runtime events, 1052

UI, 1050

ribbons, 1043-1047

button events, handling, 1046-1047

design surface, 1043

IDE Toolbox controls, 1044

items, adding, 1045-1046

task panes, 1047-1048

AddIns property (solutions), 608

addition (+) operator, 114

addition with assignment (+=) operator, 113

addresses (WCF services), 929

AddResultFile() method (TestContext class), 339

AddSolutionFolder() method (solutions), 608

adornments (code editor)

extension point, 688

text, 692-693

viewport, 693-695, 703-706

AdventureWorks sample database, 546

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript)

GET/POST methods, 924

jQuery, 831

Alert Rules Startboard item, 507


browser windows, 805

managing in Azure, 507-509

ALM (Application Lifecycle Management), 6, 1076-1077

image viewer Windows Store app events, 1096-1100

application states, 1096

launching applications, 1097-1098

resuming applications, 1097

storing state, 1098-1100

suspending applications, 1097

services, 6-7

Team Explorer, 8

Test Professional, 8

VSO, 6

Windows Phone apps, 1119-1120


Windows Store, 1076-1077

Windows Phone, 1119-1120

ampersand (&) concatenation operator, 115

analysis (code)

debugging, 393

settings, 175

Analyze menu, 57

Anchor TagHelper, 767

anchoring controls, 964-965

And (&) operator, 116

And Also (&&) operator, 116

angle brackets (< >), 126

AngularJS, 832, 873

adding, 877-878

changes, saving, 887-888

controllers, 876-877

defining, 881

files, 719

Cordova apps, 1175

data binding, 881-883


files, 719

Ionic UIs, 1180

listing of, 889

models, binding, 875


adding, 885-886

deleting, 886-887

filters, 889

form validation, 889

Ionic-Angular anatomy, 1180-1181

Ionic-Angular-Cordova sample app

About tab, 1192

calculate tab, creating, 1186-1190

local storage, adding, 1193-1195

log tab, 1190-1192

running on Windows Phone, 1196-1197

structure, 1182-1184

models, 876-877


code, 876-877

defining, 880

files, 719

MVC pattern, 874

pages, turning into forms, 883-885

server models, creating, 879

two-way data binding, 874-876

Web API services, calling, 879

animate() method, 830

:animated jQuery filter, 822


jQuery, 830

WPF, 989

annotations, adding to classes, 746-747

anonymous data types, creating, 137-138

anonymous functions, 798


Cordova. See Cordova

Cordova Plugins Registry, 1175

Ripple (Cordova debugging), 1168-1170

Software Foundation website, 1154


UI delivery solutions, 13

Web API. See Web API services


application lifecycles, 1076-1077

architecture, 1071

capabilities, 1076

C#/VB/XAML, 1075

defined, 1071

file/folder access classes, 1088

HTML/JavaScript/CSS, 1073-1074

.NET Framework, compared, 1072

Silverlight apps, porting, 1124

app bars, 1070

creating, 1095-1096

Universal app, 1116

App for Office, 1059

extension types, 1060

starting page, 1059

task pane app, creating, 1060-1062

template, 1059


form controls, 971

properties, 959

status bars, 977-978

WinForms forms, customizing, 260

WPF projects, customizing, 270

appendChild() method (DOM), 815

Application class, 991

Application Insights, 510-512

Application Lifecycle Management. See ALM

Application property (CommandBar objects), 629

Application property page, 186



applications, creating, 29

Azure. See Azure

publishing to, 30-31

overview, 29

Cordova. See Cordova

cross platform mobile, 14


ClickOnce, 464-465

InstallShield, 465

dynamic, extensibility problem, 684

launching, 1097-1098

lifecycles. See ALM


drag-and-drop operation LINQ code, 588-590

LINQ objects, 590-591

O/R designer, 586-588

mobile. See mobile applications

multithreaded, debugging, 445

breaking on threads, 450

flagging threads, 447

individual threads, inspecting, 448-450

managing threads, 447-448

MSDN code example, 445

processes, managing, 447

viewing threads, 445-446

.NET faces, 11

Office. See Office

parallel, debugging, 451

Parallel Stacks Task view, 452-455

Parallel Stacks Threads view, 451-453

Parallel Stacks window, 451

Parallel Tasks window, 454-456

project settings, 189

self-checking, 393-394

applications in debug mode, starting, 394

breaking on exceptions, setting, 397-398

breakpoints, 401-402

continuing after breakpoints, 403

Contoso University sample application, 393

debug mode, starting, 396

different processes, 400-401

errors, debugging, 398-399

stepping through code, 403-405

website debugging, enabling, 394-395

SharePoint, 20



change events, 1120-1121

launching, 1097-1098

resuming, 1097

storing, 1098-1100

suspending, 1097, 1122

terminated, 1122

transient/persistent data, 1122

Windows Phone apps, 1119-1120

web. See web applications

Windows client, developing, 258

Windows Phone. See Windows Phone apps

Windows Store. See Windows Store applications

WinForms. See WinForms


XAML browser (XBAP), 17

Applications namespace, 1058

AppServices template, 525


MEF, 686

catalog, 686

composition container, 685-686

MEF classes, 685

parts, 685



Knockout, 857

Universal app, 1128-1130

Windows Phone apps, 1122-1123

Windows Phone apps, 1116-1117

WinRT, 1071

WPF, 988

areas (pages), 769

AreEqual() method (Assert class), 344

AreNotEqual() method (Assert class), 344

AreNotSame() method (Assert class), 344

AreSame() method (Assert class), 344


Raise method, 648

unused, deleting, 147

arithmetic operators, 114

arrays, 122-123

accessing, 122-123

defining, 122

jagged, 123

multidimensional, 123

size, 122

values, defining/initializing, 123, 136-137


backward compatibility, 712

client build tasks, managing, 731-734

client framework dependencies, managing, 728-731

code editors support, 711

configuration file, 719-721

controllers, 753

action result objects, 754-755

creating, 755-756

customer delete requests, processing, 759

customers, finding, 757-758

DbContext objects, adding, 756

generating with dnx . gen tool, 788-791

list of customers, returning, 756-757

new customer page, returning, 757

POST requests, handling, 758-759

high-level overview, 708

linked to Azure, creating, 481-485


classes, creating, 744-745

data context, creating, 748

database connections, 748-750

databases, creating manually, 752-753

databases, creating with EF7 migrations, 750-752

validation rules, 745-747

MVC architecture. See MVC

.NET Foundation, 711

.NET Framework

configuration, 721

multiple versions, targeting, 727-728

versions, 711-712

new features, 21, 710

package dependencies, 723-727

adding to project.json files, 723-724, 726

adding with NuGet, 726

viewing, 725

project references, 728

project.json file configuration sections, 722-723

publishing, 469

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

previewing, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

responsive design, 763

source code website, 711


templates, 713-716

AngularJS, adding, 877-878

ASP.NET 5 Web Site. See ASP.NET 5 Web Site template

Bootstrap files, 835-837

empty, 714

Knockout, adding, 860-861

MVC, 715

SPA, 716

Web API, 716, 897-899

Web Forms, 714-715

Web Pages, 715

UI delivery solutions, 13

unit tests

MVC/Web API projects, 350-354

Pages, 355-357


areas, 769

components, 784-788

customer example. See customer example pages

generating with dnx . gen tool, 788-791

HTML helpers, 765-766

HTML tags, 760-762

models, 788

page layout, 768-769

partial, 780-784

Razor syntax, 763-765

strongly typed, 769-770

TagHelpers, 767-768

user input validation, 770-771

Web API services. See Web API services

Web Forms, 21-24, 708

design/development synchronization, 22-23

master pages, 23-24

server-side controls, 22

web requests, processing and responding, 709-710


Compiler directory, 718

Dependencies directory, 718

JSON configuration files, 720-721

Migrations directory, 718

MVC folders, 718

project files, 719

Properties directory, 718

References directory, 718

wwroot directory, 717-718

ASP.NET 5 Web Site template

AngularJS, adding, 877-878


files, 835-837

layout styles, 839

default structure, 716

directories, 718

JSON configuration files, 720-721

Knockout, adding, 860-861

MVC folders, 718

overview, 716

project files, 719

wwroot directory, 717-718

AspNetDevelopmentServerHost attribute (ASP.NET unit tests), 356

AspNet.WebApi.Core package, installing, 353


managed, 563

references, adding, 216

WPF, 988

AssemblyCleanup class, 341

AssemblyInitialize class, 341

Assert class, 344-345

assertion methods, 344

collections of objects, verifying, 345

overloads, 345

strings, verifying, 345

assertions (unit tests), 344-345

collections of objects, verifying, 345

strings, verifying, 345

assets, loading, 828

assignment operators, 113-114

Associate App with the Store command (Windows Store menu), 1101

AssociationAttribute class, 746

associations (classes), 285-286

async keyword, 158, 1087

Asynchronous JavaScript. See AJAX

asynchronous programming, 157-159, 1087

at sign (@), Razor syntax, 763

AtEndOfDocument property (EditPoint objects), 636

AtEndOfLine property (EditPoint objects), 636

AtStartOfDocument property (EditPoint objects), 636

AtStartOfLine property (EditPoint objects), 636

Attach to Process command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

attr binding (Knockout), 872

attribute node (DOM tree), 809

attributes, 126

ASP.NET unit tests, 355

C# brackets, 126

CachedAttribute, 1057

classes, 745-746

CSS, defining, 258

CustomerProfile class, 932

declarative, 126

DOM nodes, 814

ExpectedException, 345-346

HTTP verb-based (Web API service controllers), 902-903

HttpDelete, 910-911

HttpGet, 904-908

HttpPost, 908-909

HttpPut, 909-910

jQuery HTML elements, 826-828

names, 126

test attribute classes, 341-342

TestMethod, 333

type, 760-762

VB brackets, 126

WCF service methods, 943

authentication, 739

Author node (XML), 316

auto properties, 88-90

auto scaling controls, 966-967

auto sizing, 1021

AutoGenerateDeleteButton property (GridView control), 582

AutoGenerateEditButton property (GridView control), 582

autogenerating data-bound controls, data sources, 565-569

mapping, 567-569

selecting, 565-567

AutoHides property (windows), 615

auto-implemented properties, 147-148


build, 7

Task List, 328

automation object model

categories, 604

code model object hierarchy, 611-612

CommandBar objects, 628-630

CommandBars collection, 629

menu bar versus toolbar, 629

methods, 629

properties, 629

commands, 645

executing, 647-648

key bindings, mapping, 648-649

methods, 646

properties, 646

Debugger objects, 649

documents, 631

Documents collection, 631

features, 631

methods, 631

properties, 631

TextDocument. See TextDocument objects

DTE object, 605-606

methods, 605

properties, 605

PIAs, 602


code, accessing, 610-612

methods, 609

properties, 609

solutions, 606

hierarchy, 166, 606

methods, 608

projects, deleting, 607

properties, 608

tasks, 607

type list, 602

vsCMElement enumeration values, 612

windows, 614

linked windows, 626-628

methods, 615

panes, 619-620

properties, 615

queries, 617-618

referencing, 614

text windows, 618

tool windows. See tool windows

Autos window, 434-435

AutoScale property, 966

AutoScaleDimensions property, 966

availHeight property (screen object), 807

availWidth property (screen object), 807

average speed calculator

events, creating, 817-818

HTML markup, 817

await keyword, 158, 1087

Azure, 29


creating, 477-478

linking to Visual Studio, 478

pricing, 477

Activity Log window, 534

benefit levels, 29

cloud applications, creating, 29

cloud services, 529

Azure website hosting, compared, 529

creating projects, 530-532

deploying projects, 533-534

running locally, 532

Compute Emulator, 532


adding, 500

details, configuring, 500

management, 519-521

managing, 502

viewing, 502

download website, 29

features, 475-476


options website, 530

platform, 481

IaaS, 475

PaaS, 475


blades, 496-498

databases, 500-503

deployment, 503

Startboard, 494

web app toolbar, 499

web apps creating, 494-496

Publish Web dialog box, 30

publishing, 30-31, 484-489

connection information, 486

deployment settings, 486

existing applications, 489-491

previews, 487

publish profiles, selecting, 485

remote debugging, configuring, 442-444


accessing services from Server Explorer, 523

downloading/installing, 522

nodes, selecting, 523

QuickStart templates, 524-526

resource groups, 526-529

Server Explorer interaction, 212

services, accessing from Server Explorer, 523

subscriptions, managing, 479-480

templates, 29

web apps

cloud services, compared, 529

creating in Visual Studio, 481-485

debugging, 494

Server Explorer management, 492-493

website management, 503-504

alerts, 507-509

Application Insights, 510-512

diagnostic logs, 516-519

scalability, 514-516

traffic monitoring, 505-506

web tests, 512-514


Back button

Class View window toolbar, 202

Solution Explorer toolbar, 194

back() method (history object), 807

back stack, 1118

Backbone, 833, 1175

BackColor property, 959

BackgroundImage property, 959

BeginTimer() method (TestContext class), 339


action pane control stacking, 1056

classes, overriding, 101-102

form controls

tab order, 971

ToolTips, 972

bike ride log sample application


adding entries, 885-886

changes, saving, 887-888

controllers, defining, 881

data binding, 881-883

deleting entries, 886-887

modules, defining, 880

pages, turning into forms, 883-885

server models, creating, 879

Web API services, calling, 879


adding entries, 869-870

changes, saving, 870-871

controller (BikeLogController), creating, 863

deleting entries, 870

list view, creating, 864-868

server models, creating, 862-863

BikeLogListVm class, 865

binder parameter (TryGetMember() method), 152

Binding class, 1012

binding data, 564-565

AngularJS, 874-876, 881-883

autogenerating controls, 565-569

mapping data sources, 567-569

selecting data sources, 565-567

complex, 564-565

defined, 564

image viewer WS app, 1089

images, storing (WPF), 1023-1025

Knockout, 872-873

manually binding controls, 571-575

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

Data Sources window, 575

DataGridView data source, 571

simple, 564

typed data sets, 570-571

WCF services, 930

web controls, 579-583

controls, selecting, 579-580

data-source, 583

GridView, 580-583

WPF, 575-579, 989, 1012-1014

data sources, 576

drop-down list, 577

master-detail data source, adding, 578

XAML, 576-577

Bindings property (commands), 646

BitmapSource class, 1023

blades (Azure), 496-498

databases, 500-503

adding, 500

details, configuring, 500

managing, 502

viewing, 502

Metric, 505-506

Monitoring, 505

options, 497-498

toolbar, 499

Web test, 512-514

Blank App template

JavaScript, 1074

XAML, 1075

blank solutions, creating, 164

BlurBitmapEffect class, 1028

blurring images, 1028

BOM (Browser Object Model), 805

accessing, 805

alerts, 805

browser details, viewing, 808

navigation, 807

opening/closing, 806

positioning, 806

screen optimization, 807

URLs, controlling, 807

user actions, confirming, 806

Bookmark control, 1054

bookmarks, 234-235

adding, 234

code navigation, 234

folders, 235

For loops in text documents, 633-634

names, 235

toggling, 235

Bookmarks window, 234

Bootstrap, 832

components, 844

drop-downs, 849-850

files, 835-837

grid layout, 837-842

ASP.NET 5 Web Site template layout styles, 839

columns, wrapping, 838

grids, 839

screen size adjustments, 840-842

SPA support, 27

user input forms, 847-848

visual design, customizing, 851-854

customizer, 853

source files, 854

styles, overriding, 851-852

themes, 852

bottom app bars (Windows), 1067


client framework dependencies, managing, 728-731

defined, 729

JSON Configuration files, 719

bower.json files, 720

brace matching, 322-324

brackets ([ ], < >) (brace matching), 323

brackets ({ }) (brace matching), 323

Break All button (Debug toolbar), 416

Break All command (Debug menu), 408, 416

breaking on exceptions, setting, 397-398

Breakpoint Settings dialog box

conditions, setting, 427

filters, 429

hit count condition, 429

Breakpoint2 automation type, 602


actions, 402

automation type, 602

Breakpoints window, 405, 423

C#, 246

clearing, 404

conditions, 402, 426-427

combining, 430

conditional expression, 427-428

filters, 428-429

hit count, 429-430

configuring, 245-246

debugging, continuing after, 403

defined, 244

disabling, 245

function, setting, 421-422

icons, 422

labeling, 425-426

managing, 424

searching, 426

setting, 244-245, 401

stopping, 246

threads, adding, 450

VB, 246

virtual, creating, 248

Breakpoints window, 405, 423

conditions, setting, 426

managing breakpoints, 424

searching/sorting breakpoints, 426

toolbar, 423

Breeze, 834

Browse button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499


Object Model. See BOM

output/validation, 276-277


code snippets online, 322

objects, 215

bubbling events, 1015

build automation (TFS), 7

Build Configuration property page, 176

build configurations, 176-177

Build Events property page, 187

Build menu, 57

Build property page, 187

BuildDependencies automation type, 602

BuildDependency automation type, 602

BuildEvents automation type, 602

BuildingBlockGaleryContentControl control, 1054

BuiltIn property (CommandBar objects), 629

business logic, adding, 140-141

button class, 1186

:button jQuery filter, 822


app bars, 1096

Class View window toolbar, 202

Debug toolbar, 412

event handlers (WPF), 1027

Ionic, creating, 1186


customizing, 1045

handling, 1046-1047

Solution Explorer toolbar, 194

Windows Forms Document Outline toolbar, 218

Buy Domains button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499


C#, 9

anonymous types, 137-138

async keyword, 1087

asynchronous programming, 157-159

attributes, 126

auto-implemented properties, 147-148

await keyword, 1087

brace matching, 324

breakpoints, triggering, 246


behaviors, overriding, 101-102

constructors, 98-99

defining, 93

fields/properties, 94-96

hiding members, 102

inheritance, 100-101

member accessibility, 97-98

overloading methods, 103

static members, 99

code editor, 68, 229

code snippets, adding, 312

collection initializers, 136-137

comment tasks example, 326

constants, defining, 113

constructor snippet XML format, 316


custom generic classes, 156

defined, 155

delegates, 156

generic collections, 156

.csproj extension, 181

custom code snippet code listing, 319-320

data types

common, listing of, 110

conversions, 111-113

decision structures, 116

If...Then...Else, 116-117

switch...Case, 118

dynamic data type, 149

dynamic objects

calling, 153-154

creating, 150-153

executing, throwing objects, 154

enumerations, 99-100


defining, 128-130

listening for, 131

raising, 130


filtering, 128

handling, 127-128

extension methods, 138-139

friend assemblies, 145-146


arrays, 122-123

collections, 123-125

tuples, 125-126

image viewer application code, 1031-1034

ImagePage.xaml.cs code listing, 1108-1110

interfaces, defining, 104

JavaScript similarities, 795-797

lambda expressions, 143-145

LINQ, 142-143

local type inference, 132-134

logical/conditional operators, 116


Do...While, 121

For...Each, 120

For...Next, 119


defining, 96

returns values, defining, 96-97

namespaces, 106-109

new features, 85-86

index initializers, 92-93

lambda expressions, 92

NameOf expression, 90-91

null-conditional operators, 86-88

read-only auto properties, 88-90

string interpolation, 91-92

using statement, 91

object initializers, 134-136

operators, 113

arithmetic, 114

assignment, 113-114

comparison, 115

concatenation, 115

Organize Usings (IntelliSense), 311

partial methods, 140-141

stored procedures, creating, 560-564

starting managed code, 561

T-SQL coded update query, 563

update query, 562-563

structures, 105-106

user control code behind, 678-681

variables, declaring, 111

WinRT, 1075

C++, 9

Cache TagHelper, 767

CachedAttribute attribute, 1057

CachedDataHostItem class, 1058

CachedDataItem class, 1058

CalculateCtrl controller, 1187-1188

calculatePace() method, 1186

Call Hierarchy window, 236-237

CallBase() function, 318

camel casing (strings), 200

Canvas control, 999-1000

capabilities, requesting, 1090

Caption property (windows), 615

Capture Screenshots command (Windows Store menu), 1102

casting, 112

catalogs (MEF), 686

categories (automation), 604

Category property (TaskItem object), 621

CDbl keyword, 112

ceil() method (Math object), 804

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

Change app service plan button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Change Signature dialog box, 364

change tracking, 292

ChangeCase() method (EditPoint objects), 636

charAt() method (strings), 802

CharLeft() method (EditPoint objects), 636

charms (Windows), 1066

CharRight() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Chart.js library, 834

