III.1 The Axiom of Choice

Consider the following problem: it is easy to find two irrational numbers a and b such that a + b is rational, or such that ab is rational (in both cases one could take a = Imageand b = - Image), but is it possible for ab to be rational? Here is an elegant proof that the answer is yes. Let x = ImageImage. If x is rational then we have our example. But xImage = Image2 = 2 is rational, so if x is irrational then again we have an example.

Now this argument certainly establishes that it is possible for a and b to be irrational and for ab to be rational. However, the proof has a very interesting feature: it is nonconstructive, in the sense that it does not actually name two irrationals a and b that work. Instead, it tells us that either we can take a = b = Image or we can take a = ImageImage and b = Image. Not only does it not tell us which of these alternatives will work, it gives us absolutely no clue about how to find out.

Arguments of this kind have troubled some philosophers and philosophically inclined mathematicians, but as far as mainstream mathematics goes they are a fully accepted and important style of reasoning. Formally, we have appealed to the “law of the excluded middle.” We have shown that the negation of the statement cannot be true, and deduced that the statement itself must be true. A typical reaction to the proof above is not that it is in any sense invalid, but merely that its nonconstructive nature is rather surprising.

Nevertheless, faced with a nonconstructive proof, it is very natural to ask whether there is a constructive proof. After all, an actual construction may give us more insight into the statement, which is an important point since we prove things not only to be sure they are true but also to gain an idea of why they are true. Of course, to ask whether there is a constructive proof is not to suggest that the nonconstructive proof is invalid, but just that it may be more informative to have a constructive proof.

The axiom of choice is one of several rules that we use for building sets out of other sets. Typical examples of such rules are the statement that for any set A we can form the set of all its subsets, and the statement that for any set A and any property p we can form the set of all elements of A that satisfy p (these are usually called the power-set axiom and the axiom of comprehension, respectively). Roughly speaking, the axiom of choice says that we are allowed to make an arbitrary number of unspecified choices when we wish to form a set.

Like the other axioms, the axiom of choice can seem so natural that one may not even notice that one is using it, and indeed it was applied by many mathematicians before it was first formalized. To get an idea of what it means, let us look at the well-known proof that the union of a countable family of COUNTABLE SETS [III.11] is countable. The fact that the family is countable allows us to write out the sets in a list A1, A2, A3, . . . , and then the fact that each individual set An is countable allows us to write its elements in a list anl, an2, an3, . . . . We then finish the proof by finding some systematic way of counting through the elements anm.

Now in that proof we actually made an infinite number of unspecified choices. We were told that each An was countable and then for each An we “chose” a listing of the elements of An without specifying the choice we had made. Moreover, since we are told absolutely nothing about the sets An, it is clearly impossible to say how we choose to list them. This remark does not invalidate the proof, but it does show that it is nonconstructive. (Note, however, that if we are actually told what the sets An are, then we may well be able to specify listings of their elements and thereby give a constructive proof that the union of those particular sets is countable.)

Here is another example. A GRAPH [III.34] is bipartite if its vertices can be split into two classes X and Y in such a way that no two vertices in the same class are connected by an edge. For example, any even cycle (an even number of points arranged in a circle, with consecutive points joined) is bipartite, while no odd cycle is. Now, is an infinite disjoint union of even cycles bipartite? Of course it is: we just split each of the individual cycles C into two classes Xc and Yc and then let X be the union of the sets Xc and Y be the union of the sets Yc. But how do we choose for each cycle C which set to call Xc and which to call Yc? Again, we cannot actually specify how we do this, so we are using the axiom of choice (even if we do not explicitly say so).

In general, the axiom of choice states that if we are given a family of nonempty sets Xi, then we may select an element xi from each one. More precisely, it states that if the Xi are nonempty sets, where i ranges over some index set I, then there is a function f defined on I such that f (i) ∈ Xi, for all i. Such a function f is called a choice function for the family.

For one set we do not need any separate rule to do this: indeed, the statement that a set X1 is nonempty is exactly the statement that there exists xlX1. (More formally, we might say that the function f that takes 1 to xl is a choice function for the “family” that consists of the single set X1.) For two sets, and indeed for any finite collection of sets, one can prove the existence of a choice function by induction on the number of sets. But for infinitely many sets it turns out that one cannot deduce the existence of a choice function from the other rules for building sets.

Why do people make a fuss about the axiom of choice? The main reason is that if it is used in a proof, then that part of the proof is automatically nonconstructive. This is reflected in the very statement of the axiom. For the other rules that we use, such as “one may take the union of two sets”, the set whose existence is being asserted is uniquely defined by its properties (u is an element of XY if and only if it is an element of X or of Y or of both). But this is not the case with the axiom of choice: the object whose existence is asserted (a choice function) is not uniquely specified by its properties, and there will typically be many choice functions.

For this reason, the general view in mainstream mathematics is that, although there is nothing wrong with using the axiom of choice, it is a good idea to signal that one has used it, to draw attention to the fact that one’s proof is not constructive.

An example of a statement whose proof involves the axiom of choice is THE BANACH-TARSKI PARADOX [V.3]. This says that there is a way of dividing up a solid unit sphere into a finite number of subsets and then reassembling these subsets (using rotations, reflections, and translations) to form two solid unit spheres. The proof does not provide an explicit way of defining the subsets.

It is sometimes claimed that the axiom of choice has “undesirable” or “highly counterintuitive” consequences, but in almost all cases a little thought reveals that the consequence under consideration is actually not counterintuitive at all. For example, consider the Banach–Tarski paradox above. Why does it seem strange and paradoxical? It is because we feel that volume has not been preserved. And indeed, this feeling can be converted into a rigorous argument that the subsets used in the decomposition cannot all be sets to which one can meaningfully assign a volume. But that is not a paradox at all: we can say what we mean by the volume of a nice set such as a polyhedron, but there is no reason to suppose that we can give a sensible definition of volume for all subsets of the sphere. (The subject called measure theory can be used to give a volume to a very wide class of sets, called the MEASURABLE SETS [III.55], but there is no reason at all to believe that all sets should be measurable, and indeed it can be shown, again by a use of the axiom of choice, that there are sets that are not measurable.)

There are two forms of the axiom of choice that are more often used in daily mathematical life than the basic form we have been discussing. One is the well-ordering principle, which states that every set can be WELL-ORDERED [III.66]. The other is Zorn’s lemma, which states that under certain circumstances “maximal” elements exist. For example, a basis for a vector space is precisely a maximal linearly independent set, and it turns out that Zorn’s lemma applies to the collection of linearly independent sets in a vector space, which shows that every vector space has a basis.

These two statements are called forms of the axiom of choice because they are equivalent to it, in the sense that each one both implies the axiom of choice and may be deduced from it, in the presence of the other rules for building sets. A good way of seeing why these two other forms of the axiom have a nonconstructive feel to them is to spend a few minutes trying to find a wellordering of the reals, or a basis for the vector space of all sequences of real numbers.

For more about the axiom of choice, and especially about its relationship to the other axioms of formal set theory, see SET THEORY [IV.22].

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