Coding with the Code Editor

Writing code and creating other syntax-based files is really all about typing text. The text editor window is the Visual Studio tool directly on point for creating source code text files. It is the keystone of development inside the IDE. It supports text entry and basic text operations such as selecting text regions, dragging and dropping text fragments, and setting tab stops. With basic text features alone, the editor would be sufficient to code with. However, it is the advanced features layered on top for debugging, code formatting, code guidance, and customization that really make this tool shine.

As we mentioned previously, the text editor actually has a few different personalities within the IDE. The code editor is designed to support creating and editing of source code files, the XML editor is targeted at XML files, and the CSS editor is targeted at CSS files. Although there are subtle differences in the way that code or markup is displayed in these windows, they all share the user interface and the same set of editing functionality.


Each editor type is fully customizable. Just fire up the Options dialog box (by choosing Tools, Options) and locate the Text Editor node. Under this node are separate pages that allow customization of each editor type.

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