VII.01 Mathematics and Chemistry

Jacek Klinowski end Alan L. Mackay

1 Introduction

Since ARCHIMEDES [VI.3], and his experimental investigation (described by Vitruvius) of the proportions of gold and silver in an alloy, the solution of chemical problems has employed mathematics. Carl Schorlemmer studied the paraffinic series of hydrocarbons (then important because of the discovery of oil in Pennsylvania) and showed how their properties changed with the addition of successive carbon atoms. His close friend in Manchester, Friedrich Engels, was inspired by this to introduce the transformation of “quantity into quality” into his philosophical outlook, which then became a mantra of dialectical materialism. From a similar chemical observation, CAYLEY [VI.46] in 1857 developed “rooted trees” and the mathematics of the enumeration of branched molecules, the first articulation of GRAPH THEORY [III.34]. Later, George Pólya developed his fundamental enumeration theorem, facilitating further advances in the counting of these molecules. Still more recently, chemical problems such as the mechanics and kinematics of DNA have had a significant influence on KNOT THEORY [III.44].

However, chemistry has been a quantitative modern science for no more than 150 years. Before this, it was a distant dream: when NEWTON [VI.14] was developing the calculus in around 1700, much of his time was spent working on alchemy. He explained why, having established “the motions of the planets, the comets, the Moon and the sea,” he was unable to determine the remaining structure of the world from the same propositions:

I suspect that they may all depend upon certain forces by which the particles of the bodies, by some causes hitherto unknown, are either mutually impelled toward one another, and cohere in regular figures, or are repelled and recede from one another. These forces being unknown, philosophers have hitherto attempted the search of Nature in vain; but I hope the principles laid down will afford some light either to this or some truer method of philosophy.

The nature of such forces came to be understood only two hundred years later, and indeed the electron, the particle responsible for chemical bonding, was not discovered until 1897. This is why the main flow of ideas has been from mathematical theory to applications in chemistry.

Some of the fundamental equations of chemistry, though based on experiment rather than strict mathematical reasoning, convey a wealth of information with great simplicity and elegance (Thomas 2003). For example, consider Boltzmann’s fundamental equation of statistical thermodynamics, which links entropy, S, to Ω, the number of possible ways of arranging the particles: S = k log Ω, where k is known as the Boltzmann constant. There is also the expression derived by Balmer for the wavelength, λ, of spectral lines from hydrogen in the visible portion of the spectrum:


where nl and n2 are integers, nl < n2, and R is known as the Rydberg constant. A third example, the Bragg equation, links the wavelength, Image, of monochromatic X-rays, the distance, d, between planes in a crystal lattice, and the angle, θ, between the crystal planes and the direction of the X-rays. It says that nImage = 2d sin θ, where n is a small integer. Finally, there is the “phase rule,” P + F = C + 2, which links the number of phases, P, the number of degrees of freedom, F, and the number of components, C, in a chemical system. This is the same relationship as that between the number of vertices, faces, and edges in a convex polyhedron, and emerges from the geometrical representation of the system.

In recent years computers have become the dominant tool in theoretical chemistry. Not only can computers solve differential equations numerically, they can often provide exact algebraic expressions, sometimes even ones that are too elaborate to write out. Computing has required the development of algorithms in the fields of structure, process, modeling, and search. Mathematics has been revolutionized by the advent of computers: in particular in the facility for dealing with nonlinear problems and for displaying results graphically. This has led to fundamental advances, some of them bearing on chemistry.

In general, mathematical approaches to chemical problems can be divided into discrete and continuous treatments, reflecting on the one hand the fundamental discrete atomic nature of matter and on the other the continuous statistical behavior of large numbers of atoms. For example, enumerating molecules is a discrete problem, while a problem involving global measures such as temperature and other thermodynamic parameters will be continuous. These treatments have required different branches of mathematics, with integers more important for discrete problems and real numbers more important for continuous ones.

We shall now outline some chemical problems to which, in our view, mathematics has made the most significant contributions.

2 Structure

2.1 Description of Crystal Structure

Crystal structure is the study of how atoms arrange themselves to form macroscopic materials. Early ideas in the subject were based purely on the symmetry of crystals and their morphology (that is, the shapes they tended to form), and were developed in the nineteenth century in the absence of definite information about the atomic structure of matter. The 230 space groups, which codify different ways of arranging objects periodically in three-dimensional (3D) space, were found independently by Fedorov, Schoenflies, and Barlow between 1885 and 1891. They result from the systematic combination of a certain collection of fourteen lattices, named Bravais lattices after their discovery in 1848 by Auguste Bravais, with the thirty-two so-called crystallographic point groups, which were developed from morphological considerations.