:checkbox jQuery filter, 822

:checked jQuery filter, 822

Checked property (TaskItem object), 621

childNodes property (document object), 813

CInt keyword, 112

class designer, 281

class diagrams, creating, 281

class relationships, 284

associations, 285-286

inheritance, 284

interfaces, implementing, 285

classes, adding, 283


adding to classes, 287

comments, creating, 287


adding, 282-283

hiding, 287

launching, 281

members, displaying, 282

methods, creating, 287

refactoring code, 366-367

Toolbox, 282

Class Details window, 287

Class keyword, 94

Class View and Properties window, 368

Class View New Folder button (Class View window toolbar), 202

Class View Setting button (Class View window toolbar), 202

Class View window, 201


members, 205

objects, 203-205

search bar, 203

toolbar, 202

ClassCleanup class, 341


accessing from Solution Explorer, 198

action result, 754

ASP.NET models, creating, 744-745

AssemblyCleanup, 341

AssemblyInitalize, 341

Assert, 344-345

assertion methods, 344

collections of objects, verifying, 345

overloads, 345

strings, verifying, 345

associations, 285-286

behaviors, overriding, 101-102

BikeLogListVm, 865

Binding, 1012

BitmapSource, 1023

BlurBitmapEffect, 1028

button, 1186

CachedDataHostItem, 1058

CachedDataItem, 1058

class designer, adding, 283

ClassCleanup, 341

ClassInitialize, 341

code, adding, 287

CodeMetricDisplayControl, 698

CodeMetricViewportAdornment, 704-706

CollectionAssert, 345

collections, 123-125

generic, 125

standard, 124

ColorSelectorPackage, 675-677

Command, 660-663

constructors, 98-99

Control, 278

ControlTemplate, 1008

Customer, 933

CustomerDetailsViewComponent, 785

CustomerProfile, 932


annotations, adding, 746-747

attribute, 745-746

context, creating, 748

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, 572

DataSource, 341

DataTemplate, 1025

defining, 93

DeploymentItem, 341

diagrams, creating, 281

DyanmicObject, 150

EditorClassifier1, 690

EditorClassifier1Format, 690

EditorMargin1, 691

ExpectedException, 341

fields, defining, 94-95

files, 719

FolderBrowserDialog, 1028

FormatConvertedBitmap, 1027

FormRegion1, 1052

Frame, 1093, 1118

generic, 156


data model link, 1083

item templates, 1083

SelectionChanged event handler, 1082

HomeController, 741

action methods, 742

code listing, 741

HostType, 341

Ignore, 341

ImageFile, 1085

ImageList, 1088

inheritance, 100-101, 284


defining, 104

implementing, 285

Invoice, 334

ComputeTotal method, 334

totals unit test, adding, 335-336

KnownFolders, 1088

MainWindow, 1024

MEF, 685


accessibility, 97-98

class designer, displaying, 282

hiding, 102

static/shared, 99

message, 1050


defining, 96

overloading, 103

returns values, defining, 96-97

navbar, 842

Package, 658-660

Panel, 967

read-only properties, 95-96

RotateTransform, 1027

ScaleTransform, 529

ServerDocument, 1058

SqlCommand, 561

SqlConnection, 561

StorageFile, 1088

StorageFolder, 1088

StringAssert, 345

structures, compared, 105

Style, 1007

SuspensionManager, 1099

test, 331

test attribute, 341-342

TestClass, 341

TestCleanup, 341

TestContext, 339-340

accessing, 340

methods, 339

properties, 339

TestInitialize, 341

TestMethod, 341

TestProperty, 341

Timeout, 341

ToolStrip, 972

ToolStripItem, 975

ToolTip, 972

Tuple, 125

UserControl, 278, 982

ViewportAdornment1, 694

WCF service, creating, 933

Web API services

controller, 901

model, 899

WMI classes node (Server Explorer), 209-210


Application, 991

base element, 990

Control, 990

DispatcherObject, 990

Visual, 990

classification types (code editor), 687

classifiers, exporting, 690-691

ClassInitialize class, 341

ClassName() function, 318

cleaning up unit tests, 343-344

Clear All DataTips command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

clear() method

LogCtrl controller, 1191

OutputWindowPane objects, 626

ClearBookmark() method (EditPoint objects), 636

ClearBookmarks() method (TextDocument objects), 633

Click events, 1019


methods, 464-465

overview, 464-465

publication properties, 466

Publish Wizard, 466-468


build tasks, managing, 731-734


AngularJS. See AngularJS

Backbone, 833, 1175

Bootstrap. See Bootstrap

Breeze, 834

Chart.js, 834

CoffeeScript, 719, 729-730, 834

Cordova. See Cordova

dependencies, managing, 728-731

Ember.js, 834

Hammer.js, 833

jQuery UI, 833

jQuery.validate, 833

Knockout. See Knockout

Less, 834

Modernizer, 833

Node.js, 834

Respond.js, 833

Sammy.js, 833

Sass, 834

selecting, 832-835

SignalR, 834

TypeScript, 834-835

WCF, 929

client-side scripts, debugging, 456

Close() method

documents, 631

solutions, 608

windows, 615, 806

cloud computing

applications, creating, 29

Azure. See Azure

publishing to, 30-31

overview, 29

coarse-grained interfaces, 903


analysis phase (debugging), 393

analysis settings, 175

classes, adding, 287

comments, 287

component designer generated (WinForms), 279-280

counting algorithm, creating, 700-702

debugging. See debugging

definition window, 250

deploying. See deployment

flow, controlling, 246-248

metrics extension, creating, 697-706

baseline project structure, 697

code counting algorithm, creating, 700-702

viewport adornment, 703-706

WPF user control, 698-700, 702

model object hierarchy, 611-612


bookmarks, 234-235

Call Hierarchy window, 236-237

line numbers, 233-234

outlining, 296-298

printing, 248-249

problem indicators, 293

projects, accessing, 610-612


benefits, 362

class designer, 366-367

defined, 361

field encapsulation, 387-388

interface extraction, 382-385

method extraction, 375-382

operations, 362

overview, 361-362

previewing/making changes, 364-365

Quick Actions menu access, 363

renaming code, 367-371

tools, invoking, 363-364

variable assignments, 372-375

reviewing, 393

snippets, 311

Code element, implementing, 319

adding, 321-322

adding with Code Snippet Inserter, 312-313

browsing/sharing online, 322

C# constructor snippet XML format, 316

Code Snippets Manager, 321

custom C# snippet code, 319-320

form names, 314

functions, 318

header information, 319

literals/variable replacements, 318

placeholder values, 314

storing, 316

Surround With snippets feature, 314

Toolbox storage, 322

XML schema reference, 316

stepping, 403-405

into, 416-418

breaking into debugger, 416

debugging, starting, 414-415

ending, 420-421

execution, continuing, 420

out, 419

over, 419

running to cursor position, 415-416

into specific, 418-419

tables, writing, 543

testing. See unit tests

WinForms, writing, 264-267

Code Analysis Settings property page, 175

code editor, 68

bookmarks, 234-235

brace matching, 322-324


C#, 246

configuring, 245-246

defined, 244

disabling, 245

setting, 244-245

stopping, 246

VB, triggering, 246

virtual, creating, 248

C# UI elements, 229

call hierarchy, 236-237

classifiers, exporting, 690-691


definition window, 250

flow, controlling, 246-248

metrics extension, creating, 697-706

code pane, 229

code navigation, 236-237

bookmarks, 234-235

line numbering, 233-234

debugging, 244-248

defined, 226


building, 688-689

classifiers, exporting, 690-691

code metrics, creating, 697-706

deploying, 689

extension points, 687-688

managing, 696

margins, displaying, 691-692

online, finding/posting, 696

text adornments, 692-693

viewport adornment, 693-695

Hello World function, writing, 226-228

line numbering, 233-234

outlining, 296-298

printing, 248-249


operations, 362

previewing/making changes, 364-365

tools, invoking, 363-364

search and replace, 237

Find in Files, 239

Find Results window, 240-241

Incremental Search, 242-243

Quick Find, 237-238

Quick Replace, 238-239

Replace in Files, 241-242

search folder sets, creating, 240

smart tasks/light bulbs, 302-305

text adornments, 692-693

vertical scrollbar, 231-233

viewport adornment, 693-695

window components, 228

code pane, 229

indicator margin, 230

selection margin, 230-231

zooming, 228

Code First (EF)

existing databases, generating, 32-37

overview, 32

Code node (XML), 316

code pane (code editor), 229

Code Snippets Manager, 321

CodeClass interface, 610

CodeElement objects, 610-611

CodeElement property (EditPoint objects), 636

CodeElements collection, 610

code model object hierarchy, 611-612

vsCMElement enumeration values, 612

CodeMetricDisplayControl class, 698

CodeMetricViewportAdornment class, 704-706

CodeModel property (projects), 609

CodeSnippet node (XML), 316

CodeSnippets node (XML), 316

coding phase (debugging), 393

.coffee file extension, 719

CoffeeScript, 834

files, 719

JavaScript library, adding, 729-730


TFS, 7

WPF, 992-993

Collapse all button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

Collapse button (Windows Forms Document Outline toolbar), 218

Collection property

commands, 646

documents, 631

OutputWindowPane objects, 626

projects, 609

TaskItem object, 621

windows, 615

CollectionAssert class, 345

collections, 123-125

CodeElements, 610

code model object hierarchy, 611-612

vsCMElement enumeration values, 612

CommandBars, 629

Commands, 646

documents, 631

generic, 125, 156

Get requests, 907-908

initializers, 136-137

ProjectItems, 606

projects, 606

standard, 124

verifying, 345

colons (:)

jQuery filters, 822

JSON notation, 720

colorDepth property (screen object), 807



printing, 248-249

problem indicators, 293

forms, 959

Ionic, 1185

picker extension

ColorSelectorPackage class, 675-677

helper routines, implementing, 671-673

mouse movements over palette, handling, 670-671

package, running, 675

requirements, 668

tool window, displaying, 673-675

user control code behind (C#), 678-681

user control XAML, 677

user controls, creating, 668-670

text editors, customizing, 295-296

themes, customizing, 45

ColorSelector extension

ColorSelectorPackage class, 675-677

helper routines, implementing, 671-673

mouse movements over palette, handling, 670-671

package, running, 675

requirements, 668

tool window, displaying, 673-675

user controls

code behind (C#), 678-681

creating, 668-670

XAML, 677

ColorSelectorPackage class, 675-677



creating, 1002

sizing, 1017

mode selection, 222

tables, adding, 541

wrapping (page layout), 838

commas (,) JSON notation, 720

combination selections (jQuery), 822

ComboBoxContentControl control, 1054

Command automation type, 602

command bars, 628-630

CommandBars collection, 629

menu bar versus toolbar, 629

methods, 629

properties, 629

Solution Explorer, 629

Command class, 660-663

Command window, 623-625

CommandBar objects, 628-630

CommandBars collection, 629

menu bar versus toolbar, 629

methods, 629

properties, 629

CommandBars collection, 629

CommandBars property (objects)

DTE, 605

windows, 615

commands, 645

automation type, 602

Command window execution, 624-625

custom extensions, 654-655

Debug menu

active debug session, 408

at rest state, 406

executing, 647-648

extensions, adding

defining, 192-667

GUIDs/IDs, defining, 667

reactions, 663

UI, defining, 667

key bindings, mapping, 648-649

methods, 646

names, 646

properties, 646

viewing, 646

Windows Store menu, 1101-1102

Commands collection, 646

Commands package, 750

Commands property (DTE objects), 605

Commands2 automation type, 602

CommandWindow automation type, 602

CommandWindow object, 623


class designer, creating, 287

tasks, 326-327

C# example, 326

custom tokens, 327

removing from Task List, 326

tokens, 326

Community edition, 2-3

CompareAttribute class, 746

comparison operators, 115

Compile property page, 187

Compiler directory, 718

compiling phase (debugging), 393

Complete Word, 306-308

completion list transparency, 307

completion mode, 308

content support, 307

manually launching, 307

suggestion mode, 308

compliance (website design), 277


ASP.NET MVC view, 784-788

Bootstrap, 844

sets, 214


code, generating, 279-280

creating, 278-279

defined, 278

designer, 278-280

WPF, 989

composition container (MEF), 685-686

Compute template, 525

ComputeTotal() method (Invoice class), 334

concatenation operators, 115

concatenation with assignment of string value (&=) operator, 113

conditional expression breakpoints, setting, 427-428

conditional operators, 116


breakpoints, 402, 426-427

combining, 430

conditional expression, 427-428

filters, 428-429

hit count, 429-430

config.json files, 720

Configuration automation type, 602

configuration files (JSON), 720-721


breakpoints. See breakpoints

Cordova projects, 1160-1161

extension package parameters, 653

Ionic projects, 1177-1179

.NET Framework, 721, 727

Query/View designer, 545

remote debugging, 442-444

startup forms, 958

symbol file paths, 459-460

tracepoints, 431

unit tests, 343-344

WCF services as REST-based

client code for calling, writing, 947-949

REST requests, accepting, 943-947

web applications

deployment settings, 472-473

publication connections, 471

XAML/design panes (WPF), 994-996

config.xml files, 1159

ConfimDelete.cshtml file, 786

confirm() method (windows), 806


databases, 748-750

web application publication, configuring, 471


code expressions, converting, 372-374

defining, 113


creating, 98-99

notation, 800

consuming services

WCF, 938-942

Web API, 912

client application, creating, 913-915

deleting records, 927-928

edit page, creating, 921-924

data, getting, 922-924

form postback, receiving, 922-923

posting new records, 924-925

services, calling, 916-920

models, creating, 916

view controller, 917-919

views, creating, 916-917

view/controller files, creating, 915-916

Contact() action method, 742

containers, 967

FlowLayoutPanel, 968

SplitContainer, 968-969

TableLayoutPanel, 967-968

ToolStripContainer, 969-971

content app (Office), 1060

Content Model View (XML Schema Designer), 255

content types (code editor extension point), 687

ContentResult class, 754

context menus

Class View window

members pane, 205

objects pane Sort/Group, 204-205

Solution Explorer

projects, 197

solutions, 196

Windows, 1070

Context property (CommandBar objects), 629

ContextAttributes property (windows), 615

Continue command (Debug menu), 408, 420

contracts (WCF services), 929

Control class, 278, 990


AngularJS, defining, 881


customer delete requests, processing, 759

customers, finding, 757-758

POST requests, handling, 758-759

ASP.NET MVC, 736, 753

action result objects, 754-755

creating, 755-756

DbContext objects, adding, 756

generating with dnx. gen tool, 788-791

list of customers, returning, 756-757

new customer page, returning, 757

CalculateCtrl, 1187-1188

Knockout, creating, 863


adding, 351-352

class, creating, 900-903

creating, 900-903

delete requests (Delete() method), 910-911

get requests (Get() method), 904-908

HTTP verb-based attributes, 902-903

post requests (Post() method), 908-909

test method, writing, 353-354

update requests, 909-910

Controllers folder, 718, 740


actions panes stacking behaviors, 1056

container layout, 967

FlowLayoutPanel, 968

SplitContainer, 968-969

TableLayoutPanel, 967-968

ToolStripContainer, 969-971

data binding, 564-565

autogenerating, 565-569

complex, 564-565

manually, 571-575

simple, 564

typed data sets, 570-571

web controls, 579-583

WPF applications, 575-579

DataGridView, 981-982

docking, 1000-1001


alignment, 963

anchoring, 964-965

appearance, 971

auto scaling, 966-967

custom, creating, 985

docking, 965-966

resize effects, 963-964

subclassing existing, 982-983

tab order behavior, 971

ToolStrip controls. See ToolStrip controls

ToolTips, 972

user, designing, 983-985

z-order, 976

host, 1053-1054

items, 1053

native Office controls, 1054

WinForms controls, 1053-1054

ImageList, 980-981

ListView, 1130-1131

ribbon, 1044

styles, 992-1008

ToolStrip, 972-973

built-in capabilities, 972

MenuStrip, 973-975

StatusStrip, 976-978

toolbars, 975-976

traits, 972

TreeView, 979

user. See users, controls

web, 579-583

web forms

adding, 272

arranging, 272-273

Windows Store applications, 1070

WinForms, 1053-1054

adding, 260

creating, 278-279

custom versus user, 278

defined, 278

layout, 262

layout grid, 262-263

snap lines, positioning, 263-264

WPF, 989

adding, 270

Canvas, 999-1000

DockPanel, 1000-1001

Grid, 1001-1005

StackPanel, 1005-1006

WrapPanel, 1006

Controls property (CommandBar objects), 629

ControlSize property (custom ribbons), 1045

ControlTemplate class, 1008

converting data types, 111-113

Copy method (EditPoint objects), 636

copying text, 222

Cordova, 1153

apps, writing, 38-39

JavaScript, 1164-1165

project setup, 1160-1161

UIs, 1161-1163

apps website, 1156

benefits, 1154

CLI, 1165

client frameworks, 1174-1175


emulators, 1170-1171

local devices, 1172-1174

Ripple simulators, 1168-1170

dependencies, 1156


Angular anatomy, 1180-1181

overview, 1176

projects, configuring, 1177-1179

Ionic-Angular-Cordova sample app

About tab, 1192

calculate tab, creating, 1186-1190

local storage, adding, 1193-1195

log tab, creating, 1190-1192

running on Windows Phone, 1196-1197

structure, 1182-1184

local storage, 1193-1195

Mac, configuring, 1167

overview, 37-38, 1154-1156

plug-ins, 1155, 1175-1176

Plugins Registry, 1175

running, 1166-1167

templates, 1157-1159

files, 1159-1160

folders, 1158-1159

UI components, 1156

web views, 1155

Count property (solutions), 608

counters (performance), 211


custom generic classes, 156

defined, 155

delegates, 156

generic collections, 156

Create App Packages command (Windows Store menu), 1102

Create() method

POST requests, handling, 759

solutions, 608

CreateEditPoint() method (objects)

EditPoint, 636

TextDocument, 633

createElement() method (DOM), 815

CreateLinkedWindowFrame() method (windows), 627

createTextNode() method (DOM), 815

Creator property (CommandBar objects), 629

CreditCardAttribute class, 746

Criteria pane (Query/View designer), 545

cross platform mobile applications, 14

.cs file extension, 719

.cshtml file extension, 719

.csproj file extension, 181


binding (Knockout), 872


attributes, defining, 258

overview, 257

rules, adding, 258


rules, 828

selections, 822

LESS style sheets, 719, 731-734

overriding, 851-852

responsive design, 763

website design, managing, 275-276

WinRT, 1073-1074

.css file extension, 719

css() method (jQuery), 828

Cstr keyword, 112

curly brackets ({ })

JSON notation, 720

Razor syntax, 763

CurrentTestOutcome property (TestContext class), 339

CustomController.cs class, 755

Customer class, 933

customer example pages, 771

customer list, displaying, 772-773

deleting customers, 779

existing customers, editing, 778-779

navigation, adding, 771-772

new customer views, creating, 774-777

Customer Experience Program, 84

Customer.cs POCO model class, 745

CustomerDetailsViewComponent class, 785

CustomerProfile class, 932

Customize dialog box, 64


Bootstrap visual design, 851-854

customizer, 853

source files, 854

styles, overriding, 851-852

text, 845-846

themes, 852

cell edits, 572-574

code editors, 70-71


text editor, 295-296

themes, 45

command extensions, 654-655

comment task tokens, 327

component sets, 214


forms, 985

WinForms, 278

data source mapping, 569

database projects, 557-559

debugging default behaviors, 419

EDM, 593

fonts, 295-296

IDE fonts, 81-82

IntelliSense, 324


ribbons, 1043-1047

task panes, 1047-1048

project dependencies, 174

Solution Explorer views, 200-201

startup options, 52-53

status bar items, 977-978

text editors, 226

toolbars, 64-66

Toolbox, 73, 962

typed data sets, 570-571

window layouts, 77-79

WinForms forms appearance, 260

WPF Designer appearance, 270

Cut() method (EditPoint objects), 636

cutting text, 222



annotations, 746-747

attribute classes, 745-746

binding. See binding data

cache (Office), 1057-1059

accessing, 1058-1059

data, adding, 1057-1058

extending, 1040

connections, 207-208

context classes, creating, 748

Entity Data Model (EDM)

editing, 593

EF designer, 594

EF updates, 597-598

items, adding, 591

Mapping Details window, 595-596

Model Browser, 594-595

queries, 596-598

Wizard, 592

forms, viewing, 979

cell types, 982

hierarchical relationships, 979-980

image lists, 980-981

sources, 982

tabular format, 981

set designer, 570-571


data-bound controls, 565-569

master-detail, adding, 578

window, 566, 575

WPF application data binding, 576

templates, 1025-1026


anonymous, creating, 137-138

common, listing of, 110

conversions, 111-113

dynamic, 149

local type inference, 132-134

Data Source Configuration Wizard, 565

DataAnnotations namespace, 745


AdventureWorks sample, 546

Azure, 500-503

databases, adding, 500

details, configuring, 500

managing, 502, 519-521

viewing, 502

Code First development, 32-37

connections, creating, 748-750

context classes, creating, 748

creating, 537

EF7 migrations, 750-752

manually, 752-753

data binding, 564-565

autogenerating controls, 565-569

complex, 564-565

defined, 564

manually binding controls, 571-575

simple, 564

typed data sets, 570-571

web controls, 579-583

WPF applications, 575-579

deploying, 472-473

existing, connecting, 538-539

importing, 555-557

managed assemblies, 563

O/R mapping

defined, 584

drag-and-drop operation LINQ code, 588-590

EF. See EF

LINQ objects, 590-591

O/R designer, 586-588


creating, 554

customizing, 557-559

database development workflow, 553

databases, importing, 555-557

publishing databases, 559

scripts, 553

publishing, 559

queries, writing, 544-548

joins, 547

Query designer panes, 545

SQL statements, fine-tuning, 545-547

tables, adding, 544

types supported, 548

SSDT, 535

stored procedures, 549-551

debugging, 550-551

managed, creating with C#, 560-564

writing with T-SQL, 549

tables, 536

adding, 540

adding to queries, 544

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

code, writing, 543

columns, adding, 541

contents, viewing, 548

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, 540

renaming, 540

table designer, 539

triggers, creating, 551-552

user-defined functions, 552

views, creating, 548

DataConnection property (TestContext class), 339

data-driven unit tests, creating, 346-349

DataGridView control

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

data source, selecting, 571

form data, displaying, 981-982

DataGridViewComboBoxColumn class, 572

DataList controls, 580

DataRow property (TestContext class), 339

DataServices template, 525-526

DataSet objects, 1057

DataSet visualizer, 440

DataSource class, 341

data-source controls, 583

DataTemplate class, 1025


exporting/importing, 438

pinning, 437

viewing data in debugger, 436-437

DataTypeAttribute class, 746

Date object, 804

DatePickerContentControl control, 1054

DateString property, 1131

DbContext objects, 756

Debug Location toolbar, 447

Debug menu commands, 57, 405

active debug session, 408

at rest state, 406

Debug property page, 188

Debug Source Files property page, 175

Debug toolbar buttons, 412

Break All, 416

Run to Cursor, 415-416

Show Next Statement, 403

Start Debugging, 414

Step Into, 403, 414

Step Over, 415

Stop, 404

Debugger objects, 649

Debugger property (DTE objects), 605

DebuggerEvents automation type, 602


automation types, 602

Azure web apps, 494


actions, 402

Breakpoints window, 405, 423

C#, 246

clearing, 404

combining conditions, 430

conditional expression, 427-428

conditions, 402, 426-427

configuring, 245-246

defined, 244

disabling, 245

filters, 428-429

function, setting, 421-422

hit count, 429-430

icons, 422

labeling, 425-426

managing, 424

searching, 426

setting, 244-245, 401

stopping, 246

VB, triggering, 246

virtual, 248

client-side scripts, 456

code editor, 244-248

code flow, controlling, 246-248

Cordova apps

emulators, 1170-1171

local devices, 1172-1174

Ripple simulators, 1168-1170

data, viewing, 433

DataTips, 436-438

Diagnostic Tools window, 439-440

PerfTips, 438-439

QuickWatch window, 436

variables, watching, 433-435

visualizers, 440-441

Watch windows, 435

Debug menu commands, 405

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Debug toolbar buttons, 412

Break All, 416

Run to Cursor, 415-416

Show Next Statement, 403

Start Debugging, 414

Step Into, 403, 414

Step Over, 415

Stop, 404

default behaviors, customizing, 419

different processes, 400-401

dump files, 457

creating, 457-458

debug with mixed data option, 460

defined, 457

summary information, viewing, 458

symbol file paths, setting, 459-460

Edit and Continue feature, 441-442

ending, 420-421

Exception Assistant window, 399

Locals window, 399

multithreaded applications, 445

breaking on threads, 450

flagging threads, 447

individual threads, inspecting, 448-450

managing threads, 447-448

MSDN code example, 445

processes, managing, 447

viewing threads, 445-446

Options dialog box, 413-414

parallel applications, 451

Parallel Stacks Task view, 452-455

Parallel Stacks Threads view, 451-453

Parallel Stacks window, 451

Parallel Tasks window, 454-456

phases, 392-393

remote, 442-444

self-checking applications, 393-394

applications in debug mode, tarting, 394

breaking on exceptions, setting, 397-398

continuing after breakpoints, 403

Contoso University sample pplication, 393

debug mode, starting, 396

different processes, 400-401

errors, debugging, 398-399

setting breakpoints, 401-402

stepping through code, 403-405

website debugging, enabling, 394-395

source file locations, 175-176

stack, 399

starting, 396, 414-415

stepping through code

into, 416-418

breaking into debugger, 416

debugging, starting, 414-415

execution, continuing, 420

out, 419

over, 419

running to cursor position, 415-416

into specific, 418-419

stored procedures, 550-551

tracepoints, 431-432

action/condition combinations, 432

setting, 431

unit tests, running, 336

Watch windows, 399

WCF services, 444, 937-938

Web API services, 905-907

Chrome/Firefox Get request results, 906

IE Get service request results, 905

project properties, 905

requests/responses, 907

service, invoking, 905

Windows Store apps, 460-461

WPF visual trees, 1010-1012

decision structures, 116

If...Then...Else, 116-117

Select...Case/switch...Case, 118-119

Declarations node (XML), 316

declarative attributes, 126

declaring variables, 111

Default node (XML), 316

deferral objects, 1097

definition files

projects, 181-183

solutions, 167-170

delegates, 156

Delete All Breakpoints command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Delete button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Delete() method


