
Bold numbers indicate pages that may be particularly helpful, usually because they contain definitions or detailed discussions.

3-colorabi1ity, 583, 598

3SAT, 582–83

4-potential, 490

Ω-logic, see logic, Ω-

abacuses, 106

ABC conjecture, 361, 681, 722

Abel, Niels Henrik, 20, 50, 81, 101, 123–24, 331, 709, 760–62

Abelian field extensions, 720

Abelian groups, 20, 190, 255, 274, 285, 323, 761

Abelian varieties, see varieties, Abelian

absolute convergence, see convergence, absolute

abstract algebra, 82, 95–106, 800–801

abstract nonsense, 166, 417

abstraction in mathematics, 20, 55–56, 96, 539

Ackermann function, 112

Acta Mathematica, 784

action principle, see Hamilton’s least action principle

actions of a group, see groups, actions of

actions of a physical system, 287, 311, 478, 524–26, 541

Adams formulas, 609–10

adaptive algorithms, 614

addition, 284–85, 635–36, 638

additive number theory, 715–18

adjacency matrix of a graph, 198, 571

adjectives, 8, 10, 77

adjoint, 172, 179, 186, 188, 212, 240, 272, 277

advanced encryption standard, 889–90

affine algebraic groups, 429

affine buildings, 162

affine geometry, 39–40

Airy function, 449

Al-ImageüsImage, NaImageir al-DImagen, 86–87

Al-KarajImage, 98

Al-KhwImagerizmImage, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn MüsImage, 79–80, 98–99, 106, 133, 736–37, 986

al-KitImageb al-mukhtaImagear fImage ImageisImageb al-jabr wa’1-muqImagebala (al-KhwImagerizmImage), 98, 106, 133, 736

Aldous’s theorem, 656

Alexander polynomial, the, 225–27

algebra, 1–4, 57–58, 80, 95–106, 539

Algebra (Bombelli), 737

algebraic closure, 642

algebraic curves, 190, 367, 381, 392, 721

algebraic functions, 241

algebraic geometry, 5, 285, 363–72

algebraic integrals, 726

algebraic multiplicity, 225

algebraic number theory, 4, 315–32; algebraic integers, 254, 315, 317–19, 324–30; algebraic numbers, 171, 222, 241–42, 315, 325–30, 616, 641, 779