Since the diffraction of X-rays was demonstrated in 1912 by Max von Laue and practical X-ray analysis was developed by W. H. Bragg and his son W. L. Bragg, the crystal structures of several hundred thousand inorganic and organic substances have been determined However, such analysis was for a long time held back by the time required for the calculation of FOURIER TRANSFORMS [III.2 7]. This difficulty is now a thing of the past, owing to the discovery of THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM [III.26] by Cooley and Tukey in 1965—a universally applied algorithm and one of those most often cited in mathematics and computer science.

The fundamental geometry of two-dimensional (2D) and 3D spatial structures led mathematicians to seek analogous problems in N dimensions. Some of this work has found application in the description of quasicrystals, which are arrangements of atoms that, like crystals, exhibit a high degree of organization, but which lack the periodic behavior of crystals. (That is, they do not have translational symmetry.) The most notable example is the following, which uses six-dimensional geometry. Take a regular cubic lattice L in six dimensions and let V be a 3D subspace of Image6 that contains no point of L apart from the origin. Now project on to V all points from L that are closer to V than a certain distance d. The result is a 3D structure of points that exhibits a great deal of local regularity but not global regularity. This structure gives a very good model for quasicrystals.

Until recently, crystals in three dimensions had always been thought of as periodic, and therefore capable of showing only twofold, threefold, fourfold, or sixfold axes of symmetry. Fivefold axes were excluded, because a plane cannot be tiled with regular pentagons. However, in 1982, X-ray and electron diffraction demonstrated the presence of fivefold diffraction symmetry in certain rapidly cooled alloys. Careful electron microscopy was necessary to distinguish the observed structures from the twinning (symmetrical intergrowth) of “normal” crystals. This discovery, of a quasicrystalline alloy phase ”with long-range orientational order and no translational symmetry,” has brought about an ideological shift in crystallography.

The earlier concept of a “quasilattice” appeared to be one possible mathematical formalism for the description of quasicrystals. Quasilattices have two incommensurable periods in the same direction, and the ratio of these periods was given by so-called Pisot and Salem numbers. A Pisot number θ is a root of a polynomial with integer coefficients of degree m such that if θ2,. . . , θm are the other roots, then | θi | < 1, i = 2, . . . , m. A real quadratic ALGEBRAIC INTEGER [IV.1 §11] greater than 1 and of degree 2 or 3 is a Pisot number if its norm is equal to ±1. The golden ratio is an example of a Pisot number since it has degree 2 and norm −1. A Salem number is defined in a similar way to a Pisot number, but with the inequalities replaced by equalities.

LIE ALGEBRA [III.48 §2] arguments have also been used to describe quasicrystals. This has stimulated a great deal of theoretical N-dimensional geometry. Before the discovery of quasicrystals, Roger Penrose had shown how to cover a plane nonperiodically using two different types of rhombic tiles, and corresponding rules were developed for 3D space with two kinds of rhombohedral tiles. The Fourier transform of such a 3D structure with atoms placed in the rhombohedral cells explains the observed diffraction patterns of 3D quasicrystals, while Penrose’s 2D pattern corresponds to decagonal quasicrystals, which consist of stacked layers of the 2D pattern and which have been experimentally observed.

The broadening of classical crystallography to encompass quasicrystals has been given further impetus by recent advances in electron microscopy. It is now possible to observe atomic arrangements directly, including those of the decagonal quasicrystals just mentioned, rather than having to deduce them from diffraction patterns, where the phases of the various diffracted beams are lost in the experimental system and have to be recovered mathematically. The whole field of computational and experimental image processing has become coherent as a result.

Another model describes 2D quasicrystals in terms of a single repeating unit, but the unit is a composite object, a pattern made out of identical decagons. Unlike the unit cells in periodic crystals, these quasi-unit cells are allowed to overlap, but where they do their constituent decagons must match up. This conceptual device is an alternative to the use of two kinds of unit cell. It emphasizes the dominating physical presence of locally ordered atomic clusters, with no long-range order, and it can be extended to three dimensions. The predictions of this model agree with the observed composition of a 2D decagonal quasicrystal, as well as with the results obtained by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Nevertheless, although a huge amount of interesting mathematics has been generated by the discovery of quasicrystals, most of it is not physically relevant: the structures emerge from the competition between local and global ordering forces rather than from the mathematics of the Penrose tiling.

The acceptance of quasicrystals demonstrates the need to accommodate more general concepts of order into classical crystallography. It has explicitly introduced concepts of hierarchy, by involving not just ordered clusters of atoms but ordered clusters of clusters, where local order has predominated over the regular lattice repetition. Quasicrystals represent the first step from absolute regularity toward more general structures that are intimately bound up with the notion of information.

