Working with a 3D Layer

Three-dimensional objects can only exist on a 3D layer. When you import a 3D object, a 3D layer is automatically created to hold the imported object. If you then open the Layer Settings dialog box when you have a 3D layer selected, there is another panel, labeled 3D Options, as shown in Figure 29.2.

Figure 29.2. 3D Options panel in the Layer Settings dialog box.

If the imported 3D object has a texture or a defined color, then that color or texture is displayed, but if the 3D object doesn’t have a defined texture, the default color and edge colors specified in the Layer Settings dialog box are used. You can alter these colors by clicking their respective color swatches. Figure 29.3 shows two standard 3D objects with different colors. Notice how the cube’s color hasn’t changed, which means that it is using a texture.

Figure 29.3. 3D objects with custom colors.


The 3D default and edge Color Pickers don’t allow you to select an alpha value for making semi-transparent colors.


If the 3D object layer isn’t displaying any textures, check to make sure that the MTL file is included in the same folder as the OBJ file. Or you can edit the path to the textures within the MTL file. MTL files can be opened and edited within a text editor.

The Polygon Orientation options can be set to Clockwise or Counter-clockwise. When a polygon is created as part of the 3D object, the edges that make up each polygon can be drawn in either direction. If a clockwise direction is used, then a vector perpendicular to the surface of the polygon, called the normal vector, will point away from the camera; if the counter-clockwise direction is used, the normal vector points toward the camera. Generally, normal vectors that point toward the camera are visible and normal vectors that point away from the camera have their backside to the camera.

Using the Polygon Orientation setting, you can alter the direction of these normal vectors for the entire object. If your imported 3D object appears to be turned inside out, the normal vectors probably were altered during the importing process. Altering the Polygon Orientation setting will fix the problem.


Inside out 3D objects will generally look all black or the full edge color.

The Edge Offset value lets you set the offset for the edges to make them appear more cartoony and hand-drawn. A value of 0 removes all lines from the 3D object and a value of 1 will entirely engulf the 3D object in lines. Small values are usually best. Figure 29.4 shows two rabbit 3D objects. The one on the left has an Edge Offset value of 0 and the right rabbit has an Edge Offset value of 0.04.

Figure 29.4. Changing the Edge Offset value.


If the imported 3D object appears blotted out, then check to see if the Edge Offset value is set to 1.


The edge width is also impacted by the Scale Compensation option in the General panel of the Layer Settings dialog box. This option causes that line width closest to the camera to be larger than those farther away.

If the 3D layer is placed within a bone layer, the 3D object can be controlled by bones if the Warp Using Bones option is selected. Be aware that bones in Anime Studio are only 2D; they provide a minimal amount of control over 3D objects. The best way to use bones with 3D objects is to place each individual part on a separate layer; you can then control its rotation relative to the other parts.

If multiple objects are overlapped when viewed from the camera, Anime Studio only draws the one that is closest to the camera. All objects are stored in a buffer called the Z-buffer that keeps track of how far from the camera each object is. This generally works quite well, but if the front object is semi-transparent, then the object behind it that is overlapped will not be drawn. However, if you enable the Reset Z Buffer option in the 3D Options panel of the Layer Settings dialog box, then the overlapped object will be drawn.

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