Accessing Graph Mode

Graph mode is accessed in the Timeline palette by clicking the Motion Graph tab at the top of the Timeline palette, as shown in Figure 18.1. Each channel that has keys is displayed to the left of the graph. Each channel is highlighted with a color that matches the color of its graph line.

Figure 18.1. Graph mode options.


Motion graphs are only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Changing the Graph Scale

While in graph mode, the vertical axis displays the various channel values. You can change the range of values using the Scale field at the top of the Timeline palette. This scale value defines the total range of values displayed on the vertical axis. For example, if the scale value is set to 2, then the top of the vertical axis will show 1.0 and the bottom of the vertical axis will show -1.0 for a total range of 2.

You set the center point of the vertical axis using the Center field, also located at the top of the Timeline palette. A center value of 0 will spread the range from 1.0 to -1.0. If the scale is set to 4 and the center value is set to 1, then the upper value on the vertical axis will be 3.0 and the lower value will be -1 with the graph centered on 1, as shown in Figure 18.2.

Figure 18.2. Altered value range.

The scale can also be changed using the Page Up and Page Down keys. These keys will increase or decrease the vertical value range, which in turn will scale any displayed graphs. Holding down the Shift key while pressing the Page Up and Page Down keys will alter the center value, thereby causing the entire graph to be shifted up or down.

Displaying Channel Graphs

When graph mode is first enabled, you’ll see graphs for all the available channels. To hide a channel’s graph, simply click the channel icon on the left in the Timeline palette. When a channel is enabled, its icon is highlighted with a color. Figure 18.3 shows the Timeline palette with multiple channels enabled; as you can see, the graph for each particular channel is displayed using a color that corresponds to its channel icon. For example, if four channels are enabled, then graph mode will show four graphs in the Timeline palette using four colors that match their icons.

Figure 18.3. Enabled channels.


Some channel graphs have multiple lines. For example, the Layer Translation channel has separate lines for the X, Y, and Z values, each with a different value. You can tell these apart by looking at the thickness of each line. The X value line is the thinnest, the Y value line has a medium thickness, and the Z value line is the thickest.

Clicking again on an enabled channel icon will disable it. By disabling channels, you can focus on one or two channels without the clutter of the other graphs.


The Selected Point Motion channel only displays a line (actually two lines, one for the X axis and one for the Y axis) when a single point in the working area is selected. If two or more points are selected, then no lines appear.

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