Freedman, Michael, 404–5, 714

Frege, Gottlob, 111, 127, 140, 146, 780–82, 929, 931–34

Frege system, 593–94

Freiman’s theorem, 717–18

Frey, Gerhard, 692

Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg, 514, 560, 783–84, 785

Frobenius map, 731

Fuchs, Lazarus, 209, 785

Fuchsian groups, 208–10, 417

full parametric statistical models, 924–25

fullerenes, 831–32

function field of an algebraic variety, see varieties, function field of

function spaces, 29, 210–13, 239, 253–54

function-classes, 621–22

functional calculus, 207, 519

functional equation for the Riemann zeta function, 214, 229, 337, 356–57, 729–32

functional equations, 200–202, 455–56

functions, 10–11, 29, 51, 121, 125, 128, 144, 151, 184, 930–31

functors, 166–67

fundamental discriminants, 320, 324

fundamental groups, 166, 221, 225, 310, 385–88, 390, 416–17, 436, 441–42, 446, 517, 786

fundamental parallelogram, 413

fundamental quadratic form, 320–21

fundamental solutions, 187, 473

fundamental theorem of algebra, 81, 100, 147, 224, 275, 294, 326, 386, 640, 695, 698–99

fundamental theorem of arithmetic, 57, 104, 191, 221, 283, 332–33, 336, 699–700

fundamental theorem of calculus, 37, 175, 177, 179, 290, 651, 742, 758

fundamental theorem of exponential generating functions, 557

fundamental theorem of numerical analysis, 610

fundamental units, 320, 327

Funk-Hecke formula, 297

Gabo, Naum, 948–49

Galois, Évariste, 50, 81–82, 101–2, 104, 331, 709–10, 766, 767–68

Galois correspondence, 310, 710

Galois groups, 28, 191, 213, 331, 709, 761, 783

Galton-Watson tree, 655, 657

gamma function, the, 213–14, 290, 337

Gaudin distribution, 359

gauge, 470, 490

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 42, 81, 88, 90–91, 100–101, 103–4, 137, 255, 269, 292, 315, 318, 320, 326–28, 335, 341, 349–50, 353, 356, 605, 609, 692, 699, 714, 718–19, 755–57, 760–62, 764, 929

Gauss sums, 328

Gauss-Bonnet theorem, 219, 394, 684

Gauss-Cramér model, 335–36, 341–43

Gaussian distribution, see normal distribution

Gaussian elimination, 606–7

Gaussian function, 293, 528, 705

Gaussian integers, 104, 108, 221, 318–19, 325–26, 719, 756

Gaussian quadrature, see quadrature, Gaussian

Gaussian unitary ensemble, 359

Gauss’s circle problem, 801

Gel’fond-Schneider theorem, 223

Gelfand transform, 307, 519

Gelfand-Naimark theorem, 519

genealogical tree, 655–56

general linear group, 29, 39, 161, 230–31, 429

general relativity, see relativity, general

generalization, 55–58, 199

generalized continuum hypothesis, 624, 629–30, 633

generalized eigenvectors, 224

generalized functions, 185

generalized inverse of a matrix, 836

generalized solutions, 187, 475–77

generating functions, 62, 214–15, 228, 304–5, 552, 555, 557, 753, 807

generic absoluteness, 633–34

generic extension, 626

generic real numbers, 625–26

genetic algorithm, 834

Gentzen, Gerhard, 151

genus, 54, 215, 370, 399, 411; of an algebraic curve, 721, 730

geodesics, 47, 92, 248, 312, 446, 488

geometric classification problems, 408–9

geometric distribution, 263

geometric group theory, 443–45

geometric Langlands program, 538

geometric mean, 703

geometric multiplicity, 225

geometric proof systems, 594

geometric structures on manifolds, 401, 406–7

geometrization conjecture, 281, 402–3, 406, 440

geometry, 1–2, 4–5, 38–47, 58, 83–97, 130, 136–39

giant component of a random graph, 573, 660

Girard, Albert, 81

global maximum principle for the heat equation, 217

global optimization, 834–35

GNS construction, 514, 517

Gödel, Kurt, 151–56, 624, 639, 701, 703, 819

Gödel’s completeness theorem, 623, 638, 819

Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, 141, 623, 629, 634, 638, 640, 700–702, 819

Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem, 623, 627, 701, 819

Goldbach, Christian, 343, 745

Goldbach’s conjecture, 69–70, 343–44, 346, 362, 715, 745, 751, 803–4; ternary, 715

Goldberg Variations (Bach), 939

golden ratio, 193, 222, 316–17, 320

Google, see search engines

Gordan, Paul, 103, 144, 769, 772, 788, 800

gradient, 34, 180, 239, 255–57

Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, 607

graphs, 196, 198, 215, 245, 564, 645, 660, 697, 725, 846; bipartite, 157–58, 199, 565; coloring of, 564–65, 697; complete, 564, 725; edge-coloring of, 565; of groups, 442; minors of, 725–26; planar, 564, 697, 725; regular, 196

gravitational radiation, 491

gravitational waves, 490

great circle, 40

great wave of translation, 234–35

greatest common divisor, 107, 321

greedy algorithm, 245–46, 565, 873

Greek mathematics, 131–33

Green, George, 760

Green’s theorem, 180, 760

Green-Tao theorem, 344, 346, 570, 958

grim strategy, 904–5

Gromoe, Mikhail, 199, 299, 444, 447

Gromov’s filling theorem, 445–46

Gromov’s nonsqueezing theorem, 298–99

Gromov’s polynomial-growth

theorem, 444, 702–3

Gromoe-Witten invariants, see invariants, Gromoe-Witten

Grothendieck, Alexander, 285, 373, 394, 724, 731–32, 974, 1001, 1006

group C*-algebras, 520

group algebra, 274

groups, 19–20, 27–29, 39, 53, 66–68, 102, 204, 208, 221, 229, 248–49, 252, 260, 273, 277, 279, 284, 296, 636–37; actions of, 297, 309–10, 420–21, 424–25; axioms for, 20, 636; direct products of, 23–24, 436; free products of, 436–38; generators of, 433–34; of Lie type, 162, 688; presentations of, 436; residually finite, 439; simple, 26, 59, 261, 439, 687–88; solvable, 447, 710; of transformations, 39–41, 93, 419–20, 441

Grundlagen der Arithmetik (Frege), 127, 781

Grundlagen der Geometric (Hilbert), 138

GUE conjecture, 359

Hölder’s inequality, 704

Haar measure, 425

Haar wavelets, 852–55, 858

Hadamard, Jacques, 63, 155, 338, 356, 468, 715, 790–91, 963–65

hairy ball theorem, 393, 799

Haken, Wolfgang, 117, 142, 563, 698

Hales, Thomas, 58

half-plane model of hyperbolicgeometry, see hyperbolic geometry, half-plane model of

Hall’s theorem, 566

halting problem, 638–39, 707–8

Hamilton, Richard, 281, 406, 714

Hamilton, William Rowan, 81–82, 105, 276, 299, 567, 765

Hamilton cycle, 567

Hamilton’s equations, 216, 286–87, 298–99

Hamilton’s least action principle, 478–79, 524, 525, 527, 541

Hamilton-Jacobi equations, 463–64, 466

Hamiltoninns, 215–16, 286, 524–27, 540, 542

Hamming, Richard, 879, 881, 981

Hamming distance, 248, 881–82

Hardy, Godfrey Harold, 62–64, 346, 797–98, 807–8

Hardy-Littlewood k-tuple conjecture, 804

Hardy-Littlewood maximal inequality, 452, 455

Hardy-Weinberg law, 798

Harish-Chandra, 428–29

harmonic analysis, 205, 448–55, 859. See also Fourier analysis

harmonic functions, 283, 503, 652–53

harmonic map flow, 218

harmonic oscillators, 526, 542

harmonic polynomials, 296–97

Harnack inequality, 217–18

Hasse, Helmut, 243, 730–31

Hasse principle, see local-to-global principle, of Hasse

Hausdorff, Felix, 140, 184, 792, 794

Hausdorff dimension, see dimension, Hausdorff

Hausdorff topological space, 302, 633

Hausdorff-Young inequality, 454, 705

Hayter, Stanley William, 953

heat equation, 34–35, 216–19, 406, 456, 458–59, 470, 473, 478, 654

heat kernel, 218–19

Hecke, Erich, 730

Heegner, K., 255, 324, 341

Heine, Eduard, 127, 778

Heine-Borel theorem, 168

Heisenberg, Werner, 513, 542

Heisenberg equation, 287

Heisenberg group, 702

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 207, 272, 306, 453, 513, 527