algebraic sets, 313, 363, 367

algebraic structure on a surface, 411

algebraic topology, 40, 383–96, 801

algebraically closed fields, 640–42

algebras, 105, 172, 239–40, 272

algorithms, 50, 65, 68, 71–73, 106–17, 436, 575–77, 579, 707, 871–72

alternating groups, 61, 261, 279, 688

alternating knots, 227

AM-GM inequality, 703–4

amalgamated free products, 437, 442

amicable numbers, 747

A-model, 531–34

analysis, 2–3, 5–6, 30–38, 118, 122–23, 125, 127–28, 136, 138

Analyst, The (Berkeley), 120

analytic continuation, 38

analytic formulas for special values of L-functions, 316–17, 323

analytic geometry, 100, 138

analytic number theory, 4, 332–48

analytic philosophy, 928–35

analytic sets, 628, 632, 801

AND gates, 584, 587

Andrews, George, 997–98

angles, 41, 219–20

Apollonius, 735–36

Appel, Kenneth, 117, 142, 563, 698

approximate algorithms, 874

approximate counting, 595

approximating square roots, 110

approximation by polynomials, 253

approximation by rational numbers, 192, 222, 315–16, 710

approximation method in computational complexity, 587

approximation schemes, 852–53, 856

a priori estimates, 474–75

arbitrage, 911–12

arboreal group theory, 442

Archimedean property, 636

Archimedes, 79, 97, 108, 132, 609, 734–35

area, 57, 183–84

Argand diagrams, 18, 201

arguments of complex numbers, 19

Aristotelean logic, see logic, Aristotelean

Aristotle, 83, 86, 151, 931–33

arithmetic circuits, 589–91

arithmetic geometry, 372–83

Arithmetica (Diophantus), 97–99

Arithmetica Universalis (Newton), 100, 136

Arrow’s theorem, 982

arrows, 166

Ars Conjectandi (Jacob Bernoulli), 746

Ars Magna (Cardano), 99, 134, 737

Artin, Emil, 161, 720, 730, 812–13

Artin zeta functions, 730

Artin’s reciprocity law, see reciprocity, Artin’s law of

Asian option, 914

Ask, see search engines

associative law, 13, 105, 272, 278, 301, 323, 892

asymptotically stable orbit, 495

Atiyah, Michael, 394, 683

Atiyah-Singer index theorem, 219, 460, 521, 681–84, 725

Atkinson’s theorem, 520–21

atlas, 44, 279

atonal set theory, 942

attaching maps, 441

attracting basin, 501–2

automatic differentiation, 613

automorphic forms, 191, 252, 419

automorphisms, 27–28, 29, 412, 709

average-case complexity, 603

avoidable properties, 626, 633

axiom of choice, 145, 147–48, 157–58, 159, 314, 619–21, 623–24, 626–28, 684

axiom of comprehension, 157

axiom of extensionality, 620–21

axiom of foundation, 620

axiom of infinity, 620–21

axiom of regularity, 620–21

axiom of replacement, 620–22

axiom of separation, 620

axiom of union, 620–21

axiom scheme, 259, 622

axiomatic approach: to mathematics, 84, 128, 138–40, 145, 152; to probability, 793, 795, 815

axioms, 20, 56, 284, 700

Babbage, Charles, 111

Babylonian mathematics, 96

Bach, J. S., 938–40

Baire category theorem, 633

Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula, 232

Banach, Stefan, 254, 809–11, 813

Banach algebras, 172, 202, 211, 239; commutative, 307

Banach spaces, 172, 188, 210, 239–40, 252–54, 270, 294, 799, 810

Banach-Tarski paradox, 158, 684–85, 813

bandlimited signals, 860

Barban-Davenport-Halberstam theorem, 341

barrier option, 913

Bartók, Béla, 940

base space, 392

basic feasible solutions, 288

basis: of a matroid, 245–46; of a topology, 302; of a vector space, 21–22, 28, 30, 223

basis states, 270

Baum-Connes conjecture, 522

Bayesian analysis, 159–60, 753, 920, 926–27

Begriffsschrift (Frege), 140

Beltrami operator, 296

Beltrami, Eugenio, 92

Berkeley, George, 120

Bernoulli, Daniel, 747

Bernoulli, Jacob I, 746

Bernoulli, Johann I, 746

Bernoulli, Nicolaus I, 120, 747

Bernoulli distribution, 263, 267

Bernoulli numbers, 395

Betti number, 731

Bézout’s lemma, 114

Bézout’s theorem, 365–66, 392

Bianchi identities, 488

bicharacteristic curves, 463, 466–67

Bieberbach conjecture, 803

bifurcation set, 505

big bang, 492

biholomorphic equivalence, 728

bijection, 11, 616

bijective proofs, 555–56

bilinear forms, 178, 268

bilinear maps, 188, 301

binary operations, 12–13, 284

binary symmetric channel, 879, 883

binomial distribution, 263, 266–67

biological fluid dynamics, 843

biorthogonal wavelet bases, 855

bipartite graphs, see graphs, bipartite

birational equivalence, 722

Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, 229, 381, 685–86

Birkhoff, George, 691, 802–3

Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem, 691, 803

black holes, 491

Black-Scholes equation, 655, 910, 912–13

block designs, 172–73

blow-up, 463, 465

B-model, 531–34

Bochner identity, 474

Boltzmann factor, 667, 669

Bolyai, JImagenos, 42, 89–92, 137, 762

Bolzano, Bernard, 124, 757–58

Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, 124, 144, 147, 168, 758, 771

Bombelli, Rafael, 81, 104, 317, 737

Boole, George, 111, 769–70

Boolean algebra, 770

Boolean circuits, 584–89; monotone, 586–87

bootstrap argument, 475

Borcherds, Richard, 60, 548–49

Borel, Emile, 795, 796

Borel sets, 247, 628, 631–32, 801

Borsuk’s antipodal theorem, 978

Borsuk’s problem, 677

Bott periodicity theorem, 227, 394, 682–83

Böttcher maps, 502–5

bound states, 472

bound variables, see free and bound variables

boundary conditions, 217, 458–59, 467, 469

bounded-depth circuits, 587–88

Bourbaki, Nicolas, 823–25

BPP, see complexity classes, 595

Braess’s paradox, 866–68

braid groups, 160–61, 274, 388

branching processes, 658–59

branes, 535–36, 538

Brauer, Richard, 320, 428

breakdown of solutions to partial differential equations, 194–96, 481

breaking time, 237

Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass), The (Duchamp), 947

Britton’s lemma, 437, 439–40

Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan, 116, 142, 148–51, 153, 155, 181, 799–800

