Scheduling an Appointment

You can schedule an appointment on your calendar using a form to fill out appointment details, such as setting a reminder alarm or specifying start and end times for the appointment.


Image Click New Appointment on the Home tab.

Image An untitled appointment form opens; type a subject title for the appointment.

Image Optionally, you can specify a location if needed.

Image Set a start and end time using the drop-down menus and choosing specific times.

Image Optionally, type any notes you want to include about the appointment.

Image Click Save & Close to save the appointment and add it to the calendar.


Image Tip

Shortcut You can also double-click a date on the calendar to open the appointment form. When you do, be sure to unselect the All Day Event check box to create a regular appointment.

Image Tip

Appointment Options Click the Options drop-down arrow on the Appointment tab in the form to choose from display options for shared calendars, set a recurring appointment, or assign a reminder alarm.

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