Hellegouarch, Yves, 380, 692

Helly’s theorem, 571

Hensel, Kurt, 82, 241–43

Hermite, Charles, 330, 773

Hermitian matrices, see matrices, Hermitian

Hermitian operators, see operators, Hermitian

Hermitian structure, 163

Heron of Alexandria, 79, 110

Hessian matrix, 462, 612–13

heuristic evidence, 361–62

Higher Arithmetic, The (Davenport), 315

highest common factor, 107, 191–92

Higman, Graham, 437–39

Higman’s embedding theorem, 439–40

Hilbert, David, 50, 83, 95, 103, 110, 113, 125, 128, 138–46, 151–54, 358, 489, 511, 619, 623, 700–701, 707, 719–20, 726, 751, 788–89, 790, 804, 961–62

Hilbert spaces, 189, 211, 219–21, 240–41, 253–54, 270, 295, 423, 511, 513, 526, 540, 705, 799

Hilbert’s basis theorem, 144, 303

Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, 594, 640, 642, 703; arithmetic, 365; effective, 371–72; weak, 371, 703

Hilbert’s problems, 789; tenth, 50, 110–11, 113, 639–40, 707–8, 821; twelfth, 720; thirteenth, 815; seventeenth, 822

Hironaka, Heisuke, 369, 723

Hirsch conjecture, 289

Hirzebruch, Friedrich, 394, 683, 724

History of Algebraic Geometry (Dieudonné), 377

HNN extensions, 437–38, 440, 442–43

Hodge, William Vallance Douglas, 816–17

Hodge conjecture, 191, 817

Hodgkin-Huxley equations, 844

hole argument, the, 489

Holmgren’s theorem, 471

holomorphic functions, 37–38, 144, 205, 213, 228, 252, 282–83, 300, 307–8, 723, 804

holonomy, 163–64

homeomorphisms, 40, 302, 383, 387, 412, 497

homeostasis, 838

HOMFLY polynomial, 225–27

homogeneous coordinates, 267

homogeneous polynomials, 296–97

homological mirror symmetry conjecture, 536

homology, 189, 786

homology groups, 182, 221, 389–92, 694–95

homomorphisms, 27–28, 165, 284, 801; ring, 284, 330, 801

homotopic loops, 385

homotopy groups, 221, 309, 385–87; of spheres, 389–92, 395

Hopf algebra, 273–74

Hopf link, 225–26

Hopf map, 389, 392

horocycle, 90

household maximization problem, 897–99

Householder method, 608

Hubbard, John H., 506, 508

Hurwitz’s theorem, 278

hyperbolic geometry, 41–43, 47, 90–91, 208–9, 281, 283, 401, 447, 728–29; Beltrami’s disk model of, 92, 93; half-plane model of, 41; hyperboloid model of, 42; Poincaré’s disk model of, 42, 47, 94, 209, 728, 786

hyperbolic groups, 447–48

hyperbolic manifolds, see manifolds, hyperbolic

hyperbolic PDEs, see partial differential equations, hyperbolic

hyperbolic structure, 401–2

hyperbolicity conjecture, 508

hyperelliptic curves, 370

hyperfunctions, 186

hypergeometric sequences, 992

i (square root of -1), 18, 56, 284

ibn al-Haytham, 86

ibn Qurra, ThImagebit, 86

ideal class group, 221–22, 322–23

ideals, 58, 221, 284–85, 322, 376, 378, 642, 719

idempotents, 240

identities, technique for proving, 261

identity element, 13, 17, 20

ill-posed problems, 468, 473

image compression, 848–62

image of a function, 11, 284

In Artem Analyticem Isagoge (Viète), 99, 737

inaccessible cardinals, see cardinals, inaccessible

inadmissible operator, 919

inclusion-exclusion principle, 345, 560

indefinite integrals, 175

independent random variables, 265–67

independent set: of elements of a matroid, 244–45; of vectors, 22, 158; of vertices in a graph, 564

index: of a continuous map, 695; of an elliptic equation, 682–83; of a fixed point, 695; of a Fredholm operator, 520; of a Toeplitz operator, 521