Information can be stored in a device which has two or more clearly identifiable states that are metastable. This means that each state is a local equilibrium, and to pass from one to another, one must supply and remove enough energy to take the device over the local energy watershed. A switch, for example, can be on or off; it is stable in either state and to change the state takes a certain amount of energy. To take a more general example, any information, encoded as a sequence of binary digits, can be read in, read out, and stored as a sequence of magnetic domains, where each one is magnetized either north or south.

Perfect crystals have no alternative metastable states, so cannot be used to store information, but a piece of silicon carbide, for example, exists as a sequence of close-packed layers, each of which may be in one or other of two almost equivalent positions. To describe the structure of a piece of silicon carbide therefore demands a knowledge of the sequence of positions in which the layers are stacked. This can be represented by a string of binary digits. Now that it is possible to arrange atoms in a structure almost at will, at least if they are on a surface, the processing of information has become important to chemistry.

In determining the arrangement of atoms in crystals, mathematics has been essential for the solution of the phase problem, which had held up progress in structural chemistry and molecular biology for decades. A pattern of diffracted X-rays, recorded as an array of spots on a photographic plate, depends on the arrangement of atoms in the molecule causing the diffraction. The problem is that the diffraction pattern registers only the intensity of the light waves, but to work back to the molecular structure it is necessary to know their phase as well (that is, the positions of the crests and troughs of the waves relative to each other). This results in a classic inverse problem, which was solved by Jerome and Isabella Karle and Herbert A. Hauptman.

A Voronoi diagram consists of points, representing atom sites, with each point contained in a region (see also MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY [VII.02 §5]). The region surrounding a given site consists of all points that are closer to that site than to any of the other sites (figure 1). The geometric dual of the Voronoi diagram, a system of triangles with the sites as vertices, is called the Delaunay triangulation. (An alternative definition of the Delaunay triangulation is that it is a triangulation of the sites with the additional property that, for each triangle, the circumcircle of that triangle contains no other sites.) These dissections give a well-defined way of representing many N-dimensional chemical structures as arrangements of polytopes. Crystals, which have periodic boundaries, are easier to deal with than extended structures that terminate in a boundary. The Voronoi dissection of crystal structures enables one to describe them as networks. Nevertheless, despite much progress in understanding structure, it is not yet possible to guess a crystal structure in advance just from the composition of elements in its molecules.


Figure 1 Voronoi dissection of 2D space.

2.2 Computational Chemistry

Attempts to solve THE SCHRÖDINGER EQUATION [III.83], which gives the quantum mechanical description of matter, began soon after it was proposed in 1926. For very simple systems, calculations performed on mechanical calculators agreed with the experimental results of spectroscopy. In the 1950s, electronic computers became available for general scientific use, and the new field of computational chemistry developed, the aim of which was to obtain quantitative information on atomic positions, bond lengths, electronic configurations of atoms, etc., by means of numerical solutions of the Schrödinger equation. Advances during the 1960s included deriving suitable functions for representing electronic orbitals, obtaining approximate solutions to the problem of how the motions of different electrons correlate with each other, and providing formulas for the derivative of the energy of a molecule with respect to the positions of the atomic nuclei. Powerful software packages became available in the early 1970s. Much current research is aimed at developing methods that can handle larger and larger molecules.

Density functional theory (DFT) (Parr and Yang 1989) is a major recent field of activity in quantum mechanical computation, and concerns macroscopic features of materials. It has been successful in the description of the properties of metals, semiconductors, and insulators, and even of complex materials such as proteins and carbon nanotubes. Traditional methods in the study of electronic structure—such as one called the Hartree-Fock theory molecular orbital method, which assigns the electrons two at a time to a set of molecular orbitals—involve very complicated many-electron wave functions. The main objective of DFT is to replace the many-body electronic wave function, which depends on 3N variables, with a different basic quantity, the electronic density, which depends on just 3 variables, and therefore greatly speeds up calculations.

The partial differential equations of quantum mechanics, physics, fields, surfaces, potentials, and waves can sometimes be solved analytically, but even if they cannot, they are now almost always soluble by numerical methods. All this relies on the corresponding pure mathematics. (For a discussion of how to solve partial differential equations numerically, see NUMERICAL ANALYSIS [IV.21 §5].)

