Language Features

Thus far, you’ve looked at the basics of programming with the .NET languages, including building objects and solving common coding issues with respect to looping, handling logic, and creating and consuming events. This section points out some additional elements that make the .NET languages special. Many of these items are not necessarily things you might use every day; however, they can provide you with additional skills when writing code and better understanding when reading it. The .NET language features covered here include the following:

Image Local type inference (also called implicit typing)

Image Object initializers

Image Collection initializers

Image Extension methods

Image Anonymous types

Image Lambda expressions

Image Partial methods

Image Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Image Friend assemblies

Image XML language support

Image Unused event arguments

Image Automatically implemented properties

Image Implicit line continuation in VB

Image Work with dynamic language/objects

Image Covariance and contravariance

Image Intrinsic support for async operations

Image Type equivalence support

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