I.4     The General Goals of
Mathematical Research

The previous article introduced many concepts that appear throughout mathematics. This one discusses what mathematicians do with those concepts, and the sorts of questions they ask about them.

1 Solving Equations

As we have seen in earlier articles, mathematics is full of objects and structures (of a mathematical kind), but they do not simply sit there for our contemplation: we also like to do things to them. For example, given a number, there will be contexts in which we want to double it, or square it, or work out its reciprocal; given a suitable function, we may wish to differentiate it; given a geometrical shape, we may wish to transform it; and so on.

Transformations like these give rise to a never-ending source of interesting problems. If we have defined some mathematical process, then a rather obvious mathematical project is to invent techniques for carrying it out. This leads to what one might call direct questions about the process. However, there is also a deeper set of inverse questions, which take the following form. Suppose you are told what process has been carried out and what answer it has produced. Can you then work out what the mathematical object was that the process was applied to? For example, suppose I tell you that I have just taken a number and squared it, and that the result was 9. Can you tell me the original number?

In this case the answer is more or less yes: it must have been 3, except that if negative numbers are allowed, then another solution is -3.

If we want to talk more formally, then we say that we have been examining the equation x2 = 9, and have discovered that there are two solutions. This example raises three issues that appear again and again.

• Does a given equation have any solutions?

• If so, does it have exactly one solution?

• What is the set in which solutions are required to live?

The first two concerns are known as the existence and the uniqueness of solutions. The third does not seem particularly interesting in the case of the equation x2 = 9, but in more complicated cases, such as partial differential equations, it can be a subtle and important question.

To use more abstract language, suppose that f is a FUNCTION [I.2 §2.2] and that we are faced with a statement of the form f(x) = y. The direct question is to work out y given what x is. The inverse question is to work out x given what y is: this would be called solving the equation f(x) = y. Not surprisingly, questions about the solutions of an equation of this form are closely related to questions about the invertibility of the function f, which were discussed in [I.2]. Because x and y can be very much more general objects than numbers, the notion of solving equations is itself very general, and for that reason it is central to mathematics.

1.1 Linear Equations

The very first equations a schoolchild meets will typically be ones like 2x + 3 = 17. To solve simple equations like this, one treats x as an unknown number that obeys the usual rules of arithmetic. By exploiting these rules one can transform the equation into something much simpler: subtracting 3 from both sides we learn that 2x = 14, and dividing both sides of this new equation by 2 we then discover that x = 7. If we are very careful, we will notice that all we have shown is that if there is some number x such that 2x + 3 = 17 then x must be 7. What we have not shown is that there is any such x. So strictly speaking there is a further step of checking that 2 × 7 + 3 = 17. This will obviously be true here, but the corresponding assertion is not always true for more complicated equations so this final step can be important.

The equation 2x + 3 = 17 is called “linear” because the function f we have performed on x (to multiply it by 2 and add 3) is a linear one, in the sense that its graph is a straight line. As we have just seen, linear equations involving a single unknown x are easy to solve, but matters become considerably more sophisticated when one starts to deal with more than one unknown. Let us look at a typical example of an equation in two unknowns, the equation 3x + 2y = 14. This equation has many solutions: for any choice of y you can set x = (14 - 2y)/3 and you have a pair (x,y) that satisfies the equation. To make it harder, one can take a second equation as well, 5x + 3y = 22, say, and try to solve the two equations simultaneously. Then, it turns out, there is just one solution, namely x = 2 and y = 4. Typically, two linear equations in two unknowns have exactly one solution, just as these two do, which is easy to see if one thinks about the situation geometrically. An equation of the form ax + by = c is the equation of a straight line in the xy-plane. Two lines normally meet in a single point, the exceptions being when they are identical, in which case they meet in infinitely many points, or parallel but not identical, in which case they do not meet at all.

If one has several equations in several unknowns, it can be conceptually simpler to think of them as one equation in one unknown. This sounds impossible, but it is perfectly possible if the new unknown is allowed to be a more complicated object. For example, the two equations 3x + 2y = 14 and 5x + 3y = 22 can be rewritten as the following single equation involving matrices and vectors:


If we let A stand for the matrix, x for the unknown column vector, and b for the known one, then this equation becomes simply Ax = b, which looks much less complicated, even if in fact all we have done is hidden the complication behind our notation.

There is more to this process, however, than sweeping dirt under the carpet. While the simpler notation conceals many of the specific details of the problem, it also reveals very clearly what would otherwise be obscured: that we have a linear map from Image2 to Image2 and we want to know which vectors x, if any, map to the vector b. When faced with a particular set of simultaneous equations, this reformulation does not make much difference—the calculations we have to do are the same—but when we wish to reason more generally, either directly about simultaneous equations or about other problems where they arise, it is much easier to think about a matrix equation with a single unknown vector than about a collection of simultaneous equations in several unknown numbers. This phenomenon occurs throughout mathematics and is a major reason for the study of high-dimensional spaces.

1.2 Polynomial Equations

We have just discussed the generalization of linear equations from one variable to several variables. Another direction in which one can generalize them is to think of linear functions as polynomials of degree 1 and consider functions of higher degree. At school, for example, one learns how to solve quadratic equations, such as x2 - 7x + 12 = 0. More generally, a polynomial equation is one of the form

anxn + an-1xn-1 + . . . + a2x2 + a1x + a0 = 0.

To solve such an equation means to find a value of x for which the equation is true (or, better still, all such values). This may seem an obvious thing to say until one considers a very simple example such as the equation x2 - 2 = 0, or equivalently x2 = 2. The solution to this is, of course, x = ± Image. What, though, is Image? It is defined to be the positive number that squares to 2, but it does not seem to be much of a “solution” to the equation x2 = 2 to say that x is plus or minus the positive number that squares to 2. Neither does it seem entirely satisfactory to say that x = 1.4142135 . . . , since this is just the beginning of a calculation that never finishes and does not result in any discernible pattern.

There are two lessons that can be drawn from this example. One is that what matters about an equation is often the existence and properties of solutions and not so much whether one can find a formula for them. Although we do not appear to learn anything when we are told that the solutions to the equation x2 = 2 are x = ± Image, this assertion does contain within it a fact that is not wholly obvious: that the number 2 has a square root. This is usually presented as a consequence of the intermediate value theorem (or another result of a similar nature), which states that if f is a continuous real-valued function and f(a) and f(b) lie on either side of 0, then somewhere between a and b there must be a c such that f(c) = 0. This result can be applied to the function f(x) = x2 - 2, since f(1) = -1 and f(2) = 2. Therefore, there is some x between 1 and 2 such that x2 - 2 = 0, that is, x2 = 2. For many purposes, the mere existence of this x is enough, together with its defining properties of being positive and squaring to 2.

A similar argument tells us that all positive real numbers have positive square roots. But the picture changes when we try to solve more complicated quadratic equations. Then we have two choices. Consider, for example, the equation x2 - 6x + 7 = 0. We could note that x2 - 6x + 7 is - 1 when x = 4 and 2 when x = 5 and deduce from the intermediate value theorem that the equation has some solution between 4 and 5. However, we do not learn as much from this as if we complete the square, rewriting x2 - 6x + 7 as (x - 3)2 - 2. This allows us to rewrite the equation as (x - 3)2 = 2, which has the two solutions x = 3 ± Image. We have already established that Image exists and lies between 1 and 2, so not only do we have a solution of x2 - 6x + 7 = 0 that lies between 4 and 5, but we can see that it is closely related to, indeed built out of, the solution to the equation x2 = 2. This demonstrates a second important aspect of equation solving, which is that in many instances the explicit solubility of an equation is a relative notion. If we are given a solution to the equation x2 = 2, we do not need any new input from the intermediate value theorem to solve the more complicated equation x2 - 6x + 7 = 0: all we need is some algebra. The solution, x = 3 ± Image, is given by an explicit expression, but inside that expression we have Image, which is not defined by means of an explicit formula but as a real number, with certain properties, that we can prove to exist.

Solving polynomial equations of higher degree is markedly more difficult than solving quadratics, and raises fascinating questions. In particular, there are complicated formulas for the solutions of cubic and quartic equations, but the problem of finding corresponding formulas for quintic and higher-degree equations became one of the most famous unsolved problems in mathematics, until ABEL [VI.33] and GALOIS [VI.41] showed that it could not be done. For more details about these matters see THE INSOLUBILITY OF THE QUINTIC [V.21]. For another article related to polynomial equations see THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ALGEBRA [V.13].

1.3 Polynomial Equations in Several Variables

Suppose that we are faced with an equation such as

x3 + y3 + z3 = 3x2y + 3y2z + 6xyz.

We can see straight away that there will be many solutions: if you fix x and y, then the equation is a cubic polynomial in z, and all cubics have at least one (real) solution. Therefore, for every choice of x and y there is some z such that the triple (x,y,z) is a solution of the above equation.

Because the formula for the solution of a general cubic equation is rather complicated, a precise specification of the set of all triples (x,y,z) that solve the equation may not be very enlightening. However, one can learn a lot by regarding this solution set as a geometric object—a two-dimensional surface in space, to be precise—and asking qualitative questions about it. One might, for instance, wish to understand roughly what shape it is. Questions of this kind can be made precise using the language and concepts of TOPOLOGY [I.3 §6.4].

One can of course generalize further and consider simultaneous solutions to several polynomial equations. Understanding the solution sets of such systems of equations is the province of ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY [IV.4].

1.4 Diophantine Equations

As has been mentioned, the answer to the question of whether a particular equation has a solution varies according to where the solution is allowed to be. The equation x2 + 3 = 0 has no solution if x is required to be real, but in the complex numbers it has the two solutions x = ±iImage. The equation x2 + y2 = 11 has infinitely many solutions if we are looking for x and y in the real numbers, but none if they have to be integers.

This last example is a typical Diophantine equation, the name given to an equation if one is looking for integer solutions. The most famous Diophantine equation is the Fermat equation xn + yn = zn, which is now known, thanks to Andrew Wiles, to have no positive integer solutions if n is greater than 2. (See FERMAT’S LAST THEOREM [V.10]. By contrast, the equation x2 + y2 = z2 has infinitely many solutions.) A great deal of modern ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY [IV.1] is concerned with Diophantine equations, either directly or indirectly. As with equations in the real and complex numbers, it is often fruitful to study the structure of sets of solutions to Diophantine equations: this investigation belongs to the area known as ARITHMETIC GEOMETRY [IV.5].

A notable feature of Diophantine equations is that they tend to be extremely difficult. It is therefore natural to wonder whether there could be a systematic approach to them. This question was the tenth in a famous list of problems asked by HILBERT [VI.63] in 1900. It was not until 1970 that Yuri Matiyasevitch, building on work by Martin Davis, Julia Robinson, and Hilary Putnam, proved that the answer was no. (This is discussed further in THE INSOLUBILITY OF THE HALTING PROBLEM [V.20].)

An important step in the solution was taken in 1936, by CHURCH [VI.89] and TURING [VI.94]. This was to make precise the notion of a “systematic approach,” by formalizing (in two different ways) the notion of an algorithm (see ALGORITHMS [II.4 §3] and COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY [IV.20 §1]). It was not easy to do this in the pre-computer age, but now we can restate the solution of Hilbert’s tenth problem as follows: there is no computer program that can take as its input any Diophantine equation, and without fail print “YES” if it has a solution and “NO” otherwise.

What does this tell us about Diophantine equations? We can no longer dream of a final theory that will encompass them all, so instead we are forced to restrict our attention to individual equations or special classes of equations, continually developing different methods for solving them. This would make them uninteresting after the first few, were it not for the fact that specific Diophantine equations have remarkable links with very general questions in other parts of mathematics. For example, equations of the form y2 = f(x), where f(x) is a cubic polynomial in x, may look rather special, but in fact the ELLIPTIC CURVES [III.21] that they define are central to modern number theory, including the proof of Fermat’s last theorem. Of course, Fermat’s last theorem is itself a Diophantine equation, but its study has led to major developments in other parts of number theory. The correct moral to draw is perhaps this: solving a particular Diophantine equation is fascinating and worthwhile if, as is often the case, the result is more than a mere addition to the list of equations that have been solved.

1.5 Differential Equations

So far, we have looked at equations where the unknown is either a number or a point in n-dimensional space (that is, a sequence of n numbers). In order to generate these equations, we took various combinations of the basic arithmetical operations and applied them to our unknowns.

Here, for comparison, are two well-known differential equations, the first “ordinary” and the second “partial”:


The first is the equation for simple harmonic motion, which has the general solution x(t) = A sin kt + B cos kt; the second is the heat equation, which was discussed in SOME FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICAL DEFINITIONS [I.3 §5.4].

For many reasons, differential equations represent a jump in sophistication. One is that the unknowns are functions, which are much more complicated objects than numbers or n-dimensional points. (For example, the first equation above asks what function x of t has the property that if you differentiate it twice then you get -k2 times the original function.) A second is that the basic operations one performs on functions include differentiation and integration, which are considerably less “basic” than addition and multiplication. A third is that differential equations that can be solved in “closed form,” that is, by means of a formula for the unknown function f, are the exception rather than the rule, even when the equations are natural and important.

Consider again the first equation above. Suppose that, given a function f, we write image(f) for the function (d2 f/dt2) + k2 f. Then image is a linear map, in the sense that image(f + g) = image(f) + image(g) and image(af) = aimage(f) for any constant a. This means that the differential equation can be regarded as something like a matrix equation, but generalized to infinitely many dimensions. The heat equation has the same property: if we define ψ(T) to be


then ψ is another linear map. Such differential equations are called linear, and the link with linear algebra makes them markedly easier to solve. (A very useful tool for this is THE FOURIER TRANSFORM [III.27].)