Brouwer’s fixed point theorem, 693–96, 800, 901

Brown-Douglas-Fillmore theorem, 521

Brownian excursion, 656–57

Brownian motion, 218, 647–56, 910–11

Brun sieve, the, see sieves

Brunn-Minkowski inequality, 672–73, 705; reverse form of, 676

brute-force search, 59, 62–63, 580, 840, 873, 883

buildings, 161–62

Burali-Forti paradox, 145, 779

Burgers equation, 236, 463, 467, 467

Burnside, William, 68, 785

Burnside problem, 68, 438. 785

Burnside’s lemma, 560

butterfly effect, 496

C*-algebras, 57, 172, 227, 313, 518–20, 522–23

Calabi conjecture, 164

Calabi-Yau manifolds, 163–65, 190, 530–34

calculus, 118–19, 122–24, 128, 134–36, 743–44, 770, 934

calculus of variations, 65, 310–13, 478–79, 908

cancelation law, 250

cancrizans canon, 939–40

canonical inner models, 629

canonical transformations, 298–99

Cantor, Georg, 71, 81, 116, 125, 127, 144–46, 155, 171, 183, 222, 616–19, 623, 629, 632, 634, 703, 778–80

Cantor set, 183–84, 247, 504

Cantor’s diagonal argument, 171, 779

CAR algebra, 519

Cardano, Girolamo, 101, 104, 133–34, 737

cardinal exponentiation, 618, 630

cardinal invariants, see invariants, cardinal

cardinality, 165, 616–19, 622, 626

cardinals, 145, 165, 616–19, 779; inaccessible, 627–29, 632, 702; measurable, 628–32; regular, 627–29; singular, 630; supercompact, 630, 632–33; uncountable, 626–29; weakly compact, 628; Woodin, 632

Cardy’s formula, 666

Carleson’s theorem, 453, 686–87

Carmichael numbers, 351

Cartan, Élie Joseph, 232, 713, 794–95

Cartan subalgebra, 233–34

Cartesian coordinates, 21, 739

Cartesian product, 618

Casorati-Weierstrass theorem, 771

casus irreducibilis of the cubic, 737

Catalan conjecture, 360

Catalan’s constant, 150

category theory, 6, 165–67, 275, 417, 536, 801

Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 102, 122–24, 147, 459, 560, 569, 758–59, 760, 791

Cauchy problem, 235–37, 459, 468–69

Cauchy’s residue theorem, 202, 337

Cauchy’s theorem, 38

Cauchy-Davenport theorem, 569

Cauchy-Hadamard theorem, 791

Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem, 464, 467–68

Cauchy-Riemann equations, 37, 459–60

Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 220, 268, 704–5

Cayley, Arthur, 82, 92, 103, 105, 110, 498, 509, 768–69, 772–73, 831

Cayley graphs, 443, 445, 447, 702

Cayley numbers, see octonions

Cayley’s graph theorem, 772

Cayley’s theorem, 422

Cayley-Dickson construction, 278–79

Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 329

cell complex, 441

cellular automata, 836

central limit theorem, 207, 266–67, 335, 648, 678, 687, 919

chaos, 51, 190, 495, 728

character tables, 429–30

characteristic classes, 393, 411

characteristic coordinates, 236

characteristic curves, 236, 462–63, 466

characteristic hypersurfaces, 466–67, 469

characteristic of a field, 640

characteristic polynomial, 224–25, 294, 329

characters: of Abelian groups, 189, 207, 295–96, 308, 339, 426, 428; of group representations, 423–26, 428, 430, 783, 785; in phylogenetics, 846. See also Dirichlet characters

