QuickStart Templates

The Azure SDK ships with a number of QuickStart templates designed to speed your development of applications that take advantage of the many Azure services. You access these templates from the New Project dialog (File, New, Project) under the Cloud node. Figure 12.64 shows an example of these many project templates.


FIGURE 12.64 Use the Azure QuickStart templates to speed development of applications that use Azure services.

The QuickStart templates for Azure provide sample code and configuration for various Azure services. The following outlines the templates available at the time of writing:

Image AppServices

Image Azure Active Directory: Graph API—Shows how to use the AAD Graph API for working with users, groups, and membership roles

Image Azure Active Directory: Web Authentication with OpenID Connect—Shows how to build an application with ASP.NET MVC and use OpenID for Azure AD sign-in

Image Azure Media Services: Transcoding—Shows how to use Azure media services to transcode media in various formats for streaming

Image Azure Service Bus: Messaging with Queues—Demonstrates using Azure queues for building reliable messaging applications

Image Azure Service Bus: Messaging with Topics—Illustrates using Azure Service Bus Topics for distributed messaging applications based on the PubSub pattern

Image Compute

Image Azure WebJobs SDK: Blobs—Example of creating WebJobs to work with Blob storage

Image Azure WebJobs SDK: Queues—Project template for using WebJobs to work with queues

Image Azure WebJobs SDK: Service Bus—Shows how to leverage Azure Service Bus with WebJobs

Image Azure WebJobs SDK: Tables—Example of WebJobs working with Azure table storage

Image Deploy and Manage Cloud Services—Template for creating code to provision (and deprovision) Storage Accounts and Cloud Services

Image Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines—Template for creating code to provision (and deprovision) Azure VMs

Image Deploy and Manage Web Sites—Example of Azure web app deployments using WAML

Image DataServices

Image Azure DocumentDB—Allows you to write code that stores JSON messages/documents

Image Azure Redis Cache—Shows how you can create an application to move items into and out of the Azure cache service

Image Azure Storage: Blobs—Builds an application that uses blog storage for files

Image Azure Storage: Files—Builds an application that uses Azure file storage

Image Azure Storage: Queues—Allows you to work with Azure storage queues (insert, peek, get, delete messages)

Image Azure Storage: Tables—Helps you work with structured data and Azure table storage

Image Deploy and Manage SQL Database—Illustrates how to deploy and manage an Azure SQL Database using the management libraries in Azure

Image Deploy and Manage Azure Storage—Uses the Azure management libraries for working with the various Azure storage accounts

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