III.32 Generating Functions

Suppose that you have defined a combinatorial structure, and for each nonnegative integer n you wish to understand how many examples of this structure there are of size n. If an denotes this number, then the object that you are trying to analyze is the sequence a0, a1, a2, a3, . . . . If the structure is quite complicated, then this may be a very hard problem, but one can sometimes make it easier by considering a different object, the generating function of the sequence, which contains the same information.

To define this function, one simply regards the sequence an as the sequence of coefficients in a power series. That is, the generating function f of the sequence is given by the formula

f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3 + · · ·.

The reason this can be useful is that one can sometimes derive a succinct expression for f and analyze it without reference to the individual numbers an. For example, one important generating function has the formula Image In such cases, one can deduce properties of the sequence a0, a1,a2,. . . from properties of f, rather than the other way round.

For more on generating functions, see ENUMERATIVE AND ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS [IV.18] and TRANSFORMS [III.91].

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