What about the more typical equations, the ones that cannot be solved in closed form? Then the focus shifts once again toward establishing whether or not solutions exist, and if so what properties they have. As with polynomial equations, this can depend on what you count as an allowable solution. Sometimes we are in the position we were in with the equation x2 = 2: it is not too hard to prove that solutions exist and all that is left to do is name them. A simple example is the equation dy/dx = e-x2. In a certain sense, this cannot be solved: it can be shown that there is no function built out of polynomials, EXPONENTIALS [III.25], and TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS [III.92] that differentiates to e-x2. However, in another sense the equation is easy to solve—all you have to do is integrate the function e-x2. The resulting function (when divided by image) is the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION [III.71 §5] function. The normal distribution is of fundamental importance in probability, so the function is given a name, Φ.

In most situations, there is no hope of writing down a formula for a solution, even if one allows oneself to integrate “known” functions. A famous example is the so-called THREE-BODY PROBLEM [V.33]: given three bodies moving in space and attracted to each other by gravitational forces, how will they continue to move? Using Newton’s laws, one can write down some differential equations that describe this situation. NEWTON [VI.14] solved the corresponding equations for two bodies, and thereby explained why planets move in elliptical orbits around the Sun, but for three or more bodies they proved very hard indeed to solve. It is now known that there was a good reason for this: the equations can lead to chaotic behavior. (See DYNAMICS [IV.14] for more about chaos.) However, this opens up a new and very interesting avenue of research into questions of chaos and stability.

Sometimes there are ways of proving that solutions exist even if they cannot be easily specified. Then one may ask not for precise formulas, but for general descriptions. For example, if the equation has a time dependence (as, for instance, the heat equation and wave equations have), one can ask whether solutions tend to decay over time, or blow up, or remain roughly the same. These more qualitative questions concern what is known as asymptotic behavior, and there are techniques for answering some of them even when a solution is not given by a tidy formula.

As with Diophantine equations, there are some special and important classes of partial differential equations, including nonlinear ones, that can be solved exactly. This gives rise to a very different style of research: again one is interested in properties of solutions, but now these properties may be more algebraic in nature, in the sense that exact formulas will play a more important role. See LINEAR AND NONLINEAR WAVES AND SOLITONS [III.49].

2 Classifying

If one is trying to understand a new mathematical structure, such as a GROUP [I.3 §2.1] or a MANIFOLD [I.3 §6.9], one of the first tasks is to come up with a good supply of examples. Sometimes examples are very easy to find, in which case there may be a bewildering array of them that cannot be put into any sort of order. Often, however, the conditions that an example must satisfy are quite stringent, and then it may be possible to come up with something like an infinite list that includes every single one. For example, it can be shown that any VECTOR SPACE [I.3 §2.3] of dimension n over a field image is isomorphic to imagen. This means that just one positive integer, n, is enough to determine the space completely. In this case our “list” will be {0}, image, image2, image3, image4, . . . . In such a situation we say that we have a classification of the mathematical structure in question.

Classifications are very useful because if we can classify a mathematical structure then we have a new way of proving results about that structure: instead of deducing a result from the axioms that the structure is required to satisfy, we can simply check that it holds for every example on the list, confident in the knowledge that we have thereby proved it in general. This is not always easier than the more abstract, axiomatic approach, but it certainly is sometimes. Indeed, there are several results proved using classifications that nobody knows how to prove in any other way. More generally, the more examples you know of a mathematical structure, the easier it is to think about that structure—testing hypotheses, finding counterexamples, and so on. If you know all the examples of the structure, then for some purposes your understanding is complete.

2.1 Identifying Building Blocks and Families

There are two situations that typically lead to interesting classification theorems. The boundary between them is somewhat blurred, but the distinction is clear enough to be worth making, so we shall discuss them separately in this subsection and the next.

As an example of the first kind of situation, let us look at objects called regular polytopes. Polytopes are polygons, polyhedra, and their higher-dimensional generalizations. The regular polygons are those for which all sides have the same length and all angles are equal, and the regular polyhedra are those for which all faces are congruent regular polygons and every vertex has the same number of edges coming out of it. More generally, a higher-dimensional polytope is regular if it is as symmetrical as possible, though the precise definition of this is somewhat complicated. (Here, in three dimensions, is a definition that turns out to be equivalent to the one just given but easier to generalize. A flag is a triple (v, e, f) where v is a vertex of the polyhedron, e is an edge containing v, and f is a face containing e. A polyhedron is regular if for any two flags (v, e, f) and (v', e', f') there is a symmetry of the polyhedron that takes v to v', there e to e', and f to f'.)

It is easy to see what the regular polygons are in two dimensions: for every k greater than 2 there is exactly one regular k-gon and that is all there is. In three dimensions, the regular polyhedra are the famous Platonic solids, that is, the tetrahedron, the cube, the octahedron, the dodecahedron, and the icosahedron. It is not too hard to see that there cannot be any more regular polyhedra, since there must be at least three faces meeting at each vertex, and the angles at that vertex must add up to less than 360°. This constraint means that the only possibilities for the faces at a vertex are three, four, or five triangles, three squares, or three pentagons. These give the tetrahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron, the cube, and the dodecahedron, respectively.

Some of the polygons and polyhedra just defined have natural higher-dimensional analogues. For example, if you take n + 1 points in imagen all at the same distance from one another, then they form the vertices of a regular simplex, which is an equilateral triangle or regular tetrahedron when n = 2 or 3. The set of all points (x1, x2, . . . , xn) with 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1 for every i forms the n-dimensional analogue of a unit square or cube. The octahedron can be defined as the set of all points (x,y,z) in image3 such that |x| + |y| + |z| ≤ 1, and the analogue of this in n dimensions is the set of all points (x1, x2, . . . , xn) such that |x1| + · · · + |xn| ≤1.

It is not obvious how the dodecahedron and icosahedron would lead to infinite families of regular polytopes, and it turns out that they do not. In fact, apart from three more examples in four dimensions, the above polytopes constitute a complete list. These three examples are quite remarkable. One of them has 120 “three-dimensional faces,” each of which is a regular dodecahedron. It has a so-called dual, which has 600 regular tetrahedra as its “faces.” The third example can be described in terms of coordinates: its vertices are the sixteen points of the form (±1, ±1, ±1, ±1), together with the eight points (±2, 0, 0, 0), (0, ±2, 0, 0), (0, 0, ±2, 0), and (0, 0, 0, ±2).

The theorem that these are all the regular polytopes is significantly harder to prove than the result sketched above for three dimensions. The complete list was obtained by Schäfli in the mid nineteenth century; the first proof that there are no others was given by Donald Coxeter in 1969.

We therefore know that the regular polytopes in dimensions three and higher fall into three families—the n-dimensional versions of the tetrahedron, the cube, and the octahedron—together with five “exceptional” examples—the dodecahedron, the icosahedron, and the three four-dimensional polytopes just described. This situation is typical of many classification theorems. The exceptional examples, often called “sporadic,” tend to have a very high degree of symmetry—it is almost as if we have no right to expect this degree of symmetry to be possible, but just occasionally by a happy chance it is. The families and sporadic examples that occur in different classification results are often closely related, and this can be a sign of deep connections between areas that do not at first appear to be connected at all.

Sometimes, instead of trying to classify all mathematical structures of a given kind, one identifies a certain class of “basic” structures out of which all the others can be built in a simple way. A good analogy for this is the set of primes, out of which all other integers can be built as products. Finite groups, for example, are all “products” of certain basic groups that are called simple. THE CLASSIFICATION OF FINITE SIMPLE GROUPS [V.7], one of the most famous theorems of twentieth-century mathematics, is discussed in part V.

For more on this style of classification theorem, see also LIE THEORY [III.48].

2.2 Equivalence, Nonequivalence, and Invariants

There are many situations in mathematics where two objects are, strictly speaking, different, but where we are not interested in the difference. In such situations we want to regard the objects as “essentially the same,” or “equivalent.” Equivalence of this kind is expressed formally by the notion of an EQUIVALENCE RELATION [I.2 §2.3].

For example, a topologist regards two shapes as essentially the same if one is a continuous deformation of the other, as we saw in [I.3 §6.4]. As pointed out there, a sphere is the same as a cube in this sense, and one can also see that the surface of a doughnut, that is, a torus, is essentially the same as the surface of a teacup. (To turn the teacup into a doughnut, let the handle expand while the cup part is gradually swallowed up into it.) It is equally obvious, intuitively speaking, that a sphere is not essentially the same as a torus, but this is much harder to prove.

Why should nonequivalence be harder to prove than equivalence? The answer is that in order to show that two objects are equivalent, all one has to do is find a single transformation that demonstrates this equivalence. However, to show that two objects are not equivalent, one must somehow consider all possible transformations and show that not one of them works. How can one rule out the existence of some wildly complicated continuous deformation that is impossible to visualize but happens, remarkably, to turn a sphere into a torus?

Here is a sketch of a proof. The sphere and the torus are examples of compact orientable surfaces, which means, roughly speaking, two-dimensional shapes that occupy a finite portion of space and have no boundary. Given any such surface, one can find an equivalent surface that is built out of triangles and is topologically the same. Here is a famous theorem of EULER [VI.19].

Let P be a polyhedron that is topologically the same as a sphere, and suppose that it has V vertices, E edges, and F faces. Then V - E + F = 2.

For example, if P is an icosahedron, then it has twelve vertices, thirty edges, and twenty faces, and 12 - 30 + 20 is indeed equal to 2.

For this theorem, it is not in fact important that the triangles are flat: we can draw them on the original sphere, except that now they are spherical triangles. It is just as easy to count vertices, edges, and faces when we do this, and the theorem is still valid. A network of triangles drawn on a sphere is called a triangulation of the sphere.

Euler’s theorem tells us that V - E + F = 2 regardless of what triangulation of the sphere we take. Moreover, the formula is still valid if the surface we triangulate is not a sphere but another shape that is topologically equivalent to the sphere, since triangulations can be continuously deformed without V, E, or F changing.

More generally, one can triangulate any surface, and evaluate V - E + F. The result is called the Euler characteristic of that surface. For this definition to make sense, we need the following fact, which is a generalization of Euler’s theorem (and which is not much harder to prove than the original result).

(i) Although a surface can be triangulated in many ways, the quantity V - E + F will be the same for all triangulations.

If we continuously deform the surface and continuously deform one of its triangulations at the same time, we can deduce that the Euler characteristic of the new surface is the same as that of the old one. In other words, fact (i) above has the following interesting consequence.

(ii) If two surfaces are continuous deformations of each other, then they have the same Euler characteristic.

This gives us a potential method for showing that surfaces are not equivalent: if they have different Euler characteristics then we know from the above that they are not continuous deformations of each other. The Euler characteristic of the torus turns out to be 0 (as one can show by calculating V - E + F for any triangulation), and that completes the proof that the sphere and the torus are not equivalent.

The Euler characteristic is an example of an invariant. This means a function image, the domain of which is the set of all objects of the kind one is studying, with the property that if X and Y are equivalent objects, then image(X) = image(Y). To show that X is not equivalent to Y, it is enough to find an invariant image for which image(X) and image(Y) are different. Sometimes the values image takes are numbers (as with the Euler characteristic), but often they will be more complicated objects such as polynomials or groups.

It is perfectly possible for image(X) to equal image(Y) even when X and Y are not equivalent. An extreme example would be the invariant image that simply took the value 0 for every object X. However, sometimes it is so hard to prove that objects are not equivalent that invariants can be considered useful and interesting even when they work only part of the time.

There are two main properties that one looks for in an invariant image, and they tend to pull in opposite directions. One is that it should be as fine as possible: that is, as often as possible image(X) and image(Y) are different if X and Y are not equivalent. The other is that as often as possible one should actually be able to establish when image(X) is different from image(Y). There is not much use in having a fine invariant if it is impossible to calculate. (An extreme example would be the “trivial” invariant that simply mapped each X to its equivalence class. It is as fine as possible, but unless we have some independent means of specifying it, then it does not represent an advance on the original problem of showing that two objects are not equivalent.) The most powerful invariants therefore tend to be ones that can be calculated, but not very easily.

In the case of compact orientable surfaces, we are lucky: not only is the Euler characteristic an invariant that is easy to calculate, but it also classifies the compact orientable surfaces completely. To be precise, k is the Euler characteristic of a compact orientable surface if and only if it is of the form 2 - 2g for some nonnegative integer g (so the possible Euler characteristics are 2, 0, -2, -4, . . .), and two compact orientable surfaces with the same Euler characteristic are equivalent. Thus, if we regard equivalent surfaces as the same, then the number g gives us a complete specification of a surface. It is called the genus of the surface, and can be interpreted geometrically as the number of “holes” the surface has (so the genus of the sphere is 0 and that of the torus is 1).

For other examples of invariants, see ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY [IV.6] and KNOT POLYNOMIALS [III.44].

3 Generalizing

When an important mathematical definition is formulated, or theorem proved, that is rarely the end of the story. However clear a piece of mathematics may seem, it is nearly always possible to understand it better, and one of the most common ways of doing so is to present it as a special case of something more general. There are various different kinds of generalization, of which we discuss a few here.

3.1 Weakening Hypotheses and Strengthening Conclusions

The number 1729 is famous for being expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways: it is 13+123 and also 93 + 103. Let us now try to decide whether there is a number that can be written as the sum of four cubes in ten different ways.

At first this problem seems alarmingly difficult. It is clear that any such number, if it exists, must be very large and would be extremely tedious to find if we simply tested one number after another. So what can we do that is better than this?

