Using Draw Scripts

In the Scripts, Draw menu are several scripts that you can use to apply a sketchy effect, auto weld shapes, quickly create different shapes, and automatically split selected curves into equal segments. The available draw scripts are Apply Sketchy Effect, Auto Weld, Polygon, Split Curve, and Star.


The Scripts menu is only available in Anime Studio Pro.

Creating a Sketchy Effect

The Scripts, Draw, Apply Sketchy Effect randomly changes all paths on all layers to create a sketchy look. The script does this by automatically enabling the Noisy Outlines, Animated Noise, and Extra Sketchy options in the Vectors panel of the Layer Settings dialog box. It also sets the Offset and Line Count values to 6 and the Scale value to 48. You can learn more about these settings in Chapter 8, “Using Vector Layers.”

The convenience of this script is that it quickly enables these options for all paths on all layers. Figure 9.15 shows this script applied to the default character.

Figure 9.15. Sketchy effect.

Auto-Welding Paths

The Freehand tool has an Auto-Weld option on the Options bar that will cause endpoints that end on a point or on a line to be automatically welded. You can also weld points that are moved with the Translate Points tool to a point or a line by holding down the Spacebar while releasing the mouse button.

If you’ve drawn several lines that you wanted welded without the Auto-Weld option enabled, then it can take some time to weld each point individually. The quicker alternative is to use the Scripts, Draw, Auto Weld menu. This will auto weld any endpoint that is positioned over another point in the selected group of points. It will not weld any points to lines, though.

New Feature

The Sketchy Effect and Auto Weld scripts are both new to Anime Studio 6.

Drawing Polygons, and Stars

The Scripts, Draw, Polygon script opens a dialog box when it is selected, as shown in Figure 9.16. Using the Polygon dialog box, you can set the number of points in the polygon. The dialog box also shows a preview of the polygon before it is drawn. If you enable the Create Polygon in New Layer option, the new polygon is drawn in a new layer. If this option isn’t enabled, then the polygon is drawn on the current vector layer.

Figure 9.16. Polygon dialog box.

The Star script also opens a dialog box when selected, as shown in Figure 9.17. Using the Star dialog box, you can set the number of points that appear on the outside and inside of the star. You can also set the Inner Radius value for the star shape. The dialog box also shows a preview of the star before it is drawn. This preview is helpful for giving you an idea of what the final star will look like. If you enable the Create Star in New Layer option, the new star is drawn in a new layer. If this option isn’t enabled, then the polygon is drawn on the current vector layer.

Figure 9.17. Star dialog box.

Splitting Curves

The Split Curve script automatically divides the selected curves into equal segments by adding in the number of points along each curve that is indicated in the Split Curve dialog box, as shown in Figure 9.18. The Split Curve script doesn’t actually split the curve into separate segments. The added points are still part of the existing curve.

Figure 9.18. Split Curve dialog box.


Adding points using the Add Points tool will change the curvature of the object, but using the Split Curves script will add points to the curve without changing its curvature.

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