commands, 646

CommandBar, 629

EditPoint, 636

projects, 609

TaskItem, 621

Web API services, 910-911, 927-928

delete queries, 548

DeleteWhitespace() method (EditPoint objects), 636


comment tasks from Task List, 326

DOM tree nodes, 815

Knockout entries, 870

projects from solutions, 607

tasks from task lists, 621

unused arguments, 147

delimiters (brace matching), 323-324


client framework, managing, 728-731

Cordova, 1156

directory, 718

Image Editor page (WS app), 1092

injection, 685

packages, 723-727

adding to project.json files, 723-724, 726

adding with NuGet, 726

viewing, 725


ASP.NET web applications, 469

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

previewing publications, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471


cloud service projects, 533-534

portal, 503

resource groups, 528-529


methods, 464-465

overview, 464-465

publication properties, 466

Publish Wizard, 466-468

code editor extensions, 689

Cordova apps, 1166-1167

databases, 472-473

InstallShield, 465, 469

MSI packages, 465

DeploymentDirectory property (TestContext class), 339

DeploymentItem class, 341

Description node (XML), 316

description pane (Object Browser), 215-216

Description property, 621, 1131


class, 281

associations, 285-286

class diagrams, creating, 281

classes, adding, 283

code, adding to classes, 287

hiding items, 287

inheritance, 284

interfaces, implementing, 285

items, adding, 282-283

launching, 281

members, displaying, 282

methods, creating, 287

refactoring code, 366-367

Toolbox, 282

code comments, creating, 287


code, generating, 279-280

components, creating, 278

data set, 570-571

defined, 221, 225

Entity Framework, 594

graphical perspectives, 225

O/R, 586-590


configuring, 545

queries, writing, 544-548

Query panes, 545

views, creating, 548

table, 539

columns, adding, 541

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, setting, 540

renaming tables, 540

web, 272

browser output/validation, 276-277

control layout, 272-273

controls, adding, 272

HTML, editing, 273

HTML formatting, 274

smart tasks/light bulbs, 301

standards compliance, 277

styles/CSS management, 275-276

tables, 274

tag navigator, 299


aligning controls, 963

anchoring controls, 964-965

auto scaling controls, 966-967

component tray, 962

docking controls, 965-966

end user considerations, 954-955

planning, 956

resizing, 957

tab order, 971

ToolTips, 972

UI standards, 955

visual styles, 971

WPF, 268-269, 993-994

appearance, customizing, 270

grid controls, 1002

Properties window, 996

viewing, 268-269

XAML/design panes, configuring, 994-996

zooming, 997-998

XML Schema

defined, 254

views, 254-256

destroy property (Knockout), 862

Detach All command (Debug menu), 408, 420

DetailsView controls, 579

Development Tools Environment. See DTE

device orientation, 1116

diagnostic logs, 516-519

Diagnostic Tools window, 439-440

Diagram pane (Query/View designer), 545

dialog boxes

Accessibility Validation, 277

Add Command, 65

Add Connection, 538

Add New Item

ASP.NET website file types, 719

class diagrams, creating, 281

EDM, 591

WinForms components, creating, 278

Add New Item - Solution Items, 171

Add New Project, 330

Add New Test, 357

Add New User Control, 278

Add Style Rule, 258

Azure Publish Web, 30

Breakpoint Settings

conditions, setting, 427

filters, 429

hit count conditions, 429

Change Signature, 364

Code Snippets Manager, 321

Customize, 64

Edit Breakpoint Labels, 425

Edit Columns, 572

Editor Options, 223

Extract Interface, 384

Feedback, 83

Fonts and Colors Options, 248

Go To Line, 234

IE Options, 456

Images Collection Editor, 980

implementing with Grid control, 1003-1005

Insert Table, 274

Items Collection Editor, 977

Join, 547

New ASP.NET Project, 482

New Breakpoint, 421-422

New Class, 283

New Deployment, 579

New File, 226

New Project

database project template, 554

launching, 177

Office project types, 1041

solutions, creating, 164-165

New Web Site, 180


debugging, 413-414

editor customizations, 70

IDE fonts, 81-82

startup options, 52

Preview Changes, 364

Preview Database Updates, 753

Project Properties, 557

Publish Azure Application, 533

Reference Manager, 728

Rename, 371

Select Azure Template, 527

Solution Property Pages, 173

Style Builder, 258

TreeNode Editor, 979

direct events, 1015

directives (AngularJS)

files, 719

Ionic UIs, 1180

listing of, 889

models, binding, 875


Compiler, 718

Dependencies, 718

Migrations, 718

Properties, 718

References, 718

wwroot, 717-718

Disable All Breakpoints command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

:disabled jQuery filter, 822

DISCO (Discovery Document), 896

DisplayColumn property (EditPoint objects), 636

Displayed property (TaskItem object), 621

<div> HTML tag, 762

division to return floating point (/) operator, 114

division to return integers (/) operator, 114

DNU (.NET Development Utility), 750

DNVM (.NET Version Manager), 750

DNX (.NET Execution Environment), 712

dnx . gen tool, 788-791


controls, 965-966, 1000-1001

windows, 75-76

DockPanel control, 1000-1001

document node (DOM tree), 808

Document Object Model. See DOM

Document Outline window, 216

tag navigation, 300-301

web forms, 216

WinForms toolbar buttons, 218

WPF forms, 216

Document property (windows), 615-616

documents, 631

automation type, 602

collection, 631

DOM tree nodes, accessing, 811

list of nodes, selecting, 812-813

single nodes, selecting, 811-812

traverse nodes, 813

extensions (Office)

actions pane, creating, 1055-1057

add-ins, compared, 1041

data cache, 1057-1059

hosting controls, 1053-1054

features, 631

host item, 1053

methods, 631

projects, 19

properties, 631

text, 632

adding text, 638-639

buffer objects, 635

edit points, repositioning, 640

editing text, 639

editor view objects, 635-636

end point properties/methods, 636

For Loops, bookmarking, 633-634

methods, 633

properties, 633

representations, 635

window comments, inserting, 640-645

WPF support, 989

Documents property (DTE objects), 605

dollar sign ($), jQuery, 821

DOM (Document Object Model), 808

events, 819

Explorer command (Debug menu), 408

exploring, 815

HTML page markup, 809


accessing, 811

adding, 815

attributes, 814

deleting, 815

HTML content, 814

list of nodes, selecting, 812-813

listing of, 808-809

single, selecting, 811-812

text, updating, 814

traversing, 813

visual, 810

whitespace, 813

dot notation, 801-802

Do...While/Until loops, 120-121

dragging and dropping, 211

dragging/docking toolbars/menus, 969-971

drop handlers, 688

drop-down lists

Bootstrap, 849-850

data-bound, 577

DropDownListContentControl control, 1054

DTE (Development Tools Environment)

automation type, 602

objects, 605-606

methods, 605

properties, 605

DTE property (objects)

commands, 646

documents, 631

EditPoint, 636

OutputWindowPane, 626

projects, 609

solutions, 608

TaskItem, 621

TextDocument, 633

windows, 615

dump files, 457

creating, 457-458

debug with mixed data option, 460

defined, 457

summary information, viewing, 458

symbol file paths, setting, 459-460

dynamic applications, extensibility problem, 684

dynamic data type, 149

dynamic keyword, 149

dynamic objects

calling, 153-154

creating, 150-153

executing, throwing errors, 154

DynamicObject class, 150


each() method (jQuery), 823

Edit and Continue feature (debugger), 441-442

Edit App Manifest command (Windows Store menu), 1101

Edit Breakpoint Labels dialog box, 425

Edit Columns dialog box, 572

Edit menu, 57

Edit() method

customers, finding, 757-758

POST requests, handling, 758-759

Web API services

Get() method, calling, 924

Put() method, calling, 922-923

EditableAttribute class, 746


Community, 2-3

comparison website, 3

Enterprise, 4-5

listing of, 2-3

MSDN subscriptions, 5

Professional, 2, 4

Test Professional, 8

Visual Basic, 2

Editor Classifier template, 690-691

Editor Margin template, 691-692

Editor Options dialog box, 223

Editor Text Adornment template, 692-693

editor view objects, 635-636

Editor Viewport Adornment template, 693-695

EditorClassifier1class, 690

EditorClassifier1Format class, 690

EditorMargin1 class, 691

editors. See text editors

EditPoint objects, 635

automation type, 602

methods, 636

properties, 636

repositioning, 640


adding, 638-639

editing, 639

window comments, inserting, 640-645

EDM (Entity Data Model)

editing, 593

EF designer, 594

EF updates, 597-598

items, adding, 591

Mapping Details window, 595-596

Model Browser, 594-595

queries, 596-598

Wizard, 592

EF (Entity Framework), 31, 591

Code First. See EF Code First

designer, 594


editing, 593

EF designer, 594

EF updates, 597-598

items, adding, 591

Mapping Details window, 595-596

Model Browser, 594-595

queries, 596-598

Wizard, 592

Mapping Details window, 595-596

Model Browser, 594-595

queries, 596-598

updates, 597-598

version 7, 32

EF Code First

ASP.NET models

classes, creating, 744-745

data context, creating, 748

database connections, 748-750

validation rules, 745-747

databases, creating

EF7 migrations, 750-752

manually, 752-753

existing databases, generating, 32-37

overview, 32

effects (jQuery), 830

element node (DOM tree), 808

EmailAttribute class, 746

embedding user controls, 985

Ember.js, 834

empty ASP.NET project templates, 714

EmptyResult class, 754


Azure Compute, 532

Cordova apps, 1170-1171

Enable All Breakpoints command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Enabled property (CommandBar objects), 629

enable/disable bindings (Knockout), 873

Encapsulate Field refactor operation, 387-388

accessing, 387-388

applying, 388

ending debugging, 420-421

EndOfDocument() method (EditPoint objects), 636

EndOfLine() method (EditPoint objects), 636

EndPoint property (TextDocument objects), 633

endpoints (WCF services), 894, 929

EndTimer() method (TestContext class), 339

Enterprise edition, 2, 4-5

Entity Data Model. See EDM

Entity Data Model Wizard, 32-35

Entity Framework. See EF

enum keyword, 99

enumerations, 99-100

Environment TagHelper, 767

environments, targeting, 54-56

equal operators (=),(==), 113, 115

equal to (>=) operator, 115

Equals() method (Assert class), 344

EqualTo() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Error() action method, 742


breaking on exceptions settings, 397-398

debugging, 398-399

events, 128

application lifecycles, 1119-1121

automation type, 602

defining, 128-130

forms, 959-961

handlers. See handlers

image viewer Windows Store app lifecycle, 1096-1100

application states, 1096

launching applications, 1097-1098

resuming applications, 1097

storing state, 1098-1100

suspending applications, 1097

JavaScript, 816-819

average speed calculator example, 817-818

DOM, 819

handlers, 818

listeners, adding, 818

online subscription, 818

stopping, 819

jQuery, handling, 828-829

listeners, 131, 818

logs, 209

management, 210

mouse movements, handling, 670-671

Outlook form region runtime, 1052

raising, 130

Resuming, 1097

ribbon buttons, handling, 1046-1047

state change, 1120-1121

Suspending, 1097

unused arguments, deleting, 147

WPF routed, 1014-1015

Events property (DTE objects), 605

Excel extensions

actions pane, creating, 1055-1057

data cache, 1057-1059

accessing, 1058-1059

data, adding, 1057-1058

extension points, 1038

hosting controls, 1053-1054

host items, 1053

native Office controls, 1054

WinForms controls, 1053-1054

task pane app, creating, 1060-1062

Exception Assistant window, 399

Exception Settings command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Exception Settings pane (debugger), 397-398

ExceptionGroups automation type, 602


breaking on settings, 397-398

filtering, 128

handling, 127-128

testing, 345-346

ExecuteCommand() method (DTE objects), 605, 647

Expand All button (Windows Forms Document Outline toolbar), 218

ExpectedException class, 341, 345-346

Experience Improvement Program, 84

explicit conversions, 112

Export DataTips command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406


classifiers, 690-691

DataTips, 438

IDE settings, 46-50


lambda, 92

NameOf, 90-91

Extender property (documents), 631

ExtenderCATID property (documents), 631

ExtenderNames property (documents), 631

Extensibility center website, 688

Extension and Updates window, 696

extensions, 651

code editor

building, 688-689

classifiers, exporting, 690-691

code metrics, creating, 697-706

deploying, 689

extension points, 687-688

managing, 696

margins, displaying, 691-692

online, finding/posting, 696

text adornments, 692-693

viewport adornment, 693-695

color picker example

ColorSelectorPackage class, 675-677

helper routines, implementing, 671-673

mouse movements over palette, handling, 670-671

package, running, 675

requirements, 668

tool window, displaying, 673-675

user control code behind (C#), 678-681

user control XAML, 677

user controls, creating, 668-670


defining, 192-667

file code, 660-663

GUIDs/IDs, defining, 667

reacting, 663

UI, defining, 667


center website, 688

problem, 683

manifest file, 652


architecture, 686

catalog, 686

composition container, 685-686

dependency injection, 685

naming/activation, 685

parts, 685

structural matching, 685

System.ComponentModel.Composition namespace, 685

target applications, 684

methods, 138-139

Office. See Office

Package class code generated by custom command project item, 658-660

package parameters, 653

project items, adding, 653-658

custom commands, 654-655

tool windows, 657-658

VSIX project template, 652

Extract Interface dialog box, 384

Extract Interface refactor operation, 382

accessing, 383

new extracted interfaces

creating, 383-384

implementing, 384-385

Extract Method Refactor operation, 375

accessing, 375

code to refactor, selecting, 377-378

long static method example, 376-377

method stubs, creating, 382

new methods code listing, 379-380

original long static method after extraction, 379

refactored method, creating, 378

single lines of code, 380-382


F# language, 9, 93

fading effects (jQuery), 830

Fail() method (Assert class), 344

failures (unit tests), 337-338

feedback, providing, 82-83

Feedback dialog box, 83


defining, 94-95

encapsulating into properties, 387-388

applying, 388

Encapsulate Field operation, accessing, 387-388

private, 94

public, defining, 94

<fieldset> HTML tag, 762

File filter button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

File menu, 57

FileName property

ImageFile class, 1085

TaskItem object, 621

FileResult class, 754


access classes, 1088

ASP.NET website, 719

Bootstrap, 835-837

ConfimDelete.cshtml, 786

Cordova template, 1159-1160

dump, 457

creating, 457-458

debug with mixed data option, 460

defined, 457

summary information, viewing, 458

symbol file paths, setting, 459-460

gulpfile.js LESS preprocessing task configuration, 733

ImagePage.xaml, 1105-1108

ImagePage.xaml.cs, 1108-1110

JavaScript, 794-795, 854-856

JSON configuration, 720-721

MainPage.xaml, 1103-1104

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1104-1105

paths, selecting, 1028

project definition, 181-183


default example, 721

package dependencies, adding, 723-727

services.js, 1189


definition, 167-170

supported, 171

user options, 168

source locations, 175-176

symbol, 459-460

test project

adding, 332

default, 331

Universal app

MainPage.xaml, 1136, 1144-1150

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1137-1141, 1150-1152

ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml, 770

VSCT, 664-667

WCF services, 931-932

Web.config, 394

:filter() jQuery filter, 822


AngularJS, 889

breakpoints, 428-429

exceptions, 128

jQuery selection, 822

Find automation type, 602

Find in Files tool, 239

:find() jQuery filter, 822

Find Results window, 240-241

FindControl() method (CommandBar objects), 629

FindPattern() method (EditPoint objects), 636

FindProjectItem() method (solutions), 608

:first jQuery filter, 822

firstChild property (documents), 813

Fixed Layout App template, 1074

fixed sizing, 1021

flagging threads, 447

flipping images, 529

floor() method (Math objects), 804

flow of code, controlling, 246-248

FlowLayoutPanel control, 968

fly-outs (Windows), 1070

:focus jQuery filter, 822

FolderBrowserDialog class, 1028


access classes, 1088

bookmarks, 235

Cordova template, 1158-1159

MVC, 718, 740

projects, 184

search folder sets, creating, 240

solutions, 172-173

ViewModels, 788


code, printing, 248-249

IDE, customizing, 81-82

text editors, customizing, 295-296

Fonts and Colors Options dialog box, 248

For loops, 633-634

ForceItemsToTaskList() method (OutputWindowPane objects), 626

For...Each loops, 120

ForeColor property, 959

foreign keys, 544

<form> HTML tag, 762

Form Region Wizard, 1049-1050

message class association, 1050

region type, 1049

Form TagHelper, 767

FormatConvertedBitmap class, 1027

formatting HTML, 274

FormRegion1 class, 1052

FormRegionInitializing event, 1052

FormRegionShowing event, 1052



pages, turning into, 883-885

validation, 889

containers, 967

FlowLayoutPanel, 968

SplitContainer, 968-969

TableLayoutPanel, 967-968

ToolStripContainer, 969-971


alignment, 963

anchoring, 964-965

appearance, 971

auto scaling, 966-967

custom, creating, 985

docking, 965-966

resize effects, 963-964

subclassing existing, 982-983

tab order behavior, 971

ToolTips, 972

user, designing, 983-985

z-order, 976

data, displaying, 979

cell types, 982

hierarchical relationships, 979-980

image lists, 980-981

sources, 982

tabular format, 981

data-bound controls, autogenerating, 565-569

mapping data sources, 567-569

selecting data sources, 565-567

data-bound controls, manually binding, 571-575

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

Data Sources window, 575

DataGridView data source, 571


appearance properties, 959

end user considerations, 954-955

events, 959-961

inheritance, 958

planning, 956

resizing, 957

StartPosition property, 958

startup forms, setting, 958

UI standards, 955

Windows Forms template, 957

events, 819

jQuery selectors, 822-823

menus, creating, 973-975

Outlook form region add-ins, 1049-1052

message class association, 1050

region types, 1049

runtime events, 1052

UI, 1050

status bars

creating, 976-977

items, customizing, 977-978

toolbars, creating, 975-976

ToolStrip controls, 972-973

built-in capabilities, 972

menus, 973-975

StatusStrip, 976-978

toolbars, 975-976

traits, 972

user input, creating, 847-848

web, 271

browser output/validation, 276-277

control layout, 272-273

controls, adding, 272

Document Outline window view, 216

HTML, editing, 273

HTML formatting, 274

standards compliance, 277

styles/CSS management, 275-276

tables, 274

web designer, 272


appearance, customizing, 260

code, writing, 264-267

control layout, 262

controls, adding, 260

creating, 258-259

Designer, 258-259

Document Outline toolbar buttons, 218

layout grid, 262-263

snap lines, 263-264

Toolbox, 261

FormView controls, 579

For...Next loops, 119-120

Forward button (Class View window toolbar), 202

forward() method (history object), 807

Frame class, 1093, 1118



AngularJS. See AngularJS

Backbone, 833, 1175

Bootstrap. See Bootstrap

Breeze, 834

Chart.js, 834

CoffeeScript, 719, 729-730, 834

Cordova. See Cordova

dependencies, managing, 728-731

Ember.js, 834

Hammer.js, 833

jQuery UI, 833

jQuery.validate, 833

Knockout. See Knockout

Less, 834

Modernizer, 833

Node.js, 834

Respond.js, 833

Sammy.js, 833

Sass, 834

selecting, 832-835

SignalR, 834

TypeScript, 834-835

Entity. See EF

Managed Extensibility Framework. See MEF

.NET. See .NET Framework

unit test

assertions, 344-345

attribute classes, 341-342

data-driven, creating, 346-349

exceptions, testing, 345-346

namespace, 339

setting up/cleaning up, 343-344

TestContext class, 339-340

user experience (UX), 1174

friend assemblies, 145-146

FullName property (objects)

documents, 631

projects, 609

solutions, 608

function breakpoints, setting, 421-422

Function node (XML), 316


code snippet, 318

JavaScript, 797-798

anonymous, 798

declaring, 797

IIFE, 798-799

named, 798

values, returning, 798

user-defined, creating, 552


GenerateSwitchCases() function, 318

generic classes, 156

generic collections, 125, 156

Get() method

calling with Edit() method, 922-924

Web API services, 904-908

Get publish profile button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

getAttribute() method (DOM), 814

GetClassificationSpans property (EditorClassifier1 class), 690

getDate() method (Date objects), 804

getDay() method (Date objects), 804

getElementByClassName() method (NodeList objects), 812

getElementById() method (documents), 811

getElementByTagName() method (NodeList objects), 812

getFullYear() method (Date objects), 804

getHour() method (Date objects), 804

GetLines() method (EditPoint objects), 636

getMilliseconds() method (Date object), 804

getMinutes() method (Date object), 804

getMonth() method (Date object), 804

GetProjectItemTemplate() method (solutions), 608

GetProjectTemplate() method (solutions), 608

getSeconds() method (Date object), 804

GetText() method (EditPoint objects), 636

getTime() method (Date objects), 804

getTimezoneOffset() method (Date objects), 804

global JavaScript objects

data types, handling, 802-803

Number, 803

String, 802

Date, 804

Math, 804

Regex, 805

global.json file, 720

Globals property (solutions), 608

go() method (history objects), 807

Go To Line dialog box, 234

Graph View (XML Schema Designer), 255

Graphics command (Debug menu), 406

grayscale images, creating, 1027

greater than (>) operator, 115

GreaterThan() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Grid App template