Indian mathematics, 79, 98, 192, 320, 736

indirect proofs of existence, 71, 117, 143–44, 149

induction: principle of, 16, 152, 258, 592, 638, 701, 741, 787, 998

ineffective proofs, see effective and ineffective proofs

inequalities, 3, 123, 126, 703–6

infinite cluster in percolation, 662–63

infinite prime, 720

infinite series, 120–21, 123, 193

infinite sets, 124, 127–28, 143–44, 148–49, 165, 167, 170–71, 616–17, 620, 623

infinite-dimensional vector spaces, 5, 22, 29–30

infinitesimals, 119–22, 128–29, 640, 770, 823, 934

infinities, 118–19, 127–28, 616, 744, 778

initial data, 459

initial value problem, 459, 464–67

injection, 11, 642

inner models, 624, 629, 631–32

inner products, 185, 189, 219–20, 240, 268, 278, 301, 704

instantons, 529, 538

Institutiones Calculi Differentialis (Euler), 120–21

integers, 17, 82, 127, 170, 254, 284, 377, 570, 636, 992

integral delay equation, 346

integral domain, 377

integral equations, 510–11

integral operators, 511, 515

integration, 35–37, 51, 175–80, 247, 450, 686, 744; Lebesgue, 247, 686, 796; numerical, 292, 609; Riemann, 247, 796

interactive proof systems, 596–97

interesting numbers, 261

interior methods for linear programming, 614

intermediate value theorem, 49, 67, 124, 384, 693

International Congress of Mathematicians, 110, 145, 619, 783, 789, 811, 950, 961, 966

Internet, 862–63, 868–70, 890

Internet search engines, see search engines

interpolation, 212, 450, 454

intersecting family, 569

intersection numbers, 189, 383–85, 391–93

intuitionism, 116, 148–51, 799

invariant subspaces, 422, 425, 427, 515, 689

invariants, 53–54, 103, 221, 225, 370, 383–87, 395, 404, 407, 410–12, 442, 695, 788, 800; cardinal, 627; discrete, 370–71, 411–12; Gromov-Witten, 419, 533–34, 537; of elliptic equations, 682; Seiberg-Witten, 404, 407, 419; theory of, 103, 144, 550, 773, 789, 800

inverse problems: in additive number theory, 717; in chemistry, 829, 836–37; in spectral theory, 472

inverse-Gamma distribution, 926

inverses, 13; of functions, 10, 202; of matrices, 174; of operators, 294; under multiplication, 276–78, 284

involution principle, 556

involutions, 172, 554

irrational numbers, 18, 80, 222–23, 315–17, 328, 710

irrational rotation algebra, 520

irrationality of π, 193

irreducible element of a ring, 318–19

irreducible polynomial, 102, 328, 710, 888

Ising model, 223, 666–68

Islamic mathematics, 79–80, 86–87, 98, 133–34

isomers, 830–31

isometry groups, 402, 712–13

isomorphism problem: for graphs, 584, 596; for groups, 436

isomorphisms, 27–28, 165–67, 202, 408, 411, 645, 801

isoperimetric inequalities, 210, 445–46, 670, 672–73, 676, 679, 705–6

isotopy, 160, 225

iteration, 107, 112–14, 190, 244, 495

Itô, Kiyoshi, 655

Itô’s formula, 651–52, 654

Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob, 727, 762–63, 766

Jacobi identity, 231, 541

Jacobian, 418

James-Stein estimator, see estimators, statistical

Jensen, Ronald, 624

Jensen’s inequality, 704

j-function, 324–26, 415, 548

Jones, Vaughan, 518

Jones polynomial, 226–27, 274

Jordan, Camille, 777

Jordan curve theorem, 777, 799

Jordan normal form, 223–25, 285

Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 102

Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, see Crelle’s Journal

J-stability, 506

Julia, Gaston, 110, 498

Julia sets, 244, 500–506, 508

just intonation, 936–37

K-theory, 227, 394–95, 521–22, 683

Kähler manifolds, 163, 297, 300

Kac-Moody algebras, 234

Kakutani fixed point theorem, 694, 901

Kant, Immanuel, 93, 136, 928–29

Kaplan-Meier curves, 923–24

Kasparov, Gennadi, 522

Kauffman polynomial, 227

KdV equation, 235–38, 471, 481

Kepler conjecture, 58

kernel: heat, 218–19; integral, 29, 239, 791

kernel of a homomorphism, 28, 284

key management, 887

Khayyam, Omar, 80, 86, 98–99

Khinchin, Alexander Yakovlevich, 814

Khinchin’s inequality, 705

Kirchhoff formula, 474

Kleene, Stephen, 111–12

Klein, Christian Felix, 92–93, 137, 209, 324, 327, 777–78, 782–83, 794

Klein bottle, 279, 388, 400, 441

Klein-Gordon equation, 456, 478

Kleinian groups, 209

Kloosterman sum, 347

Kneser conjecture, 569

knots, 225–26, 385, 435

Koch snowflake, 184

Koebe, Paul, 210

Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich, 453, 648, 677, 687, 793, 795, 814–16

