Organizing Library Content

To organize the library content into folders, simply create a new folder for each different type of content and place all the various files that include that type of content within the respective folder. To delete content, simply select the file or folder and delete or move it outside of the Library folder.

To create and populate a new Library folder, follow these steps:

Open the Award.anme file from the Chapter 6 folder on the CD. This file includes an award plaque created in an earlier tutorial.

Select the File, Save As menu command and navigate to the Library folder where Anime Studio is installed, such as Program Files, Smith Micro, Anime Studio, Library. Then click the New Folder button to create a new folder and name the new folder Book Examples. Save the current file in the new folder.

Select the File, Project Settings menu and set the Width and Height values to 128. Then choose the File, Preview menu to render the project.

In the Render window that appears, click the Save As button and save the rendered image to the same Book Examples folder as a PNG file. Name the file Award.png to match the project file.

Exit and restart Anime Studio. Then select the File, Import menu command and notice that Book Examples is a submenu option, as shown in Figure 6.5. Because a matching PNG image file was saved to the same folder, the content library displays a thumbnail of this file, as shown in Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.5. New folder added to the content library.

Figure 6.6. Content Library folder displays a thumbnail.


Once the new Content Library folder is created, you can select and copy the entire contents of the book’s CD into this folder to make all the book examples immediately accessible.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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