2.3 Chemical Topology

Isomers are chemical compounds that are made out of the same elements but have different physical and chemical properties. This can happen for various reasons. In structural isomers, the atoms and functional groups are linked together in different ways. This class includes chain isomers, where hydrocarbon chains have variable amounts of branching, and position isomers, where the position of a functional group in a chain is different (figure 2(a)). In stereoisomers the bond structure is the same, but the geometrical positioning of atoms and functional groups in space differs (figure 2(b)). This class includes optical isomers, where different isomers are mirror images of each other (figure 2(c)). While structural isomers have different chemical properties, stereoisomers behave identically in most chemical reactions. There are also topological isomers such as catenanes and DNA.


Figure 2 (a) Position isomerism. (b) Stereoisomerism. (c) Optical isomerism.

An important theme in chemical topology is determining, for any given molecule, how many isomers it has. To do this, one first associates with any molecule a molecular graph, the vertices representing atoms and the edges representing chemical bonds. To enumerate stereoisomers, one counts the symmetries of this graph, but first one must consider symmetries of the molecule (Cotton 1990) in order to decide which symmetries of the graph correspond to spatial transformations that make chemical sense. Cayley addressed the problem of enumerating structural isomers, that is, combinatorially possible branched molecules. To do this, one must count how many different molecular graphs there are with a given set of elements, where two graphs are regarded as the same if they are isomorphic. The enumeration of isomorphism types uses group theory to count the intrinsic graph symmetries. After Pólya published his remarkable ENUMERATION THEOREM [IV.18 §6] in 1937, his work using GENERATING FUNCTIONS [IV.18 §§2.4, 3] and PERMUTATION GROUPS [III.68] became central to the enumeration of isomers in organic chemistry. The theorem solves the general problem of how many configurations there are with certain properties. It has applications such as the enumeration of chemical compounds and the enumeration of rooted trees in graph theory. A new branch of graph theory, called enumerative graph theory, is based on Pólya’s ideas (see ALGEBRAIC AND ENUMERATIVE COMBINATORICS [IV.18]).

Although not all the possible isomers occur in nature, molecules with remarkable topologies have been synthesized artificially. Among them are cubane, C8H8, which contains eight carbon atoms arranged at the corners of a cube, each linked to a single hydrogen atom; dodecahedrane, C20H20, which, as its name suggests, has a dodecahedral shape; the molecular trefoil knot; and the self-assembling compound olympiadane composed of five interlocked rings. Catenanes (from Latin catena, chain) are molecules containing two or more interlocked rings that are inseparable without breaking a covalent bond. Rotaxanes (from Latin rota, wheel, and axis, axle) are dumbbell shaped, having a rod and two bulky stopper groups, around which there are encircling macrocyclic components. The stoppers of the dumbbell prevent the macrocycles from slipping off the rod. Even a molecular MÖBIUS STRIP [IV.7 §2.3] has recently been synthesized.

Macromolecules, such as synthetic polymers and biopolymers (e.g., DNA and proteins), are very large and highly flexible. The degree to which a polymer molecule coils and knots and links with other molecules is crucial to its physical and chemical properties, such as reactivity, viscosity, and crystallization behavior. The topological entanglement of short chains can be modeled using Monte Carlo simulation, and the results can now be experimentally verified with fluorescence microscopy.

DNA, the central substance of life, has a complex and fascinating topology, which is closely related to its biological function. The major geometric descriptions of supercoiled DNA (that is, DNA wrapped around a series of proteins) involve the concepts of linking, twisting, and writhing numbers that come from knot theory. DNA knots, which are created spontaneously within cells, interfere with replication, reduce transcription, and may decrease the stability of the DNA. “Resolvase enzymes” detect and remove these knots, but the mechanism of this process is not understood. However, using topological concepts of knots and tangles, one can gain insight into the reaction site and thereby try to infer the mechanism. (See also MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY [VII.02 §5].)

2.4 Fullerenes

Graphite and diamond, the two crystalline forms of the element carbon, have been known since time immemorial, but fullerenes, which were subsequently found to exist naturally in soot and geological deposits, were discovered only in the mid 1980s. The most common is the almost-spherical carbon cage C60 molecule (figure 3), also known as “buckminsterfullerene” after the architect who designed enormous domes, but fullerenes C24, C28, C32, C36, C50, C70, C76, C84, etc., also exist. Topology provides insights into the possible types of such structures, while group theory and graph theory describe the symmetry of the molecules, allowing one to interpret their vibrational modes.


Figure 3 The structure of the fullerene C60.

In all fullerenes, each carbon atom is connected to exactly three neighboring ones, and the resulting molecule is a “cage” made of rings of either five or six carbon atoms. From EULER’s [VI.19] topological relationship Σn(6 – n) fn = 12, where fn is the number of n-hedral faces and the summation is over all faces of the polyhedron, we conclude first that f5 = 12, since n is found to take only the values 5 or 6, and second that f6 can take any value greater than 1.