Kontsevich, Maxim, 69, 536–37

Korteweg, Diederik, 235, 237, 799

Kovalevskaya, Sofya (Sonya), 125, 784–85

Kronecker, Leopold, 143–44, 146, 315, 327–28, 330–31, 773–74

Kronecker-Weber theorem, 720, 774

Krylov subspace iterations, 608–9

Kummer, Ernst Eduard, 81, 692, 719, 767

Kuratowski’s theorem, 725

L-norm, 211, 294, 449

Lp-norm, 211, 449, 706

La Géométrie (Descartes), 100, 739–40, 742

Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 101, 122, 136, 193, 268, 554, 570, 636, 727, 751–52

Lagrange inversion theorem, 554, 752

Lagrange multipliers, 256–57, 865–67, 870, 899

Lagrange’s theorem, 55, 688

Lagrangian, 257, 311, 478–79

Lambert, Johann, 81, 87–88, 193

Landau, Edmund, 63

Lang’s conjecture, see Mordell-Lang conjecture

Langlands, Robert, 69

Langlands program, 69, 191, 331, 419, 429–31

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 552, 752–54

Laplace equation, 35, 125, 283, 291, 296, 456–58, 468, 478

Laplace transform, 306–7, 552

Laplace-Beltrami operator, 218, 296, 472

Laplacian, 34, 206–7, 217–18, 239, 287, 296–97, 312, 426, 456–57, 459–60, 477

large-cardinal axioms, 627–34

lattices, 59–60, 227, 250–52, 318, 324, 330, 412–13, 530; hexagonal, 228, 415, 663; square, 415

law of large numbers, 753, 906

Lax equivalence theorem, 611

Lax-Wendroff formula, 611

least action principle, see Hamilton’s least action principle

least upper bound axiom, 758

Lebesgue, Henri, 182, 628, 686, 795, 796–97

Lebesgue differentiation theorem, 455

Lebesgue measure, 247, 628, 686, 796

Lebesgue spaces, 211

Leech lattice, 59–60, 227–28, 549

Lefschetz fixed point theorem, 695

left coset of a subgroup, 26, 421

legal bracketing, 550, 553

Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 88, 104, 714, 754–55

Legendre polynomials, 291–92, 297, 609

Legendre symbol, 339, 719

Legendre’s equation, 291

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 118–19, 134, 743–45, 746, 935

lemmas, 73

length, 31, 57, 183–84, 220, 246–47, 307

length spaces, 444

Lennard-Jones clusters, 835–36

Leonardo of Pisa, 99, 737

Les Méthodes Nouvelles de la Mécanique Céleste (Poincaré), 786

Lévy’s aresine law, 650

Lewy operator, 471

L-functions, 228–29, 316–17, 339–41, 345, 347–48, 381, 812; Dirichlet, 228–29, 284, 339–40, 345, 347–48, 689, 715, 764; of elliptic curves, 229, 347–48, 381, 685–86

Liber Abbaci (Fibonacci), 99

Lie, Sophus, 137, 230, 777–78 232–34

Lie algebras, 231–32, 234, 273–74, 427, 541, 544, 778, 794; classical, 234; semisimple, 232–33; simple, 232–34

Lie brackets, 231–32, 287

Lie groups, 161, 229–32, 234, 240, 272–73, 277, 279, 298, 402, 425, 428, 778, 794; classical, 161, 234; linear, 230; semisimple, 713; simple, 232

lifting a path, 309

light cone, 43, 467–68

limit groups, 448

limit ordinal, 258, 617–18, 620, 624

limits, 30–32, 122–26, 168–69, 200–201, 254, 258

Lindemann, Carl, 116, 150

line bundle, 393, 410, 413

linear algebra, 103

linear approximation, 33, 37, 109

linear combinations, 21, 28

linear equations, 48–49

linear feedback shift register (LFSR), 888

linear functionals, 176, 185, 188, 212

linear groups, 161

linear independence, 244, 285

linear maps, 28–30, 33, 37, 49, 51, 174, 219, 223, 239, 255, 276, 294

linear operators, 216, 239–41, 294–97, 511

linear programming, 288, 612–13

linear wave equation, 611

linearization, 470

link-route incidence matrix, 863

linking numbers, 385

links, 225–26, 402–3

Liouville, Joseph, 38, 71, 81, 222, 293, 766–67

Liouville’s theorem: in complex analysis, 38, 723–24, 766; in mechanics, 766; on transcendence, 294, 299, 711