The answer turns out to be that we should weaken our hypotheses. The problem we wish to solve is of the following general kind. We are given a sequence a1, a2, a3, . . . of positive integers and we are told that it has a certain property. We must then prove that there is a positive integer that can be written as a sum of four terms of the sequence in ten different ways. This is perhaps an artificial way of thinking about the problem since the property we assume of the sequence is the property of “being the sequence of cubes,” which is so specific that it is more natural to think of it as an identification of the sequence. However, this way of thinking encourages us to consider the possibility that the conclusion might be true for a much wider class of sequences. And indeed this turns out to be the case.

There are a thousand cubes less than or equal to 1 000 000 000. We shall now see that this property alone is sufficient to guarantee that there is a number that can be written as the sum of four cubes in ten different ways. That is, if a1, a2, a3, . . . is any sequence of positive integers, and if none of the first thousand terms exceeds 1 000 000 000, then some number can be written as the sum of four terms of the sequence in ten different ways.

To prove this, all we have to do is notice that the number of different ways of choosing four distinct terms from the sequence a1, a2, . . . , a1000 is 1000×999×998×997/24, which is greater than 40 × 1 000 000 000. The sum of any four terms of the sequence cannot exceed 4 × 1 000 000 000. It follows that the average number of ways of writing one of the first 4 000 000 000 numbers as the sum of four terms of the sequence is at least ten. But if the average number of representations is at least ten, then there must certainly be numbers that have at least this number of representations.

Why did it help to generalize the problem in this way? One might think that it would be harder to prove a result if one assumed less. However, that is often not true. The less you assume, the fewer options you have when trying to use your assumptions, and that can speed up the search for a proof. Had we not generalized the problem above, we would have had too many options. For instance, we might have found ourselves trying to solve very difficult Diophantine equations involving cubes rather than noticing the easy counting argument. In a way, it was only once we had weakened our hypotheses that we understood the true nature of the problem.

We could also think of the above generalization as a strengthening of the conclusion: the problem asks for a statement about cubes, and we prove not just that but much more besides. There is no clear distinction between weakening hypotheses and strengthening conclusions, since if we are asked to prove a statement of the form PQ, we can always reformulate it as ¬Q ⇒ ¬P. Then, if we weaken P we are weakening the hypotheses of PQ but strengthening the conclusion of ¬Q ⇒¬P

3.2 Proving a More Abstract Result

A famous result in modular arithmetic, known as FERMAT’S LITTLE THEOREM [III.58], states that if p is a prime and a is not a multiple of p, then ap-1 leaves a remainder of 1 when you divide by p. That is, ap-1 is congruent to 1 mod p.

There are several proofs of this result, one of which is a good illustration of a certain kind of generalization. Here is the argument in outline. The first step is to show that the numbers 1, 2, . . . , p - 1 form a GROUP [I.3 §2.1] under multiplication mod p. (This means multiplication followed by taking the remainder on division by p. For example, if p = 7 then the “product” of 3 and 6 is 4, since 4 is the remainder when you divide 18 by 7.) The next step is to note that if 1 ≤ ap-1 then the powers of a (mod p) form a subgroup of this group. Moreover, the size of the subgroup is the smallest positive integer m such that am is congruent to 1 mod p. One then applies Lagrange’s theorem, which states that the size of a group is always divisible by the size of any of its subgroups. In this case, the size of the group is p - 1, from which it follows that p - 1 is divisible by m. But then, since am = 1, it follows that ap-1 = 1.

This argument shows that Fermat’s little theorem is, when viewed appropriately, just one special case of Lagrange’s theorem. (The word “just” is, however, a little misleading, because it is not wholly obvious that the integers mod p form a group in the way stated. This fact is proved using EUCLID’S ALGORITHM [III.22].)

Fermat could not have viewed his theorem in this way, since the concept of a group had not been invented when he proved it. Thus, the abstract concept of a group helps one to see Fermat’s little theorem in a completely new way: it can be viewed as a special case of a more general result, but a result that cannot even be stated until one has developed some new, abstract concepts.

This process of abstraction has many benefits. Most obviously, it provides us with a more general theorem, one that has many other interesting particular cases. Once we see this, then we can prove the general result once and for all rather than having to prove each case separately. A related benefit is that it enables us to see connections between results that may originally have seemed quite different. And finding surprising connections between different areas of mathematics almost always leads to significant advances in the subject.

3.3 Identifying Characteristic Properties

There is a marked contrast between the way one defines image and the way one defines image, or i as it is usually written. In the former case one begins, if one is being careful, by proving that there is exactly one positive real number that squares to 2. Then image is defined to be this number.

This style of definition is impossible for i since there is no real number that squares to -1. So instead one asks the following question: if there were a number that squared to -1, what could one say about it? Such a number would not be a real number, but that does not rule out the possibility of extending the real number system to a larger system that contains a square root of -1.

At first it may seem as though we know precisely one thing about i: that i2 = -1. But if we assume in addition that i obeys the normal rules of arithmetic, then we can in addition that i obeys the normal rules of arithmetic, then we can do more interesting calculations, such as

(i + 1)2 = i2 + 2i + 1 = -1 + 2i + 1 = 2i,

which implies that (i + 1)/image is a square root of i.

From these two simple assumptions—that i2 = -1 and that i obeys the usual rules of arithmetic—we can develop the entire theory of COMPLEX NUMBERS [I.3 §1.5] without ever having to worry about what i actually is. And in fact, once you stop to think about it, the existence of image, though reassuring, is not in practice anything like as important as its defining properties, which are very similar to those of i:it squares to 2 and obeys the usual rules of arithmetic.

Many important mathematical generalizations work in a similar way. Another example is the definition of xa when x and a are real numbers with x positive. It is difficult to make sense of this expression in a direct way unless a is a positive integer, and yet mathematicians are completely comfortable with it, whatever the value of a. How can this be? The answer is that what really matters about xa is not its numerical value but its characteristic properties when one thinks of it as a function of a. The most important of these is the property that xa+b = xaxb. Together with a couple of other simple properties, this completely determines the function xa. More importantly, it is these characteristic properties that one uses when reasoning about xa. This example is discussed in more detail in THE EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS [III.25].

There is an interesting relationship between abstraction and classification. The word “abstract” is often used to refer to a part of mathematics where it is more common to use characteristic properties of an object than it is to argue directly from a definition of the object itself (though, as the example of image shows, this distinction can be somewhat hazy). The ultimate in abstraction is to explore the consequences of a system of axioms, such as those for a group or a vector space. However, sometimes, in order to reason about such algebraic structures, it is very helpful to classify them, and the result of classification is to make them more concrete again. For instance, every finite-dimensional real vector space V is isomorphic to imagen for some nonnegative integer n, and it is sometimes helpful to think of V as the concrete object imagen, rather than as an algebraic structure that satisfies certain axioms. Thus, in a certain sense, classification is the opposite of abstraction.

3.4 Generalization after Reformulation

Dimension is a mathematical idea that is also a familiar part of everyday language: for example, we say that a photograph of a chair is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object, because the chair has height, breadth, and depth, but the image just has height and breadth. Roughly speaking, the dimension of a shape is the number of independent directions one can move about in while staying inside the shape, and this rough conception can be made mathematically precise (using the notion of a VECTOR SPACE [I.3 §2.3]).

If we are given any shape, then its dimension, as one would normally understand it, must be a nonnegative integer: it does not make much sense to say that one can move about in 1.4 independent directions, for example. And yet there is a rigorous mathematical theory of fractional dimension, in which for every nonnegative real number d you can find many shapes of dimension d.

How do mathematicians achieve the seemingly impossible? The answer is that they reformulate the concept of dimension and only then do they generalize it. What this means is that they give a new definition of dimension with the following two properties.

(i) For all “simple” shapes the new definition agrees with the old one. For example, under the new definition a line will still be one dimensional, a square two dimensional, and a cube three dimensional.

(ii) With the new definition it is no longer obvious that the dimension of every shape must be a positive integer.

There are several ways of doing this, but most of them focus on the differences between length, area, and volume. Notice that a line segment of length 2 can be expressed as a union of two nonoverlapping line segments of length 1, a square of side-length 2 can be expressed as a union of four nonoverlapping squares of side-length 1, and a cube of side-length 2 can be expressed as a union of eight nonoverlapping cubes of side-length 1. It is because of this that if you enlarge a d-dimensional shape by a factor r, then its d-dimensional “volume” is multiplied by rd. Now suppose that you would like to exhibit a shape of dimension 1.4. One way of doing it is to let r = 25/7, so that r1.4 = 2, and find a shape X such that if you expand X by a factor of r, then the expanded shape can be expressed as a union of two disjoint copies of X. Two copies of X ought to have twice the “volume” of X itself, so the dimension d of X ought to satisfy the equation rd = 2. By our choice of r, this tells us that the dimension of X is 1.4. For more details, see DIMENSION [III.17].

Another concept that seems at first to make no sense is noncommutative geometry. The word “commutative” applies to BINARY OPERATIONS [I.2 §2.4] and therefore belongs to algebra rather than geometry, so what could “noncommutative geometry” possibly mean?

By now the answer should not be a surprise: one reformulates part of geometry in terms of a certain algebraic structure and then generalizes the algebra. The algebraic structure involves a commutative binary operation, so one can generalize the algebra by allowing the binary operation not to be commutative.

The part of geometry in question is the study of MANIFOLDS [I.3 §6.9]. Associated with a manifold X is the set C(X) of all continuous complex-valued functions defined on X. Given two functions f, g in C(X), and two complex numbers λ and μ, the linear combination λf + μg is another continuous complex-valued function, so it also belongs to C(X). Therefore, C(X) is a vector space. However, one can also multiply f and g to form the continuous function fg(defined by (fg)(x) = f(x)g(x)). This multiplication has various natural properties (for instance, f(g + h) = fg + fh for all functions f, g, and h) that make C(X) into an algebra, and even a C*-ALGEBRA [IV.15 §3]. It turns out that a great deal of the geometry of a compact manifold X can be reformulated purely in terms of the corresponding C*- algebra C(X). The word “purely” here means that it is not necessary to refer to the manifold X in terms of which the algebra C(X) was originally defined—all one uses is the fact that C(X) is an algebra. This raises the possibility that there might be algebras that do not arise geometrically, but to which the reformulated geometrical concepts nevertheless apply.

An algebra has two binary operations: addition and multiplication. Addition is always assumed to be commutative, but multiplication is not: when multiplication is commutative as well, one says that the algebra is commutative. Since fg and gf are clearly the same function, the algebra C(X) is a commutative C*- algebra, so the algebras that arise geometrically are always commutative. However, many geometrical concepts, once they have been reformulated in algebraic terms, continue to make sense for noncommutative C*- algebras, and that is why the phrase “noncommutative” geometry is used. For more details, see OPERATOR ALGEBRAS [IV.15 §5].

This process of reformulating and then generalizing underlies many of the most important advances in mathematics. Let us briefly look at a third example. THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF ARITHMETIC [V.14] is, as its name suggests, one of the foundation stones of number theory: it states that every positive integer can be written in exactly one way as a product of prime numbers. However, number theorists like to look at enlarged number systems, and for most of these the obvious analogue of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic is no longer true. For example, in the RING [III.81 §1] of numbers of the form a + bimage (where a and b are required to be integers), the number 6 can be written either as 2 × 3 or as (1 + image) × (1 – image). Since none of the numbers 2, 3, 1 + image, or 1– image can be decomposed further, the number 6 has two genuinely different prime factorizations in this ring.

There is, however, a natural way of generalizing the concept of “number” to include IDEAL NUMBERS [III.81 §2] that allow one to prove a version of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic in rings such as the one just defined. First, we must reformulate: we associate with each number γ the set of all its multiples δγ, where δ belongs to the ring. This set, which is denoted (γ), has the following closure property: if α and β belong to (γ) and δ and image are any two elements of the ring, then δα + imageβ belongs to (γ).

A subset of a ring with that closure property is called an ideal. If the ideal is of the form (γ) for some number γ, then it is called a principal ideal. However, there are ideals that are not principal, so we can think of the set of ideals as generalizing the set of elements of the original ring (once we have reformulated each element γ as the principal ideal (γ)). It turns out that there are natural notions of addition and multiplication that can be applied to ideals. Moreover, it makes sense to define an ideal I to be “prime” if the only way of writing I as a product JK is if one of J and K is a “unit.” In this enlarged set, unique factorization turns out to hold. These concepts give us a very useful way to measure “the extent to which unique factorization fails” in the original ring. For more details, see ALGEBRAIC NUMBERS [IV.1 § 7].

3.5 Higher Dimensions and Several Variables

We have already seen that the study of polynomial equations becomes much more complicated when one looks not just at single equations in one variable, but at systems of equations in several variables. Similarly, we have seen that PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [I.3 §5.4], which can be thought of as differential equations involving several variables, are typically much more difficult to analyze than ordinary differential equations, that is, differential equations in just one variable. These are two notable examples of a process that has generated many of the most important problems and results in mathematics, particularly over the last century or so: the process of generalization from one variable to several variables.


Figure 1 The densest possible packing of circles in the plane.

Suppose one has an equation that involves three real variables, x, y, and z. It is often useful to think of the triple (x, y, z) as an object in its own right, rather than as a collection of three numbers. Furthermore, this object has a natural interpretation: it represents a point in three-dimensional space. This geometrical interpretation is important, and goes a long way toward explaining why extensions of definitions and theorems from one variable to several variables are so interesting. If we generalize a piece of algebra from one variable to several variables, we can also think of what we are doing as generalizing from a one-dimensional setting to a higher-dimensional setting. This idea leads to many links between algebra and geometry, allowing techniques from one area to be used to great effect in the other.