In 1994, Terrones and Mackay predicted the existence of ordered structures of a new kind, derived from graphite and related to fullerenes, with topologies of triply periodic MINIMAL SURFACES [III.94 §3.1]. These new structures, which are of great practical interest, are produced by introducing eight-membered rings of carbon atoms into a sheet of six-membered rings. This gives rise to saddle-shaped surfaces of negative GAUSSIAN CURVATURE [III.78], unlike the fullerenes, which have positive curvature. Thus, to model them mathematically one must consider embeddings of non- Euclidean 2D spaces into Image3. This has contributed to a renewed interest in certain aspects of non-Euclidean geometry.

2.5 Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, X-rays, etc.) with matter. The central portion of the electromagnetic spectrum—spanning the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet wavelengths and the radio frequency region—is of particular interest to chemistry. A molecule, which consists of electrically charged nuclei and electrons, may interact with the oscillating electric and magnetic fields of light and absorb enough energy to be promoted from one discrete vibrational energy level to another. Such a transition is registered in the infrared spectrum of the molecule. The Raman spectrum monitors inelastic scattering of light by molecules (that is, when some of the light is scattered at a different frequency from the frequency of the incoming photons). Visible and ultraviolet light can redistribute the electrons in the molecule: this is electronic spectroscopy.

Group theory is essential in the interpretation of the spectra of chemical compounds (Cotton 1990; Hollas 2003). For any given molecule, the symmetry operations that can be applied to it form a GROUP [I.3 §2.1], and can be represented by matrices. This allows one to identify “spectroscopically active” events in a molecule. For example, just three bands are observed in the infrared spectrum and eight bands in the Raman spectrum of dodecahedrane. This is a consequence of the icosahedral symmetry of the molecule and is what one expects from group-theoretic considerations. Also, there are no coincidences between the infrared- and Raman-active modes. Similarly, group theory correctly predicts that, because of the high symmetry of a C60 molecule, it has only four lines in its infrared spectrum and ten in its Raman spectrum, even though it has 174 vibrational modes.

2.6 Curved Surfaces

Structural chemistry has greatly changed in the last twenty years. First, as we have seen, the rigid concept of a “perfect crystal” has been relaxed to embrace structures such as quasicrystals and textures. Second, an advance has been made from classical geometry to 3D differential geometry. The main reason for this has been the use of curved surfaces for describing a great variety of structures (Hyde et al. 1997).

When a wire frame is dipped into soapy water, a thin film is formed. Surface tension minimizes the energy of the film, which is proportional to its surface area. As a result, the film has the smallest area consistent with the shape of the frame and with the requirement that the mean curvature of the film be zero at every point. If the symmetries of a minimal surface are given by one of the 230 space groups mentioned earlier, then the surface is periodic in three independent directions. Such triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMSs) are of special interest because they appear in a variety of real structures such as silicates, bicontinuous mixtures, lyotropic colloids, detergent films, lipid bilayers, polymer interfaces, and biological formations (an example of a TPMS is illustrated in figure 4). Thus, TPMSs provide a concise description of many seemingly unrelated structures. Extensions of TPMSs may even have applications in cosmology as “branes.”


Figure 4 One unit cell of the P triply periodic minimal surface. The surface divides space into two interpenetrating labyrinths.

In 1866 WEIERSTRASS [VI.44] discovered a method of complex analysis suitable for general investigation of minimal surfaces. Consider a transformation of a minimal surface into the complex plane by combination of two simple maps. The first is the Gauss map v, under which the image of a point P of the surface is the point P′ of the intersection of the surface normal vector at P with the unit sphere centered at P. The second map is a stereographic projection σ of the point P′ on the sphere into the complex plane Image, resulting in the point P″. The composite map, σν, conformally maps the neighborhood of any nonumbilic point on the surface to a simply connected region of Image. (An umbilic point is one where the two principal curvatures are the same.) The inverse of this composite map is called the Enneper–Weierstrass representation.

In a system with the origin at (x0, y0, z0), the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of any nontrivial minimal surface are determined by a set of three integrals:


Here R (τ) is the Weierstrass function. It is a function of a complex variable τ, and it is HOLOMORPHIC [I.3 §5.6] in a simply connected region of Image, except at isolated points.

