Using the Color Swatches

You can quickly select a color for the current fill and stroke colors by clicking one of the colors in the color palette at the bottom of the Style palette. You can select a stroke color by holding down the Alt/Opt key while clicking or by right-clicking the color palette. You can also switch between the different Swatch palettes available in the drop-down list above the color palette. This drop-down list can hold custom color palettes, color swatches, or even images, such as the face image shown in Figure 15.29.

Figure 15.29. Face palette colors.

Loading a Custom Palette Image

If you have an image that holds all the colors you want to use in a scene, you can load the image into the Style palette using the Custom Image option, which is found in the Swatches drop-down list. This option opens a File dialog box where you can locate an image to load, such as the image shown in Figure 15.30. When a custom image is loaded, any of the colors within the image can be selected by simply clicking the color in the image.

Figure 15.30. Custom image palette colors.

All of the images available in the Swatches drop-down list are found in the Swatches folder where Anime Studio is installed. If you want a custom image to appear in the drop-down list, simply add the image file to the Swatches folder and the next time you restart Anime Studio the image will be listed in the Swatches drop-down list.

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