4 Discovering Patterns

Suppose that you wish to fill the plane as densely as possible with nonoverlapping circles of radius 1. How should you do it? This question is an example of a so-called packing problem. The answer is known, and it is what one might expect: you should arrange the circles so that their centers form a triangular lattice, as shown in figure 1. In three dimensions a similar result is true, but much harder to prove: until recently it was a famous open problem known as the Kepler conjecture. Several mathematicians wrongly claimed to have solved it, but in 1998 a long and complicated solution, obtained with the help of a computer, was announced by Thomas Hales, and although his solution has proved very hard to check, the consensus is that it is probably correct.

Questions about packing of spheres can be asked in any number of dimensions, but they become harder and harder as the dimension increases. Indeed, it is likely that the best density for a ninety-seven-dimensional packing, say, will never be known. Experience with similar problems suggests that the best arrangement will almost certainly not have a simple structure such as one sees in two dimensions, so that the only method for finding it would be a “brute-force search” of some kind. However, to search for the best possible complicated structure is not feasible: even if one could somehow reduce the search to finitely many possibilities, there would be far more of them than one could feasibly check.

When a problem looks too difficult to solve, one should not give up completely. A much more productive reaction is to formulate related but more approachable questions. In this case, instead of trying to discover the very best packing, one can simply see how dense a packing one can find. Here is a sketch of an argument that gives a goodish packing in n dimensions, when n is large. One begins by taking a maximal packing: that is, one simply picks sphere after sphere until it is no longer possible to pick another one without it overlapping one of the spheres already chosen. Now let x be any point in imagen. Then there must be a sphere in our collection such that the distance between x and its center is less than 2, since otherwise we could take a unit sphere about x and it would not overlap any of the other spheres. Therefore, if we take all the spheres in the collection and expand them by a factor of 2, then we cover all of imagen. Since expanding an n-dimensional sphere by a factor of 2 increases its (n-dimensional) volume by a factor of 2n, the proportion of imagen covered by the unexpanded spheres must be at least 2-n.

Notice that in the above argument we learned nothing at all about the nature of the arrangements of spheres with density 2-n. All we did was take a maximal packing, and that can be done in a very haphazard way. This is in marked contrast with the approach that worked in two dimensions, where we defined a specific pattern of circles.

This contrast pervades all of mathematics. For some problems, the best approach is to build a highly structured pattern that has the properties you need, while for others—usually problems for which there is no hope of obtaining an exact answer—it is better to look for less specific arrangements. “Highly structured” in this context often means “possessing a high degree of symmetry.”

The triangular lattice is a rather simple pattern, but some highly structured patterns are much more complicated, and much more of a surprise when they are discovered. A notable example occurs in packing problems. By and large, the higher the dimension you are working in, the more difficult it is to find good patterns, but an exception to this general rule occurs at twenty-four dimensions. Here, there is a remarkable construction, known as the Leech lattice, which gives rise to a miraculously dense packing. Formally, a lattice in imagen is a subset Λ with the following three properties.

(i) If x and y belong to Λ, then so do x + y and x - y.

(ii) If x belongs to Λ, then x is isolated. That is, there is some d > 0 such that the distance between x and any other point of Λ is at least d.

(iii) Λ is not contained in any (n - 1)-dimensional subspace of imagen.

A good example of a lattice is the set imagen of all points in imagen with integer coordinates. If one is searching for a dense packing, then it is a good idea to look at lattices, since if you know that every nonzero point in a lattice has distance at least d from 0, then you know that any two points have distance at least d from each other. This is because the distance between x and y is the same as the distance between 0 and y - x, both of which lie in the lattice if x and y do. Thus, instead of having to look at the whole lattice, one can get away with looking at a small portion around 0.

In twenty-four dimensions it can be shown that there is a lattice Λ with the following additional properties, and that it is unique, in the sense that any other lattice with those properties is just a rotation of the first one.

(iv) There is a 24 × 24 matrix M with DETERMINANT [III.15] equal to 1 such that Λ consists of all integer combinations of the columns of M.

(v) If v is a point in Λ, then the square of the distance from 0 to v is an even integer.

(vi) The nonzero vector nearest to 0 is at distance 2. Thus, the balls of radius 1 about the points in Λ form a packing of image24.

The nonzero vector nearest to 0 is far from unique: in fact there are 196 560 of them, which is a remarkably large number considering that these points must all be at distance at least 2 from each other.

The Leech lattice also has an extraordinary degree of symmetry. To be precise, it has 8 315 553 613 086 720 000 rotational symmetries. (This number equals 222 · 39 · 54 · 72 · 11 · 13 · 23.) If you take the QUOTIENT [I.3 §3.3] of its symmetry group by the subgroup consisting of the identity and minus the identity, then you obtain the Conway group Co1, which is one of the famous sporadic SIMPLE GROUPS [V.7]. The existence of so many symmetries makes it easier still to determine the smallest distance from 0 of any nonzero point of the lattice, since once you have checked one distance you have automatically checked lots of others (just as, in the triangular lattice, the six-fold rotational symmetry tells us that the distances from 0 to its six neighbors are all the same).

These facts about the Leech lattice illustrate a general principle of mathematical research: often, if a mathematical construction has one remarkable property, it will have others as well. In particular, a high degree of symmetry will often be related to other interesting features. So, although it is a surprise that the Leech lattice exists at all, it is not as surprising when one then discovers that it gives an extremely dense packing of image24. In fact, it was shown in 2004 by Henry Cohn and Abhinav Kumar that it gives the densest possible packing of spheres in twenty-four-dimensional space, at least among all packings derived from lattices. It is probably the densest packing of any kind, but this has not yet been proved.

5 Explaining Apparent Coincidences

The largest of all the sporadic finite simple groups is called the Monster group. Its name is partly explained by the fact that it has 246 · 320 · 59 · 76 · 112 · 133 · 17 · 19 · 23 · 29 · 31 · 41 · 47 · 59 · 71 elements. How can one hope to understand a group of this size?

One of the best ways is to show that it is a group of symmetries of some other mathematical object (see the article on REPRESENTATION THEORY [IV.9] for much more on this theme), and the smaller that object is, the better. We have just seen that another large sporadic group, the Conway group Co1, is closely related to the symmetry group of the Leech lattice. Might there be a lattice that played a similar role for the Monster group?

It is not hard to show that there will be at least some lattice that works, but more challenging is to find one of small dimension. It has been shown that the smallest possible dimension that can be used is 196 883.

Now let us turn to a different branch of mathematics. If you look at the article about ALGEBRAIC NUMBERS [IV.1 §8] you will see a definition of a function j(z), called the elliptic modular function, of central importance in algebraic number theory. It is given as the sum of a series that starts

j(z) = e-2πiz + 744 + 196 884e2πiz

+ 21493 760e4πiz + 864 299 970e6πiz + · · .

Rather intriguingly, the coefficient of e2πiz in this series is 196 884, one more than the smallest possible dimension of a lattice that has the Monster group as its group of symmetries.

It is not obvious how seriously we should take this observation, and when it was first made by John McKay opinions differed about it. Some believed that it was probably just a coincidence, since the two areas seemed to be so different and unconnected. Others took the attitude that the function j(z) and the Monster group are so important in their respective areas, and the number 196 883 so large, that the surprising numerical fact was probably pointing to a deep connection that had not yet been uncovered.

It turned out that the second view was correct. After studying the coefficients in the series for j(z), McKay and John Thompson were led to a conjecture that related them all (and not just 196 884) to the Monster group. This conjecture was extended by John Conway and Simon Norton, who formulated the “Monstrous Moonshine” conjecture, which was eventually proved by Richard Borcherds in 1992. (The word “moonshine” reflects the initial disbelief that there would be a serious relationship between the Monster group and the j-function.)

In order to prove the conjecture, Borcherds introduced a new algebraic structure, which he called a VERTEX ALGEBRA [IV.17]. And to analyze vertex algebras, he used results from STRING THEORY [IV.17 §2]. In other words, he explained the connection between two very different-looking areas of pure mathematics with the help of concepts from theoretical physics.

This example demonstrates in an extreme way another general principle of mathematical research: if you can obtain the same series of numbers (or the same structure of a more general kind) from two different mathematical sources, then those sources are probably not as different as they seem. Moreover, if you can find one deep connection, you will probably be led to others. There are many other examples where two completely different calculations give the same answer, and many of them remain unexplained. This phenomenon results in some of the most difficult and fascinating unsolved problems in mathematics. (See the introduction to MIRROR SYMMETRY [IV.16] for another example.)

Interestingly, the j-function leads to a second famous mathematical “coincidence.” There may not seem to be anything special about the number eπimage but here is the beginning of its decimal expansion:


= 262 537 412 640 768 743.99999999999925 . . . ,

which is astonishingly close to an integer. Again it is initially tempting to dismiss this as a coincidence, but one should think twice before yielding to the temptation. After all, there are not all that many numbers that can be defined as simply as eπimage, and each one has a probability of less than one in a million million of being as close to an integer as eπimage is. In fact, it is not a coincidence at all: for an explanation see ALGEBRAIC NUMBERS [IV.1 §8].

6 Counting and Measuring

How many rotational symmetries are there of a regular icosahedron? Here is one way to work it out. Choose a vertex v of the icosahedron and let v' be one of its neighbors. An icosahedron has twelve vertices, so there are twelve places where v could end up after the rotation. Once we know where v goes, there are five possibilities for v' (since each vertex has five neighbors and v' must still be a neighbor of v after the rotation). Once we have determined where v and v' go, there is no further choice we can make, so the number of rotational symmetries is 5 × 12 = 60.

This is a simple example of a counting argument, that is, an answer to a question that begins “How many.” However, the word “argument” is at least as important as the word “counting,” since we do not put all the symmetries in a row and say “one, two, three, . . . , sixty,” as we might if we were counting in real life. What we do instead is come up with a reason for the number of rotational symmetries being 5 × 12. At the end of the process, we understand more about those symmetries than merely how many there are. Indeed, it is possible to go further and show that the group of rotations of the icosahedron is A5, the ALTERNATING GROUP [III.68] on five elements.

6.1 Exact Counting

Here is a more sophisticated counting problem. A one-dimensional random walk of n steps is a sequence of integers a0, a1, a2, . . . , an, such that for each i the difference ai - ai-1 is either 1 or -1. For example, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1 is a seven-step random walk. The number of n-step random walks that start at 0 is clearly 2n, since there are two choices for each step (either you add 1 or you subtract 1).

Now let us try a slightly harder problem. How many walks of length 2n are there that start and end at 0? (We look at walks of length 2n since a walk that starts and ends in the same place must have an even number of steps.)

In order to think about this problem, it helps to use the letters R and L (for “right” and “left”) to denote adding 1 and subtracting 1, respectively. This gives us an alternative notation for random walks that start at 0: for example, the walk 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1 would be rewritten as RRLRLLL. Now a walk will end at 0 if and only if the number of Rs is equal to the number of Ls. Moreover, if we are told the set of steps where an R occurs, then we know the entire walk. So what we are counting is the number of ways of choosing n of the 2n steps as the steps where an R will occur. And this is well-known to be (2n)!/(n!)2.

Now let us look at a related quantity that is considerably less easy to determine: the number W(n) of walks of length 2n that start and end at 0 and are never negative. Here, in the notation introduced for the previous problem, is a list of all such walks of length 6: RRRLLL, RRLRLL, RRLLRL, RLRRLL, and RLRLRL.

Now three of these five walks do not just start and end at 0 but visit it in the middle: RRLLRL visits it after four steps, RLRRLL after two, and RLRLRL after two and four. Suppose we have a walk of length 2n that is never negative and visits 0 for the first time after 2k steps. Then the remainder of the walk is a walk of length 2(n - k) that starts and ends at 0 and is never negative. There are W(n - k) of these. As for the first 2k steps of such a walk, they must begin with R and end with L, and in between must never visit 0. This means that between the initial R and the final L they give a walk of length 2(k - 1) that starts and ends at 1 and is never less than 1. The number of such walks is clearly the same as W(k - 1). Therefore, since the first visit to 0 must take place after 2k steps for some k between 1 and n, W satisfies the following slightly complicated recurrence relation:

W(n) = W(0)W(n - 1) + · · · + W(n - 1)W(0).

Here, W(0) is taken to be equal to 1.

This allows us to calculate the first few values of W. We have W(1) = W(0)W(0) = 1, which is easier to see directly: the only possibility is RL. Then W(2) = W(1)W(0) + W(0)W(1) = 2, and W(3), which counts the number of such walks of length 6, equals W(0)W(2) + W(1)W(1) + W(2)W(0) = 5, confirming our earlier calculation.

Of course, it would not be a good idea to use the recurrence relation directly if one wished to work out W(n) for large values of n such as 1010. However, the recurrence is of a sufficiently nice form that it is amenable to treatment by GENERATING FUNCTIONS [IV.18 §§2.4, 3], as is explained in ENUMERATIVE AND ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS [IV.18 §3]. (To see the connection with that discussion, replace the letters R and L by the square brackets [ and ], respectively. A legal bracketing then corresponds to a walk that is never negative.)

The argument above gives an efficient way of calculating W(n) exactly. There are many other exact counting arguments in mathematics. Here is a small further sample of quantities that mathematicians know how to count exactly without resorting to “brute force.” (See the introduction to [IV.18] for a discussion of when one regards a counting problem as solved.)

(i) The number r(n) of regions that a plane is cut into by n lines if no two of the lines are parallel and no three concurrent. The first four values of r(n) are 2, 4, 7, and 11. It is not hard to prove that r(n) = r(n - 1) + n, which leads to the formula r(n) = image (n2 + n + 2). This statement, and its proof, can be generalized to higher dimensions.

