Moving and Resizing Image Layers

If an image layer is selected in the Layers palette, you can use the Layer tools to move, scale, and rotate the image in the scene.

Rotating Image Layers

When rotating an image layer using the Rotate Layer Z (3) tool, the image spins around its origin point. The origin point can be relocated using the Set Origin (0) tool. For example, if you want to rotate the image around one of its corners, you can click the Set Origin tool, click the corner, and then use the Rotate Layer Z tool to rotate the entire image around the new origin point.

Using the Rotate Layer XY tool, you can rotate the flat 2D image about the X- and Y-axes. This provides a way to make the image recede toward the center to give it perspective. Imagine a billboard with a flat image applied to it. By rotating the image with the Rotate Layer XY tool, you can make the image so the end closest to the camera is larger and the opposite end recedes into the distance.

You can also use the Shear Layer tool to skew the image.


The Rotate Layer XY and Shear Layer tools are only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Understanding Stacking Order

Images are also displayed in the scene according to their order in the Layers palette. Image layers at the top of the Layers palette appear on top of any overlapping image layers that are located below them in the Layers palette. For example, in Figure 22.6, the dog image layer is located underneath the aquarium image layer because the dog image layer in the Layers palette is located below the aquarium image layer.

Figure 22.6. Stacked image layers.


Stacking order of the various layers can be animated if the layers are contained within the same Group layer. More on this technique is presented in Chapter 23, “Organizing Layers into Groups.”

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