Littlewood, John Edensor, 346, 797–98, 803–5, 859, 963

Littlewood-Paley theory, 804, 859

Lobachevskii, Nicolai Ivanovich, 42, 89–92, 137, 759–60

local connectedness, 505; of the Mandelbrot set, 508

local-search algorithms, 875

local-to-global principles, 167–68; of Hasse, 241–43, 685

locality, 543

localization, 453, 477

locally symmetric manifolds, see manifolds, locally symmetric

logarithmic integral, 63, 715

logarithms, 80–81, 202, 290, 523

logic, 6, 13–16, 140, 634–39, 819, 931–33; Ω-, 634; Aristotelean, 932; first-order, 259, 314, 448, 621–22, 623, 636, 700–701; propositional, 153

logical connectives, 13–14, 621, 635

logical consequences, 637–38

logicism, 143, 795

long multiplication, 106–7, 170, 204, 349–50

Lorentz gauge, 490

Lorentzian geometry, 43–44, 402, 478, 484, 487–89

Lorenz attractor, 496

loss function, 918

Lovász local lemma, 574

Löwenheim-Skolem theorem, 622, 624–25, 806

lower-triangular matrices, see matrices, lower-triangular

Luzin, Nikolai, 628, 686

machine epsilon, 606

Maclaurin, Colin, 121

Mac Lane, Saunders, 167

major arcs, 346

majority function, 588

Mandelbrot set, 244, 505–9; hyperbolic components of, 507

manifolds, 4, 5, 44–46, 47, 57, 244, 258, 281–82, 300, 396–408, 794; complex, 163, 191, 300; differentiable, 45; four-dimensional, 388, 403–4, 440–41; hyperbolic, 401, 712; locally symmetric, 712–13; nonorientable, 384, 399–400; orientable, 163, 384, 399–400; simply connected, 281, 388, 403, 714; smooth, 396–400, 403; symplectic, 297–301; three-dimensional, 280, 388, 401–3, 441, 714; topological, 45, 397–400, 404. See also Calabi-Yau manifolds, Kahler manifolds, Lorentzian manifold, Riemannian manifolds

manipulatorics, 555–56

mapping class group, 418

Margulis, Gregori, 197–98, 269, 713

market completeness, 912

market efficiency principle, 910

market equilibrium, 901

Markov chain, 596

Markov process, 647, 649, 653, 655

Martin’s maximum (MM), 633

Martin-Löf thesis, 116

martingale, 652, 912–13; problem for Brownian motion, 652

mathematical collaboration, 1001

Mathematical Physics (Courant and Hilbert), 809

mathematical physics, 7–8

Mathematische Annalen, 93, 153, 782, 800, 817, 822

Mathieu, Émile Léonard, 688, 776–77

Mariyasevitch, Yuri, 50, 708

matrices, 28–30, 33, 49, 174, 223, 240; diagonalizable, 223–24; Hermitian, 240; invertible, 174–75; lower-triangular, 607; nilpotent, 224; orthogonal, 240; permutation, 423, 607; self-adjoint, 240; similar, 174; skew-Hermitian, 231; stochastic, 694; symmetric, 240, 511; symplectic, 298; transpose of, 240; unipotent, 430; unitary, 240, 271, 277, 511; upper-triangular, 607

matrix multiplication, see multiplication, of matrices

matroids, 244–46

maximal function, 455

maximal operator, 452

maximal torus, 430

maximum principle for the Laplace equation, 475

maximum-likelihood estimate, 924

Maxwell’s equations, 479, 484, 490, 525

McKay, John, 60

mean of a random variable, 265–66

meantone temperament, 937

measurable cardinals, see cardinals, measurable

measurable sets, 128, 158, 247, 627–29, 631–32

measure problem, the, 628–29

measurement problem, 269

measures, 246–47, 628, 815; probability, 264. See also Haar measure, Lebesgue measure

