Exporting Animations

Animated sequences can be exported using several different formats, including JPEG, BMP, Targa, PNG, PSD, AVI, MOV, and Flash (SWF). To export an animation, open the Export Animation dialog box shown in Figure 35.1 and choose the format to use from the Output Format drop-down list.

Figure 35.1. Export Animation dialog box.

Exporting to an Image Format

When one of the image formats is selected, each frame of the animation is saved as a separate image file. Each file is given a file name followed by the frame number. These sequenced images can then be imported into a video editing package like Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere and recompiled into a movie format.


Exporting to sequenced images is only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Within the Export Animation dialog box are several render options. These options include the following:

  • Antialiased Edges: This option eliminates any jagged edges caused by aliasing the lines. This is accomplished by filtering the edges in such a way that replaces the hard edges with smoothed ones.

  • Apply Shape Effects: This option includes any designated shape effects added to the project. If this option is disabled, the export process will run much faster.

  • Apply Layer Effects: This option lets you include layer effects like shadows and transparency, or they can be disabled for quicker exporting.

  • Render at Half Dimensions: This option is helpful for creating quick previews by rendering the results at half the specified size.

  • Render at Half Frame Rate: This option renders the results at a frame rate that is half the designated amount in order to speed the rendering.

  • Reduced Particles: This option causes all particle layers to use a fraction of the specified particles in order to speed up the rendering.

  • Extra-Smooth Images: This option renders all images with an extra sampling pass to smooth out the results. This yields a higher-quality image, but takes longer to render.

  • Use NTSC-Safe Colors: This option limits the colors used to a palette that is safe for presenting consistent color on television.

  • Do Not Premultiply Alpha Channel: This option causes any alpha channel not to be added to the image, which can overlight an image in some cases.


The Antialiased Edges, Apply Shape Effects, and Reduced Particles options are only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Exporting to a Movie Format

If you select the AVI Movie (for Windows) or QuickTime Movie (for Macintosh or Windows) options from the Output Format drop-down list in the Export Animation dialog box, then you can export the project using a video format.

New Feature

The ability to export HD Video is new to Anime Studio 6. This feature is only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Setting Movie Dimensions

While the Export Animation dialog box includes options for reducing the size of the output and for reducing the frame rate of the animation, these values can also be changed using the Project Settings dialog box shown in Figure 35.2. The Project Settings dialog box is opened using the File, Project Settings menu command. To reduce the size of the final rendered image, decrease the Width and Height values.

Figure 35.2. Project Settings dialog box.

Exporting for Compositing

If you plan on compositing your exported movie with a background video in a package such as After Effects or Final Cut Pro, you’ll want to include an alpha channel with your animation. Only certain formats support alpha channels.

When exporting to the QuickTime format, look for a codec that offers Millions of Colors+ as its color depth. The plus sign indicates that the codec supports an alpha channel.

When exporting to the AVI format, be aware that none of the default codecs support alpha channels. If you’ve installed a video-editing program on your system, however, you may have a codec that supports alpha channels available.


If you can’t find an AVI codec that supports alpha channels, then search the Web for the Huffyuv codec. It is a free codec for Windows that supports alpha.

You can also export the animation to a series of numbered images using the PNG and Targa formats, both of which support an alpha channel.

If you plan on exporting an animation to be composited with another video, make sure you enable the Do Not Premultiply Alpha Channel option in the Export Animation dialog box. This option will enable the composited animation to be cleaner.

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