Website Management with Azure Server Explorer

Visual Studio allows you to manage your Azure services from Server Explorer. You manage a website by right-clicking the website in Server Explorer, as shown in Figure 12.21. Notice from here you can view the website settings, stop the website, and attach the debugger (among other things).


FIGURE 12.21 The Visual Studio Server Explorer allows you to manage your Azure web apps (among other things).


That Azure SDK for Visual Studio expands on what is available inside Server Explorer, including adding access to your VMs and other Azure services. See the section “The Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2015” for details.

Clicking the View Settings option on your Azure web app in Server Explorer brings up the configuration and logs information for your website. Figure 12.22 shows the configuration information. Notice here you can stop and start (and restart) your website. You can also change settings such as logging and remote debugging. Clicking the link Full Website Settings will launch the Azure management portal to the Configure tab. This is used for controlling the many additional settings you might need to access your website.


FIGURE 12.22 You manage your Azure web app settings from within Visual Studio.

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