JavaScript, 1074

XAML, 1075


columns, sizing, 522

control, 1001-1005

image viewer, adding, 1020

layout (Bootstrap), 837-842

ASP.NET 5 Web Site template layout styles, 839

columns, wrapping, 838

grids, 839

screen size adjustments, 840-842

rails, 1017

sizing, 1020-1023

GridView class

data model links, 1083

item templates, 1083

SelectionChanged event handler, 1082

GridView controls, 579

adding, 580

auto-formatting options, 581

data updates, 582-583

groups, 122

arrays, 122-123

accessing, 122-123

defining, 122

jagged, 123

multidimensional, defining, 123

size, 122

values, initializing, 123

collections, 123-125

generic, 125

standard, 124

tuples, 125-126

Grunt Configuration files, 719

Guid property (objects)

commands, 646

OutputWindowPane, 626

GUIDs, 667


client build tasks, managing, 731-734

configuration files, 719

defined, 729

files, 733

JavaScript, minify, 854-856


Hammer.js, 833

handlers (events)

application lifecycles, 1119-1121

buttons, 1027

command, creating, 663

drop, 688

forms, 960-961

image viewer Windows Store app lifecycle, 1096-1100

application states, 1096

launching events, 1097-1098

resuming applications, 1097

storing state, 1098-1100

suspending applications, 1097

JavaScript, 818

jQuery, 828-829

menu items, 1019

mouse movements, 670-671

POST requests, 758-759

ribbon buttons, 1046-1047

routed events, 1015

SelectionChanged, 1082

state change, 1120-1121

handling exceptions, 127-128

:has() jQuery filter, 822

hasAttribute() method (DOM), 814

hasFocus binding (Knockout), 873

hashtags (#), jQuery ID-based selections, 822

Header node (XML), 316

Header property, 1019


code snippets, 319

Cordova apps, 1163

healthcare WPF application prototype, 989

Height property

CommandBar objects, 629

list boxes, 1018

screen object, 807

top Menu control, 1019

windows, 615

Hello World function, writing, 226-228

Help menu, 9

helper routines, implementing, 671-673

:hidden jQuery filter, 822

hide() method (jQuery), 830


class members, 102

items (class designer), 287


code model object, 611-612

form data, viewing, 979-980

solutions, 166, 606

Toolbox objects, 622

history object, 807

hit count breakpoints, 429-430

Home button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

HomeController class, 741

action methods, 742

code listing, 741

HorizontalAlignment property, 1018, 1020


Azure, 481

cloud applications, creating, 29

publishing to, 30-31

cloud computing, 29

controls, 1053-1054

host items, 1053

native Office controls, 1054

WinForms controls, 1053-1054

WCF services, 929, 950

HostType attribute (ASP.NET unit tests), 356

HostType class, 341

href property (locations), 807



grid layout styles, 839

navigation bars, 843

text styling, 846

DOM tree

node content, 814

page markup, 809


formatting options, 274

markup, editing, 273

helpers, 765-766

jQuery markup

appending/deleting items, 826

attributes, 826-828

CSS rules, 828

Page files, 719

tags, 760-762

visualizer, 440

WinRT, 1073-1074

.html file extension, 719, 1159

html() method (jQuery), 825

HTMLWindow automation type, 602

HTMLWindow3 automation type, 602


verb-based attributes, 902-903

Web API service requests

DELETE, 910-911

GET, 904-908

POST, 908-909

PUT, 909-910

HttpClient (Web API services)

calling, 916-920

models, creating, 916

view controller, 917-919

views, 916-917

consuming, 921-924

HttpNotFoundResult class, 754

HttpStatusCodeResult class, 754

Hub App template, 1075

hyperlinks, 295


IaaS (infrastructure as a service), 475

IActionResult interface, 741

IComponent interface, 278


breakpoints, 422

Class View window panes

members, 205

objects, 204

Ionic, 1185

Office, reusing, 1045

ribbons, customizing, 1045

Solution Explorer

listing of, 192-194

version control signal, 194

ICustomerProfile interface, 932

defining, 933-934

implementing, 934-937

REST requests, accepting, 944

ID node (XML), 316

ID property (commands), 646


extensions, 651

color picker example. See ColorSelector extension

command file code, 660-663

command GUIDs/IDs, defining, 667

defining commands, 664-667

manifest file, 652

Package class code generated by custom command project item, 658-660

package parameters, 653

project items, adding, 653-658

reacting to commands, 663

UI, defining, 667

VSIX project template, 652

fonts, customizing, 81-82

integration (TFS), 7

navigating, 56-57

menus, 57-63

Properties window, 73-74

Solution Explorer, 66-67

text editors, 68-71

toolbars, 63-66

Toolbox, 72-73

visual designers, 72

Navigator, 80

settings, 44

color themes, customizing, 45

default settings collections, resetting, 46-50

storing/synchronizing, 44

users, switching, 50

Start Page, 51-53

startup options, customizing, 52-53

Toolbox. See Toolbox, 1044

touch support, 81


docking, 75-76

layouts, customizing, 77-79

navigating, 80

pinning, 74-75

IDs (commands), 667

IE (Internet Explorer)

DOM, exploring, 815

Get service request, 905

Options dialog box, 456

if/ifnot bindings (Knockout), 873

If...Then...Else decision structure, 116-117

Ignore class, 341

IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions), 798-799

IIS, WCF services, hosting, 950

Image Editor page (WS app)

dependencies, adding, 1092

image area layout, 1092-1093

implementing, 1091-1093

navigation state passing, 1093-1095

:image jQuery filter, 822

Image property

custom ribbons, 1045

ImageFile class, 1085

image viewer Windows Store app

C# ImagePage.xaml.cs code listing, 1108-1110

developer licenses, 1079


app bar, creating, 1095-1096

capabilities, requesting, 1090

collection class creating, 1088-1089

columns, sizing, 1017

data binding, 1089

data model, creating, 1085-1087

image details page, 1081

Image Editor page implementation, 1091-1093

main page UI, 1081-1084

navigation state passing, 1093-1095

starting page, 1081

lifecycle events, 1096-1100

application states, 1096

launching applications, 1097-1098

resuming applications, 1097

storing state, 1098-1100

suspending applications, 1097

publishing, 1100-1102

requirements, 1078

template selection, 1078

XAML code listings

ImagePage.xaml, 1105-1108

MainPage.xaml, 1103

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1104-1105

image viewer WPF application

button event handlers, 1027

C# code, 1031-1034

data presentation, 1025-1026

grayscale effect, 1027

image files, path selection, 1028


blurring, 1028

flipping, 529

rotating, 1027

storing, 1023-1025

layout, 1017-1023

grid rails, 1017

grid sizing, 1020-1023

image viewer, adding, 1020

list box, adding, 1018

menu item event handlers, 1019

top menu, adding, 1019

requirements, 1016

UI sketch, 1015

XAML code, 1029-1031

ImageFile class, 1085

ImageList class, 1088

ImageList controls, 980-981

ImagePage.xaml file, 1105-1108

ImagePage.xaml.cs file, 1108-1110


blurring, 1028

Collection Editor, 980

flipping, 529

grayscale conversion, 1027

ribbon customizations, 1045

rotating, 1027

Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE), 798-799

implicit data conversions, 112

implicit line continuation, 148

implicit typing, 132-134

Import and Export Settings Wizard, 46-50

Import DataTips command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Import tool (databases), 555


databases, 555-557

DataTips, 438

IDE settings, 46-50

namespaces, 108-109

Imports keyword, 108

Imports statement, 91

Include Comments checkbox (Rename dialog box), 371

Include Strings checkbox (Rename dialog box), 371

Inconclusive() method (Assert class), 344

Incremental Search, 242-243, 619-620

Indent() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Index() action method, 742, 756-757

Index property (CommandBar objects), 629

index.css files, 1159


initializers, 92-93

tables, 542

columns, adding, 542

defining, 542

index.js files, 1160

indexOf() method (strings), 802


light bulbs, 301

code editor, 302-305

web designer, 301

margins, 230

individual user account site authentication, 739

InfoPath extension points, 1038

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 475


classes, 100-101, 284

forms, 958

Inherits keyword, 100


array values, 123

collections, 136-137

indexes, 92-93

objects, 134-136

inline functions, 552

Inline temporary variable operation, 375

innerHtml property (DOM), 814

<input> HTML tag, 761

Input TagHelper, 768

Insert() method (EditPoint objects), 636

insert results queries, 548

Insert Table dialog box, 274

insert values queries, 548

insertBefore() method (DOM), 815

InsertFromFile() method (EditPoint objects), 636

inspecting threads, 448-450


Azure SDK, 522

Visual Studio, 41-42

optional features, 43

rerunning, 42

signing in, 43-44


deployment overview, 465

Limited Edition, 463

project publication, 469

IntelliSense, 305-306

brace matching, 322-324

code editor extension point, 688

code snippets, 311

Code element, implementing, 319

adding, 321-322

adding with Code Snippet Inserter, 312-313

browsing/sharing online, 322

C# constructor snippet XML format, 316

custom C# snippet code, 319-320

form names, 314

functions, 318

header information, 319

literals/variable replacements, 318

Manager, 321

placeholder values, 314

storing, 316

Surround With snippets feature, 314

Toolbox storage, 322

XML schema reference, 316

Complete Word, 306-308

completion list transparency, 307

Completion mode, 308

content support, 307

manually launching, 307

suggestion mode, 308

customizing, 324

JavaScript, 800

List Members, 309-310

Organize Usings, 311

Parameter Info, 310

Quick Info, 308

triggering, 306

IntelliTest, 330

Interface keyword, 104


coarse-grained, 903

CodeClass, 610

defining, 104

extracting, 382

creating interfaces, 383-384

Extract Interface refactor operation, accessing, 383

implementation, 384-385

IActionResult, 741

IComponent, 278

ICustomerProfile, 932

defining, 933-934

implementing, 934-937

REST requests, accepting, 944

implementing, 285

IVsPackage, 660

WCF services

defining, 933-934

implementing, 934-937

internal class member accessibility level, 97

Internet Explorer. See IE

Introduce constant operation, 372-374

Introduce local operation, 374

Invoice class, 334

ComputeTotal method, 334

totals unit test, adding, 335-336


Invoice class, 334

total price, calculating, 334

unit test, adding, 335-336


buttons, creating, 1186

colors, 1185

icon library, 1185

Ionic-Angular anatomy, 1180-1181

Ionic-Angular-Cordova sample app

About tab, 1192

calculate tab, creating, 1186-1190

local storage, adding, 1193-1195

log tab, 1190-1192

running on Windows Phone, 1196-1197

structure, 1182-1184

overview, 1176

projects, configuring, 1177-1179

IsAvailable property (commands), 646

IsFalse() method (Assert class), 344

IsFloating property (windows), 615

IsInstanceOfType() method (Assert class), 344

isNaaN() method (Number objects), 803

IsNotInstanceOfType() method (Assert class), 344

IsNotNull() method (Assert class), 344

IsNull() method (Assert class), 344

IsOpen property (solutions), 608

IsSettable property (TaskItem objects), 621

IsTrue() method (Assert class), 344

Item() method (solutions), 608

Item Preview mode (Solution Explorer), 199


projects, 184, 653-658

Solution Explorer, 192-194

solutions, 170-171

Items Collection Editor dialog box, 977

IVsPackage interface, 660


jagged arrays, 123


AngularJS, 873

adding, 877-878

adding entries, 885-886

changes, saving, 887-888

controllers, 876-877, 881

data binding, 881-883

deleting entries, 886-887

directives, 875, 889

filters, 889

form validation, 889

models, 876-877

modules, 876-877, 880

MVC pattern, 874

pages, turning into forms, 883-885

server model, creating, 879

two-way data binding, 874-876

Web API services, calling, 879

Asynchronous. See AJAX

C# similarities, 795-797

client frameworks

AngularJS. See AngularJS

Backbone, 833, 1175

Bootstrap. See Bootstrap

Breeze, 834

Chart.js, 834

CoffeeScript, 719, 729-730, 834

Ember.js, 834

Hammer.js, 833

jQuery UI, 833

jQuery.validate, 833

Knockout. See Knockout

Less, 834

Modernizer, 833

Node.js, 834

Respond.js, 833

Sammy.js, 833

Sass, 834

selecting, 832-835

SignalR, 834

TypeScript, 834-835

code files, creating, 795

Cordova apps, 1164-1165

Dynamic Content shim for Windows Store apps, 1196

embedding on pages, 794-795

events, 816-819

average speed calculator example, 817-818

DOM, 819

handlers, 818

inline subscription, 818

listeners, adding, 818

stopping, 819

files, 719

functions, 797-798

anonymous, 798

declaring, 797

IIFE, 798-799

named, 798

values, returning, 798

IntelliSense, 800

jQuery. See jQuery

Knockout, 857

adding entries, 869-870

ASP.NET templates, adding, 860-861

bindings, 872-873

changes, saving, 870-871

controllers, creating, 863

deleting entries, 870

list views, creating, 864-868

MVVM pattern, 857

server models, creating, 862-863

SPA support, 27

view models, 858-859

views, 857

minify with Gulp, 854-856

objects, 799


constructor notation, 800

data types, handling, 802-803

Date, 804


dot notation, 801-802

literal notation, 799-800

Math, 804

Number, 803

Regex, 805

String, 802

Simple Object Notation. See JSON

WinRT, 1073-1074

JavaScript Console command (Debug menu), 408

Join dialog box, 547

joins (database queries), 547

jQuery, 820

AJAX, 831

animations/effects, 830

assets, loading, 828

events, handling, 828-829

GET/POST helper methods, 924

HTML elements

appending/deleting items, 826

attributes, 826-828

CSS rules, 828

jquery object, 821

selections, 821-822

basic selectors, 822

combination, 822

content, accessing, 825-826

CSS, 822

elements, selecting, 822

filters, 822

forms, 822-823

ID-based, 822

looping through, 823-825

result actions, 824

traversing, 823-825

SPA support, 27

UI library, 833

validate framework, 833

Web API services

consuming, 913-915, 921-924

deleting content, 927-928

posting new records, 924-925

web project templates, 820

jquery object, 821

JSON (JavaScript Simple Object Notation), 719, 720, 795

configuration files, 719-721

syntax, 720

web services, 895

visualizer, 440

.json file extension, 719

JsonResult class, 754

jumping to lines of code, 234


key bindings, mapping, 648-649

KeyAttribute class, 746

keyboard events, 819

keyboard shortcuts

copying text, 222

jumping to lines of code, 234

Rename operation, accessing, 369

toolbars, assigning, 65-66


async, 158, 1087

await, 158, 1087

CDbl, 112

CInt, 112

Class, 94

Cstr, 112

dynamic, 149

enum, 99

Imports, 108

Inherits, 100

Interface, 104

new, 102

override, 102

Overrides, 102

Partial, 140

Private, 94

Return, 96

Shadows, 102

Shared, 99

Sub, 96

var, 133

Kind property (objects)

CodeElement, 610-611

documents, 631

projects, 609

Knockout, 833, 857

adding to ASP.NET templates, 860-861

bindings, 872-873

changes, saving, 870-871

controllers, creating, 863


adding, 869-870

deleting, 870

list views, creating, 864-868

MVVM pattern, 857

server models, creating, 862-863

SPA support, 27

view models, 858-859

views, 857

KnownFolders class, 1088


<label> HTML tag, 762

Label TagHelper, 768

labeling breakpoints, 425-426

lambda expressions, 92, 143-145

LINQ queries, 144-145

multiple statements, 144

writing, 143-144

:last jQuery filter, 822

lastChild property (documents), 813

lastingness() method (strings), 802

LaunchWizard() method (DTE objects), 605


action pane control stacking behaviors, 1056

ASP.NET MVC views, 768-769

containers, 967

FlowLayoutPanel, 968

TableLayoutPanel, 967-968

form controls, arranging, 272-273

image viewer Windows Store app, 1081

app bar, creating, 1095-1096

capabilities, requesting, 1090

collection class, creating, 1088-1089

data binding, 1089

data model, creating, 1085-1087

Image Editor page implementation, 1091-1093

main page UI, 1081-1084

navigation state passing, 1093-1095

starting page, 1081

image viewer WPF application, 1017-1023

columns, sizing, 1017

grid rails, 1017

grid sizing, 1020-1023

image viewer, adding, 1020

list box, adding, 1018

menu item event handlers, 1019

top menu, adding, 1019

responsive web with Bootstrap, 835

components, 844

drop-downs, 849-850

files, 835-837

grid layout, 837-842

navigation bars, 842-843

text, styling, 845-846

user input forms, 847-848

visual design, customizing, 851-854

text, styling, 845-846

Universal app

details page, 1132-1136

master page, 1130-1132

user input forms, creating, 847-848

windows, customizing, 77-79


controls, arranging, 262

grid, 262-263

snap lines, 263-264

WPF panels, 998

Canvas, 999-1000

DockPanel, 1000-1001

Grid, 1001-1005

StackPanel, 1005-1006

WrapPanel, 1006

Left property (objects)

CommandBar, 629

windows, 615

<legend> HTML tag, 762

length property (strings), 802

.less file extension, 719

Less framework, 834

LESS style sheets, 719

creating, 731

output to CSS Gulp processing task, creating, 731-734

less than (<) operator, 115

LessThan() method (EditPoint objects), 636


AngularJS. See AngularJS

Backbone, 833, 1175

Breeze, 834

Chart.js, 834

CoffeeScript JavaScript, adding, 729-730

Hammer.js, 833

HttpClient. See HttpClient

jQuery UI, 833

Knockout, 833, 857

adding entries, 869-870

ASP.NET templates, adding, 860-861

bindings, 872-873

changes, saving, 870-871

controllers, creating, 863

deleting entries, 870

entries, adding, 869-870

list views, creating, 864-868

MVVM pattern, 857

server models, creating, 862-863

view models, 858-859

views, 857

Modernizer, 833

Node.js, 834

SignalR, 834

WinRT. See WinRT

lifecycles. See ALM

light bulbs, 301

code editor, 302-305

web designer, 301

line numbers (code), 233-234

Line property (objects)

EditPoint, 636

TaskItem, 621

line wrapping, 223

LineCharOffset property (EditPoint objects), 636

LineDown() method (EditPoint objects), 636

LineLength property (EditPoint objects), 636

LineUp() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Link TagHelper, 768

Linkable property (windows), 615

LinkedWindowFrame property (windows), 615

LinkedWindows property (windows), 615, 627

linking windows, 626-628

LINQ, 142-143

overview, 585-586

parallel execution (PLINQ), 586

queries, 585

creating, 142-143

lambda expressions, 144-145

runtime support, 585

System.Linq namespace, 160

technologies, 585

LINQ to SQL applications

Classes items, 586

drag-and-drop operation LINQ code, 588-590

LINQ objects, 590-591

O/R designer, 586-588

list boxes, adding, 1018

List Members (IntelliSense), 309-310

listening for events, 131, 818


About.cshtml view page, 743


page inside file code, 876

two-way data binding, 875

ASP.NET unit test, 356

bike log app

BikeLog Knockout object, 865

BikeLog model, 863

BikeLogListVm Knockout view model object, 866

data binding with AngularJS, 882

button template (WPF), 1009


constructor snippet, 316

custom code snippet, 319-320

C# stored procedures

starting managed code, 561

T-SQL coded update query, 563

update query, 562

CodeMetricViewportAdornment class, 704-706

ColorSelector user controls, 678-681

ColorSelectorPackage class, 675-677

Command class generated by custom command project item, 660-663

Command window command execution, 624-625

component designer generated code, 279-280

ConfimDelete.cshtml file, 786

Cordova Index.html page body, 1161

CustomController.cs class, 755

customer pages example

customer list Index.cshtml, 773

new customer page Create.cshtml, 776

Customer.cs model class

code, 745

data annotations, 747

CustomerDetailsViewComponent class, 785

data context class, 748

data-driven unit test CSV file, 348

dialog boxes, implementing with Grid control, 1003

extracted interface example, 384

extractions, 379-380

gulpfile.js LESS preprocessing task configuration, 733

HomeController class/action methods, 741


markup average speed calculator page, 817

page markup, 809

image viewer Windows Store app

ImagePage.xaml, 1105-1108

ImagePage.xaml.cs, 1108-1110

MainPage.xaml, 1103

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1104-1105

image viewer WPF application

C# code, 1031-1034

XAML code, 1029-1031

incremental search, 619

Index.cshtml file, 867

invoice totals, testing, 335

Ionic-Angular-Cordova app

CalculateCtrl controller, 1188

Log service code, 1194

LogCtrl code, 1191

services.js file, 1189

tab-calculate.html template, 1186

tab-chats.html template page, 1181

tab-log.html markup, 1191

long static method, 376

long static method after extractions, 379

For loops, bookmarking, 633

namespace/class implementation, 611

Package class code generated by custom command project items, 658-660

partial views

DetailsPartial.cshtml, 781

load button click event, 782

Lookup.cshtml, 781

project definition file, 181-183

solution definition file, 168-170

text styling with Bootstrap, 846

text window comments, inserting, 640-645

tool windows, linking/unlinking, 627-628

Universal app

MainPage.xaml Windows Phone, 1136

MainPage.xaml Windows Store, 1144-1150

MainPage.xaml.cs Windows Phone, 1137-1141

MainPage.xaml.cs Windows Store, 1150-1152

VSCT files generated by Package Wizard, 664-667

WCF services

client code for calling REST-based, 948

consuming, 941

Customer class, 933

ICustomerProfile interface definition, 934

ICustomerProfile interface implementation, 935

ICustomerProfile interface REST request update, 944

Web API services

controller class, 901

controller test method, 354

Delete() method, 911

deleting content, 928

Edit() method, 922, 924

Get() method, 904, 908

Index page (customer list) HTML markup, 916

model class, 900

Post() method, 909

posting new records, 925

Put() method, 910

services, calling from controller, 919

window queries, 617

WinForms code, writing, 265-267

XAML WPF application data binding, 577

ListObject control, 1054

ListView controls, 1130-1131

Literal node (XML), 316


code snippets, creating, 318

notation, 799-800

Live Property Explorer, 1011-1012

Live Property Explorer command (Debug menu), 408

Live Visual Tree command (Debug menu), 408

LoadImages() method (BitmapSource class), 1024

loading assets, 828

local storage (Cordova), 1193-1195

local type inference, 132-134

local variables, 374

LocalizedName property (commands), 646

Locals window

errors, debugging, 399

variables, watching, 433-434

locations, 807

logical operators, 116


adding entries

AngularJS, 885-886

Knockout, 869-870

deleting entries

AngularJS, 886-887

Knockout, 870

diagnostic, 516-519

events, 209

loops, 119

For, 633-634

Do...While/Until, 120-121

For...Each, 120

For...Next, 119-120

jQuery selections, 823-825


mail app (Office), 1060

MainPage.xaml file

image viewer XAML, 1103

Universal app

Windows Phone, 1136-1137

Windows Store, 1144-1150

MainPage.xaml.cs file

image viewer XAML, 1104-1105

Universal app

Windows Phone, 1137-1141

Windows Store, 1150-1152

MainWindow class, 1024

MainWindow property (DTE objects), 605

make table queries, 548

Manage Styles window, 276

Managed Extensibility Framework. See MEF

management events, 210


Azure, 503-504

accounts, 479-480

alerts, 507-509

Application Insights, 510-512

databases, 519-521

diagnostic logs, 516-519

scalability, 514-516

traffic monitoring, 505-506

web tests, 512-514

breakpoints, 405, 424

client build tasks, 731-734

client framework dependencies, 728-731

code editor extensions, 696

Code Snippets Manager, 321

databases in Azure, 502

DOM tree nodes, 814

IDE settings, 44

color themes, 45

default settings collections, resetting, 46-50

startup options, customizing, 52-53

storage/synchronization, 44

users, switching, 50

processes, 447

projects, 6

release, 7

requirements, 7

test cases, 7

threads, 447-448

web apps with Azure Server Explorer, 492-493


data sources, 567-569

key bindings (commands), 648-649


defined, 584

drag-and-drop operation LINQ code, 588-590

EF. See EF

LINQ objects, 590-591

O/R designer, 586-588

Mapping Details window, 595-596

margins (code editor)