Chebotaryov density theorem, 783

Chebyshev, Pafnuty, 771

Chebyshev polynomials, 293, 297, 771

chemical informatics, 836

chemical topology, 830–31

Chern classes, 394

Chevalley, Claude, 813, 824

Chevalley groups, 688

chiral algebra, 544

chirality, 979

choice number of a graph, 574

choice sequence, 150

Christoffel symbols, 311, 488

chromatic index of a graph, 565

chromatic number of a graph, 564, 566

Church, Alonzo, 50, 111–12, 577, 707, 816

Church’s thesis, 113

circle method, 346–47, 797, 804, 807

circle of fifths, 938

circuits, see Boolean circuits

class field theory, 243, 268, 720, 812–13

class numbers, 255, 322–24, 340–41

classical computation, 269, 271–72

classical mechanics, 287, 299

classification, 52–54, 56, 232, 252, 408, 411; of finite simple groups, 141, 252, 429, 687–89; of Lie algebras, 161–62, 232–34

classifying spaces, 408, 442

Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature, see quadrature, Clenshaw-Curtis

Clifford, William Kingdon, 780

cliques in graphs, 564, 573, 586–87

closed sets, 302–3, 618–19

closed-form solutions, 51, 766

coanalytic sets, 628, 631–32

coarse moduli spaces, 415–16

cofinality, 629

Cohen, Paul, 141, 155, 624–27, 703, 780, 819

Cohen-Lenstra heuristics, 324

cohomologg, 189, 221, 384, 389, 391–94, 411, 523, 531, 732

collapse of the polynomial-time hierarchy, 585

combinatorial geometry, 570–71

combinatorial number theory, 569–70

combinatorics, 6–7, 562–63; algebraic, 561; extremal, 215, 563–72; probabilistic, 572–74

communication channel, 879

communication complexity, 589

commutant of a set of operators, 515

commutative diagrams, 166, 274

commutative law, 13, 82, 105, 179, 278, 284, 301, 323, 519, 770

commutator, 231, 287, 444, 526, 542

compactification, 168–69, 267, 721; one-point, 169; Stone-Imageech, 169

compactness, 167–69, 303, 398, 639–40, 645

complement of a set, 188

complete graphs, see graphs, complete

completeness: of an axiomatic system, 139, 153, 637–39; in computer science, 170; of a metric space, 220, 254, 514, 696; of a normed space, 810; of the real numbers, 144, 636

complex analysis, 37, 282–83, 337–38, 758, 775

complex cobordism, 395

complex manifolds, see manifolds, complex

complex numbers, 18–19, 81–82, 102, 105, 201–2, 275–78, 284–85, 296, 317–18, 328, 640–41, 698, 737

complex orientation, 163–64

complex structures, 300, 411–13, 417, 816

complex systems, 838

complexity, see computational complexity

complexity classes, 169–70; BPP, 595; co NP, 582, 584; EXP, 580–81, 595; NC, 170; NP, 170, 446, 580–83, 595–96, 598–99; P, 579–81, 595, 713; PSPACE, 170, 597

complexity of algorithms, 578

composition: of braids, 160; of morphisms, 165–66, 536–37; of operators, 240, 294, 515; of permutations, 259–60; of symmetries, 20, 277, 420, 484

comprehension principle, 145

computable functions, 112–13, 577, 816, 821

computational chemistry, 830

computational complexity, 114, 575–604

computational fluid dynamics, 611

computational number theory, 348–62

computer memory, 114, 169–70, 578, 597, 848–49, 980

computer-assisted proofs, 142, 496, 575, 698, 972

concatenation of paths, 176–77, 221, 401

conditional probability, 159

Condorcet’s paradox, 982–83

conformal equivalence, 209, 282, 411

conformal field theory, 543–45

conformal invariance, 654, 665

conformal maps, 543, 728, 978

conformal structure on a surface, 209, 411

conformal vector, 546

conic sections, 43, 365, 735–36, 739, 743

Conics (Apollonius), 735

conjectures, 69–70, 76, 142, 335, 349–60, 381, 722, 957

conjugacy (in group theory), 26; classes, 422–26, 428–31; conjugacy problem, the, 436; conjugate subgroups, 421

conjugates: algebraic, 319, 329–31; complex, 19, 276, 278, 710

connectedness, 198, 230, 245, 303, 309, 383–85, 398, 504–8, 564, 573, 660–64

Connes, Alain, 517, 522–23, 956–57

co NP, see complexity classes

conservation laws, 236, 286, 479, 486, 488, 525, 540, 800

conservative extensions, 154

consistency, 139–40, 145–46, 153, 622–23, 625, 639, 701, 819; of the continuum hypothesis, 155, 624, 780; of Euclidean geometry, 789; of Peano arithmetic, 702; of ZFC, 629, 702