The Cartesian coordinates of any (nonumbilic) point on a minimal surface are thus expressed as the real parts of certain contour integrals, evaluated in the complex plane from some fixed point w0 to a variable point w. Integration is carried out within the domain where the integrands are HOLOMORPHIC [I.3 §5.6], and thus by Cauchy’s theorem the values of the integrals are independent of the path of integration from w0 to w. In this way, a specific minimal surface is completely defined by its Weierstrass function.

While the Weierstrass functions for many TPMSs are unknown, the coordinates of points lying on some minimal surfaces involve functions of the form


where Image and Image are sufficient to parametrize the surface. A method has been developed for deriving this function for a given type of surface, and it generates different families of minimal surfaces from the above equation. For example, taking Image = 0 and Image = −14 gives a surface known as the D surface (for “diamond”).

The application of minimal surfaces to the physical world has so far been descriptive, rather than quantitative. Although explicit analytical equations for the parameters of some TPMSs have recently been derived, problems such as stability and mechanical strength are unresolved. While describing structure using the concept of curvature is mathematically attractive, it has yet to make its full impact on chemistry.

2.7 Enumeration of Crystalline Structures

It is a matter of considerable scientific and practical importance to enumerate all possible networks of atoms in a systematic way. For example, 4-connected networks (that is, networks in which each atom is connected to exactly four neighbors) occur in crystalline elements, hydrates, covalently bonded crystals, silicates, and many synthetic compounds. Of particular interest is the possibility of using systematic enumeration to discover and generate new nanoporous architectures.

Nanoporous materials are materials with tiny holes in them that allow some substances to pass through and not others. Many are naturally occurring, such as cell membranes and “molecular sieves” called zeolites, but many others have been synthesized. There are now 152 recognized structure types of zeolites, with several new types being added to the list every year. Zeolites find many important applications in science and technology, in areas as diverse as catalysis, chemical separation, water softening, agriculture, refrigeration, and optoelectronics. Unfortunately, the problem of enumeration is fraught with difficulties, and since the number of 4-connected 3D networks is infinite and there is no systematic procedure for their derivation, the results reported so far have been obtained by empirical methods.

Enumeration originated with the work of Wells (1984) on 3D nets and polyhedra. Many possible new structures were found by model building or computer search algorithms. New research in this field is based on recent advances in combinatorial tiling theory, developed by the first generation of pure mathematicians familiar with computing. The tiling approach identified over nine hundred networks with one, two, and three kinds of inequivalent vertices, which we call uninodal, binodal, and trinodal.

However, only a fraction of the mathematically generated networks are chemically feasible (many would be “strained” frameworks requiring unrealistic bond lengths and bond angles), so for the mathematics to be useful an effective filtering process is needed to identify the most plausible frameworks. Methods of computational chemistry were therefore used to minimize the framework energy of the various hypothetical structures, which were treated as though they were made from silicon dioxide. The unit cell parameters, framework energies and densities, volumes available to adsorption, and X-ray diffraction patterns were all calculated. A total of 887 structures were successfully optimized and ranked according to their framework energies and available volumes to give a subset of chemically feasible hypothetical structures. A number of them have since been synthesized.

The results of these calculations are relevant to the structures of zeolites and other silicates, aluminophos phates (AIPOs), oxides, nitrides, chalcogenides, halides, carbon networks, and even to polyhedral bubbles in foams.

2.8 Global Optimization Algorithms

A wide variety of problems in practically all fields of physical science involve global optimization, that is, determining the global minimum (or maximum) of a function of an arbitrary number of independent variables (Wales 2004). These problems also appear in technology, design, economics, telecommunications, logistics, financial planning, travel scheduling, and the design of microprocessor circuitry. In chemistry and biology, global optimization arises in connection with the structure of clusters of atoms, protein conformation, and molecular docking (the fitting and binding of small molecules at the active sites of biomacromolecules such as enzymes and DNA). The quantity to be minimized is nearly always the energy of the system (see below).

Global optimization is like trying to find the deepest point in a very rugged landscape. In most cases of practical interest it is very difficult because of the ubiquity of local minima, or holes in the landscape, the number of which tend to increase exponentially with the size of the problem. Conventional minimization techniques are time-consuming and have a tendency to find a nearby hole and stay there: that is, they converge to whichever local minimum they first encounter. The genetic algorithm (GA), an approach inspired by Darwin’s theory of evolution, was introduced in the 1960s. This algorithm starts with a set of solutions (represented by “chromosomes”) called a population. Solutions from one population are taken and used to form a new population. This is done in such a way that one expects the new population to be better than the old one. Solutions that are chosen for forming new solutions (“offspring”) are selected according to their “fitness”: the more suitable they are the more chances they have to reproduce. This is repeated until some condition is satisfied. (For example, one might stop after a certain number of generations or after a certain improvement of the solution has been achieved.)