(ii) The number s(n) of ways of writing n as a sum of four squares. Here we allow zero and negative numbers and we count different orderings as different (so, for example, 12+32+42+ 22, 32+42+12+ 22, 12+(-3)2+ 42 + 22, and 02 + 12 + 22 + 52 are considered to be four different ways of writing 30 as a sum of four squares). It can be shown that s(n) is equal to 8 times the sum of all the divisors of n that are not multiples of 4. For example, the divisors of 12 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, of which 1, 2, 3, and 6 are not multiples of 4. Therefore s(12) = 8(1 + 2 + 3 + 6) = 96. The different ways are 12+12+12+32, 0+22+22+22, and the other expressions that can be obtained from these ones by reordering and replacing positive integers by negative ones.

(iii) The number of lines in space that meet a given four lines L1, L2, L3, and L4 when those four are in “general position.” (This means that they do not have special properties such as two of them being parallel or intersecting each other.) It turns out that for any three such lines, there is a subset of image3 known as a quadric surface that contains them, and this quadric surface is unique. Let us take the surface for L1, L2, and L3 and call it S.

The surface S has some interesting properties that allow us to solve the problem. The main one is that one can find a continuous family of lines (that is, a collection of lines L(t), one for each real number t, that varies continuously with t) that, between them, make up the surface S and include each of the lines L1, L2, and L3. But there is also another such continuous family of lines M(s), each of which meets every line L(t) in exactly one point. In particular, every line M(s) meets all of L1, L2, and L3, and in fact every line that meets all of L1, L2, and L3 must be one of the lines M(s).

It can be shown that L4 intersects the surface S in exactly two points, P and Q. Now P lies in some line M(s) from the second family, and Q lies in some other line M(s')(which must be different, or else L4 would equal M(s) and intersect L1, L2, and L3, contradicting the fact that the lines Li are in general position). Therefore, the two lines M(s) and M(s') intersect all four of the lines Li. But every line that meets all the Li has to be one of the lines M(s) and has to go through either P or Q (since the lines M(s) lie in S and L4 meets S at only those two points). Therefore, the answer is 2.

This question can be generalized very considerably, and answered by means of a technique known as Schubert calculus.

(iv) The number p(n) of ways of expressing a positive integer n as a sum of positive integers. When n = 6 this number is 11, since 6 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 + 2 + 1 = 3 + 3 = 4 + 1 + 1 = 4 + 2 = 5 + 1 = 6. The function p(n) is called the partition function. A remarkable formula, due to HARDY [VI.73] and RAMANUJAN [VI.82], gives an approximation α(n) to p(n) that is so accurate that p(n) is always the nearest integer to α(n).

6.2 Estimates

Once we have seen example (ii) above, it is natural to ask whether it can be generalized. Is there a formula for the number t(n) of ways of writing n as a sum of ten sixth powers, for example? It is generally believed that the answer to this question is no, and certainly no such formula has been discovered. However, as with packing problems, even if an exact answer does not seem to be forthcoming, it is still very interesting to obtain estimates. In this case, one can try to define an easily calculated function f such that f (n) is always approximately equal to t(n). If even that is too hard, one can try to find two easily calculated functions L and U such that L(n) ≤ t(n)U(n) for every n. If we succeed, then we call L a lower bound for t and U an upper bound. Here are a few examples of quantities that nobody knows how to count exactly, but for which there are interesting approximations, or at least interesting upper and lower bounds.

(i) Probably the most famous approximate counting problem in all of mathematics is to estimate π(n), the number of prime numbers less than or equal to n. For small values of n, we can of course compute π(n) exactly: for example, π(20) = 8 since the primes less than or equal to 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19. However, there does not seem to be a useful formula for π(n), and although it is easy to think of a brute-force algorithm for computing π(n)—look at every number up to n, test whether it is prime, and keep count as you go along—such a procedure takes a prohibitively long time if n is at all large. Furthermore, it does not give us much insight into the nature of the function π(n).

If, however, we modify the question slightly, and ask roughly how many primes there are up to n, then we find ourselves in the area known as ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY [IV.2], a branch of mathematics with many fascinating results. In particular, the famous PRIME NUMBER THEOREM [V.26], proved by HADAMARD [VI.65] and DE LA VALLÉE POUSSIN [VI.67] at the end of the nineteenth century, states that π(n) is approximately equal to n/log n, in the sense that the ratio of π(n) to n/log n converges to 1 as n tends to infinity.

This statement can be refined. It is believed that the “density” of primes close to n is about 1/log n, in the sense that a randomly chosen integer close to n has a probability of about 1/log n of being prime. This would suggest that π(n) should be about image dt/ log t, a function of n that is known as the logarithmic integral of n, or li(n).

How accurate is this estimate? Nobody knows, but the RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS [V.26], perhaps the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics, is equivalent to the statement that π(n) and li(n) differ by at most c image logn for some constant c. Since image logn is much smaller than π(n), this would tell us that li(n) was an extremely good approximation to π(n).

(ii) A self-avoiding walk of length n in the plane is a sequence of points (a0, b0),(a1, b1),(a2,b2), . . . , (an, bn) with the following properties.

  • The numbers ai and bi are all integers.
  • For each i, one obtains (ai, bi) from (ai-1, bi-1) by taking a horizontal or vertical step of length 1. That is, either ai = ai-1 and bi = bi-1 ± 1 or ai = ai-1 ± 1 and bi = bi-1.
  • No two of the points (ai, bi) are equal.

The first two conditions tell us that the sequence forms a two-dimensional walk of length n, and the third says that this walk never visits any point more than once—hence the term “self-avoiding.”

Let S(n) be the number of self-avoiding walks of length n that start at (0, 0). There is no known formula for S(n), and it is very unlikely that such a formula exists. However, quite a lot is known about the way the function S(n) grows as n grows. For instance, it is fairly easy to prove that S(n)1/n converges to a limit c. The value of c is not known, but it has been shown (with the help of a computer) to lie between 2.62 and 2.68.

(iii) Let C(t) be the number of points in the plane with integer coordinates contained in a circle of radius t about the origin. That is, C(t) is the number of pairs (a, b) of integers such that a2 + b2t2. A circle of radius t has area πt2, and the plane can be tiled by unit squares, each of which has a point with integer coordinates at its center. Therefore, when t is large it is fairly clear (and not hard to prove) that C(t) is approximately πt2. However, it is much less clear how good this approximation is.

To make this question more precise, let us set image(t) to equal |C(t) - πt2|. That is, image(t) is the error in πt2 as an estimate for C(t). It was shown in 1915, by Hardy and Landau, that image(t) must be at least cimage for some constant c> 0, and this estimate, or something very similar, probably gives the right order of magnitude for image(t). However, the best upper bound known, which was proved by Huxley in 2003 (the latest in a long line of successive improvements), is that image(t) is at most At131/208(logt)2.26 for some constant A.

6.3 Averages

So far, our discussion of estimates and approximations has been confined to problems where the aim is to count mathematical objects of a given kind. However, that is by no means the only context in which estimates can be interesting. Given a set of objects, one may wish to know not just how large the set is, but also what a typical object in the set looks like. Many questions of this kind take the form of asking what the average value is of some numerical parameter that is associated with each object. Here are two examples.

(i) What is the average distance between the starting point and the endpoint of a self-avoiding walk of length n? In this instance, the objects are self-avoiding walks of length n that start at (0, 0), and the numerical parameter is the end-to-end distance.

Surprisingly, this is a notoriously difficult problem, and almost nothing is known. It is obvious that n is an upper bound for S(n), but one would expect a typical self-avoiding walk to take many twists and turns and end up traveling much less far than n away from its starting point. However, there is no known upper bound for S(n) that is substantially better than n.

In the other direction, one would expect the end-to-end distance of a typical self-avoiding walk to be greater than that of an ordinary walk, to give it room to avoid itself. This would suggest that S(n) is significantly greater than image, but it has not even been proved that it is greater.

This is not the whole story, however, and the problem will be discussed further in section 8.

(ii) Let n be a large randomly chosen positive integer and let ω(n) be the number of distinct prime factors of n. On average, how large will ω(n) be? As it stands, this question does not quite make sense because there are infinitely many positive integers, so one cannot choose one randomly. However, one can make the question precise by specifying a large integer m and choosing a random integer n between m and 2m. It then turns out that the average size of ω(n) is around log logn.

In fact, much more is known than this. If all you know about a RANDOM VARIABLE [III.71 §4] is its average, then a great deal of its behavior is not determined, so for many problems calculating averages is just the beginning of the story. In this case, Hardy and Ramanujan gave an estimate for the STANDARD DEVIATION [III.71 §4] of ω(n), showing that it is about image. Then Erdimages and Kac went even further and gave a precise estimate for the probability that ω(n) differs from log log n by more than cimage, proving the surprising fact that the distribution of ω is approximately GAUSSIAN [III.71 §5].

To put these results in perspective, let us think about the range of possible values of ω(n). At one extreme, n might be a prime itself, in which case it obviously has just one prime factor. At the other extreme, we can write the primes in ascending order as p1, p2, p3. . . , and take numbers of the form n = p1p2 · · · pk. With the help of the prime number theorem, one can show that the order of magnitude of k is log n/ log log n, which is much bigger than log log n. However, the results above tell us that such numbers are exceptional: a typical number has a few distinct prime factors, but nothing like as many as log n / log log n.

6.4 Extremal Problems

There are many problems in mathematics where one wishes to maximize or minimize some quantity in the presence of various constraints. These are called extremal problems. As with counting questions, there are some extremal problems for which one can realistically hope to work out the answer exactly, and many more for which, even though an exact answer is out of the question, one can still aim to find interesting estimates. Here are some examples of both kinds.

(i) Let n be a positive integer and let X be a set with n elements. How many subsets of X can be chosen if none of these subsets is contained in any other?

A simple observation one can make is that if two different sets have the same size, then neither is contained in the other. Therefore, one way of satisfying the constraints of the problem is to choose all the sets of some particular size k. Now the number of subsets of X of size k is n!/k! (n - k)!, which is usually written image (or nCk), and it is not hard to show that image is largest when k = n/2 if n is even and when k = (n ± 1)/2 if n is odd. For simplicity let us concentrate on the case when n is even. What we have just proved is that it is possible to pick image subsets of an n-element set in such a way that none of them contains any other. That is, image is a lower bound for the problem. A result known as Sperner’s theorem states that it is an upper bound as well. That is, if you choose more than image subsets of X, then, however you do it, one of these subsets will be contained in another. Therefore, the question is answered exactly, and the answer is image. (When n is odd, then the answer is image as one might now expect.)

(ii) Suppose that the two ends of a heavy chain are attached to two hooks on the ceiling and that the chain is not supported anywhere else. What shape will the hanging chain take?

At first, this question does not look like a maximization or minimization problem, but it can be quickly turned into one. That is because a general principle from physics tells us that the chain will settle in the shape that minimizes its potential energy. We therefore find ourselves asking a new question: let A and B be two points at distance d apart, and let image be the set of all curves of length l that have A and B as their two endpoints. Which curve C image image has the smallest potential energy? Here one takes the mass of any portion of the curve to be proportional to its length. The potential energy of the curve is equal to mgh, where m is the mass of the curve, g is the gravitational constant, and h is the height of the center of gravity of the curve. Since m and g do not change, another formulation of the question is: which curve C image image has the smallest average height?

This problem can be solved by means of a technique known as the calculus of variations. Very roughly, the idea is this. We have a set, image, and a function h defined on image that takes each curve C image image to its average height. We are trying to minimize h, and a natural way to approach that task is to define some sort of derivative and look for a curve C at which this derivative is 0. Notice that the word “derivative” here does not refer to the rate of change of height as you move along the curve. Rather, it means the (linear) way that the average height of the entire curve changes in response to small perturbations of the curve. Using this kind of derivative to find a minimum is more complicated than looking for the stationary points of a function defined on image, since image is an infinite-dimensional set and is therefore much more complicated than image. However, the approach can be made to work, and the curve that minimizes the average height is known. (It is called a catenary, after the Latin word for chain.) Thus, this is another minimization problem that has been answered exactly.

For a typical problem in the calculus of variations, one is trying to find a curve, or surface, or more general kind of function, for which a certain quantity is minimized or maximized. If a minimum or maximum exists (which is by no means automatic when one is working with an infinite-dimensional set, so this can be an interesting and important question), the object that achieves it satisfies a system of PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [I.3 §5.4] known as the Euler–Lagrange equations. For more about this style of minimization or maximization, see VARIATIONAL METHODS [III.94] (and also OPTIMIZATION AND LAGRANGE MULTIPLIERS [III.64]).

(iii) How many numbers can you choose between 1 and n if no three of them are allowed to lie in an arithmetic progression? If n = 9 then the answer is 5. To see this, note first that no three of the five numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 lie in an arithmetic progression. Now let us see if we can find six numbers that work.

If we make one of our numbers 5, then we must leave out either 4 or 6, or else we would have the progression 4, 5, 6. Similarly, we must leave out one of 3 and 7, one of 2 and 8, and one of 1 and 9. But then we have left out four numbers. It follows that we cannot choose 5 as one of the numbers.

We must leave out one of 1, 2, and 3, and one of 7, 8, and 9, so if we leave out 5 then we must include 4 and 6. But then we cannot include 2 or 8. But we must also leave out at least one of 1, 4, and 7, so we are forced to leave out at least four numbers.

An ugly case-by-case argument of this kind is feasible when n = 9, but as soon as n is at all large there are far too many cases for it to be possible to consider them all. For this problem, there does not seem to be a tidy answer that tells us exactly which is the largest set of integers between 1 and n that contains no arithmetic progression of length 3. So instead one looks for upper and lower bounds on its size. To prove a lower bound, one must find a good way of constructing a large set that does not contain any arithmetic progressions, and to prove an upper bound one must show that any set of a certain size must necessarily contain an arithmetic progression. The best bounds to date are very far apart. In 1947, Behrend found a set of size n/ecimage that contains no arithmetic progression, and in 1999 Jean Bourgain proved that every set of size Cnimage contains an arithmetic progression. (If it is not obvious to you that these numbers are far apart, then consider what happens when n = 10100 say. Then eimage is about 4 000 000, while image is about 6.5.)