Méchanique Analitique (Lagrange), 751

Mellin transform, 214

melodic retrograde and inversion, 938–40

memorylessness, 265

meromorphic continuation, 228–29

meromorphic functions, 213, 723–24

Mersenne, Marin, 936

Mersenne primes, 353

Mesopotamian mathematics, 77–78, 733

metamathematics, 152, 154, 622

metastable states, 829

method of characteristics, 236

method of exhaustion, 132, 735

metric spaces, 46, 172, 181, 220, 247–48, 253, 302

Meyer, Y., 861–62

microlocal analysis, 477

millionaires’ problem, 602

Mills-Robbins-Rumsey determinant, 997–98

Milman, Vitali, 675–76

Milnor, John, 395, 404

Milnor-Švarc lemma, 444

minimal polynomial, 225, 328, 330

minimal surface equation, 312, 457

minimal surfaces, 312, 534, 670, 832–33

minimum connector problem, 245

minimum spanning tree problem (MSTP), 872–75

Minkowski, Hermann, 330, 484, 487, 672, 789–90

Minkowski space, 43, 268, 402, 457, 478, 484–85, 487

Minkowski’s inequality, 704

minor arcs, 346

mirror symmetry, 69, 164, 190, 523–24, 529–32, 534, 537–38

Möbius, August Ferdinand, 759

Möbius function, 345

Möbius inversion, 561

Möbius strip, 384, 392–93, 399–400, 759, 950, 979–80

Möbius transformations, 208–9, 415–16

model spaces for geometric structures, 402

model theory, 6, 645, 814, 822

models, 621–22, 636, 639, 645, 822; of set theory, 248–49, 806; of ZFC, 620–21, 623–27, 629–30

Moderne Algebra (van der Waerden), 105, 824

modes in quantum field theory, 532, 543

modular arithmetic, 249–50

modular automorphism group, 517

modular elliptic curve, 692

modular forms, 251–52, 268, 419, 692, 724, 807–8

modular functions, 347, 545, 549

modules, 104, 285

moduli spaces, 191, 252, 370–71, 408–19, 711–13

modulus of a complex number, 19, 276

modus ponens, 700

molecular dynamics, 836, 841–42

momentum operator, 286

Monge-Ampère equation, 462

Monier-Rabin theorem, 351

monochromatic subsets, 567, 802

monoidal category, 275

monotone circuits, see Boolean circuits, monotone

Monster group, 60, 252, 549

Monstrous Moonshine conjecture, 60, 548–49

Mordell conjecture, the, 117, 382, 681, 722

Mordell-Lang conjecture, 382, 722

Mordell-Weil theorem, 190

Mordell’s theorem, 685, 820

Morlet, J., 861

morphisms, 165–67, 536

Mostow, George, 713

Mostow’s rigidity theorem, 712–13

multiplication, 275–78, 284, 306–7, 635–36, 638; of ideal classes, 323; of ideals, 322; of integers, 65, 586; of matrices, 29, 65, 67, 272, 277–78, 591

multiplication operators, 239–40, 294–95, 511–12, 519

multiplicative sequence, 228

multiplicity of a solution, 366

multiplier of a fixed point, 499

multistep methods for numerical solution of ODEs, 609

Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta of Bartók, 940

Musical Offering, The (Bach), 939–40

naive set theory, see set theory, naive

nanoporous architectures, 834

Nash, John, 694, 901, 982

Nash equilibrium, 694, 901, 982

Nash’s theorem, 364

natural numbers, 17, 258; theory of, 638

natural proofs in computational complexity, 589

natural transformations, 167

Navier-Stokes equations, 193–96, 477

n-body problem, 493, 726–28, 764

NC, see complexity classes

n-category, 167

negation, 15

negative numbers, 17, 81, 126 networks, 862–71

Neumann boundary conditions, 458, 469

neural networks, 844

Newton, Isaac, 87, 100, 109, 118–20, 134, 136, 493–94, 609, 612, 726, 742–43, 827

