Where Is Anime Studio Used?

Anime Studio is used in many different places. Some studios have adopted it as the tool of choice for producing online animation content for the Web, while other studios are using it in production environments. Another huge group of users is hobbyists who want to create quick and delightful animations for entertaining friends and associates. Some examples of how Anime Studio animations are used can be found by looking through the User Samples section in the online Content Library.

Anime Studio on the Web

Because of the small file sizes that result from working with vectors, it is no surprise that Anime Studio animations are common on the Web. Anime Studio has the capability to export animations to the Flash format and to upload animations directly to YouTube and Facebook. Anime Studio is used frequently to create the Jib-Jab type animations that are popular on the Web.

Anime Studio in Email

Exported Anime Studio animation files can be attached easily to an email. When received, the animation can be played in a Flash player, which is integrated seamlessly into most email clients.

Anime Studio on CD and DVD

Ambitious Anime Studio projects can be saved to CD or DVD to be used as cut scenes for training materials, presentations, and games.

Anime Studio in Production

Some studios use Anime Studio Pro in their production pipeline to create movies, commercials, and other commercial products. The product is only limited by the creativity of the artists who use it. For a great example of this type of work, check out Freakish Kid at http://freakishkid.com.

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