Introducing the Tools

The tools in the Draw and Fill sections of the Tools palette become available when a vector layer is selected in the Layers palette. The tools in the Draw section let you create and manipulate new points, curves, and shapes, and the tools in the Fill section enable you to change and manipulate the fill and stroke that is applied to an object.

Whenever a tool is selected, it is highlighted yellow and its icon appears in the top-left corner of the Options bar. The available options change depending on the tool that is selected. For example, when the Select Points tool (G) is selected, the Options bar includes a field where you can name the current selection, but when the Translate Points tool (T) is selected, the Options bar includes text fields showing the X and Y position of the selected point relative to the origin point. You can also find information about how to use the selected tool in the status bar located directly underneath the Options bar.

The available tools also depend on what is selected. For example, when no points or only one point is selected, the Scale Points, Rotate Points, Shear, Perspective, Bend, and Noise tools are disabled. When disabled, the tool icons are dimmed.


The tools contained in the default Tools palette can be replaced with custom scripted tools. To learn how to customize the Tools palette, see Chapter 36, “Customizing the Interface.”

Using the Draw Tools

It is no coincidence that the Draw section of the Tools palette is the largest section. With these tools, you can create just about any type of shape. Figure 9.1 lists each of the tools available in the Draw section, and the list that follows defines its purpose.

Figure 9.1. The Draw tools are highlighted here.


Some of the tools in the Draw section of the Tools palette are only available in Anime Studio Pro as noted in Figure 9.1.

  • Select Points (G): This tool selects individual points, a group of points, or all the points on a curve or in a shape.

  • Translate Points (T): This tool moves the selected points.

  • Scale Points (S): This tool places a scaling tool that is used to scale the selected points by dragging its handles.

  • Rotate Points (R): This tool rotates the selected points about their center.

  • Add Point (A): This tool draws lines by clicking and dragging in the working area. It also adds points to an existing curve.

  • Freehand (F): This tool draws freehand curves by simply dragging in the working area, like using a pencil.

  • Draw Shape (E): This tool creates a variety of shapes, including rectangles, ovals, triangles, stars, arrows, and spirals by specifying the shape’s upper-left and lower-right corners.

  • Insert Text: This tool opens the Insert Text dialog box where you enter a text string and select a font to add to the project.

  • Scatter Brush: This tool paints a selected shape that is randomly oriented and colored to follow a path.

  • Delete Edge (D): This tool deletes a curve between two adjacent points.

  • Curvature (C): This tool changes the curvature of the selected points by dragging in the working area.

  • Magnet (X): This tool moves all points within a specified circular area. The amount that the points move depends on how close they are to the center of the defined magnet area.

  • Perspective Points: This tool changes the perspective of the selected points by stretching out the points on one side and scrunching the points on the opposite side, as if the selected points were tilted.

  • Shear Points: This tool slants the selected points by moving the points on one side of the shape in one direction and the points on the opposite side in the opposite direction.

  • Bend Points: This tool causes the selected points to bend about their center point.

  • Noise: This tool distorts the selected points by randomly moving them in different directions.

New Feature

The Draw section of the Tools palette has been simplified in Anime Studio 6 by combining several tools into one. For example, the Rectangle, Oval, and Arrow tools are now all part of the Draw Shape tool and the Bend Points H and Bend Points V tools are combined into a single Bend Points tool. The Scatter Brush and Insert Text tools are also new to this section in Anime Studio 6.

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