consistency strength, 629; lower bound, 629; upper bound, 629

constant-curvature metric, 92, 281, 712, 728, 775

constrained optimization, 256–57

constructible set theory, 623–26, 629, 819

construction of regular 17-gon, 101, 327

constructive proofs, 143–44, 149, 157

constructivism, 116, 157–59; in art, 948–50

contextual definition, 933–34

Continental philosophy, 929

continued fractions, 192–93, 315–17, 326; for tangent function, 193

continuous functions, 32–33, 123, 144, 151, 168, 211, 301–2

continuum hypothesis, 145, 155, 618, 623–27, 629, 632, 634, 703, 780, 802, 819; independence of, 703

contour function of a tree, 655–56

contractible spaces, 309, 387, 388, 442

contraction mapping theorem, 696

control theory, 461, 472

conventionalism, 94, 786

convergence, 31–33, 109–10, 123, 126, 168–69, 254, 452; absolute, 334; almost everywhere, 452–53, 687, 815; in distribution, 650; in probability, 266; quadratic, 110, 612; superlinear, 612; uniform, 124, 126, 211; weak, 186–87

convexity, 72, 288, 671, 675, 696, 704–5, 790

convolution, 203, 207, 213, 303–4, 306–7, 450

Conway, J. H., 59, 227, 268, 549

Conway group, 59

coordinate charts, 45, 47, 181, 279, 282–83, 396–98, 401

coordinate ring, 376–78

coprime integers, 107

coproduct, 272, 274

corollaries, 74

correlation function, 528

correlation length in percolation, 663

cosine function, see trigonometric functions

count, 273

countable additivity, 247, 628

countable chain condition (CCC), 632–33

countable models, 625–26, 645–46

countable sets, 71, 157, 170–72, 223, 617, 619, 623, 779

counterexamples, 69, 121, 124–26

counting, 61–66, 984–88

Courant, Richard, 808–9

Cours d Analyse (Cauchy), 758

covariant 2-tensors, 485

cover of a topological space, 310

Cox regression model, 925

Coxeter, Harold Scott MacDonald (“Donald”), 53, 950–51

Cramér, Harald, 335

Cramer’s rule, 329

creation and annihilation operators, 528, 542

Crelle’s Journal, 91, 125, 761, 774

crisis in foundations, 142–56

critical exponents, 659, 663–65, 668

critical phenomena, 657–58

critical points, 310

critical probability, 658, 660, 662–64

critical strip, 337–38, 715

critical temperature, 666–68

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 137

crossing probability, 665

cryptography, 601–2, 887

crystallographic point groups, 828

cube, n-dimensional, 53; discrete, 197

cubic equations, 81, 98–99, 101, 326, 708, 737

cubism, 946

cuneiform texts, 96

Curie-Weiss model, 668

curl, 180

curvature, 42, 92, 172, 280, 311, 388, 394, 670; Ricci, 218, 280–81, 406–7, 488; scalar, 280; Weyl, 489

cut rule, 593

cybernetics, 812

cycle decomposition of permutations, 260, 558

cyclic cohomology, 523

cyclic groups, 422, 688, 709

cyclotomic fields, 254

cylinder, 734

d’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 35, 121, 136, 749–50

d’Alembert’s solution to the wave equation, 236

d’Alembertian, 35, 457, 460, 478, 490

Dalí, Salvador, 951

Dantzig, George, 289, 613

Darboux, Gaston, 125, 777, 794

Darboux’s theorem, 300

Das Kontinuum (Weyl), 149

data encryption standard (DES), 889

de Granges, Louis, 804

de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles, 70

de la Vallée Poussin, Charles-Jean, 63, 338, 356, 686, 715, 792

de Morgan’s laws, 188, 766

de Rham cohomology, 175, 177, 179

De Thiende (Stevin), 738

decay of particles, 528

decidability, 638, 640, 643, 645, 813

decimal notation, 30, 79–80, 106, 171, 242, 738, 986

decision problems, 269–70, 577–79, 581

decoherence, 271

decomposition of a finite set, 551

Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard, 104, 127, 138, 143–45, 241, 729–70, 776

Dedekind cuts, 127, 144

Dedekind zeta functions, 730

definable real numbers, 146

definable sets, 624, 627, 631, 643–44

definitions, 74, 84, 146–47, 149

deformation theory, 418

degree, 410; of an algebraic number, 328; of a continuous function, 388, 694–95; of a number field, 329