(iv) Theoretical computer science is a source of many minimization problems: if one is programming a computer to perform a certain task, then one wants it to do so in as short a time as possible. Here is an elementary-sounding example: how many steps are needed to multiply two n-digit numbers together?

Even if one is not too precise about what is meant by a “step,” one can see that the traditional method, long multiplication, takes at least n2 steps since, during the course of the calculation, each digit of the first number is multiplied by each digit of the second. One might imagine that this was necessary, but in fact there are clever ways of transforming the problem and dramatically reducing the time that a computer needs to perform a multiplication of this kind. The fastest known method uses THE FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM [III.26] to reduce the number of steps from n2 to Cn log n log log n. Since the logarithm of a number is much smaller than the number itself, one thinks of Cn log n log log n as being only just worse than a bound of the form Cn. Bounds of this form are called linear, and for a problem like this are clearly the best one can hope for, since it takes 2n steps even to read the digits of the two numbers.

Another question that is similar in spirit is whether there are fast algorithms for matrix multiplication. To multiply two n × n matrices using the obvious method one needs to do n3 individual multiplications of the numbers in the matrices, but once again there are less obvious methods that do better. The main breakthrough on this problem was due to Strassen, who had the idea of splitting each matrix into four n/2 × n/2 matrices and multiplying those together. At first it seems as though one has to calculate the products of eight pairs of n/2 × n/2 matrices, but these products are related, and Strassen came up with seven such calculations from which the eight products could quickly be derived. One can then apply recursion: that is, use the same idea to speed up the calculation of the seven n/2 × n/2 matrix products, and so on.

Strassen’s algorithm reduces the number of numerical multiplications from about n3 to about nlog27. Since log27 is less than 2.81, this is a significant improvement, but only when n is large. His basic divide-and conquer strategy has been developed further, and the current record is better than n2.4. In the other direction, the situation is less satisfactory: nobody has found a proof that one needs to use significantly more than n2 multiplications.

For more problems of a similar kind, see COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY [IV.20] and THE MATHEMATICS OF ALGORITHM DESIGN [VII.5].

(v) Some minimization and maximization problems are of a more subtle kind. For example, suppose that one is trying to understand the nature of the differences between successive primes. The smallest such difference is 1 (the difference between 2 and 3), and it is not hard to prove that there is no largest difference (given any integer n greater than 1, none of the numbers between n! + 2 and n! + n is a prime). Therefore, there do not seem to be interesting maximization or minimization problems concerning these differences.

However, one can in fact formulate some fascinating problems if one first normalizes in an appropriate way. As was mentioned earlier in this section, the prime number theorem states that the density of primes near n is about 1/ logn, so an average gap between two primes near n will be about logn. If p and q are successive primes, we can therefore define a “normalized gap” to be (q - p) / log p. The average value of this normalized gap will be 1, but is it sometimes much smaller and sometimes much bigger?

It was shown by Westzynthius in 1931 that even normalized gaps can be arbitrarily large, and it was widely believed that they could also be arbitrarily close to zero. (The famous twin prime conjecture—that there are infinitely many primes p for which p + 2 is also a prime—implies this immediately.) However, it took until 2005 for this to be proved, by Goldston, Pintz, and Yildirim. (See ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY [IV.2 §§6–8] for a discussion of this problem.)

7 Determining Whether Different Mathematical Properties Are Compatible

In order to understand a mathematical concept, such as that of a group or a manifold, there are various stages one typically goes through. Obviously it is a good idea to begin by becoming familiar with a few representative examples of the structure, and also with techniques for building new examples out of old ones. It is also extremely important to understand the homomorphisms, or “structure-preserving functions,” from one example of the structure to another, as was discussed in SOME FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICAL DEFINITIONS [I.3 §§4.1, 4.2].

Once one knows these basics, what is there left to understand? Well, for a general theory to be useful, it should tell us something about specific examples. For instance, as we saw in section 3.2, Lagrange’s theorem can be used to prove Fermat’s little theorem. Lagrange’s theorem is a general fact about groups: that if G is a group of size n, then the size of any subgroup of G must be a factor of n. To obtain Fermat’s little theorem, one applies Lagrange’s theorem to the particular case when G is the multiplicative group of nonzero integers mod p. The conclusion one obtains—that ap is always congruent to a—is far from obvious.

However, what if we want to know something about a group G that might not be true for all groups? That is, suppose that we wish to determine whether G has some property P that some groups have and others do not. Since we cannot prove that the property P follows from the group axioms, it might seem that we are forced to abandon the general theory of groups and look at the specific group G. However, in many situations there is an intermediate possibility: to identify some fairly general property Q that the group G has, and show that Q implies the more particular property P that interests us.

Here is an illustration of this sort of technique in a different context. Suppose we wish to determine whether the polynomial p(x) = x4 - 2x3 - x2 - 2x + 1 has a real root. One method would be to study this particular polynomial and try to find a root. After quite a lot of effort we might discover that p(x) can be factorized as (x2+x+1)(x2 -3x+1). The first factor is always positive, but if we apply the quadratic formula to the second, we find that p(x) = 0 when x = (3 ± image)/2. An alternative method, which uses a bit of general theory, is to notice that p(1) is negative (in fact, it equals -3) and that p(x) is large when x is large (because then the x4 term is far bigger than anything else), and then to use the intermediate value theorem, the result that any continuous function that is negative somewhere and positive somewhere else must be zero somewhere in between.

Notice that, with the second approach, there was still some computation to do—finding a value of x for which p(x) is negative—but that it was much easier than the computation in the first approach—finding a value of x for which p(x) is zero. In the second approach, we established that p had the rather general property of being negative somewhere, and used the intermediate value theorem to finish off the argument.

There are many situations like this throughout mathematics, and as they arise certain general properties become established as particularly useful. For example, if you know that a positive integer n is prime, or that a group G is Abelian (that is, gh = hg for any two elements g and h of G), or that a function taking complex numbers to complex numbers is HOLOMORPHIC [I.3 §5.6], then as a consequence of these general properties you know a lot more about the objects in question.

Once properties have established themselves as important, they give rise to a large class of mathematical questions of the following form: given a mathematical structure and a selection of interesting properties that it might have, which combinations of these properties imply which other ones? Not all such questions are interesting, of course—many of them turn out to be quite easy and others are too artificial—but some of them are very natural and surprisingly resistant to one’s initial attempts to solve them. This is usually a sign that one has stumbled on what mathematicians would call a “deep” question. In the rest of this section let us look at a problem of this kind.

A group G is called finitely generated if there is some finite set {x1, x2, . . . ,xk} of elements of G such that all the rest can be written as products of elements in that set. For example, the group SL2 (image) consists of all 2 × 2 matrices image such that a, b, c, and d are integers and ad - bc = 1. This group is finitely generated: it is a nice exercise to show that every such matrix can be built from the four matrices image, image, image, and image using matrix multiplication. (See [I.3 §3.2] for a discussion of matrices. A first step toward proving this result is to show that image image = image.)

Now let us consider a second property. If x is an element of a group G, then x is said to have finite order if there is some power of x that equals the identity. The smallest such power is called the order of x. For example, in the multiplicative group of nonzero integers mod 7, the identity is 1, and the order of the element 4 is 3, because 41 = 4, 42 = 16 = 2 and 43 = 64 = 1 mod 7. As for 3, its first six powers are 3, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, so it has order 6. Now some groups have the very special property that there is some integer n such that xn equals the identity for every x—or, equivalently, the order of every x is a factor of n. What can we say about such groups?

Let us look first at the case where all elements have order 2. Writing e for the identity element, we are assuming that a2 = e for every element a. If we multiply both sides of this equation by the inverse a-1, then we deduce that a = a-1. The opposite implication is equally easy, so such groups are ones where every element is its own inverse.

Now let a and b be two elements of G. For any two elements a and b of any group we have the identity (ab)-1 = b-1a-1 (simply because abb-1a-1 = aa-1 = e), and in our special group where all elements equal their inverses we can deduce from this that ab = ba. That is, G is automatically Abelian.

Already we have shown that one general property, that every element of G squares to the identity, implies another, that G is Abelian. Now let us add the condition that G is finitely generated, and let x1, x2, . . . ,xk be a minimal set of generators. That is, suppose that every element of G can be built up out of the xi and that we need all of the xi to be able to do this. Because G is Abelian and because every element is equal to its own inverse, we can rearrange products of the xi into a standard form, where each xi occurs at most once and the indices increase. For example, take the product x4x3x1x4x4x1x3x1x5. Because G is Abelian, this equals x1x1x1x3x3x4x4x4x5, and because each element is its own inverse this equals x1x4x5, the standard form of the original expression.

This shows that G can have at most 2k elements, since for each xi we have the choice of whether or not to include it in the product (after it has been put in the form above). In particular, the properties “G is finitely generated” and “every nonidentity element of G has order 2” imply the third property “G is finite.” It turns out to be fairly easy to prove that two elements whose standard forms are different are themselves different, so in fact G has exactly 2k elements (where k is the size of a minimal set of generators).

Now let us ask what happens if n is some integer greater than 2 and xn = e for every element x. That is, if G is finitely generated and xn = e for every x, must G be finite? This turns out to be a much harder question, originally asked by BURNSIDE [VI.60]. Burnside himself showed that G must be finite if n = 3, but it was not until 1968 that his problem was solved, when Adian and Novikov proved the remarkable result that if n ≥ 4381 then G does not have to be finite. There is of course a big gap between 3 and 4381, and progress in bridging it has been slow. It was only in 1992 that this was improved to n ≥ 13, by Ivanov. And to give an idea of how hard the Burnside problem is, it is still not known whether a group with two generators such that the fifth power of every element is the identity must be finite.

8 Working with Arguments That Are Not Fully Rigorous

A mathematical statement is considered to be established when it has a proof that meets the high standards of rigor that are characteristic of the subject. However, nonrigorous arguments have an important place in mathematics as well. For example, if one wishes to apply a mathematical statement to another field, such as physics or engineering, then the truth of the statement is often more important than whether one has proved it.

However, this raises an obvious question: if one has not proved a statement, then what grounds could there be for believing it? There are in fact several different kinds of nonrigorous justification, so let us look at some of them.

8.1 Conditional Results

As was mentioned earlier in this article, the Riemann hypothesis is the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics. Why is it considered so important? Why, for example, is it considered more important than the twin prime conjecture, another problem to do with the behavior of the sequence of primes?

The main reason, though not the only one, is that it and its generalizations have a huge number of interesting consequences. In broad terms, the Riemann hypothesis tells us that the appearance of a certain degree of “randomness” in the sequence of primes is not misleading: in many respects, the primes really do behave like an appropriately chosen random set of integers.

If the primes behave in a random way, then one might imagine that they would be hard to analyze, but in fact randomness can be an advantage. For example, it is randomness that allows me to be confident that at least one girl was born in London on every day of the twentieth century. If the sex of babies were less random, I would be less sure: there could be some strange pattern such as girls being born on Mondays to Thursdays and boys on Fridays to Sundays. Similarly, if I know that the primes behave like a random sequence, then I know a great deal about their average behavior in the long term. The Riemann hypothesis and its generalizations formulate in a precise way the idea that the primes, and other important sequences that arise in number theory, “behave randomly.” That is why they have so many consequences. There are large numbers of papers with theorems that are proved only under the assumption of some version of the Riemann hypothesis. Therefore, anybody who proves the Riemann hypothesis will change the status of all these theorems from conditional to fully proved.

How should one regard a proof if it relies on the Riemann hypothesis? One could simply say that the proof establishes that such and such a result is implied by the Riemann hypothesis and leave it at that. But most mathematicians take a different attitude. They believe the Riemann hypothesis, and believe that it will one day be proved. So they believe all its consequences as well, even if they feel more secure about results that can be proved unconditionally.

Another example of a statement that is generally believed and used as a foundation for a great deal of further research comes from theoretical computer science. As was mentioned in section 6.4 (iv), one of the main aims of computer science is to establish how quickly certain tasks can be performed by a computer. This aim splits into two parts: finding algorithms that work in as few steps as possible, and proving that every algorithm must take at least some particular number of steps. The second of these tasks is notoriously difficult: the best results known are far weaker than what is believed to be true.

There is, however, a class of computational problems, called NP-complete problems, that are known to be of equivalent difficulty. That is, if there were an efficient algorithm for one of these problems, then it could be converted into an efficient algorithm for any other. However, largely for this very reason it is almost universally believed that there is in fact no efficient algorithm for any of the problems, or, as it is usually expressed, that “P does not equal NP.” Therefore, if you want to demonstrate that no quick algorithm exists for some problem, all you have to do is prove that it is at least as hard as some problem that is already known to be NP-complete. This will not be a rigorous proof, but it will be a convincing demonstration, since most mathematicians are convinced that P does not equal NP. (See COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY [IV.20] for much more on this topic.)

Some areas of research depend on several conjectures rather than just one. It is as though researchers in such areas have discovered a beautiful mathematical landscape and are impatient to map it out despite the fact that there is a great deal that they do not understand. And this is often a very good research strategy, even from the perspective of finding rigorous proofs. There is far more to a conjecture than simply a wild guess: for it to be accepted as important, it should have been subjected to tests of many kinds. For example, does it have consequences that are already known to be true? Are there special cases that one can prove? If it were true, would it help one solve other problems? Is it supported by numerical evidence? Does it make a bold, precise statement that would probably be easy to refute if it were false? It requires great insight and hard work to produce a conjecture that passes all these tests, but if one succeeds, one has not just an isolated statement, but a statement with numerous connections to other statements. This increases the chances that it will be proved, and greatly increases the chances that the proof of one statement will lead to proofs of others as well. Even a counterexample to a good conjecture can be extraordinarily revealing: if the conjecture is related to many other statements, then the effects of the counterexample will permeate the whole area.