displaying, 691-692

extension point, 687

MarkText() method (TextDocument objects), 633

master pages (Web Forms), 23-24

master-detail data sources, adding, 578

Math object, 804

MaxLengthAttribute class, 746


events, 819

WPF, 989

MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework), 683

architecture, 686

catalog, 686

classes, 685

code editor extensions

building, 688-689

classifiers, exporting, 690-691

code metrics, creating, 697-706

deploying, 689

extension points, 687-688

managing, 696

margins, displaying, 691-692

online, finding/posting, 696

text adornments, 692-693

viewport adornment, 693-695

composition container, 685-686

dependency injection, 685

dynamic applications, 684

extensibility problem, 683

naming/activation, 685

parts, 685

structural matching, 685

System.ComponentModel.Composition namespace, 685

target applications, 684

members (classes) See also methods/properties

accessibility, 97-98

accessing, 198

class designer, displaying, 282

hiding, 102

static/shared, 99

members pane (Class View window), 205

context menu, 205

icons, 205

menu bars, 629


Analyze, 57

Build, 57

Debug, 57, 405

active debug session commands, 408

at rest state commands, 406

Edit, 57

File, 57

forms, creating, 973-975

Help, 9

listing of, 57-63

Outlining, 297-298

Project, 57

Quick Actions

Encapsulate Field refactor operation, 388

Extract Interface refactor, accessing, 383

method stubs, creating, 382

refactoring code, invoking, 363

Rename operation, accessing, 370

repositioning, 969-971

Solution Explorer context

projects, 197

solutions, 196

standard items, 974

Task List shortcut, 325

Test, 57, 333

Tools, 57

View, 57

Website, 57

Window, 57

Windows context, 1070

Windows Store, 1101-1102

MenuStrip controls, 973-975

merges folder, 1158


classes, 1050

dialogs, 1070

queues, 210


addEntry(), 1187

addEventListener(), 818

ASP.NET MVC action, 742

calculatePace(), 1186

clear(), 1191

CommandBar objects, 629

commands, 646-648

ComputeTotal(), 334

creating, 287

Date objects, 804

defining, 96

documents, 631

getElementById(), 811

querySelector(), 811-812

DOM tree nodes

adding, 815

attributes, managing, 814

deleting, 815

DTE objects, 605

EditPoint(), 636

extension, 138-139

extracting, 375

code to refactor, selecting, 377-378

Extract Method Refactor operation, accessing, 375

long static method example, 376-377

new methods code listing, 379-380

original long static method after extraction, 379

refactored method, creating, 378

single lines of code, 380-382

history objects, 807

HTML helpers, 765-766


$(‘ ‘), 822

addClass(), 827

AJAX GET/POST requests, 924

animate(), 830

css(), 828

hide(), 830

ready(), 828

selection content, accessing, 825-826

selections, traversing, 823-825

show(), 830

LoadImages(), 1024

locations, 807

Math objects, 804

NodeList objects, 812-813

Number objects, 803

OutputWindowPane objects, 626

overloading, 103

partial, 140-141

projects, 609

removeEventListener(), 819

RestoreAsync(), 1099

returns values, defining, 96-97

SaveAsync(), 1099

showAlert(), 1187

solutions, 608

StartCaching(), 1058

strings, 802

stubs, creating, 382

TaskItem objects, 621

test assertions, 344-345

TestContext class, 339

TextDocument objects, 633

TryGetMember(), 150

TryToShow(), 619

WCF service, 943

Web API services

controller test, 353-354

Delete(), 910-911, 927-928

Edit(), 923-924

Get(), 904-908

Post(), 908-909, 925

Put(), 909-910

web service, 895

windows, 615

alert(), 805

close(), 806

confirm(), 806

open(), 806

Metric blade (Azure portal), 505-506

Microsoft Office. See Office

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Unleashed website, 703


directory, 718

EF7, 750-752

MinLengthAttribute class, 746

mobile applications

Cordova, 1153

apps website, 1156

benefits, 1154

CLI, 1165

client frameworks, 1174-1175

debugging with local devices, 1172-1174

debugging with Ripple simulators, 1168-1170

dependencies, 1156

emulators, 1170-1171

Ionic, 1176-1179

Ionic-Angular app anatomy, 1180-1181

JavaScript, 1164-1165

local storage, 1193-1195

Mac, configuring, 1167

overview, 37-38, 1154-1156

plug-ins, 1155, 1175-1176

project setup, 1160-1161

running, 1166-1167

templates, 1157-1159

UIs, creating, 1156, 1161-1163

web views, 1155

Ionic. See Ionic

Ionic-Angular-Cordova sample app

About tab, 1192

calculate tab, creating, 1186-1190

local storage, adding, 1193-1195

log tab, 1190-1192

running on Windows Phone, 1196-1197

structure, 1182-1184

responsive design, 835

Bootstrap components, 844

Bootstrap files, 835-837

drop-downs, 849-850

grid layout, 837-842

navigation bars, 842-843

text, styling, 845-846

user input forms, 847-848

visual designs, customizing, 851-854


cross platform applications, 14

UI delivery solutions, 13-14

Windows Phone

application anatomy, 1117

application lifecycles, 1119-1120

architecture, 1116-1117

device orientation, 1116

Ionic-Angular-Cordova app, running, 1196-1197

MVVM, 1122-1123

page navigation, 1118-1119

runtimes available, 1117

Silverlight to WinRT transition, 1123-1124

start screen UI, 1114

state change events, 1120-1121

suspending versus terminating, 1122

transient/persistent data, 1122

UI structure, 1115

Universal app. See Universal app

Windows Store app similarities, 1114

Windows Store. See Windows Store applications

Model Browser window, 594-595



classes, creating, 744-745

data context, creating, 748

database connections, 748-750

databases, creating manually, 752-753

databases, creating with EF7 migrations, 750-752

MVC, 736

validation rules, 745-747

folder, 718, 740


AngularJS, creating, 879

creating (Knockout), 862-863



image viewer WS app, 1085-1087

Knockout, 858-859

Web API services

adding, 351-352

calling, 916

creating, 899-900

Model, View, Controller. See MVC

Model, View, View Model pattern. See MVVM pattern

Modernizer library, 833

Monitoring blade (Azure portal), 505


events, 819

movements, handling, 670-671

processors, 688

Move Down in Container button (WinForms Document Outline toolbar), 218

Move into Next Container button (WinForms Document Outline toolbar), 218

Move Out of Current Container button (WinForms Document Outline toolbar), 218

Move Up in Container button (WinForms Document Outline toolbar), 218

MoveToAbsoluteOffset() method (EditPoint objects), 636

MoveToLineAndOffset() method (EditPoint objects), 636

MoveToPoint() method (EditPoint objects), 636

moving text, 222

MSDN accounts

signing in, 43-44

subscriptions, 5

MSI packages, 465

multithreaded applications, debugging, 445

breaking on threads, 450

flagging threads, 447

individual threads, inspecting, 448-450

managing threads, 447-448

MSDN code example, 445

processes, managing, 447

viewing threads, 445-446

multidimensional arrays, 123

multiplication (*) operator, 114

multiplication with assignment (*=) operator, 113

MVC (Model, View, Controller), 24

AngularJS, 874

applications, creating

About.cshtml view page, 742-743

action methods, 741-742

Controllers folder, 740

HomeController class, 741

IActionResult interface, 741

Models folder, 740

site authentication, 739

template selection, 738

unit tests, 739

Views folder, 740-741

Controller Class files, 719

controllers, 736, 753

action result objects, 754-755

creating, 755-756

customer delete requests, processing, 759

customers, finding, 757-758

DbContext objects, adding, 756

generating with dnx . gen tool, 788-791

list of customers, returning, 756-757

new customer page, returning, 757

POST requests, handling, 758-759

folders, 718

framework, 735

models, 736

SPA support, 26

TagHelpers, 767-768

template, 715

user requests, processing, 737-738

View Page files, 719

views, 736

areas, 769

components, 784-788

customer example. See customer example pages

generating with dnx . gen tool, 788-791

HTML helpers, 765-766

HTML tags, 760-762

models, 788

page layout, 768-769

partial, 780-784

Razor syntax, 763-765

strongly typed, 769-770

user input validation, 770-771

WCF services, consuming, 938-942

Web API services, calling

models, creating, 916

view controller, 917-919

views, 916-917

Web API services, consuming

deleting content, 927-928

edit page, creating, 921-924

posting new records, 924-925

services, calling, 916-920

web applications

controller test method, writing, 353-354

testing, 350-354

core client objects, referencing, 353

Web API model/controller, adding, 351-352

websites, creating, 24

MVVM (Model, View, View Model)

Knockout, 857

Universal app, 1128-1130

Windows Phone apps, 1122-1123


Name property (objects)

commands, 646

CommandBar, 629

documents, 631

OutputWindowPane, 626

projects, 609

named functions, 798

NamedRange control, 1054

NameLocal property (CommandBar objects), 629

NameOf expression, 90-91


attributes, 126

bookmarks, 235

code snippet form, 314

commands, 646

databases, 540

MEF, 685

pages, 768

solutions, 167

test projects, 331

threads, 446

namespaces, 106-109

DataAnnotations, 745

defining, 106

fully qualified definition, 107

importing, 108-109

.NET Framework

Activities, 161

AddIn, 159

CodeDom, 159

Collections, 160

ComponentModel, 160

Configuration, 160

Data, 160

Diagnostics, 160

Diagnostics.Contracts, 160

Drawing, 160

Dynamic, 160

EnterpriseServices, 160

Globalization, 160

IO, 160

Linq, 160

Media, 160

Messaging, 160

Net, 161

Security, 161

ServiceModel, 161

Threading, 161

Timers, 161

Web, 161

Windows, 161

Workflow.Activities, 161

Xml, 161

root, setting, 107

System.ComponentModel.Composition, 685

TagHelpers, 767

navbar class, 842

Navigate() method

Frame class, 1093, 1118

TaskItem object, 621

navigation, 56-57

bars (Bootstrap), 842-843

browser windows, 807


bookmarks, 234-235

Call Hierarchy window, 236-237

line numbers, 233-234

Cordova apps, 1162

customer example pages, adding, 771-772

image viewer Windows Store app, 1093-1095

menus, 57-63

Analyze, 57

Build, 57

Debug, 57

Edit, 57

File, 57

Help, 9

Project, 57

Test, 57

Tools, 57

View, 57

Website, 57

Window, 57

multiple text editor windows, 226

navigator object, 808

Properties window, 73-74

Solution Explorer, 66-67

text editors, 68

C# code editor, 68

code editor, 68

customizing, 70-71

Visual Basic code editor, 69-70

Toolbox, 72-73

visual designers, 72

windows, 80

Windows Phone apps, 1118-1119

Navigation App template, 1074

nest object initialization, 136

Nest related files button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

.NET Core framework, 10-11, 712

.NET Foundation, 711

.NET Framework, 10, 85

anonymous types, 137-138

application faces, 11

asynchronous programming, 157-159

attributes, 126

auto-implemented properties, 147-148

collections, 136-137

configuring, 721

constants, defining, 113


custom generic classes, 156

defined, 155

delegates, 156

generic collections, 156

C#/VB new features, 85-86

index initializers, 92-93

lambda expressions, 92

NameOf expression, 90-91

null-conditional operators, 86-88

read-only auto properties, 88-90

string interpolation, 91-92

using/Imports statements, 91

data types

common, listing of, 110

conversions, 111-113

decision structures, 116

If...Then...Else, 116-117

Select...Case/switch...Case, 118-119

Development Utility (DNU), 750

dynamic data type, 149

dynamic objects

calling, 153-154

creating, 150-153

executing, throwing errors, 154

events, 128

defining, 128-130

listening for, 131

raising, 130


filtering, 128

handling, 127-128

Execution Environment (DNX), 712

extension methods, 138-139

F#, 93

friend assemblies, 145-146

groups, 122

arrays, 122-123

collections, 123-125

tuples, 125-126

implicit line continuation, 148

lambda expressions, 143-145

LINQ, 142-143

local type inference, 132-134

loops, 119

Do...While/Until, 120-121

For...Each, 120

For...Next, 119-120

multiple versions, targeting, 727-728


Activities, 161

AddIn, 159

CodeDom, 159

Collections, 160

ComponentModel, 160

Configuration, 160

Data, 160

Diagnostics, 160

Diagnostics.Contracts, 160

Drawing, 160

Dynamic, 160

EnterpriseServices, 160

Globalization, 160

IO, 160

Linq, 160

Media, 160

Messaging, 160

Net, 161

Security, 161

ServiceModel, 161

Threading, 161

Timers, 161

Web, 161

Windows, 161

Workflow.Activities, 161

Xml, 161

object initializers, 134-136

object-oriented programming. See OO programming

operators, 113

arithmetic, 114

assignment, 113-114

comparison, 115

concatenation, 115

logical/conditional, 116

partial methods, 140-141

UI delivery solutions, 12-14

mobile, 13-14

web, 13

Windows, 12

unused arguments, deleting, 147

variables, declaring, 111

Version Manager (DNVM), 750

versions, 711-712

WinRT, compared, 1072

XML, embedding, 146-147

New ASP.NET Project dialog box, 482

New Breakpoint, Break at Function command (Debug menu), 406

New Breakpoint, Data Breakpoint command (Debug menu), 406

New Breakpoint command (Debug menu), 408

New Breakpoint dialog box, 421-422

New Class dialog box, 283

New Deployment dialog box, 528

new features

ASP.NET 5, 710

C#/VB, 85-86

index initializers, 92-93

lambda expressions, 92

NameOf expression, 90-91

null-conditional operators, 86-88

read-only auto properties, 88-90

string interpolation, 91-92

using/Imports statements, 91

Visual Studio, 21

New File dialog box, 226

new keyword, 102

New Project dialog box

database project template, 554

launching, 177

Office project types, 1041

solutions, creating, 164-165

New Web Site dialog box, 180

NewWindow() method (documents), 631

Next button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

NextBookmark() method (EditPoint objects), 636

nextSibling property (documents), 813

no authentication site authentication, 739

NoContentResult class, 754

Node Package Manager (NPM), 719, 729

Node.js library, 834

NodeList object, 812-813

nodes (DOM tree)

accessing, 811

adding, 815

attributes, 814

deleting, 815

HTML content, 814

list of, selecting, 812-813

listing of, 808-809

single, selecting, 811-812

text, updating, 814

traversing, 813

visual, 810

not equal (< >), (!=) operators, 115

:not() jQuery filter, 822

Not operator, 116

NPM (Node Package Manager), 719, 729


package dependencies, 726

Web API package, installing inside unit test, 353

null-conditional operators, 86-88

Number object, 803


Object Browser, 213

assemblies, adding as reference, 216

custom component sets, customizing, 214

description pane, 215-216

objects, browsing, 215

scoping options, 213

Object() method (documents), 631

Object property (windows), 615

ObjectDataSource controls, 583

ObjectKind property (windows), 615

object-oriented programming. See OO programming

object/relational mapping. See O/R mapping

ObjectResult class, 754


action result, 754-755

automation object model

categories, 604

DTE object, 605-606

PIAs, 602

type list, 602

browsing (Object Browser), 215

CodeElement, 610-611

collections, verifying, 345

command, 645

commands, executing, 647-648

key bindings, mapping, 648-649

methods, 646

properties, 646

CommandBar, 628-630

CommandBars collection, 629

menu bar versus toolbar, 629

methods, 629

properties, 629

core client in unit tests, referencing, 353

DataSet, 1057

DbContext, 756

debugger, 649

deferral, 1097

document. See documents


calling, 153-154

creating, 150-153

executing, throwing errors, 154

EditPoint, 635

adding text, 638-639

editing text, 639

methods, 636

properties, 636

repositioning, 640

text window comments, inserting, 640-645

history, 807

host item, 1053

initialization, 134-136

JavaScript, 799


constructor notation, 800

data types, handling, 802-803

Date, 804


dot notation, 801-802

literal notation, 799-800

Math, 804

Number, 803

Regex, 805

String, 802

jquery, 821

LINQ, 590-591

location, 807

navigator, 808

NodeList, 812-813

OleMenuCommandService, 663

Output window, 625

POCOs (plain old CLR objects), 32

project. See projects

relational mapping. See O/R mapping

screen, 807

solution. See solutions

SuspendingDeferral, 1097


methods, 621

properties, 621

tasks, adding/deleting, 621

TaskList, 328

TaskListEvents, 328

TextBlock, 699

TextPane, 619-620

TextPoint, 635, 638

TextSelection, 636

TextWindow, 618

Toolbox window, 622-

VirtualPoint, 635

window See also windows

BOM, 805-806

DOM, 819

objects pane (Class View window), 203-205

icons, 204

scope/access signal icons, 204

Sort/Group shortcut menu options, 204-205


add-ins, 19

document extensions, compared, 1041

Outlook form regions, 1049-1052

ribbon, 1043-1047

task panes, 1047-1048

App for Office, 1059

extension types, 1060

starting page, 1059

task pane app, creating, 1060-1062

template, 1059

benefits, 18

Developer Tools, 1038

document extensions, 1038, 1053

actions pane, creating, 1039, 1055-1057

add-ins, compared, 1041

data cache, 1040, 1057-1059

hosting controls, 1053-1054

ribbon, 1040

task panes, 1039

document projects, 19

icons, reusing, 1045

Office Developer Tools, 1038

productivity tools, 12

project types, 178, 1041

SharePoint, 20


listing of, 18

projects based on, creating, 19

OleMenuCommandService objects, 663

Omnisharp website, 711

online event subscription, 818

OnSizeChange event handler, 702

OO programming (object-oriented)


behaviors, overriding, 101-102

constructors, 98-99

defining, 94

fields/properties, 94-96

hiding members, 102

inheritance, 100-101

member accessibility, 97-98

methods, 96-97

overloading methods, 103

static/shared members, 99

enumerations, 99-100

interfaces, defining, 104

namespaces, 106-109

defining, 106

fully qualified definition, 107

importing, 108-109

root, setting, 107

structures, 105-106

Opacity property, 959

Open Developer Account command (Windows Store menu), 1101

open() method

solutions, 608

windows, 806

OperationContract attribute (CustomerProfile class), 932

operations, refactoring, 362

Encapsulate Field, 387-388

Extract Interface, 382-385

Extract Method, 375-382

Inline temporary variable, 375

Introduce constant, 372-374

Introduce local, 374

Rename, 367-371

operators, 113

arithmetic, 114

assignment, 113-114

comparison, 115

concatenation, 115

logical/conditional, 116

null-conditional, 86-88

<option> HTML tag, 762

Option TagHelper, 768

optional features, installing, 43

options code editor extension point, 688

Options command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Options dialog box

debugging, 413-414

editor customization, 70

IDE fonts, 81-82

startup options, 52

O/R (object/relational) mapping

defined, 584

designer, 586-590

drag-and-drop operation LINQ code, 588-590

EF, 591

designer, 594

EDM, editing, 593

EDM items, adding, 591

EDM Wizard, 592

Mapping Details window, 595-596

Model Browser, 594-595

queries, 596-598

updates, 597-598

LINQ objects, 590-591

Or operator, 116

Ordered Test template, 357

ordered tests, creating, 357-358

OrElse operator, 116

organizational accounts site authentication, 739

Organize Usings (IntelliSense), 311

orientation modes (mobile devices), 1116

Orientation property (StackPanel), 1020

Other Debug Targets command (Debug menu), 406

OutlineSection() method (EditPoint objects), 636

outlining code, 296-298

Outlining menu, 297-298

Outlook form region add-ins, 1038, 1049-1052

message class association, 1050

region types, 1049

runtime events, 1052

UI, 1050

Output window, 625-626

OutputString() method (OutputWindowPane objects), 626

OutputTaskItemString() method (OutputWindowPane objects), 626

OutputWindow automation type, 602

OutputWindow objects, 625

OutputWindowPane objects

defined, 625

methods, 626

properties, 626

OutputWindowPanes objects, 625

overloading methods, 103

override keyword, 102

overrides keyword, 102

overriding style sheets, 851-852


PaaS (platform as a service), 475, 529

Azure website hosting, compared, 529

cloud service projects, 530-532

Package class, 658-660

Package Wizard, 664-667

package.json files, 720


ColorSelector, running, 675

commands, 750

dependencies, 723-727

adding to project.json files, 723-724, 726

adding with NuGet, 726

viewing, 725

extensions, parameters, 653

PadToColumn method (EditPoint objects), 636

page layout. See layout

Panel class, 967

panels (WPF layout), 998

Canvas, 999-1000

DockPanel, 1000-1001

Grid, 1001-1005

StackPanel, 1005-1006

WrapPanel, 1006


actions, creating, 1055-1057

Class View window

members, 205

objects, 203-205

code, 229

Exception Settings, 397-398

Object Browser, 215-216

Query designer, 545

task/action (Office), 1039

windows, 619-620

incremental searches, 619-620

specific text area, displaying, 619

WPF Designer, 268-269

parallel applications, debugging, 451

Parallel Stacks window, 451

Task view, 452-455

Threads view, 451-453

Parallel Tasks window, 454-456

parallel execution, 586

Parallel Stacks window, 451

Task view, 452-455

Threads view, 451-453

Parallel Tasks window, 454-456

Parameter Info (IntelliSense), 310


extension packages, 653

TryGetMember() method, 152

TryToShow() method, 619

Parent property (objects)