Simulated annealing (SA), introduced in 1983, uses an analogy between the annealing process, in which a molten metal cools and freezes into a minimum-energy structure, and the search for a minimum in a more general system. The process can be thought of as an adiabatic approach to the lowest-energy state. The algorithm employs a random search which accepts not only changes that decrease the energy, but also some changes that increase it. The energy is represented by an objective function f, and the energy- increasing changes are accepted with a probability p = exp(– δf / T), where δf is the increase in f and T is the system “temperature,” irrespective of the nature of the objective function. SA involves the choice of “annealing schedule,” initial temperature, the number of iterations at each temperature, and the temperature decrease at each step as cooling proceeds.

Taboo (or tabu) search is a general-purpose stochastic global-optimization method originally proposed by Glover in 1989. It is used for very large combinatorial optimization tasks and has been extended to continuous-valued functions of many variables with many local minima Taboo search uses a modification of “local search,” which starts from some initial solution and attempts to find a better solution. This becomes the new solution and the process restarts from it. The procedure continues step by step until no improvement is found to the current solution. The algorithm avoids entrapment in local minima and gives the optimal final solution. A recent method of global optimization, known as “basin hopping,” has been successfully applied to a variety of atomic and molecular clusters, peptides, polymers, and glass-forming solids. The algorithm is based upon a transformation of the energy landscape that does not affect the relative energies of local minima Combined with taboo search, basin hopping shows a significant improvement in efficiency over the best published results for atomic clusters.

2.9 Protein Structure

Proteins are linear sequences of amino acids, which are molecules that contain both the amide (–NH2) and carboxylic (–COOH) functional groups. Understanding the means by which a protein adopts its 3D structure is a key scientific challenge (Wales 2004). This problem is also critical to developing strategies, at the molecular level, to counter “protein folding diseases” such as Alzheimer’s disease and “mad cow” disease. The strategy in tackling protein folding relies upon the fact, observed by Anfinsen, Haber, Sela, and White in 1961, that the structure of a folded protein corresponds to the conformation which minimizes the free energy of the system. The free energy of a protein depends on the various interactions within the system, and each can be modeled mathematically using the principles of electrostatics and physical chemistry. As a result, the free energy of a protein can be expressed as a function of the positions of the constituent atoms. The 3D arrangement of the protein then corresponds to the set of atomic locations providing the minimum possible value of the free energy, and the problem is reduced to finding the global minimum of the potential-energy surface of the protein. The problem is further complicated because some proteins require other molecules, “chaperones,” to enable them to reach a particular configuration.


Figure 5 A fifty-five-atom Lennard-Jones cluster. (Courtesy of Dr. D. J. Wales, Cambridge University.)

2.10 Lennard-Jones Clusters

A Lennard-Jones cluster is a closely packed arrangement of atoms in which every pair of atoms has an associated potential energy, given by the classical Lennard-Jones potential-energy function. The Lennard Jones cluster problem is to determine the atomic cluster configurations with minimum potential energy (figure 5). If n is the number of atoms in the cluster, then one wishes to find points pl, p2,. . . , pn so as to minimize the sum


where rij stands for the Euclidean distance between pi and pj, and the atoms of the cluster are positioned at p1, p2,. . . ,pn. The problem is still a challenge, both to optimization methods and to computer technology. A systematic survey by Northby in 1987, which yielded most of the lowest Lennard-Jones potential values in the range 13 ≤ n ≤ 147, was a significant landmark, and these results have since been improved by about 10%. The results for n = 148, 149, 150, 192, 200, 201, 300, and 309 have now been reported using stochastic global-optimization algorithms.

2.11 Random Structures

Stereology, originally the deduction of 3D structure from microscope examination of sections, has required the development of a substantial branch of statistical mathematics, in which R. E. Miles and R. Coleman have played leading roles. Stereology concerns the estimation of geometrical quantities. Geometrical shapes are used to probe objects to learn about their quantities, such as volume or length. Random sampling is a basic step in all stereological estimation. The degree of randomness required for any estimate varies.

Even apparently simple questions involving randomness with spatial constraints may prove difficult. For example, Gotoh and Finney gave an estimate of 0.6357 as the density expected for a dense random packing of hard spheres of equal size, and their answer to this apparently simple question has not since been improved upon, as far as we know. The problem needs to be defined very carefully, since it is far from obvious what one means by a “random packing” of spheres. This is even more true when one investigates other, related problems concerning the interaction of molecules using computer simulation. This area, called molecular dynamics, was begun by A. Rahman, and it developed steadily from the 1960s as computers themselves developed. An example of a problem in molecular dynamics is the modeling of liquid water. This is still difficult, but the immense computing power that is now available has enabled enormous progress to be made.