One area that is full of conjectural statements is ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY [IV.1]. In particular, the Langlands program is a collection of conjectures, due to Robert Langlands, that relate number theory to representation theory (it is discussed in REPRESENTATION THEORY [IV.9 §6]). Between them, these conjectures generalize, unify, and explain large numbers of other conjectures and results. For example, the Shimura–Taniyama–Weil conjecture, which was central to Andrew Wiles’s proof Of FERMAT’S LAST THEOREM [V.10], forms one small part of the Langlands program. The Langlands program passes the tests for a good conjecture supremely well, and has for many years guided the research of a large number of mathematicians.

Another area of a similar nature is known as MIRROR SYMMETRY [IV.16]. This is a sort Of DUALITY [III.19] that relates objects known as CALABI-YAU MANIFOLDS [III.6], which arise in ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY [IV.4] and also in STRING THEORY [IV.17 §2], to other, dual manifolds. Just as certain differential equations can become much easier to solve if one looks at the FOURIER TRANSFORMS [III.27] of the functions in question, so there are calculations arising in string theory that look impossible until one transforms them into equivalent calculations in the dual, or “mirror,” situation. There is at present no rigorous justification for the transformation, but this process has led to complicated formulas that nobody could possibly have guessed, and some of these formulas have been rigorously proved in other ways. Maxim Kontsevich has proposed a precise conjecture that would explain the apparent successes of mirror symmetry.

8.2 Numerical Evidence

The GOLDBACH CONJECTURE [V.27] states that every even number greater than or equal to 4 is the sum of two primes. It seems to be well beyond what anybody could hope to prove with today’s mathematical machinery, even if one is prepared to accept statements such as the Riemann hypothesis. And yet it is regarded as almost certainly true.

There are two principal reasons for believing Goldbach’s conjecture. The first is a reason we have already met: one would expect it to be true if the primes are “randomly distributed.” This is because if n is a large even number, then there are many ways of writing n = a + b, and there are enough primes for one to expect that from time to time both a and b would be prime.

Such an argument leaves open the possibility that for some value of n that is not too large one might be unlucky, and it might just happen that n - a was composite whenever a was prime. This is where numerical evidence comes in. It has now been checked that every even number up to 1014 can be written as a sum of two primes, and once n is greater than this, it becomes extremely unlikely that it could “just happen,” by a fluke, to be a counterexample.

This is perhaps rather a crude argument, but there is a way to make it even more convincing. If one makes more precise the idea that the primes appear to be randomly distributed, one can formulate a stronger version of Goldbach’s conjecture that says not only that every even number can be written as a sum or two primes, but also roughly how many ways there are of doing this. For instance, if a and n - a are both prime, then neither is a multiple of 3 (unless one of them is equal to 3 itself). If n is a multiple of 3, then this merely says that a is not a multiple of 3, but if n is of the form 3m + 1 then a cannot be of the form 3k + 1 either (or n - a would be a multiple of 3). So, in a certain sense, it is twice as easy for n to be a sum of two primes if it is a multiple of 3. Taking this kind of information into account, one can estimate in how many ways it “ought” to be possible to write n as a sum of two primes. It turns out that, for every even n, there should be many such representations. Moreover, one’s predictions of how many are closely matched by the numerical evidence: that is, they are true for values of n that are small enough to be checked on a computer. This makes the numerical evidence much more convincing, since it is evidence not just for Goldbach’s conjecture itself, but also for the more general principles that led us to believe it.

This illustrates a general phenomenon: the more precise the predictions that follow from a conjecture, the more impressive it is when they are confirmed by later numerical evidence. Of course, this is true not just of mathematics but of science more generally.

8.3 “Illegal” Calculations

In section 6.3 it was stated that “almost nothing is known” about the average end-to-end distance of an n-step self-avoiding walk. That is a statement with which theoretical physicists would strongly disagree. Instead, they would tell you that the end-to-end distance of a typical n-step self-avoiding walk is somewhere in the region of n34. This apparent disagreement is explained by the fact that, although almost nothing has been rigorously proved, physicists have a collection of nonrigorous methods that, if used carefully, seem to give correct results. With their methods, they have in some areas managed to establish statements that go well beyond what mathematicians can prove. Such results are fascinating to mathematicians, partly because if one regards the results of physicists as mathematical conjectures then many of them are excellent conjectures, by the standards explained earlier: they are deep, completely unguessable in advance, widely believed to be true, backed up by numerical evidence, and so on. Another reason for their fascination is that the effort to provide them with a rigorous underpinning often leads to significant advances in pure mathematics.

To give an idea of what the nonrigorous calculations of physicists can be like, here is a rough description of a famous argument of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, which lies behind some of the results (or predictions, if you prefer to call them that) of physicists. In statistical physics there is a model known as the n-vector model, closely related to the Ising and Potts models described in PROBABILISTIC MODELS OF CRITICAL PHENOMENA [Iν.25]. At each point of imaged one places a unit vector in imagen. This gives rise to a random configuration of unit vectors, with which one associates an “energy” that increases as the angles between neighboring vectors increase. De Gennes found a way of transforming the self-avoiding-walk problem so that it could be regarded as a question about the n-vector model in the case n = 0. The 0-vector problem itself does not make obvious sense, since there is no such thing as a unit vector in image0, but de Gennes was nevertheless able to take parameters associated with the n-vector model and show that if you let n converge to zero then you obtained parameters associated with self-avoiding walks. He proceeded to choose other parameters in the n-vector model to derive information about self-avoiding walks, such as the expected end-to-end distance.

To a pure mathematician, there is something very worrying about this approach. The formulas that arise in the n-vector model do not make sense when n = 0, so instead one has to regard them as limiting values when n tends to zero. But n is very clearly a positive integer in the n-vector model, so how can one say that it tends to zero? Is there some way of defining an n-vector model for more general n? Perhaps, but nobody has found one. And yet de Gennes’s argument, like many other arguments of a similar kind, leads to remarkably precise predictions that agree with numerical evidence. There must be a good reason for this, even if we do not understand what it is.

The examples in this section are just a few illustrations of how mathematics is enriched by nonrigorous arguments. Such arguments allow one to penetrate much further into the mathematical unknown, opening up whole areas of research into phenomena that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. Given this, one might wonder whether rigor is important: if the results established by nonrigorous arguments are clearly true, then is that not good enough? As it happens, there are examples of statements that were “established” by non-rigorous methods and later shown to be false, but the most important reason for caring about rigor is that the understanding one gains from a rigorous proof is frequently deeper than the understanding provided by a nonrigorous one. The best way to describe the situation is perhaps to say that the two styles of argument have profoundly benefited each other and will undoubtedly continue to do so.

9 Finding Explicit Proofs and Algorithms

There is no doubt that the equation x5 - x - 13 = 0 has a solution. After all, if we set f(x) = x5 - x - 13, then f(1) = - 13 and f(2) = 17, so somewhere between 1 and 2 there will be an x for which f(x) = 0.

That is an example of a pure existence argument—in other words, an argument that establishes that something exists (in this case, a solution to a certain equation), without telling us how to find it. If the equation had been x2 - x - 13 = 0, then we could have used an argument of a very different sort: the formula for quadratic equations tells us that there are precisely two solutions, and it even tells us what they are (they are (1 + image)/2 and (1 — image)/2). However, there is no similar formula for quintic equations. (See THE INSOLUBILITY OF THE QUINTIC [V.21].)

These two arguments illustrate a fundamental dichotomy in mathematics. If you are proving that a mathematical object exists, then sometimes you can do so explicitly, by actually describing that object, and sometimes you can do so only indirectly, by showing that its nonexistence would lead to a contradiction.

There is also a spectrum of possibilities in between. As it was presented, the argument above showed merely that the equation x5 - x - 13 = 0 has a solution between 1 and 2, but it also suggests a method for calculating that solution to any desired accuracy. If, for example, you want to know it to two decimal places, then run through the numbers 1, 1.01, 1.02, . . . , 1.99, 2 evaluating f at each one. You will find that f(1.71) is approximately -0.0889 and that f(1.72) is approximately 0.3337, so there must be a solution between the two (which the calculations suggest will be closer to 1.71 than to 1.72). And in fact there are much better ways, such as NEWTON’S METHOD [II.4 §2.3], of approximating solutions. For many purposes, a pretty formula for a solution is less important than a method of calculating or approximating it. (See NUMERICAL ANALYSIS [IV.21 §1] for a further discussion of this point.) And if one has a method, its usefulness depends very much on whether it works quickly.

Thus, at one end of the spectrum one has simple formulas that define mathematical objects and can easily be used to find them, at the other one has proofs that establish existence but give no further information, and in between one has proofs that yield algorithms for finding the objects, algorithms that are significantly more useful if they run quickly.

Just as, all else being equal, a rigorous argument is preferable to a nonrigorous one, so an explicit or algorithmic argument is worth looking for even if an indirect one is already established, and for similar reasons: the effort to find an explicit argument very often leads to new mathematical insights. (Less obviously, as we shall soon see, finding indirect arguments can also lead to new insights.)

One of the most famous examples of a pure existence argument concerns TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS [III.41], which are real numbers that are not roots of any polynomial with integer coefficients. The first person to prove that such numbers existed was LIOUVILLE [VI.39], in 1844. He proved that a certain condition was sufficient to guarantee that a number was transcendental and demonstrated that it is easy to construct numbers satisfying his condition (see LIOUVILLE’s THEOREM AND ROTH’S THEOREM [V.22]). After that, various important numbers such as e and π were proved to be transcendental, but these proofs were difficult. Even now there are many numbers that are almost certainly transcendental but which have not been proved to be transcendental. (See IRRATIONAL AND TRANSCENDENTAL NUMBERS [III.41] for more information about this.)

All the proofs mentioned above were direct and explicit. Then in 1873 CANTOR [VI.54] provided a completely different proof of the existence of transcendental numbers, using his theory of COUNTABILITY [III.11]. He proved that the algebraic numbers were countable and the real numbers uncountable. Since countable sets are far smaller than uncountable sets, this showed that almost every real number (though not necessarily almost every real number you will actually meet) is transcendental.

In this instance, each of the two arguments tells us something that the other does not. Cantor’s proof shows that there are transcendental numbers, but it does not provide us with a single example. (Strictly speaking, this is not true: one could specify a way of listing the algebraic numbers and then apply Cantor’s famous diagonal argument to that particular list. However, the resulting number would be virtually devoid of meaning.) Liouville’s proof is much better in that way, as it gives us a method of constructing several transcendental numbers with fairly straightforward definitions. However, if one knew only the explicit arguments such as Liouville’s and the proofs that e and π are transcendental, then one might have the impression that transcendental numbers are numbers of a very special kind. The insight that is completely missing from these arguments, but present in Cantor’s proof, is that a typical real number is transcendental.

For much of the twentieth century, highly abstract and indirect proofs were fashionable, but in more recent years, especially with the advent of the computer, attitudes have changed. (Of course, this is a very general statement about the entire mathematical community rather than about any single mathematician.) Nowadays, more attention is often paid to the question of whether a proof is explicit, and, if so, whether it leads to an efficient algorithm.

Needless to say, algorithms are interesting in themselves, and not just for the light they shed on mathematical proofs. Let us conclude this section with a brief description of a particularly interesting algorithm that has been developed by several authors over the last few years. It gives a way of computing the volume of a high-dimensional convex body.

A shape K is called convex if, given any two points x and y in K, the line segment joining x to y lies entirely inside K. For example, a square or a triangle is convex, but a five-pointed star is not. This concept can be generalized straightforwardly to n dimensions, for any n, as can the notions of area and volume.

Now let us suppose that an n-dimensional convex body K is specified for us in the following sense: we have a computer program that runs quickly and tells us, for each point (x1, . . . , xn), whether or not that point belongs to K. How can we estimate the volume of K? One of the most powerful methods for problems like this is statistical: you choose points at random and see whether they belong to K, basing your estimate of the volume of K on the frequency with which they do. For example, if you wanted to estimate π, you could take a circle of radius 1, enclose it in a square of side-length 2, and choose a large number of points randomly from the square. Each point has a probability π/4 (the ratio of the area π of the circle to the area 4 of the square) of belonging to the circle, so we can estimate π by taking the proportion of points that fall in the circle and multiplying it by 4.

This approach works quite easily for very low dimensions but as soon as n is at all large it runs into a severe difficulty. Suppose for example that we were to try to use the same method for estimating the volume of an n-dimensional sphere. We would enclose that sphere in an n-dimensional cube, choose points at random in the cube, and see how often they belonged to the sphere as well. However, the ratio of the volume of an n-dimensional sphere to that of an n-dimensional cube that contains it is exponentially small, which means that the number of points you have to pick before even one of them lands in the sphere is exponentially large. Therefore, the method becomes hopelessly impractical.

All is not lost, though, because there is a trick for getting around this difficulty. You define a sequence of convex bodies, k0,K1, . . . , km, each contained in the next, starting with the convex body whose volume you want to know, and ending with the cube, in such a way that the volume of Ki is always at least half that of ki+1. Then for each i you estimate the ratio of the volumes of Ki-1 and Ki. The product of all these ratios will be the ratio of the volume of K0 to that of km. Since you know the volume of km, this tells you the volume of K0.