CommandBar, 629

EditPoint, 636

TextDocument, 633

parentheses ( ), brace matching, 323

parentNode property (documents), 813

ParentProjectItem property (projects), 609

Partial keyword, 140

partial methods, 140-141

partial views, 780-784

load button click event, 782

results, looking up, 781

returning, 783

strongly typing to Customer instances, 780

PartialViewResult class, 754

parts (MEF), 685

Pascal-casing breaks, 200

:password jQuery filter, 822

Paste() method (EditPoint objects), 636

pasting text, 222

Path property (documents), 631

path selection (files), 1028

peek definition, 250

performance counters, 211

PerfTips, 438-439

phases (debugging), 392-393

PhoneAttribute class, 746

Phonegap website, 1156

PI property (Math objects), 804

PIAs (automation object model), 602

PictureContentControl control, 1054


DataTips, 437

windows, 74-75

pipes (|), Angular filters, 889

pixelDepth property (screen object), 807

placeholders, 314

plain old CLR objects (POCOs), 32, 744-745

PlainTextContentControl control, 1054

platform as a service. See PaaS

PLINQ (Parallel LINQ), 586

plug-ins (Cordova), 1155, 1175-1176

POCOs (plain old CLR objects), 32, 744-745

PointOrCount parameter (TryToShow() method), 619

polymorphism, 101-102

portal (Azure)

Alert Rules Startboard item, 507

Application Insights, 510-512

blades, 496-498

Metric, 505-506

options, 497-498

toolbar, 499

Web tests, 512-514

databases, 500-503

adding, 500

details, configuring, 500

managing, 502

viewing, 502

deployment, 503

Startboard, 494

web apps, creating, 494-496

porting web apps, 712

Position property (CommandBar objects), 629

positioning toolbars/menus, 969-971

Post() method (Web API services), 908-909, 925

POST requests, handling, 758-759

PowerPoint extension points, 1038

Preview Changes checkbox (Rename dialog box), 371

Preview Changes dialog box, 364

Preview Database Updates dialog box, 753

Preview selected item button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194


publications, 473-474

refactoring changes, 364-365

PreviousBookmark() method (EditPoint objects), 636

previousSibling property (documents), 813

primary keys, 540

printing code, 248-249

Priority property (TaskItem objects), 621

private class member accessibility level, 97

private fields, 94

Private keyword, 94

problem indicators (code), 293

Process2 automation type, 602


components, creating, 278

different, debugging, 400-401

managing, 447

TFS templates, 6

processing web requests, 709-710

productivity aids

code outlining, 296-298

IntelliSense, 305-306

brace matching, 322-324

code snippets. See snippets

Complete Word, 306-308

customizing, 324

List Members, 309-310

Organize Usings, 311

Parameter Info, 310

Quick Info, 308

triggering, 306

overview, 289-291

smart tasks/light bulbs, 301

code editor, 302-305

web designer, 301

tag navigation, 299-301

document outline window, 300-301

tag navigator, 299-300

Task List, 325

automation, 328

comment tasks, 326-327

shortcut menu, 325

shortcut tasks, 326

window, launching, 325

text editors, 291

active hyperlinking, 295

change tracking, 292

coding problem indicators, 293

fonts/color options, 295-296

Professional edition, 2, 4

Profiler command (Debug menu), 406

Program automation type, 602

Project Designer

accessing, 185

properties, setting, 184

property pages

Application, 186

Build, 187

Build Events, 187

Compile, 187

Debug, 188

Publish, 188

Reference Paths, 188

References, 188

Resources, 188

Security, 188

Settings, 189

Signing, 189

Project menu, 57

(Project) Properties command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Project Properties dialog box, 557

Project property (windows), 615-616

ProjectItem automation type, 602

ProjectItem property

documents, 631

windows, 615-616

ProjectItems automation type, 602

ProjectItems collection, 606

ProjectItems property (projects), 609

project.json files, 720

default example, 721

package dependencies, adding, 723-727


ASP.NET MVC, creating

About.cshtml view page, 742-743

action methods, 741-742

Controllers folder, 740

HomeController class, 741

IActionResult interface, 741

Models folder, 740

site authentication, 739

template selection, 738

unit tests, 739

Views folder, 740-741

ASP.NET templates, 713-716

ASP.NET 5 Web Site. See ASP.NET 5 Web Site template

empty, 714

MVC, 715

SPA, 716

Web API, 716

Web Forms, 714-715

Web Pages, 715

assembly references, adding, 216

automation type, 602

Azure cloud

creating, 530-532

deploying, 533-534

running locally, 532

code, accessing, 610-612


files, 1159-1160

folders, 1158-1159

JavaScript, 1164-1165

setup, 1160-1161

templates, 1157-1158

UIs, 1161-1163

creating, 53-54, 177-180

current solutions, adding, 180


creating, 554

customizing, 557-559

database development workflow, 553

databases, importing, 555-557

publishing databases, 559

scripts, 553

definition files, 181-183

deleting from solutions, 607

dependencies, setting, 174

environments, targeting, 54-56

folders, 184

Ionic, 1177-1179

item extensions, adding, 653-658

items, 184

LINQ to SQL Classes items, 586

managing, 6, 196-198

methods, 609

Office application types, 1041

properties, 184-185, 609

application, 186

application settings, 189

build, 187

build events, 187

compile, 187

debug, 188

publish, 188

reference paths, 188

references, 188

resources, 188

security, 188

signing, 189

publishing. See publishing

references, adding, 728

Solution Explorer navigation, 67

structure, 184

types supported, 178-179


custom commands, adding, 654-655

custom tool windows, adding, 657-658

template, 652

web application versus website, 181


creating, 180-181

web application, compared, 713


appearance properties, 959

code, writing, 264-267

control layout, 262

controls, adding, 260

creating, 258-259

events, 959-961

form appearance, customizing, 260

inheritance, 958

layout grid, 262-263

snap lines, 263-264

StartPosition property, 958

startup forms, setting, 958

Toolbox, 261

WinForms Designer, 258-259


appearance, customizing, 270

controls, adding, 270

creating, 268

Designer, 268-269

Projects collection, 606

Projects property (solutions), 608


associations, 286

auto-implemented, 147-148

build configurations, 176-177

ClickOnce publication, 466

commands, 646

CommandBar objects, 629

database projects, 557

DateString, 1131

Description, 1131

destroy, 862

documents, 631

DOM, traversing, 813

DTE object, 605

EditPoint object, 636

field encapsulation, 387-388

form controls

Anchor, 965

AutoScale, 966

AutoScaleDimensions, 966

Dock, 966


appearance, 959

StartPosition, 958

GetClassificationSpans (EditorClassifier1 class), 690

GridView control, 582

ImageFile class, 1085

innerHtml, 814

JavaScript objects, 801-802

Kind (CodeElement object), 610-611

list box, 1018

locations, 807

Math objects, 804

OutputWindowPane objects, 626

projects, 184-185, 609

application, 186

application settings, 189

build, 187

build events, 187

compile, 187

debug, 188

publish, 188

reference paths, 188

references, 188

resources, 188

security, 188

signing, 189

read-only, 95-96

read-only auto, 88-90

RightToLeft, 954

RightToLeftLayout, 954

screen object, 807

solutions, 173, 608

code analysis settings, 175

source file locations, 175-176

startup project, 173-174

strings, 802

TableLayoutPanel control, 968

TaskItem object, 621

TestContext class, 339

text documents, 633

textContent, 814

UpdateQuery, 582

UriTemplate, 943

windows, 615

Properties button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

Properties directory, 718

Properties property

projects, 609

solutions, 608

Properties window, 73-74, 996

Property automation type, 602

PropertyChanged event handler, 1085

proportional sizing, 1021

protected class member accessibility level, 97

protected internal class member accessibility level, 97

Protection property (CommandBar objects), 629

public class member accessibility level, 97

public fields, 94

Publish Azure Application dialog box, 533

Publish property page, 188

Publish Web Wizard, 485

connection information, 486

deployment settings, 486

existing applications, publishing to Azure, 489-491

previews, 487

publish profiles, 485

Publish Wizard (ClickOnce), 466-468


ASP.NET web applications, 469

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

publications, previewing, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

Azure, 30-31


publication properties, 466

Publish Wizard, 466-468

databases, 559

InstallShield, 469

web applications to Azure, 484-489

connection information, 486

deployment settings, 486

existing applications, 489-491

previews, 487

publish profiles, selecting, 485

Windows Store applications, 1100-1102

Put() method

calling with Edit() method, 922-923

Web API services, 909-910



databases, writing, 544-548

joins, 547

Query designer panes, 545

SQL statements, fine-tuning, 545-547

tables, adding, 544

types supported, 548

EF, 596-598

LINQ, 585

creating, 142-143

lambda expressions, 144-145

management events, 210

query selectors (DOM), 811-812

windows, 617-618

Query Builder window, 582

querySelector() method (documents), 811-812

querySelectorAll() method (NodeList objects), 812

Query/View designer

configuring, 545

queries, writing, 544-548

Query designer panes, 545

views, creating, 548

Quick Actions menu

Encapsulate Field refactor operation, accessing, 388

Extract Interface refactor, accessing, 383

method stubs, creating, 382

refactoring code, invoking, 363

Rename operation, invoking, 370

Quick Find, 237-238

accessing, 237

results, finding, 238

searches, fine-tuning, 238

Quick Info (IntelliSense), 308

Quick Replace, 238-239

QuickStart templates

AppServices, 525

Azure SDK, 524-526

Compute, 525

DataServices, 525-526

QuickWatch command (Debug menu), 408

QuickWatch window, 436

Quit method (DTE objects), 605

quotation marks (“”), brace matching, 323


:radio jQuery filter, 822

Raise() method (Commands collection), 647-648

raising events, 130

random() method (Math object), 804

RangeAttribute class, 746

Rating property (ImageFile class), 1085

Razor syntax, 25, 763-765

@ (at sign), 763

{ } (curly brackets), 763

HTML helpers, 765-766

page layout, 768-769

ReadOnly() method (EditPoint objects), 636

read-only properties

auto, 88-90

creating, 95-96

ready() function (jQuery), 828

RedirectResult class, 754

RedirectToRouteResult class, 754

Redo() method (documents), 631


class designer, 366-367

defined, 361

field encapsulation, 387

applying, 388

Encapsulate Field refactor operation, accessing, 387-388

interface extraction, 382

creating interfaces, 383-384

Extract Interface refactor operation, accessing, 383

implementation, 384-385

method extraction, 375

code to refactor, selecting, 377-378

Extract Method Refactor operation, accessing, 375

long static method example, 376-377

method stubs, creating, 382

new methods code listing, 379-380

original long static method after extraction, 379

refactored method, creating, 378

single lines of code, 380-382

operations, 362

overview, 361-362

previewing/making changes, 364-365

Quick Actions menu access, 363

renaming code, 367

Rename dialog box, 371

Rename operation, accessing, 368-371


benefits, 362

invoking, 363-364

variable assignments, 372

Introduce constant, 372-374

Introduce local, 374

temporary variables into inline code conversions, 375

Reference Manager, 728

Reference Paths property page, 188


directory, 718

projects, adding, 728

windows, 614

References property page, 188

Refresh button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

Refresh routines, 700

Regex object, 805

RegularExpression class, 746

release management, 7

reload() method (locations), 807

Remote Debugger Monitor, 443

remote debugging, 442-444

Remove() method (solutions), 608

removeAttribute() method (DOM), 814

removeChild() method (DOM), 815

removeEventListener() method, 819

Rename dialog box, 371

Rename operation, 367

accessing, 368-371

Class View and Properties window, 368

keyboard shortcuts, 369

Quick Actions menu, 370

Rename dialog box, 371

renaming code, 367

Rename dialog box, 371

Rename operation, accessing, 368-371

Class View and Properties window, 368

keyboard shortcuts, 369

Quick Actions menu, 370

Repeater controls, 579

Replace in Files tool, 241-242

replace() method (strings), 802

ReplacePattern() method (objects)

EditPoint, 636

TextDocument, 633

ReplaceText() method (EditPoint objects), 636

replacing text

Quick Find window, 238-239

Replace in Files tool, 241-242

Representational State Transfer. See REST

RequestedPage property (TestContext class), 339

requesting capabilities, 1090


MVC processing, 737-738

POST, handling, 758-759

RequiredAttribute class, 746

requirements management, 7

rerunning installation, 42

res folder, 1158

Reserve App Name command (Windows Store menu), 1101

Reset() method (CommandBar objects), 629

Reset publish profile button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

resetting IDE default settings collections, 46-50

resizing forms, 963-964

resource groups (Azure), 526-529

creating, 526-527

deployments, 528-529

Resources property page, 188


bugs phase (debugging), 393

web requests, 709-710

Respond.js framework, 833

responsive web layout (Bootstrap), 763, 835

components, 844

drop-downs, 849-850

files, 835

navigation bars, 842-843

text, styling, 845-846

user input forms, 847-848

visual design, customizing, 851-854

REST (Representational State Transfer)

WCF as, 943

client code for calling, writing, 947-949

REST requests, accepting, 943-947

Web API. See Web API services

Restart button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Restart command (Debug menu), 408

RestoreAsync() method, 1099

result parameter (TryGetMember() method), 152


objects, 754-755

unit tests, viewing, 336-337

Results pane (Query/View designer), 545

ResultsDirectory property (TestContext class), 339

Resuming event, 1097

Return keyword, 96

reviewing code phase (debugging), 393

RibbonControlSizeLarge property (custom ribbons), 1045

ribbons (Office), 1040, 1043-1047

button events, handling, 1046-1047

design surface, 1043

IDE Toolbox controls, 1044

items, adding, 1045-1046

RichTextContentControl control, 1054

RightToLeft property, 954

RightToLeftLayout property, 954

Ripple simulators (Cordova debugging), 1168-1170

root namespaces, setting, 107

Roslyn compiler, 744

RotateTransform class, 1027

rotating images, 1027

round() method (Math objects), 804

routed events (WPF), 1014-1015

routing Web API services, 911-912

RowIndex property (CommandBar objects), 629

rows (grids), creating, 1002


ASP.NET model validation, 745-747

CSS, adding, 258

Run button (Standard toolbar), 415

Run to Cursor button (Debug toolbar), 415-416

Run to Cursor command (Debug menu), 415-416


Sammy.js framework, 833

Sass, 719, 834

Save Dump As command (Debug menu), 408

Save() method

documents, 631

projects, 609

SaveAs() method

projects, 609

solutions, 608

SaveAsync() method, 1099

Saved property

documents, 631

projects, 609

solutions, 608


AngularJS changes, 887-888

changes, 870-871

scalability (Azure), 514-516

scalar-valued functions, 552

ScaleTransform class, 529

schemas (XML)

code snippet reference, 316

Schema Designer, 254-256

Schema Explorer, 254

views, 253

XSDs, creating, 252

scope signal icons (Class View window objects pane), 204

scoping options (Object Browser), 213

screen objects, 807

screen optimization (BOM), 807

<script> HTML tag, 794

Script TagHelper, 768

scripts, creating, 794-795

scrollbars (code editor)

extension point, 687

vertical, 231-233

.scss file extension, 719

SCSS Style Sheet files, 719

search folder sets, creating, 240


breakpoints, 426

Class View window, 203

incremental, 242-243, 619-620

Solution Explorer, 199-200

text, 237

Find in Files tool, 239

Find Results window, 240-241

Incremental Search, 242-243

Quick Find, 237-238

Quick Replace, 238-239

search folder sets, creating, 240

Security property page, 188

Select Azure Template dialog box, 527

<select> HTML tag, 762

Select method (TaskItem objects), 621

select queries, 548

Select TagHelper, 768

Select...Case decision structure, 118

:selected jQuery filter, 822

SelectedItem automation type, 602

selection margin (code editor), 230-231

Selection property (objects)

documents, 631

TextDocument, 633

windows, 615

SelectionChanged event handler, 1082

selections (jQuery), 821-822

basic selectors, 822

combination, 822

content, accessing, 825-826

CSS, 822

elements, selecting, 822

filters, 822

forms, 822-823

ID-based, 822

looping through, 823-825

result actions, 824

traversing, 823-825

self-checking applications, 393-394

applications in debug mode, starting, 394

breaking on exceptions, setting, 397-398


conditions/actions, 402

setting, 401

continuing after breakpoints, 403

Contoso University sample application, 393

debug mode, starting, 396

different processes, 400-401

errors, debugging, 398-399

stepping through code, 403-405

website debugging, enabling, 394-395

self-hosted services, 950

Server Explorer, 206-213


node, 212

services, accessing, 523

components, 208-209

event logs, 209

management events, 210

message queues, 210

performance counters, 211

servers, adding, 208

services, 211

WMI classes, 209-210

data connections, 207-208

databases, creating, 537

drag-and-drop operation with O/R designer LINQ code, 588-590

existing databases, connecting, 538-539

items, dragging and dropping, 211

SQL Server Object Explorer, compared, 536


adding, 540

contents, viewing, 548

toolbar, 206

triggers, creating, 551-552

website management, 492-493

ServerDocument class, 1058


adding to Servers node, 208


AngularJS, creating, 879

Knockout, creating, 862-863

Servers node (Server Explorer), 208-209

event logs, 209

items, dragging and dropping, 211

management events, 210

message queues, 210

performance counters, 211

servers, adding, 208

services, 211

WMI classes, 209-210

ServiceContract attribute (CustomerProfile class), 932


benefits, 892-893

coarse-grained interfaces, 903

defined, 892

DISCO, 896

HTTP, 896

JSON, 895

methods, 895

REST-based HTTP, 893

Server Explorer, 211

SOAP, 896

TFS, 6-7

UDDI, 896

URIs, 896


addresses, 929

application files, 931-932

behaviors, 929

benefits, 894

bindings, 930

clients, 929

consuming, 938-942

contracts, 929

creating, 932-937

debugging, 444, 937-938

defined, 929

endpoints, 894, 929

hosting, 929, 950

REST-based, configuring. See WCF, REST-based

templates, 930-932

Web API, compared, 895

web, 895

Web API. See Web API services

Windows, hosting, 950

WS, 896

WSDL, 896

XML, 895

XSD, 896

services.js file, 1189

setAttribute() method (DOM), 814

SetBookmark() method (EditPoint objects), 636

setDate() method (Date objects), 804

setFullYear() method (Date objects), 804

setHours() method (Date objects), 804

setMilliseconds() method (Date objects), 804

setMinutes() method (Date objects), 804

setMonth() method (Date objects), 804

setSeconds() method (Date objects), 804

SetSelectionContainer() method (windows), 615-616

SetTabPicture() method (windows), 615-616

setTime() method (Date objects), 804


IDE, 44

color themes, customizing, 45

default settings collections, resetting, 46-50

storing/synchronizing, 44

users, switching, 50

unit tests, controlling, 338

Settings button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Settings property page, 189

Shadows keyword, 102

Shared folder, 740

Shared keyword, 99

shared members (classes), 99


applications, creating, 20

templates, 18

UI delivery solutions, 12

sharing code snippets online, 322

Shortcut node (XML), 316

shortcut tasks, 326

Show all files button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

Show Diagnostic Tools command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

show() method (jQuery), 830

Show Next Statement button (Debug toolbar), 403

showAlert() method, 1187

ShowPopup() method (CommandBar object), 629

signal icons

scope/access, 204

version control, 194

SignalR, 834

signing in, 43-44

Signing property page, 189

Silverlight to WinRT, porting, 1124

SimpleTypeName() function, 318

single lines of code, extracting, 380-382

Single Page Application. See SPAs

SiteMapDataSource controls, 583


arrays, 122


columns, 1017

image viewer application, 1020-1023

sliding effects (jQuery), 830

smart tasks, 301

code editor, 302-305

web designer, 301

snap lines, 263-264

Snippet node (XML), 316

snippets, 311

adding with Code Snippet Inserter, 312-313

browsing/sharing online, 322

Code Snippets Manager, 321


Code element, implementing, 319

adding to Visual Studio, 321-322

C# constructor snippet XML format, 316

custom C# snippet code, 319-320

functions, 318

header information, 319

literals/variable replacements, 318

XML schema reference, 316

form names, 314

placeholder values, 314

storing, 316

Surround With snippets feature, 314

Toolbox storage, 322

SnippetType node (XML), 316

SnippetTypes node (XML), 316

SOAP, 896

Solution Explorer

classes, accessing, 198

command bar, 629

history, 198

icons, 192-194

listing of, 192-194

version control signal, 194

Item Preview mode, 199

overview, 191


managing, 196-198

navigation, 67

references, adding, 728

Rename refactor operation, accessing, 369

searches, 199-200

solutions, managing, 195-196

text editors, launching, 226

toolbar buttons, 194

viewing, 66, 192

window contents, customizing, 200-201

Solution property (DTE objects), 605

Solution Property Pages dialog box, 173

Solution2 automation type, 602

Solution3 automation type, 602

Solution4 automation type, 602

SolutionBuild property (solutions), 608


automation type, 602

benefits, 164

blank, creating, 164

build configuration properties, 176-177

creating, 164-167

hierarchy, 166

names, 167

New Project dialog box, 164-165

definition file, 167-170

folders, 172-173

hierarchy, 166, 606

items, 170-171

managing with Solution Explorer, 195-196

methods, 608


adding, 180

deleting, 607

dependencies, setting, 174

properties/methods, 609

properties, 173

code analysis settings, 175

source file locations, 175-176

startup project, 173-174

tasks, 607

user options file, 168

Sort/Group shortcut menu options (Class View window objects pane), 204-205

source file locations, 175-176

SourceControl automation type, 602

SourceControl2 automation type, 602

SPAs (Single Page Applications), 13, 26-27

AngularJS, 873

adding, 877-878

adding entries, 885-886

changes, saving, 887-888

controllers, 876-877, 881

data binding, 881-883

deleting entries, 886-887

directives, 875, 889

filters, 889

form validation, 889

modules, 876-877, 880

models code, 876-877

MVC pattern, 874

pages, turning into forms, 883-885

server model, creating, 879

tow-way data binding, 874-876

Web API services, calling, 879

client frameworks. See clients, frameworks

JavaScript frameworks support, 26-27

Knockout, 857

adding entries, 869-870

ASP.NET templates, adding, 860-861

bindings, 872-873

changes, saving, 870-871

controllers, creating, 863

deleting entries, 870

list views, creating, 864-868

MVVM pattern, 857

server models, creating, 862-863

view models, 858-859

views, 857

minify JavaScript files, 854-856

MVC/Web API support, 26

responsive web layout with Bootstrap, 835

components, 844

drop-downs, 849-850

files, 835-837

grid layout, 837-842

navigation bars, 842-843

text, styling, 845-846

user input forms, 847-848

visual design, customizing, 851-854

template, 716

Split App template

JavaScript, 1074

XAML, 1075

split containers, 968-969

split() method (strings), 802

SplitContainer control, 968-969

SQL Editor

stored procedures, 549-551

debugging, 550-551

writing, 549

user-defined functions, creating, 552

SQL pane (Query/View designer), 545

SQL Server

CLR (Common Language Runtime), C# stored procedures, 560-564

object types supported, 560

starting managed code, 561

T-SQL coded update query, 563

update query, 562-563

Data Tools. See SSDT

Object Explorer, 536

project types, 178

SQL Server databases


adding, 500

details, configuring, 500

managing, 502, 519-521

viewing, 502

code, writing, 543

creating, 537

data binding, 564-565

autogenerating controls, 565-569

complex, 564-565

defined, 564

manually binding controls, 571-575

simple, 564

typed data sets, 570-571

web controls, 579-583

WPF applications, 575-579

existing, connecting, 538-539

managed assemblies, 563

queries, writing, 544-548

joins, 547

Query designer panes, 545

SQL statements, fine-tuning, 545-547

tables, adding, 544

types, supported, 548


stored procedures, 549-551

debugging, 550-551

managed, creating with C#, 560-564

writing with T-SQL, 549


adding, 540

adding to queries, 544

cell edits, customizing, 572-574

columns, adding, 541

contents, viewing, 548

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, 540

renaming, 540

table designer, 539

triggers, creating, 551-552

user-defined functions, creating, 552

views, creating, 548

SQL statements

database queries, writing, 544-548

fine-tuning, 545-547

joins, 547

Query designer panes, 545

tables, adding, 544

types supported, 548


triggers, creating, 551-552

user-defined functions, creating, 552

views, creating, 548

stored procedures, 549-551

debugging, 550-551

writing, 549

SqlCommand class, 561

SqlConnection class, 561

SqlDataSource controls, 583

sqrt() method (Math objects), 804

square brackets ([ ]), 126

JavaScript dot notation, 801

JSON notation, 720

squiggles (code problem indicators), 293

SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools), 535

Query/View designer

configuring, 545

queries, writing, 544-548

Query designer panes, 545

views, creating, 548

Server Explorer

adding tables, 540

databases, creating, 537

existing databases, connecting, 538-539

SQL Server Object Explorer, compared, 536

table contents, viewing, 548

triggers, creating, 551-552

table designer, 539

columns, adding, 541

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, 540

renaming tables, 540

stack window, 399

StackOrder property (StackStyle enum), 1056

StackPanel controls, 1005-1006

StackStyle enumeration, 1056

standard collections, 124

Standard toolbar, 63-64


compliance, 277

UI form design, 955

web services (WS), 896

star sizing, 1021

Start button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Start Debugging button (Debug toolbar), 414