3 Process

In 1951 Belousov discovered the Belousov–Zhabotinski reaction, in which time-dependent spatial patterns appear in an apparently isotropic medium. The mechanism of this reaction was elucidated in 1972, and this opened up an entire new research area: nonlinear chemical dynamics. Oscillatory phenomena have also been observed in membrane transport. Winfree and Prigogine have shown how patterns in space and time can appear, and some of these patterns have been fitted to practical examples.

The development of cellular automata began with Stanislaw Ulam, Lindenmeyer systems, and Conway’s “game of life” and continues to this day. With his huge book, Wolfram (2002) has demonstrated the complexity that can arise from apparently simple rules, and recently Reiter has used cellular automata to simulate the growth of snowflakes, beginning to answer questions that Kepler posed in 1611. There is a group of mathematicians in Bielefeld, led by Andreas Dress, who deal with structure-forming processes; they have made particular progress in modeling actual chemistry and thus revealing possible mechanisms.

4 Search

4.1 Chemical Informatics

A fundamental development in chemistry has been the application of computing to searching multidimensional databases of chemical compounds and their structures. These databases are now enormous compared with their (already large) predecessors, the classical Gmelin and Beilstein databases. The search process has required fundamental mathematical analyses, as exemplified in the pioneering work of Kennard and Bernal in developing the Cambridge Structural Database (

What is the best way to encode the structure of a 3D molecule or a crystal arrangement as a linear sequence of symbols? One would like to be able to restore the structure efficiently from its encoding, and also to search efficiently through a big list of encoded structures. The problems that this raises are of long standing, and need insights both from mathematics and chemistry.

4.2 Inverse Problems

Many of the mathematical challenges of chemistry are inverse problems. Often they involve solving a set of linear equations. If there are as many equations as unknowns and the equations are independent, then this can be done by inverting a square matrix. However, if the system is singular or redundant, or if there are fewer equations or more equations than unknowns, then the corresponding matrix is singular or rectangular and there is no ordinary inverse. Nevertheless, it is possible to define a generalized inverse, which gives a good model for linear problems. (It is the so-called Moore–Penrose inverse or pseudo-inverse involved in singular value decomposition.) This always exists and it uses all available information; it is related to the problem of reconstructing a 3D structure from a 2D projection. The operation has been fully described and is now available in Mathematica.

The generalized inverse also enables one to handle redundant axes in quasicrystals, but usually the interesting problems are nonlinear. Other inverse problems include the following.

(i) Finding the arrangement of atoms that gives rise to the observed scattering patterns of X-rays or electrons from a crystal.

(ii) Reconstructing a 3D image from 2D projections in microscopy or X-ray tomography.

 (iii) Reconstructing the geometry of a molecule given probable interatomic distances (and perhaps bond angles and torsion angles).

 (iv) Finding the way in which a protein molecule folds to give an active site, given the sequence of constituent amino acids.

(v) Finding the pathway to producing a molecule synthetically, given that it occurs in nature.

 (vi) Finding the sequence of rules that generate a membrane or a plant or another biological object, given that it takes a certain shape.

Some questions of this type do not have unique answers. For example, the classic question as to whether the shape of a drumhead can be determined from its vibration spectrum (can you hear the shape of a drum?) has been answered in the negative: two vibrating membranes with different shapes may have the same spectrum. It was thought that this ambiguity might also be the case for crystal structures. Linus Pauling suggested that there might be two different crystal structures that were homometric (that is, giving the same diffraction pattern), but no definite example has been found.

5 Conclusion

As the examples in this article show, mathematics and chemistry have a symbiotic relationship, with developments in one often stimulating advances in the other. Many interesting problems, including several that we have mentioned here, are still waiting to be solved.

Further Reading

Cotton, F. A. 1990. Chemical Applications of Group Theory. New York: Wiley Interscience.

Hollas, J. M. 2003. Modern Spectroscopy. New York: John Wiley.

Hyde, S., S. Andersson, K. Larsson, Z. Blum, T. Landh, S. Lidin, and B. W. Ninham. 1997. The Language of Shape. The Role of Curvature in Condensed Matter: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Parr, R. G., and W. Yang. 1989. Density-Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thomas, J. M. 2003. Poetic suggestion in chemical science. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 88:109–39.

Wales, D. J. 2004. Energy Landscapes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wells, A. F. 1984. Structural Inorganic Chemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wolfram, S. 2002. A New Kind of Science. Champaign, IL: Wolfram Media.

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