How do you estimate the ratio of the volumes of ki-1 and ki? You simply choose points at random from Ki and see how many of them belong to ki-1. However, it is just here that the true subtlety of the problem arises: how do you choose points at random from a convex body Ki that you do not know much about? Choosing a random point in the n-dimensional cube is easy, since all you need to do is independently choose n random numbers x1, . . . , xn, each between -1 and 1. But for a general convex body it is not easy at all.

There is a wonderfully clever idea that gets around this problem. It is to design carefully a random walk that starts somewhere inside the convex body and at each step moves to another point, chosen at random from just a few possibilities. The more random steps of this kind that are taken, the less can be said about where the point is, and if the walk is defined properly, it can be shown that after not too many steps, the point reached is almost purely random. However, the proof is not at all easy. (It is discussed further in HIGH-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY AND ITS PROBABILISTIC ANALOGUES [IV.26 §6].)

For further discussion of algorithms and their mathematical importance, see ALGORITHMS [II.4], COMPUTATIONAL NUMBER THEORY [IV.3], COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY [IV.20], and THE MATHEMATICS OF ALGORITHM DESIGN [VII.5].

10 What Do You Find in a Mathematical Paper?

Mathematical papers have a very distinctive style, one that became established early in the twentieth century. This final section is a description of what mathematicians actually produce when they write.

A typical paper is usually a mixture of formal and informal writing. Ideally (but by no means always), the author writes a readable introduction that tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. And if the paper is divided into sections, as most papers are unless they are quite short, then it is also very helpful to the reader if each section can begin with an informal outline of the arguments to follow. But the main substance of the paper has to be more formal and detailed, so that readers who are prepared to make a sufficient effort can convince themselves that it is correct.

The object of a typical paper is to establish mathematical statements. Sometimes this is an end in itself: for example, the justification for the paper may be that it proves a conjecture that has been open for twenty years. Sometimes the mathematical statements are established in the service of a wider aim, such as helping to explain a mathematical phenomenon that is poorly understood. But either way, mathematical statements are the main currency of mathematics.

The most important of these statements are usually called theorems, but one also finds statements called propositions, lemmas, and corollaries. One cannot always draw sharp distinctions between these kinds of statements, but in broad terms this is what the different words mean. A theorem is a statement that you regard as intrinsically interesting, a statement that you might think of isolating from the paper and telling other mathematicians about in a seminar, for instance. The statements that are the main goals of a paper are usually called theorems. A proposition is a bit like a theorem, but it tends to be slightly “boring.” It may seem odd to want to prove boring results, but they can be important and useful. What makes them boring is that they do not surprise us in any way. They are statements that we need, that we expect to be true, and that we do not have much difficulty proving.

Here is a quick example of a statement that one might choose to call a proposition. The ASSOCIATIVE LAW FOR A BINARY OPERATION [I.2 §2.4] “*” states that x* (y * z) = (x * y) *z. One often describes this law informally by saying that “brackets do not matter.” However, while it shows that we can write x * y * z without fear of ambiguity, it does not show quite so obviously that we can write a * b * c * d * e, for example. How do we know that, just because the positions of brackets do not matter when you have three objects, they do not matter when you have more than three?

Many mathematics students go happily through university without noticing that this is a problem. It just seems obvious that the associative law shows that brackets do not matter. And they are basically right: although it is not completely obvious, it is certainly not a surprise and turns out to be easy to prove. Since we often need this simple result and could hardly call it a theorem, we might call it a proposition instead. To get a feel for how to prove it, you might wish to show that the associative law implies that

(a * ((b * c) * d)) * e = a * (b * ((c * d) * e)).

Then you can try to generalize what it is you are doing.

Often, if you are trying to prove a theorem, the proof becomes long and complicated, in which case if you want anybody to read it you need to make the structure of the argument as clear as possible. One of the best ways of doing this is to identify subgoals, which take the form of statements intermediate between your initial assumptions and the conclusion you wish to draw from them. These statements are usually called lemmas. Suppose, for example, that you are trying to give a very detailed presentation of the standard proof that image is irrational. One of the facts you will need is that every fraction p/q is equal to a fraction r/s with r and s not both even, and this fact requires a proof. For the sake of clarity, you might well decide to isolate this proof from the main proof and call the fact a lemma. Then you have split your task into two separate tasks: proving the lemma, and proving the main theorem using the lemma. One can draw a parallel with computer programming: if you are writing a complicated program, it is good practice to divide your main task into subtasks and write separate mini-programs for them, which you can then treat as “black boxes,” to be called upon by other parts of the program whenever they are useful.

Some lemmas are difficult to prove and are useful in many different contexts, so the most important lemmas can be more important than the least important theorems. However, a general rule is that a result will be called a lemma if the main reason for proving it is in order to use it as a stepping stone toward the proofs of other results.

A corollary of a mathematical statement is another statement that follows easily from it. Sometimes the main theorem of a paper is followed by several corollaries, which advertise the strength of the theorem. Sometimes the main theorem itself is labeled a corollary, because all the work of the proof goes into proving a different, less punchy statement from which the theorem follows very easily. If this happens, the author may wish to make clear that the corollary is the main result of the paper, and other authors would refer to it as a theorem.

A mathematical statement is established by means of a proof. It is a remarkable feature of mathematics that proofs are possible: that, for example, an argument invented by EUCLID [VI.2] over two thousand years ago can still be accepted today and regarded as a completely convincing demonstration. It took until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries for this phenomenon to be properly understood, when the language of mathematics was formalized (see THE LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR OF MATHEMATICS [I.2], and especially section 4, for an idea of what this means). Then it became possible to make precise the notion of a proof as well. From a logician’s point of view a proof is a sequence of mathematical statements, each written in a formal language, with the following properties: the first few statements are the initial assumptions, or premises; each remaining statement in the sequence follows from earlier ones by means of logical rules that are so simple that the deductions are clearly valid (for instance rules such as “if PQ is true then P is true,” where “∧” is the logical symbol for “and”); and the final statement in the sequence is the statement that is to be proved.

The above idea of a proof is a considerable idealization of what actually appears in a normal mathematical paper under the heading “Proof.” That is because a purely formal proof would be very long and almost impossible to read. And yet, the fact that arguments can in principle be formalized provides a very valuable underpinning for the edifice of mathematics, because it gives a way of resolving disputes. If a mathematician produces an argument that is strangely unconvincing, then the best way to see whether it is correct is to ask him or her to explain it more formally and in greater detail. This will usually either expose a mistake or make it clearer why the argument works.

Another very important component of mathematical papers is definitions. This book is full of them: see in particular part III. Some definitions are given simply because they enable one to speak more concisely. For example, if I am proving a result about triangles and I keep needing to consider the distances between the vertices and the opposite sides, then it is a nuisance to have to say “the distances from A, B, and C to the lines BC, AC, and AB, respectively,” so instead I will probably choose a word like “altitude” and write, “Given a vertex of a triangle, define its altitude to be the distance from that vertex to the opposite side.” If I am looking at triangles with obtuse angles, then I will have to be more careful: “Given a vertex A of a triangle ABC, define its altitude to be the distance from A to the unique line that passes through B and C.” From then on, I can use the word “altitude” and the exposition of my proof will be much more crisp.

Definitions like this are mere definitions of convenience. When the need arises, it is pretty obvious what to do and one does it. But the really interesting definitions are ones that are far from obvious and that make you think in new ways once you know them. A very good example is the definition of the derivative of a function. If you do not know this definition, you will have no idea how to find out for which nonnegative x the function f(x) = 2x3 - 3x2 - 6x + 1 takes its smallest value. If you do know it, then the problem becomes a simple exercise. That is perhaps an exaggeration, since you also need to know that the minimum will occur either at 0 or at a point where the derivative vanishes, and you will need to know how to differentiate f(x), but these are simple facts—propositions rather than theorems—and the real breakthrough is the concept itself.

There are many other examples of definitions like this, but interestingly they are more common in some branches of mathematics than in others. Some mathematicians will tell you that the main aim of their research is to find the right definition, after which their whole area will be illuminated. Yes, they will have to write proofs, but if the definition is the one they are looking for, then these proofs will be fairly straightforward. And yes, there will be problems they can solve with the help of the new definition, but, like the minimization problem above, these will not be central to the theory. Rather, they will demonstrate the power of the definition. For other mathematicians, the main purpose of definitions is to prove theorems, but even very theorem-oriented mathematicians will from time to time find that a good definition can have a major effect on their problem-solving prowess.

This brings us to mathematical problems. The main aim of an article in mathematics is usually to prove theorems, but one of the reasons for reading an article is to advance one’s own research. It is therefore very welcome if a theorem is proved by a technique that can be used in other contexts. It is also very welcome if an article contains some good unsolved problems. By way of illustration, let us look at a problem that most mathematicians would not take all that seriously, and try to see what it lacks.

A number is called palindromic if its representation in base 10 is a palindrome: some simple examples are 22, 131, and 548 845. Of these, 131 is interesting because it is also a prime. Let us try to find some more prime palindromic numbers. Single-digit primes are of course palindromic, and two-digit palindromic numbers are multiples of 11, so only 11 itself is also a prime. So let us move quickly on to three-digit numbers. Here there turn out to be several examples: 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, 373, 383, 727, 757, 787, 797, 919, and 929. It is not hard to show that every palindromic number with an even number of digits is a multiple of 11, but the palindromic primes do not stop at 929—for example, 10 301 is the next smallest.

And now anybody with a modicum of mathematical curiosity will ask the question: are there infinitely many palindromic primes? This, it turns out, is an unsolved problem. It is believed (on the combined grounds that the primes should be sufficiently random and that palindromic numbers with an odd number of digits do not seem to have any particular reason to be factorizable) that there are, but nobody knows how to prove it.

This problem has the great virtue of being easy to understand, which makes it appealing in the way that FERMAT’S LAST THEOREM [V.10] and GOLDBACH’S CONJECTURE [V.27] are appealing. And yet, it is not a central problem in the way that those two are: most mathematicians would put it into a mental box marked “recreational” and forget about it.

What is the reason for this dismissive attitude? Are the primes not central objects of study in mathematics? Well, yes they are, but palindromic numbers are not. And the main reason they are not is that the definition of “palindromic” is extremely unnatural. If you know that a number is palindromic, what you know is less a feature of the number itself and more a feature of the particular way that, for accidental historical reasons, we choose to represent it. In particular, the property depends on our choice of the number 10 as our base. For example, if we write 131 in base 3, then it becomes 11212, which is no longer the same when written backwards. By contrast, a prime number is prime however you write it.

Though persuasive, this is not quite a complete explanation, since there could conceivably be interesting properties that involved the number 10, or at least some artificial choice of number, in an essential way. For example, the problem of whether there are infinitely many primes of the form 2n - 1 is considered interesting, despite the use of the particular number 2. However, the choice of 2 can be justified here: an - 1 has a factor a - 1, so for any larger integer the answer would be no. Moreover, numbers of the form 2n - 1 have special properties that make them more likely to be prime. (See COMPUTATIONAL NUMBER THEORY [IV.3] for an explanation of this point.)

But even if we replace 10 by the “more natural” number 2 and look at numbers that are palindromic when written in binary, we still do not obtain a property that would be considered a serious topic for research. Suppose that, given an integer n, we define r(n) to be the reverse of n—that is, the number obtained if you write n in binary and then reverse its digits. Then a palindromic number, in the binary sense, is a number n such that n = r(n). But the function r(n) is very strange and “unmathematical.” For instance, the reverses of the numbers from 1 to 20 are 1, 1, 3, 1, 5, 3, 7, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15, 1, 17, 9, 25, and 5, which gives us a sequence with no obvious pattern. Indeed, when one calculates this sequence, one realizes that it is even more artificial than it at first seemed. One might imagine that the reverse of the reverse of a number is the number itself, but that is not so. If you take the number 10, for example, it is 1010 in binary, so its reverse is 0101, which is the number 5. But this we would normally write as 101, so the reverse of 5 is not 10 but 5. But we cannot solve this problem by deciding to write 5 as 0101, since then we would have the problem that 5 was no longer palindromic, when it clearly ought to be.

Does this mean that nobody would be interested in a proof that there were infinitely many palindromic primes? Not at all. It can be shown quite easily that the number of palindromic numbers less than n is in the region of image, which is a very small fraction indeed. It is notoriously hard to prove results about primes in sparse sets like this, so a solution to this conjecture would be a big breakthrough. However, the definition of “palindromic” is so artificial that there seems to be no way of using it in a detailed way in a mathematical proof. The only realistic hope of solving this problem would be to prove a much more general result, of which this would be just one of many consequences. Such a result would be wonderful, and undeniably interesting, but you will not discover it by thinking about palindromic numbers. Instead, you would be better off either trying to formulate a more general question, or else looking at a more natural problem of a similar kind. An example of the latter is this: are there infinitely many primes of the form m2 + 1 for some positive integer m?

Perhaps the most important feature of a good problem is generality: the solution to a good problem should usually have ramifications beyond the problem itself. A more accurate word for this desirable quality is “generalizability,” since some excellent problems may look rather specific. For example, the statement that image is irrational looks as though it is about just one number, but once you know how to prove it, you will have no difficulty in proving that image is irrational as well, and in fact the proof can be generalized to a much wider class of numbers (see ALGEBRAIC NUMBERS [IV.1 §14]). It is quite common for a good problem to look uninteresting until you start to think about it. Then you realize that it has been asked for a reason: it might be the “first difficult case” of a more general problem, or it might be just one well-chosen example of a cluster of problems, all of which appear to run up against the same difficulty.

Sometimes a problem is just a question, but frequently the person who asks a mathematical question has a good idea of what the answer is. A conjecture is a mathematical statement that the author firmly believes but cannot prove. As with problems, some conjectures are better than others: as we have already discussed in section 8.1, the very best conjectures can have a major effect on the direction of mathematical research.

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