Start Debugging command (Debug menu), 406

Start Page, 51-53

Start View (XML Schema Designer), 254

Start Windows Phone Application Analysis command (Debug menu), 406

Start Without Debugging command (Debug menu), 406

Startboard (Azure)

Alert Rules Startboard item, 507

SQL database, 519

viewing, 494

web apps, creating, 494-496

StartCaching() method, 1058

StartOfDocument() method (EditPoint objects), 636

StartOfLine() method (EditPoint objects), 636

StartPoint property (TextDocument objects), 633

StartPosition property, 958


forms, configuring, 958

options, customizing, 52-53

Startup Class files, 719

Startup Project property page, 173-174

Startup.cs files, 720

state (applications)

change events, 1120-1121

launching, 1097-1098

passing, 1093-1095

resuming, 1097

storing, 1098-1100

suspended versus terminated, 1122

suspending, 1097

transient/persistent data, 1122

Windows Phone apps, 1119-1120


Imports, 91

SQL. See SQL statements

Stop, 246

using, 91, 108

static keyword, 99

static members (classes), 99

status bars (forms)

creating, 976-977

items, customizing, 977-978

StatusBar property (DTE objects), 605

StatusStrip control, 976-978

Step Into button (Debug toolbar), 403, 414

Step Into command (Debug menu), 414, 417

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Step Into Specific command (Debug menu), 418

Step Out command (Debug menu), 408, 419

Step Over button (Debug toolbar), 415

Step Over command (Debug menu), 415, 419

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

stepping through code, 403-405

into, 416-418

breaking into debugger, 416

debugging, starting, 414-415

ending, 420-421

execution, continuing, 420

out, 419

over, 419

running to cursor position, 415-416

into specific, 418-419

Stop button

Azure web apps toolbar, 499

Debug toolbar, 404

Stop Debugging command (Debug menu), 408

Stop statement, 246

StorageFile class, 1088

StorageFolder class, 1088

stored procedures

managed, creating in C#, 560-564

starting managed code, 561

T-SQL coded update query, 563

update query, 562-563

T-SQL, creating, 549-551

debugging, 550-551

writing, 549

StringAssert class, 345

StringLengthAttribute class, 746


database connection, creating, 748-750

interpolation, 91-92

properties/methods, 802

Solution Explorer searches, 200

verifying, 345

strongly typed views, 769-770

structures, 105-106

classes, compared, 105

defining, 105-106

matching, 685

projects, 184

style binding (Knockout), 872

Style Builder dialog box, 258

Style class, 1007

style sheets

CSS. See CSS editor

files, 719


creating, 731

output to CSS Gulp processing task, creating, 731-734

overriding, 851-852

website design management, 275-276

XSLT, 256-257


website design, managing, 275-276

WPF, 992-1008

Sub keyword, 96

SubCategory property (TaskItem objects), 621

subclassing existing controls, 982-983

:submit jQuery filter, 822

subscriptions (Azure), 479-480

substring() method (strings), 802

subtraction (-) operator, 114

subtraction with assignment (-=) operator, 113

Surround With snippets feature (IntelliSense), 314

Suspending event, 1097

SuspendingDeferral objects, 1097

SuspensionManager class, 1099

Swap button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

switch...Case decision structure, 118

switching IDE users, 50

symbol files, 459-460

Sync button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

synchronizing IDE settings, 44

System.Activities namespace, 161

System.AddIn namespace, 159

System.CodeDom namespace, 159

System.Collections namespace, 160

System.ComponentModel namespace, 160

System.ComponentModel.Composition namespace, 685

System.Configuration namespace, 160

System.Data namespace, 160

System.Diagnostics namespace, 160

System.Diagnostics.Contracts namespace, 160

System.Drawing namespace, 160

System.Dynamic namespace, 160

System.EnterpriseServices namespace, 160

System.Globalization namespace, 160

System.IO namespace, 160

System.Linq namespace, 160

System.Media namespace, 160

System.Messaging namespace, 160

System.Net namespace, 161

System.Security namespace, 161

System.ServiceModel namespace, 161

System.Threading namespace, 161

System.Timers namespace, 161

System.Web namespace, 161

System.Windows namespace, 161

System.Workflow.Activities namespace, 161

System.Xml namespace, 161


tab order (form controls), 971

tab-calculate.html template, 1187

table designer, 539

columns, adding, 541

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, setting, 540

renaming tables, 540

<table> HTML tag, 762

TableLayoutPanel control, 967-968


cell edits, customizing, 572-574

databases, 536

adding, 540

adding to queries, 544

code, writing, 543

columns, adding, 541

contents, viewing, 548

database update, 542

foreign keys, 544

indexes, 542

primary keys, 540

renaming, 540

table designer, 539

websites, creating, 274

table-valued functions, 552

tabs (Toolbox), adding, 623

taco.json files, 1160

TagHelpers, 767-768


code editor extension point, 688

navigation, 299-301

document outline window, 300-301

tag navigator, 299-300


environments, 54-56

.NET Framework multiple versions, 727-728

publish, selecting, 470-471

Task List, 325

automation, 328

comment tasks, 326-327

C# example, 326

custom tokens, 327

default tokens, 326

removing from list, 326

shortcut menu, 325

shortcut tasks, 326

window, 325, 621

task panes (Office), 1039

app, creating, 1060-1062

customizing, 1047-1048

Task view (Parallel Stacks window), 452-455

TaskItem objects

automation type, 602

methods, 621

properties, 621

tasks, adding/removing, 621

TaskItems automation type, 602

TaskItems2 automation type, 602

TaskList automation type, 602

TaskList objects, 328

TaskListEvents objects, 328


adding/deleting, 621

automation, 328

client build, managing, 731-734

comment, 326-327

C# example, 326

custom tokens, 327

default tokens, 326

removing from Task List, 326

shortcut, 326

Task List, 325-326

Team Explorer, 8


Apache Cordova project, 38

App for Office, 1059

ASP.NET, 713-716

AngularJS, adding, 877-878

ASP.NET 5 Web Site. See ASP.NET 5 Web Site template

Bootstrap files, 835-837

empty, 714

Knockout, adding, 860-861

MVC, 715

SPA, 716

Web API, 716, 897-899

Web Forms, 714-715

Web Pages, 715

automation type, 602

Azure, 29

Azure SDK QuickStart, 524-526

AppServices, 525

Compute, 525

DataServices, 525-526

Blank Solution, 164

Cordova, 1157-1159

files, 1159-1160

folders, 1158-1159

data, 1025-1026

database project, 554

Ionic, 1177-1179


Editor Classifier, 690-691

Editor Margin, 691-692

Editor Text Adornment, 692-693

Editor Viewport Adornment, 693-695

Office, 18-19

Ordered Test, 357

SharePoint, 18

test projects, 330-331

TFS process, 6

Universal app, 1126-1127

VSIX project, 652

WCF services, 930-932

Web API, 897-899

Windows Forms, 957

Windows Store image viewer app, 1078


JavaScript, 1074

XAML, 1075

WPF, 1008-1009

creating, 1008

visual trees, debugging, 1010-1012

temporary variables, 375

Terminate All command (Debug menu), 408, 420

test attribute classes, 341-342

test classes

test projects, creating, 331

TFS, 7

Test Explorer window, 336-337

Test menu, 57, 333

Test Professional, 3, 8

test projects

creating, 330-333

default project files, 331

policies, defining, 331

templates, 330-331

test classes, 331

test files, adding, 332

Test menu, 333

naming convention, 331

types, 178

TestClass class, 341

TestCleanup class, 341

TestContext class, 339-340

accessing, 340

methods, 339

properties, 339

testing See also debugging

exceptions, 345-346

ordered tests, creating, 357-358

unit tests. See unit tests

web applications, 350

ASP.NET Pages, 355-357

MVC/Web API projects, 350-354

web tests (Azure), 512-514

TestInitalize class, 341

TestMethod attribute, 333

TestMethod class, 341

TestName property (TestContext class), 339

TestProperty class, 341

TestResultsDirectory property (TestContext class), 339

TestRunDirectory property (TestContext class), 339

TestRunResultDirectory property (TestContext class), 339


adornments, 692-693

color, customizing, 295-296

cutting/copying/pasting, 222

documents, 632

adding text, 638-639

edit point properties/methods, 636

edit points, repositioning, 640

editing text, 639

editor view objects, 635-636

For loops, bookmarking, 633-634

methods, 633

properties, 633

text buffer objects, 635

text representations, 635

text window comments, inserting, 640-645

DOM nodes, updating, 814

fonts, customizing, 295-296

moving, 222

searching and replacing

Find in Files, 239

Find Results window, 240-241

Incremental Search, 242-243

Quick Find, 237-238

Quick Replace, 238-239

Replace in Files, 241-242

search folder sets, creating, 240

selecting, 222

virtual spacing, 224

web pages, styling, 845-846

WPF, 989

wrapping, 223

text editors, 68

code editor. See code editor

colors, customizing, 295-296

CSS editor

attributes, defining, 258

overview, 257

rules, adding, 258

customizing, 70-71, 226

defined, 221

fonts, customizing, 295-296

HTML editor

formatting options, 274

markup, editing, 273

IntelliSense, 305-306

brace matching, 322-324

code snippets. See snippets

Complete Word, 306-308

customizing, 324

List Members, 309-310

Organize Usings, 311

Parameter Info, 310

Quick Info, 308

triggering, 306

launching, 226

multiple windows, navigating, 226

printing, 248-249

productivity aids, 291

active hyperlinking, 295

change tracking, 292

code problem indicators, 293

fonts/color options, 295-296

search and replace, 237

Find in Files, 239

Find Results window, 240-241

Incremental Search, 242-243

Quick Find, 237-238

Quick Replace, 238-239

Replace in Files, 241-242

search folder sets, creating, 240

SQL editor

stored procedures, 549-551

user-defined functions, creating, 552


cutting/copying/pasting, 222

line wrapping, 223

moving, 222

selecting, 222

virtual spacing, 224

toolbar, 231

touch support, 81

Visual Basic code editor, 69-70

windows, 618

XML editor

overview, 251-252

Schema Designer, 254-256

Schema Explorer, 254

schema views, 253

XSDs, creating, 252

XSLT style sheets, 256-257

zooming, 228

:text jQuery filter, 822

text() method (jQuery), 825

text node (DOM tree), 809

Text visualizer, 440

text windows, 618

<textarea> HTML tag, 762

TextArea TagHelper, 768

TextBlock objects, 699

textContent property (DOM), 814

TextDocument automation type, 602

TextDocument objects, 632

edit points, repositioning, 640

editor view, 635-636


methods, 636

properties, 636

For loops, bookmarking, 633-634

methods, 633

properties, 633


adding, 638-639

buffer, 635

editing, 639

representations, 635

window comments, inserting, 640-645

textInput binding (Knockout), 873

TextPane automation type, 602

TextPane objects, 619-620

TextPane2 automation type, 602

TextPoint objects, 635, 638

TextPoint parameter (TryToShow() method), 619

TextSelection objects, 636

TextWindow automation type, 602

TextWindow objects, 618

TFS, 6

services, 6-7

Team Explorer, 8

Test Professional, 8

VSO, 6


Bootstrap, 852

color, customizing, 45


breaking on, 450

flagging, 447

individual, inspecting, 448-450

managing, 447-448

naming, 446

viewing, 445-446

window, 447

Threads view (Parallel Stacks window), 451-453

Timeout class, 341

timer components, creating, 278

Title node (XML), 316

toDateString() method (Date objects), 804

toExponential() method (Number objects), 803

toFixed() method (Number objects), 803

Toggle Bookmark button (Bookmarks window), 235

Toggle Breakpoint command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

toggling bookmarks, 235

tokens (comment tasks)

custom, 327

default, 326

toLowerCase() method (strings), 802

tool windows

code-behind, 678-681

ColorSelector extension

code, 675-677

XAML, 678-681

ColorSelector extension, displaying, 673-675

Command, 623-625

custom, adding, 657-658

linking, 626-628

Output, 625-626

Task List, 621

Toolbox, 622-623

types, 620

toolbars, 63

Azure web app, 499

Breakpoints window, 423

Class View window, 202

command bars as, 629

creating, 65

customizing, 64-66

Debug, 412

Break All button, 416

Run to Cursor button, 415-416

Show Next Statement button, 403

Start Debugging button, 414

Step Into button, 403, 414

Step Over button, 415

Stop button, 404

Debug Location, 447

Document Outline window, 218

forms, creating, 975-976

keyboard shortcuts, assigning, 65-66

Object Browser, 215

repositioning, 969-971

Run button, 415

Server Explorer, 206

Solution Explorer, 194

Standard, 63-64

text editors, 231

Toolbox, 72-73, 622-623

automation type, 602

class designer, 282

code snippet storage, 322

customizing, 73, 962

ribbon controls, 1044

tabs, adding, 623

WinForms, 261

ToolBoxItem automation type, 602

ToolBoxItem objects, 622

ToolBoxItem2 automation type, 602

ToolBoxItems object, 622

ToolBoxTab automation type, 602

ToolboxTab2 automation type, 602

ToolboxTab3 automation type, 602

ToolBoxTabs object, 622-623


designers. See designers

dnx . gen, 788-791

Find in Files, 239

Import (databases), 555

Office Developer, 1038

productivity aids, 289-291

active hyperlinking, 295

change tracking, 292

code outlining, 296-298

code problem indicators, 293

IntelliSense. See IntelliSense

smart tasks/light bulbs, 301-305

syntax coloring, 295-296

tag navigation, 299-301

Task List, 325-328


benefits, 362

class designer, 366-367

Encapsulate Field, 387-388

Extract Interface, 382-385

Extract Method, 375-382

Inline temporary variable, 375

Introduce constant, 372-374

Introduce local, 374

invoking, 363-364

Rename operation, 367-371

Remote Debugger Monitor, 443

Replace in Files, 241-242

Run to Cursor, 415-416

SSDT, 535

Test Professional, 3

TFS, 6

services, 6-7

Team Explorer, 8

Test Professional, 8

VSO, 6

Visual Studio Code, 3

Web Publishing

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

launching, 469

publication previews, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

Tools button (Azure web apps toolbar), 499

Tools menu, 57

ToolStrip class, 972

ToolStrip controls, 972-973

built-in capabilities, 972

MenuStrip, 973-975

StatusStrip, 976-978

toolbars, 975-976

traits, 972

ToolStripContainer control, 969-971

ToolStripItem class, 975

ToolTip class, 972

ToolTip node (XML), 316

ToolTips, 972

ToolWindows property (DTE objects), 605

Top property (objects)

CommandBar, 629

window, 615

ToPrecision() method (Number objects), 803

toString() method (Date objects), 804

toTimeString() method (Date objects), 804

touch support, 81

toUpperCase() method (strings), 802

tracepoints, 431-432

action/condition combinations, 432

setting, 431

traffic monitoring (Azure), 505-506

transforms, 1027


DOM tree nodes, 813

jQuery selections, 823-825

TreeNode Editor, 979

TreeView controls, 979

triggers (databases), 551-552

trim() method (strings), 802

TryGetMember() method, 150

TryToShow() method (objects)

EditPoint, 636

TextPane, 619

tunneling events, 1015

Tuple class, 125

tuples, 125-126

two-way data binding (AngularJS), 874-876

type attribute (<input> tag), 760-762

Type Name Display Style button (Windows Forms Document Outline toolbar), 218

Type property (CommandBar objects), 629

typed data sets, customizing, 570-571

TypeScript, 9, 834-835


UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), 896

UIs (user interfaces)

C# code editor elements, 229


components, 1156

creating, 1161-1163

delivery solutions, 12-14

mobile, 13-14

web, 13

Windows, 12

extension commands, defining, 667

form design

appearance properties, 959

end user considerations, 954-955

events, 959-961

inheritance, 958

planning, 956

resizing, 957

StartPosition property, 958

startup forms, setting, 958

Windows Forms template, 957


animations/effects, 830

UI library, 833

standards, 955

Universal app, 1141-1144

UX (user experience) frameworks, 1174

views, 760-762

web forms. See forms

Windows client solutions

Office, 18-19

SharePoint, 18, 20

WinForms applications, 14-15

WPF, 16-18

Windows modern. See Windows, modern UI, 1066

Windows Phone

device orientation, 1116

start screen, 1114

structure, 1115

Universal app, 1130-1141

Windows Store applications

app bars, 1070

attributes, 1068

bottom app bars, 1067

context menus, 1070

control set, 1070

fly-outs, 1070

image viewer app main page, 1081-1084

Media Player example, 1069

message dialogs, 1070

start screen tiles, 1066

underscores (_), page names, 768

Undo() method (documents), 631

undocking windows, 76

uniform resource identifiers (URIs), 896

Unindent() method (EditPoint objects), 636

unit tests, 330

ASP.NET MVC applications, 739

data-driven, creating, 346-349

debugging phase, 393


assertions, 344-345

attribute classes, 341-342

exceptions, testing, 345-346

namespace, 339

setting up/cleaning up, 343-344

TestContext class, 339-340

ordered, creating, 357-358

running, 336-338

debugger, activating, 336

failures, 337-338

results, viewing, 336-337

settings, controlling, 338

test projects, creating, 330-333

default project files, 331

naming convention, 331

policies, defining, 331

templates, 330-331

test classes, creating, 331

test files, adding, 332

Test menu, 333

web applications, 350

ASP.NET Pages, 355-357

MVC/Web API projects, 350-354

writing, 333-336

Universal app, 1125

design sketch, 1125


Windows Phone, 1136

Windows Store, 1144-1150


Windows Phone, 1137-1141

Windows Store, 1150-1152

MVVM architecture, 1128-1130

Phone emulator, running, 1135

requirements, 1125

templates, 1126-1127

Windows Phone UI, 1130-1141

details page, creating, 1132-1135

master page, creating, 1130-1132

page navigation, 1135

Windows Store UI, 1141-1144

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), 896

unlinking windows, 627-628

update queries, 548

UpdateQuery property, 582


DOM node text, 814

EF, 597-598

WCF services to accept REST requests, 943-947

Upload App Packages command (Windows Store menu), 1102

URIs (uniform resource identifiers), 896

UriTemplate property (WCF service methods), 943

UrlAttribute class, 746

URLs, controlling, 807

UrlToTest attribute (ASP.NET unit tests), 356

UserControl class, 278, 982


actions, confirming, 806

controls, 983-985

color picker extension example, 671-673

ColorSelector extension, 678-681

creating, 668-670

designing, 984

embedding, 985

WinForms, 278


content, creating, 698-700

displaying as viewport adornments, 704-706

positioning, 702

defined functions, 552

experience (UX) frameworks, 1174

form design considerations, 954-955

IDE, switching, 50

input, validating, 770-771

input forms, 847-848

requests, processing, 737-738

using statement, 91, 108

UX (user experience) frameworks, 1174


val() method (jQuery), 826


browsers, 276-277

forms, 889

rules, 745-747

user input, 770-771

ValidationMessage TagHelper, 768

ValidationScriptsPartial.cshtml file, 770

ValidationSummary TagHelper, 768

var keyword, 133


anonymous types, creating, 137

declaring, 111

refactoring, 372

constants, 372-374

local variables, 374

temporary variables into inline code conversions, 375

watching (debugger), 433-435

VB (Visual Basic)

anonymous types, 137-138

asynchronous programming, 157-159

attributes, 126

auto-implemented properties, 147-148

breakpoints, triggering, 246


behaviors, overriding, 101-102

constructors, 98-99

defining, 93

fields/properties, 94-96

hiding members, 102

inheritance, 100-101

member accessibility, 97-98

overloading methods, 103

shared members, 99

code editor, 69-70

code snippets, adding, 312

collection initializers, 136-137

constants, defining, 113


custom generic classes, 156

defined, 155

delegates, 156

generic collections, 156

data types

common, listing of, 110

conversions, 111-113

decision structures, 116

If...Then...Else, 116-117

Select...Case, 118

dynamic data type, 149

dynamic objects

calling, 153-154

creating, 150-153

executing, throwing objects, 154

enumerations, 99-100


defining, 128-130

listening for, 131

raising, 130


filtering, 128

handling, 127-128

extension methods, 138-139

friend assemblies, 145-146


arrays, 122-123

collections, 123-125

tuples, 125-126

implicit line continuation, 148

interfaces, defining, 104

lambda expressions, 143-145

LINQ, 142-143

local type inference, 132-134

logical/conditional operators, 116


Do...While/Until, 121

For...Each, 120

For...Next, 120


defining, 96

returns values, defining, 96-97

namespaces, 106-109

new features, 85-86

Imports statement, 91

NameOf expression, 90-91

null-conditional operators, 86-88

read-only auto properties, 88-90

string interpolation, 91-92

object initializers, 134-136

operators, 113

arithmetic, 114

assignment, 113-114

comparison, 115

concatenation, 115

Organize Usings (IntelliSense), 311

partial methods, 140-141

structures, 105-106

unused arguments, deleting, 147

variables, declaring, 111

.vbproj file extension, 181

WinRT, 1075

XML, embedding, 146-147

.vb file extension, 719

VB.NET (Visual Basic.NET), 9

.vbproj file extension, 181


collections of objects, 345

strings, 345

version control

signal icons, 194

TFS, 7

vertical scrollbar (code editor), 231-233

VerticalAlignment property, 1018

View Class Diagram button (Class View window toolbar), 202

View code button (Solution Explorer toolbar), 194

View menu, 57


class members in class designer, 282

code editor margins, 691-692

commands, 646

data in debugger, 433

DataTips, 436-438

Diagnostic Tools window, 439-440

PerfTips, 438-439

QuickWatch window, 436

variables, watching, 433-435

visualizers, 440-441

Watch windows, 435

databases in Azure portal, 502

ViewModels folder, 788

viewport adornment

code editor, 693-695

WPF controls, displaying as, 703-706

ViewportAdornment1 class, 694

ViewResult class, 754



customer example. See customer example pages

Razor syntax, 763-765


About.cshtml, 742-743

areas, 769

components, 784-788

controllers, 757

generating with dnx . gen tool, 788-791

HTML helpers, 765-766

HTML tags, 760-762

models, 788

page layout, 768-769

partial, 780-784

strongly typed, 769-770

TagHelpers, 767-768

user input validation, 770-771

controllers, calling, 917-919

databases, creating, 548

debugger, 433

DataTips, 436-438

Diagnostic Tools window, 439-440

PerfTips, 438-439

QuickWatch window, 436

variables, watching, 433-435

visualizers, 440-441

Watch windows, 435

dump file summary information, 458

edit pages, creating, 921-924

data, getting, 922-924

form postback, receiving, 922-923

form data, 979

hierarchical relationships, 979-980

image lists, 980-981

sources, 982

tabular format, 981

Knockout, 857

list, creating, 864-868

models, 858-859

package dependencies, 725

publication previews, 473-474

Solution Explorer, customizing, 200-201

table contents, 548

threads, 445-446

tool windows, 673-675

unit test results, 336-337

Web API services, calling, 916-917

Views folder, 718, 740-741

virtual breakpoints, creating, 248

virtual spacing, 224

VirtualPoint objects, 635

visible Knockout binding, 872

Visible property (objects)