Newton-Raphson method, 109–10

Newtonian limit, 480, 488

Newton’s law of gravitation, 493

Newton’s method, 494–95, 498, 509, 612–13

Newton’s second law of motion, 194, 286, 311, 493, 524, 726

nilpotent groups, 444, 447, 702

nilpotent matrices, see matrices, nilpotent

no arbitrage principle, 910

Noether, Emmy, 82, 104, 525, 800–801

Noether’s principle, 479, 525, 540

noise, 878

non-Euclidean geometry, 84, 88–94, 832, 946

noncollision singularities in the n-body problem, 727

noncommutative algebraic topology, 523

noncommutative geometry, 57, 272, 522–23

nonconstructible real numbers, 629

nonconstructible sets, 629

nonconstructive arguments, 157

nonconstructive proofs, 693

nondetermined game, 631

nonlinear approximation scheme, 856

nonlinear Poisson equation, 312

nonmeasurable sets, 158, 627–28, 796, 802

nonorientable manifolds, see manifolds, nonorientable

nonparametric approach to statistical modeling, 922–24

nonperturbative phenomena in physics, 530

nonpositively curved groups, 447

nonrigorous arguments, 68–71

nonstandard analysis, 128, 823

nonstandard models of arithmetic, 702, 822

norm residue symbol, 719

normal distribution, 51, 214, 262, 266–67, 647–50, 654, 678, 797

normal number, 262

normal operators, see operators, normal

normal subgroup, 26

normed division algebra, 278

normed spaces, 185, 210, 252–54

norms, 210–11, 253, 278, 319, 321, 704, 810; of quadratic integers, 319, 321, 323

Norton, Simon, 60, 549

NOT gates, 584

notional prices, 899

Novikov, Pyotr, 68, 438, 708

NP, see complexity classes

NP-complete problems, 68, 271–72, 583–87, 596, 874

NP versus co NP problem, 582, 593

null hypotheses, 923–24

Nullstellensatz, see Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz

number field sieve, see sieves

number fields, 254–55, 329, 730

number systems, 16–19, 77–83, 104, 278, 984

number theory, 4. See also additive number theory, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, combinatorial number theory, computational number theory

numeracy, 983–91

numerical analysis, 109, 604–15; integration, 292, 609; linear algebra, 606–9

numerical evidence, 69–70

numerical instability, 606, 610

n-vector model, 70

o-minimal structures, 644

objective functions, 255–57, 288–89, 613, 835, 866

objective prior distributions, 926

objects in a category, 185–87, 536–37

observables, 286–87, 513, 540–42

octahedron, n-dimensional, 53

octatonic scale, 939

octonions, 278–79

odd functions, 204

odd permutations, see permutations

one-step methods for numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, 610

one-time key, 890

one-way functions, 598–601, 890

one-way hash function, 893–95

open sets, 302–3, 633

operator algebras, 240, 510–23

operators, 295, 450, 526; compact, 519; essentially normal, 521; Fredholm, 520–22; Hermitian, 240, 295, 540; normal, 240, 518; self-adjoint, 511, 513; Toeplitz, 521; trace-class, 515, 523; unitary, 513–14, 689, 691

optimization, 255–56, 612–14, 865–70

Opus Restitutae Mathematicae Analyseos, seu Algebra Nova (Viète), 738

OR gates, 584, 587

orbifolds, 257–58, 367, 371, 534–35

orbits, 421, 442, 494–95, 559

order: of a group element, 67; of a permutation, 260

order isomorphism, 258, 617

ordered fields, 643

ordinals, 145, 258, 616–22, 624–27, 629, 779; countable, 624–26

ordinary differential equations (ODEs), 51–52, 464–65, 609–11

orientable manifolds, see manifolds, orientable

orthogonal arrays, 173

orthogonal groups, 39, 230, 232

orthogonal maps, 240

orthogonal projections, see projections, orthogonal

orthogonality: of Legendre polynomials, 292; of spherical harmonics, 296–97; of trigonometric functions, 308; of wavelets, 852–54

orthonormal basis, 212, 220, 240, 296, 423

overdetermined system of equations, 459

P, see complexity classes

p-adic numbers, 82, 241–43

P versus BPP problem, 595, 601

P versus NP problem, 69, 170, 580–81, 585, 591, 598–600, 713–14, 874

Pacioli, Luca, 99, 945

packing problems, 173, 836

PageRank, 877

pairing axiom, 314, 620

pairings, 189

Paley, R. E. A. C., 572, 804, 812, 859

palindromic numbers, 75

parabolic equations, see partial differential equations, parabolic

paradifferential calculus, 477

paradoxes, 145–46

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