Using 3D Scripts

The Scripts, 3D menu includes several unique scripts for creating 3D objects and rotating the selected 3D layer. The available scripts include the following:

  • Auto-Scale: Automatically scales the 3D layer so it fits within the working area.

  • Cube: Creates a simple 3D cube on a new 3D layer.

  • Rotate X: Rotates the current 3D layer 90 degrees around the X-axis.

  • Rotate Y: Rotates the current 3D layer 90 degrees around the Y-axis.

  • Rotate Z: Rotates the current 3D layer 90 degrees around the Z-axis.

  • Torus: Creates a simple 3D torus object, which looks like a doughnut.

When 3D objects are imported from a 3D program, it is common for the imported 3D object to be either so small that it is invisible or huge compared to the other scene objects. This is caused by a difference in the scale used in the 3D program and Anime Studio, but the Auto-Scale script will quickly remedy this problem and resize the 3D object to fit the current project.

If you need to rotate the current 3D layer, you can use the layer tools to do this, or if you just need to quickly rotate the 3D layer, you can use Rotate scripts to do the work. This is especially handy if you have a bitmap texture that you need to align to the project. Each time one of the Rotate scripts is used, the selected 3D layer is rotated 90 degrees about the script’s selected axis.

Finally, if you need some quick 3D objects to test your current scene, you can use the Cube and Torus scripts to create a 3D layer. Figure 29.7 shows the cube and torus objects created using the 3D scripts.

Figure 29.7. Cube and torus.

To import and work with a 3D layer to make a hedge, follow these steps:

Select the File, New menu command to create a new project.

Select the File, Import, OBJ 3D Model menu command. Then select the Hedge.obj file from the Chapter 29 folder on the CD. This file is a simple 3D box with a hedge bitmap applied to it. The hedge texture is saved in a MTL file in the same folder, and it is loaded automatically with the OBJ file.

Once loaded, the 3D model looks like a huge black bar because the scale of the 3D object is different from the project’s scale. Select Scripts, 3D, Auto-Scale to reduce the size of the 3D object’s scale.

Select the Rotate Layer X tool and drag in the working area to change the orientation of the 3D object.

As you change the box’s orientation, you may notice that the object turns all black. This is caused by the Edge Offset value. Double-click the Hedge.obj layer in the Layers palette to open the Layer Settings dialog box. Select the 3D Options panel and set the Edge Offset to 0.01. Then click the OK button to see the applied texture.

Select and drag in the working area with the Rotate Layer Y tool until the hedge object recedes into the back of the project. Then use the Translate Layer tool (1) to drag the hedge to the left edge of the working area. Hold down the Alt/Opt key and drag the layer until it is aligned with the left edge of the working area.

Duplicate the Hedge layer using the Duplicate Layer button at the top of the Layers palette. Select the Scripts, 3D, Rotate Z menu command to rotate the new layer. Then use the layer tools to align the new layer opposite of its original, as shown in Figure 29.8.

Figure 29.8. 3D hedges.

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