CommandBar, 629

windows, 615

Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET), 9

Visual class, 990

visual cues (Solution Explorer)

item types, 192-194

version control signal icons, 194

visual designers, 72

Visual Studio

Code, 3


Community, 2-3

comparison website, 3

Enterprise, 2, 4-5

listing of, 2-3

MSDN subscriptions, 5

Professional, 2, 4

Test Professional, 8

Extensibility center website, 688

installing, 41-42

optional features, 43

rerunning, 42

Online (VSO), 6

signing in, 43-44

Test Professional, 3

Visual Tree window, 1010

visual trees (WPF)

debugging, 1010-1012

defined, 1008


debugger data, viewing, 440-441

launching, 441

listing of, 440

vsCMElement enumeration values, 612

VSCT files, 664-667

VSIX projects

ColorSelector example. See ColorSelector extension

custom commands, adding, 654-655

custom tool windows, adding, 657-658


Editor Classifier, 690-691

Editor Margin, 691-692

Editor Text Adornment, 692-693

Editor Viewport Adornment, 693-695

template, 652

VSO (Visual Studio Online), 6

VSTO team blog, 1038


WAS (Windows Process Activation Service), 950

Watch windows, 399, 435

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

addresses, 929

application files, 931-932

behaviors, 929

benefits, 894

bindings, 930

clients, 929

consuming, 938-942

contracts, 929

creating, 932-937

classes, adding, 933

defining interfaces, 933-934

implementing interfaces, 934-937

debugging, 444, 937-938

defined, 929

endpoints, 894, 929

hosting, 929, 950

REST-based, 943

client code for calling, writing, 947-949

REST requests, accepting, 943-947

System.ServiceModel namespace, 161

templates, 930-932

Test Client, 937

Web API services, compared, 895


controls, 579-583

designer, 272

smart tasks/light bulbs, 301

tag navigator, 299

project types, 178

requests, processing and responding, 709-710

services. See services

tests (Azure), 512-514

UI delivery solutions, 13

Web API services

adding to ASP.NET web applications, 897

AngularJS, calling, 879

benefits, 893

consuming, 912

client application, creating, 913-915

deleting content, 927-928

edit page, creating, 921-924

posting new records, 924-925

services, calling from native devices, 916-920

view/controller files, creating, 915-916

Controller Class files, 719


class, creating, 901

creating, 900-903

delete requests, 910-911

get requests, 904-908

HTTP verb-based attributes, 902-903

post requests, 908-909

update requests, 909-910

debugging, 905-907

Chrome/Firefox Get service request, 906

IE Get service request results, 905

project properties, 905

requests/responses, 907

service, invoking, 905

HTTP GET/POST requests foundation, 897

models, creating, 899-900

routing, 911-912

services, creating, 27-28

SPA support, 26

templates, 716, 897-899

UI delivery solutions, 13

unit tests, 350-354

controller test method, writing, 353-354

core client objects, referencing, 353

model/controller, adding, 351-352

WCF services, compared, 895

web applications

AngularJS. See AngularJS



blades, 496-498

cloud services, compared, 529

creating, 494-496

creating in Visual Studio, 481-485

databases, 500-503

debugging, 494

hosting platform, 481

management. See Azure, website management

managing with Server Explorer, 492-493

toolbar, 499

data-bound controls, 579-583

data-source controls, 583

GridView, 580-583

selecting, 579-580

debugging, enabling, 394-395

existing, porting, 712

Knockout. See Knockout

publishing, 469

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

previewing, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

publishing to Azure, 484-489

connection information, 486

deployment settings, 486

existing applications, 489-491

previews, 487

publish profiles, selecting, 485

Razor syntax, 25

unit tests, 350

ASP.NET Pages, 355-357

MVC/Web API projects, 350-354

web requests, processing and responding, 709-710

website projects, compared, 181, 713

web forms. See also forms

browser output/validation, 276-277


adding, 272

arranging, 272-273

design/development synchronization, 22-23

designing, 272

Document Outline window view, 216


editing, 273

formatting, 274

master pages, 23-24

server-side controls, 22

standards compliance, 277

styles/CSS management, 275-276

tables, 274

template, 714-715

web designer, 272

websites, creating, 21-24

Web Pages template, 715

Web Publish tool

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

launching, 469

publication previews, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 896

Web.config file, 394

WebGet attribute (WCF service methods), 943

WebInvoke attribute (WCF service methods), 943

website development, 272

AngularJS, 873


client framework dependencies, managing, 728-731

Compiler directory, 718

default structure, 716

Dependencies directory, 718

JSON configuration files, 720-721

Migrations directory, 718

MVC folders, 718

.NET Framework configuration, 721

.NET Framework multiple versions, targeting, 727-728

package dependencies, 723-727

project files, 719

project references, 728

project.json file configuration sections, 722-723

Properties directory, 718

References directory, 718

wwroot directory, 717-718

Azure management, 503-504

alerts, 507-509

Application Insights, 510-512

diagnostic logs, 516-519

scalability, 514-516

traffic monitoring, 505-506

web tests, 512-514

Bootstrap, 832

components, 851

customizer, 853

navigation bars, 844

themes, 852


adding, 272

layout, 272-273


editing, 273

formatting, 274



creating, 180-181

debugging, enabling, 394-395

web application projects, compared, 181

publishing, 469

connections, configuring, 471

deployment settings, configuring, 472-473

previewing, 473-474

targets, selecting, 470-471

responsive layout with Bootstrap, 835

components, 844

drop-downs, 849-850

files, 835-837

grid layout, 837-842

navigation bars, 842-843

text, styling, 845-846

user input forms, 847-848

visual design, customizing, 851-854

styles/CSS management, 275-276

tables, 274

web application projects, compared, 713

Web Forms, creating, 21-24

design/development synchronization, 22-23

master pages, 23-24

server-side controls, 22

Website menu, 57


AdventureWorks sample database, 546

AngularJS, 832


Cordova, 37

Software Foundation, 1154

ASP.NET source code, 711

async processing with async/await keywords, 1087

authentication, 739


benefit levels, 29

download, 29, 522

hosting options, 530

pricing, 477

Backbone.js, 833, 1175

Breeze, 833

browser output/validation, 276-277

Chart.js, 834

CoffeeScript, 834

Community edition, 3

Cordova apps, 1156

edition comparison, 3

Ember.js, 834

extensions, posting, 696

Hammer.js, 833

HTML, learning, 760

InstallShield Limited Edition content, 463

IntelliTest, 330

jQuery UI, 833

jQuery.validate, 833

Knockout, 832

Less framework, 834

managing with Azure Server Explorer, 492-493

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Unleashed, 703

Modernizer, 833

MSDN benefits, 5

.NET Foundation, 711

Node.js, 834

Omnisharp, 711

Phonegap, 1156

Respond.js download, 833

Sammy.js, 833

Sass, 834

SignalR, 834

SPAs, 26-27

JavaScript frameworks support, 26-27

MVC/Web API support, 26

standards compliance, 277

TypeScript, 834-835

Visual Studio Code, 3

Visual Studio Extensibility center, 688

VSO relative to TFS, 6

VSTO team blog, 1038

WinJS, 1175

WPF visual trees, 1008

whitespace (DOM), 813

width property

CommandBar objects, 629

list boxes, 1018

screen objects, 807

top Menu control, 1019

windows, 615

Window menu, 57

Window2 automation type, 602

WindowConfiguration property (DTE objects), 605

WindowFrame property (windows), 627


automation type, 602

Autos, 434-435

Azure Activity Log, 534

Bookmarks, 234

Breakpoints, 405, 423

conditions, setting, 426

managing breakpoints, 424

sorting/searching breakpoints, 426

toolbar, 423


alerts, 805

browser details, viewing, 808

navigating, 807

opening/closing, 806

positioning, 806

screen optimization, 807

URLs, controlling, 807

user actions, confirming, 806

Call Hierarchy, 236-237

Class Details, 287

Class View, 201

members pane, 205

objects pane, 203-205

search bar, 203

toolbar, 202

Class View and Properties, 368

code definition, 250

code editor components, 228

code pane, 229

indicator margin, 230

selection margin, 230-231

vertical scrollbar, 231-233

Data Sources, 566, 575


pinning DataTips, 437

viewing data in debugger, 436-437

Diagnostic Tools, 439-440

docking, 75-76

Document Outline, 216

tag navigation, 300-301

web forms, 216

Windows Forms toolbar buttons, 218

WPF form, 216

events, 819

Exception Assistant, 399

Extension and Updates, 696

Find results, 240-241

layouts, customizing, 77-79

linked, 626-628

Live Property Explorer, 1011-1012


errors, debugging, 399

variables, watching, 433-434

Manage Styles, 276

Mapping Details, 595-596

methods, 615

Model Browser, 594-595

multiple text editor, navigating, 226

navigating, 80

Object Browser. See Object Browser

panes, 619-620

incremental searches, 619-620

specific text area, displaying, 619

Parallel Stacks, 451

Task View, 452-455

Threads view, 451-453

Parallel Tasks, 454-456

pinning, 74-75

positioning, 806

properties, 73-74, 615

queries, 617-618

Query Builder, 582

QuickWatch, 436

referencing, 614

Server Explorer, 206-213

Azure node, 212

data connections, 207-208

Servers node. See Servers node

toolbar, 206

Solution Explorer. See Solution Explorer

stack, 399

Task List, 325

Test Explorer, 336-337

text, 618

Threads, 447


code-behind, 678-681

ColorSelector code, 675-677

ColorSelector extension, displaying, 673-675

ColorSelector extension XAML, 678-681

Command, 623-625

custom, adding, 657-658

linking, 626-628

Output, 625-626

Task List, 621

Toolbox, 622-623

types, 620

undocking, 76

Visual Tree, 1010

Watch, 399, 435

WinForms Designer

code, writing, 264-267

control layout, 262

layout grid, 262-263

snap lines, 263-264

Toolbox, 261

visual elements, 260

WPF Designer, 17

appearance, customizing, 270

properties, 996

viewing, 268-269

XML Schema

Designer, 254-255

Explorer, 254

Windows (OS)

client applications, developing, 258

Communication Foundation. See WCF

Desktop project types, 178

Forms controls

autogenerating, 565-569

manually binding, 571-575

Installer, 469

modern UI

app bars, 1070

attributes, 1068

bottom app bars, 1067

charms, 1066

context menus, 1070

control set, 1070

fly-outs, 1070

Media Player example, 1069

message dialogs, 1070

start screen tiles, 1066

Office solutions

add-ins, 19

benefits, 18

document projects, 19

template projects, 19

templates, 18

Presentation Foundation. See WPF

Process Activation Service (WAS), 950

Runtime library. See WinRT

SharePoint, 18

site authentication, 739

Store applications. See Windows Store applications, 14

UI delivery solutions, 12

Windows, Autos command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Breakpoints command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Windows, Call Stack command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Exception Settings command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, GPU Threads command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Immediate command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Windows, Locals command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Memory command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Modules command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Output command (Debug menu)

active debug session, 408

at rest, 406

Windows, Parallel Stacks command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Parallel Tasks command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Parallel Watch command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Processes command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Registers command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Threads command (Debug menu), 408

Windows, Watch command (Debug menu), 408

Windows Disassembly command (Debug menu), 408

Windows Phone apps


anatomy, 1117

lifecycles, 1119-1120

architecture, 1116-1117

Ionic-Angular-Cordova app, running, 1196-1197

MVVM, 1122-1123

page navigation, 1118-1119

runtimes available, 1117

Silverlight to WinRT transition, 1123-1124

state change events, 1120-1121

suspending versus terminating, 1122

transient/persistent data, 1122


device orientation, 1116

start screen, 1114

structure, 1115

Universal app

creating, 1125

design sketch, 1125

MainPage.xaml code, 1136

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1137-1141

MVVM architecture, 1128-1130

Phone emulator, running, 1135

requirements, 1125

templates, 1126-1127

UI, 1130-1141

Windows Store UI, 1141-1144

Windows Store app similarities, 1114

Windows property (documents), 631

Windows Store applications, 14

application lifecycles, 1076-1077

capabilities, 1076

debugging, 460-461

image viewer app

app bar, creating, 1095-1096

C# ImagePage.xaml.cs code, 1108-1110

capabilities, requesting, 1090

collection class, creating, 1088-1089

data binding, 1089

data model, creating, 1085-1087

developer licenses, 1079

image detail page, 1081

Image Editor page implementation, 1091-1093

ImagePage.xaml, 1105-1108

lifecycle events, 1096-1100

main page UI, 1081-1084

MainPage.xaml code, 1103

MainPage.xaml.cs code, 1104-1105

navigation state passing, 1093-1095

publishing, 1100-1102

requirements, 1078

starting page, 1081

template, selecting, 1078

Ionic-Angular-Cordova app, running, 1196-1197

modern UI

app bars, 1070

attributes, 1068

bottom app bars, 1067

charms, 1066

context menus, 1070

control set, 1070

fly-outs, 1070

Media Player example, 1069

message dialogs, 1070

start screen tiles, 1066

publishing, 1100-1102

requirements, 1066

Universal app, 1125

design sketch, 1125

MainPage.xaml code, 1144-1150

MainPage.xaml.cs code, 1150-1152

MVVM architecture, 1128-1130

requirements, 1125

templates, 1126-1127

Windows Phone UI, 1130-1141

Windows Store UI, 1141-1144

Windows Phone app similarities, 1114


architecture, 1071

C#/VB/XAML, 1075

defined, 1071

HTML/JavaScript/CSS, 1073-1074

.NET Framework, compared, 1072

Windows2 automation type, 602

WindowState property (windows), 615

WinForms (Windows Forms)

applications, creating, 14-15

code, writing, 264-267


code, generating, 279-280

component designer, 278

creating, 278-279

defined, 278

containers, 967

FlowLayoutPanel, 968

SplitContainer, 968-969

TableLayoutPanel, 967-968

ToolStripContainer, 969-971


adding, 260

alignment, 963

anchoring, 964-965

appearance, 971

auto scaling, 966-967

creating, 278-279

custom, creating, 985

custom versus user, 278

defined, 278

docking, 965-966

hosting with Office, 1053-1054

layout, 262

resize effects, 963-964

subclassing existing, 982-983

tab order behavior, 971

ToolTips, 972

user, designing, 983-985

z-order, 976

data, displaying, 979

cell types, 982

data sources, 982

hierarchical relationships, 979-980

image lists, 980-981

tabular format, 981


aligning controls, 963

anchoring controls, 964-965

auto scaling controls, 966-967

code, writing, 264-267

component tray, 962

control layout, 262

docking controls, 965-966

end user considerations, 954-955

layout grid, 262-263

planning, 956

resizing, 957

snap lines, 263-264

tab order, 971

Toolbox, 261

ToolTips, 972

UI standards, 955

visual elements, 260, 971

Document Outline toolbar buttons, 218

events, 959-961

form appearance, customizing, 260

inheritance, 958

layout grid, 262-263

projects, creating, 258-259


appearance, 959

starting position, 958

snap lines, 263-264

startup forms, setting, 958

template, 957

Toolbox, 261

ToolStrip controls, 972-973

built-in capabilities, 972

menus, 973-975

StatusStrip, 976-978

toolbars, 975-976

traits, 972

UI delivery solutions, 12

WPF interoperability, 989

WinJS, 1175

WinRT (Windows Runtime library), 1071

application lifecycles, 1076-1077

architecture, 1071

capabilities, 1076

defined, 1071

file/folder access classes, 1088

languages, 1073

C#/VB/XAML, 1075

HTML/JavaScript/CSS, 1073-1074

.NET Framework, compared, 1072

Silverlight apps, porting, 1124


JavaScript, 1074

XAML, 1075


Data Source Configuration, 565

EDM, 592

Entity Data Model, 32-35

Form Region, 1049-1050

Import and Export, 46-50

Package, 664-667

Publish (ClickOnce), 466-468

Publish Web, 485

connection information, 486

deployment settings, 486

existing applications, publishing to Azure, 489-491

previews, 487

publish profiles, 485



ribbon customizations, 1043-1047

task pane, 1047-1048


actions pane, creating, 1055-1057

data cache, 1057-1059

extension points, 1038

hosting controls, 1053-1054

WordLeft() method (EditPoint objects), 636

WordRight() method (EditPoint objects), 636

Workbook objects, 1053

Worksheet objects, 1053

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation)

animation, 989

appearance, customizing, 270

applications, creating, 17-18

assemblies, 988

components, 989

controls, 270, 989

data binding, 575-579, 989, 1012-1014

data sources, 576

drop-down list, 577

images, storing, 1023-1025

master-detail data source, adding, 578

XAML, 576-577

Designer, 268-269, 993-994

appearance, customizing, 270

grid controls, 1002

Properties window, 996

viewing, 268-269

XAML/design panes, configuring, 994-996

zooming, 997-998

displaying user controls as viewport adornment, 704-706

Document Outline window view, 216

document support, 989

healthcare application prototype, 989

image viewer application, creating

blurring images, 1028

button event handlers, 1027

C# code, 1031-1034

data presentation, 1025-1026

flipping images, 529

grayscale effect, 1027

image files path selection, 1028

image rotations, 1027

images, storing, 1023-1025

layout, 1017-1023

requirements, 1016

UI sketch, 1015

XAML code, 1029-1031

layout panels, 998

Canvas, 999-1000

DockPanel, 1000-1001

Grid, 1001-1005

StackPanel, 1005-1006

WrapPanel, 1006

logical architecture, 988

media, 989

positioning user controls, 702

programming model, 990-993

Application class, 991

base element classes, 990

collaboration, 992-993

Control class, 990

DispatcherObject class, 990

syntax parsing, 992

Visual class, 990

XAML, 991-992

projects, creating, 268

routed events, 1014-1015

styles, 992-1008

System.Windows namespace, 161

technology, 258

templates, 1008-1009

creating, 1008-1009

visual trees, debugging, 1010-1012

text, 989

Tree visualizer, 440

UI delivery solutions, 12

user controls

content, creating, 698-700

displaying as viewport adornment, 704-706

positioning, 702

visual trees

debugging, 1010-1012

defined, 1008

windows, designing, 17

WinForms interoperability, 989

XAML-based UI, 16

WrapPanel control, 1006


columns, 838

text, 223

WriteLine() method (TestContext class), 339


assertions, 344-345


Hello World function, 226-228

WinForms, 264-267

unit tests, 333-336

WS (web services standards), 896

WSDL (Web Service Description Language), 896

wwroot directory, 717-718

www/css folder, 1158

www/images folder, 1158

www/scripts, 1159



browser application (XBAP), 17


extension, 678-681

user control, 678-681

image viewer Windows Store app

ImagePage.xaml, 1105-1108

MainPage.xaml, 1103

MainPage.xaml.cs, 1104-1105

image viewer WPF application, 1029-1031

mouse movements, handling, 670-671

WinRT, 1075

WPF, 991-992

application data binding, 576-577

Canvas control, 999

columns, creating, 1002

dialog box implementation, 1003

DockPanel control, 1001

StackPanel, 1005

Style class definition, 1007

XBAP (XAML browser application), 17

XHTML compliance, 277



overview, 251-252

Schema Designer, 254-256

Schema Explorer, 254

schema views, 253

XSDs, creating, 252

XSLT style sheets, 256-257

embedding, 146-147

schemas, 316

designer, 254-256

documents (XSDs), 252, 896

Explorer, 254

snippet format, 316

visualizer, 440

web services, 895

XmlDataSource controls, 583

Xor operator, 116

XSD (XML Schema Document), 252, 896

XSLT style sheets, 256-257



text editors, 228

WPF Designer, 997-998

z-order, 976

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