Dehn, Max, 435–36

Dehn functions, 445–47

Delaunay triangulation, 830

Deligne, P., 347, 729, 732, 808

depth of a circuit, 587–88

derandomization, 601

derangements, 560

derivations, 178–79, 547

derivative of a set of real numbers, 618

derivatives pricing, 910–14

Desargues, Girard, 945; Brouillon Project of, 945

Descartes, René, 81, 100, 134–35, 739–40, 955

descriptive set theory, 631–32

designs, 172–73

determinacy, 159, 630–34; axiom of, 159, 631

determinants, 39, 103, 174–75, 277, 420, 514, 590–91, 641

determined system of equations, 459

Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon, 340–41

deviation principles, 673–76, 679

diagonalization, 206, 223, 297

diagrams in Greek mathematics, 131, 134, 137, 139

diffeomorphism, 298

difference set, 715

differentiable manifolds, see manifolds, differentiable

differential equations, 51–52, 297, 455, 523–24, 609–11; linear, 51. See also ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations

differential forms, 175–80, 189, 273, 300

differential geometry, 44–46

differential operators, 456–57, 478

differentiation, 30, 33–34, 36–37, 45, 51, 65, 74, 122, 125, 144, 177, 179, 186, 239, 255–56, 282, 397, 450

Diffie-Hellman protocol, 891–92

diffusion processes, 293, 655

digital information, 829, 878

digital signatures, 893–94

dihedral group, 24, 420–21, 424

dimension, 52, 56, 180–84, 367, 516–17, 724; algebraic, 367; codimension, 391; cohomological, 182; fractional, 184; Hausdorff, 184, 508, 793; homological, 182–83; inductive, 181–82; of a manifold, 396; topological, 184, 367; of a vector space, 22

dimension argument, 571

Diophantine equations, 50–51, 111, 373–75, 378, 692, 706–8, 720, 722

Diophantus, 97–98, 134

Dirac, Paul, 542

Dirac distribution, 186, 473, 542–43

Dirac equation, 460

direct products of groups, see groups, direct products of

direct sums and products, 24

Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune, 124, 143, 229, 305, 339, 686, 689, 764–65, 775–76

Dirichlet L-functions, see L-functions, Dirichlet

Dirichlet boundary conditions, 458, 469, 654

Dirichlet characters, 339, 764

Dirichlet principle, 125–26, 475, 789

Dirichlet problem, 458, 476, 653, 764

Dirichlet series, 228–29

Dirichlet summation operators, 451, 453

Dirichlet’s class number formula, 340

Dirichlet’s theorem, 689

Dirichlet’s unit theorem, 255

discrepancy theory, 574

discrete logarithm problem, 892–93

discrete mathematics, see combinatorics

discrete subgroups, 402

discrete topology, 302

discrete-time stochastic process, 649

discretization, 203

discriminant, 320–21, 323, 788, 800; of a binary quadratic form, 320; of a number field, 330; of a polynomial, 317; of an elliptic curve, 347

disk model of hyperbolic geometry, see hyperbolic geometry

dispersive PDEs, see partial differential equations, dispersive

Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Gauss), 101, 103, 315, 320, 756, 761, 763–64

Disquisitiones Generales Circa Superficies Curvas (Gauss), 756

distance, 31, 41–43, 46, 220, 248, 253, 280, 671

distributed computation, 603, 877–78

distributions, 184–87, 190, 211, 456, 475, 542, 544

distributive law, 20, 284, 770

divergence operator, 180, 194

diversifiable risk, 915–16

divisibility, 118, 242, 249, 807

DNA, 838–40, 842, 981

domain of a function, 11

domain of attraction, 110

Donaldson, Simon, 394, 404

Douady, Adrien, 506, 508

Douady rabbit, 500

double contradiction, method of, 132, 134

double cover, 277

double digest problem, 839

downsampling, 860

drift of a Brownian motion, 654, 911–12

duality, 177, 185–90, 212, 274–75, 288; of convex bodies, 189; of groups, 189; of linear spaces, 185, 188, 212; Pontryagin, 189, 205–6

Duchamp, Marcel, 947–48

Dvoretzky’s theorem, 675–76

dynamic replication, 912

dynamical systems: continuous, 494; discrete, 495

dynamics, 5–6, 190, 493–504, 506–10, 576, 713, 728, 766, 802–3; holomorphic, 497–509; topological, 495

