Providing Feedback on Visual Studio

Visual Studio has a direct feedback option. You can use it to let the team know what you like and what is not working. This helps Microsoft understand what is working and what it needs to work on. You can report slow performance, an IDE crash, or an IDE hang. You can also tell Microsoft what you do like.

You can start a feedback session from the Help, Feedback menu option. However, Microsoft wanted to improve discoverability of this tool, so it added it directly to the top of the IDE. You access it from the smiley face on the top of the IDE. Figure 2.40 shows this menu in action. Notice that you can send a smile (good feedback) or a frown (bad feedback).


FIGURE 2.40 Use the smiley face to send good and bad feedback on the IDE directly to Microsoft.

Clicking the More Options menu item shown in Figure 2.40 takes you to the Visual Studio connect site. Here you can log a bug, submit an ideal, or ask a question.

Starting a feedback session launches the send feedback dialog, as shown in Figure 2.41. The tool automatically captures a screenshot on your behalf. You can then write Microsoft a note describing your feedback. Your email is included (optional) if Microsoft contacts you about the feedback.


FIGURE 2.41 The Visual Studio Feedback dialog.

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