Dynkin diagrams, 233–34

e, 71, 81, 200–201, 222–23, 748, 773; transcendence of, 773

effective and ineffective proofs, 117, 722

efficiency of a proof system, 593

efficient computation, 197, 579, 872–74, 883–85

Egyptian fractions, 77–78

eigenfunctions, 206–7, 217, 297, 306, 511

eigenspaces, 224–25, 295

eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 30, 198, 206, 223–25, 240, 294–97, 608, 694, 876–77; eigenvalue decomposition, 608; eigenvalue problem, 472

eikonal equation, 463, 466

Eilenberg, Samuel, 167, 221

Einstein, Albert, 83, 95, 153–54, 218, 483–93, 647–48

Einstein constraint equations, 490

Einstein equations, 164, 460, 470, 483, 489–93; vacuum, 489, 491

Eisenstein series, 251–52

elementary functions, 293, 726, 766

Éléments de Géométrie (Legendre), 88

Éléments de Mathématique (Bourbaki), 823

elements of a set, 9

Elements of Algebra (Euler), 104

Elements (Euclid), 84–88, 96, 98, 107–8, 118, 130–31, 133–34, 733–34, 762, 928

elliptic curves, 51, 190–91, 252, 347, 356, 370–71, 380–82, 412–14, 685, 692, 721, 730–31, 892; group law of, 355, 721, 892; use in factoring, 355–56

elliptic functions, 241, 293, 724, 773, 949

elliptic modular function, 60, 324–25

elliptic PDEs, see partial differential equations, elliptic

elliptic regularity theorem, 682

encoding and decoding functions, 880–83

Encyclopédie (d’Alembert), 107

energy estimates, 217, 474

entropy function, 882

Entscheidungsproblem, 113, 707

equal temperament, 937

equation of a circle, 374

equipotentials, 502–6

equivalence: of binary quadratic forms, 320–22; of physical theories, 523–25, 529–30, 532

equivalence relations and equivalence classes, 12, 25, 40, 185, 221, 252

Erdós, Paul, 64, 338, 342, 351, 359, 361, 572, 627, 660, 802

Erdós-Ko-Rado theorem, 569

ergodic theorems, 299, 512–13, 689–91

Erlanger Programm, 93, 777, 782

error function, 293

error-correcting codes, 173, 364, 575, 598, 881–86, 981

Escher, Maurits Cornelis, 950–51

Essai sur la Théorie des Nombres (Legendre), 754

essential supremum, 211

estimates, 62–63, 72, 200, 474–75, 714–17, 916–21, 924; asymptotic, 335

estimators, statistical, 916–21

étale cohomology, 382, 732

Euclid, 74, 84–85, 96–97, 107, 118, 132, 689, 734

Euclidean algorithm, 107–8, 114–15, 191–92, 353, 378, 700

Euclidean geometry, 39, 44, 83–84, 87–94, 139, 208, 283, 401, 789

Euclidean space, 45, 248, 302

Euclidean structure, 401–2

Euler, Leonhard, 81, 104, 120–21, 228, 261, 290, 333–34, 348, 555, 692, 718–19, 727–29, 746, 747–49, 751

Euler characteristic, 53, 215, 219, 393, 684

Euler class, 393, 411

Euler equation, 193–96

Euler product, 228–29, 283, 336, 340, 347

Euler vector field, 427

Euler’s constant, 214, 222

Euler’s formula, 697

Euler’s identity, 748

Euler’s theorem, 250, 891

Euler’s totient function, 250

Euler-Lagrange equations, 65, 311–12, 478–79, 489, 748, 751, 908, 977

evaluation, operation of, 184–86, 378

even functions, 204

even permutations, see permutations

events in probability, 265

evolution equations, 235, 456

evolution maps, 299

examples, importance of, 1001–2

exchange axiom, 244–45

excluded middle, law of, 149, 157, 799–800

existence of solutions, 48, 51, 510

exotic options, 914

EXT, see complexity classes

expanders, 196–99, 572

explicit constructions, 197, 574; of expanders, 197–99; strong, 197

explicit formula for counting primes, 337, 344

explicit proofs, 71–73, 150

exploration process, 664

exponential distribution, 265

exponential function, 30, 193, 199–202, 223, 232, 265, 308, 746

exponential generating functions, 557–59

exponential sums, 347, 716–18

exponential varieties, see varieties, exponential

exponential-time algorithm, 349–50, 355, 580, 874

extended real line, 169

external rays, 504–6

extremal problems, 64–66;in combinatorics, 215, 562–72, 865–70

factorials, 213–14, 350

factorization of integers, 271, 353–56, 583, 590; into primes, 699–700

factors in von Neumann algebra theory, 516–18

faithful actions, 420

Faltings, Gerd, 117, 722

fast Fourier transform, the, 65, 202–4, 271

Fatou, Pierre, 498

Fatou sets, 501–2

fault-tolerant networks, 198

feasible set, 288, 613, 898–900

feedbacks, 900

Feistel cipher, 889

Feit, Walter, 785

Fejér summation operators, 452

Ferguson, Helaman, 952

Fermat, Pierre, 100, 104, 134, 268, 325, 353, 380, 691–92, 740–41

Fermat equation, 50, 111, 117, 254, 681, 722

Fermat prime, 327, 748

Fermat’s last theorem, 51, 69, 104, 111, 141, 191, 229, 243, 252, 255, 347, 359–60, 364, 380, 562, 691–93, 764, 820

Fermat’s little theorem, 55, 250, 350–52, 355

Fermat-Catalan conjecture, 360–61

Ferrari, Ludovico, 99, 101

Feynman, Richard, 527–28, 541, 1007

Feynman diagrams, 528, 541

Feynman-Kac formula, 218

fiber bundles, 392–93, 794

Fibonacci, see Leonardo of Pisa

Fibonacci numbers, 115, 222, 249–50, 316, 737

fields, 18, 20–21, 23–25, 27–28, 102, 254, 284, 317–18, 329; extensions of, 21, 28, 102, 254

fields (in physics), 525–26, 542–43

figure eight knot, 225–26

filtering, 860

finite simple groups, 26, 59, 261, 439, 687–89; search for, 783, 785

finitely generated groups, 67, 438–39, 443–44, 685

finitely presented groups, 434–36, 439–48

finitism, 152

first-order logic, see logic, first-order

Fisher, Ronald, 173, 924

fixed field, 710

fixed point, 495, 499, 559–60, 693, 731–32; attracting, 499; indifferent, 499; repelling, 499; super-attracting, 499

fixed point theorems, 693–96, 732, 799, 901

flat metrics, 711–12

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (Abbott), 946–47

floating-point arithmetic, 605–6

flow in networks, 864–70

fluid dynamics, 193–96, 847; biological, 843; computational, 611

forbidden minors, 725

forcing, 624–30, 632–33, 703; iterated, 627

forcing axioms, 632–34

Foreman, Matthew, 630, 633

formal languages, 621–23, 635–37

formal power series, 546, 552, 556

formalism, doctrine of, 153–55

formalization of mathematics, 16, 74, 111, 138, 140, 152

formulas, 140, 151, 153, 259, 582, 592, 621–24, 635–37, 640, 642, 700; atomic, 621; Boolean, 588

Foundations of Algebraic Geometry (Weil), 731, 820

Foundations of Geometry (Hilbert), 789

Foundations of Probability Theory (Kolmogorov), 815

four-color theorem, 117, 142, 563, 696–98

four-dimensional manifolds, see manifolds, four-dimensional Fourier, Jean-Baptiste Joseph, 216, 755 Fourier analysis, 220, 261–62, 295–97, 425, 457

Fourier coefficients, 202–3, 205, 212, 262, 451, 454; phase of, 859 Fourier series, 124, 305–6, 451, 511, 686–87

Fourier transforms, 186, 189, 203, 204–8, 214, 236, 239, 274, 306, 450, 453–54, 457, 473–74, 523–24, 859; discrete, 203, 590, 611; inversion formula for, 206, 306, 426; non-Abelian, 274, 424–25, 429–30. See also fast Fourier transform, the

fractal sets, 31, 57, 110, 184, 244, 496, 498, 502, 509

Fraenkel, Abraham, 105, 148

Fredholm, Ivar, 511, 520, 791–92

Fredholm operators, see operators, Fredholm

free Abelian group, 390

free and bound variables, 15–16, 635–36

free Burnside group, 438

free group, 387–88, 390, 433–34, 437, 440, 447, 685

free products of groups, see groups, free products of

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