III.42 The Ising Model

The Ising model is one of the fundamental models of statistical physics. It was originally designed as a model for the behavior of a ferromagnetic material when it is heated up, but it has since been used to model many other phenomena.

The following is a special case of the model. Let Gn be the set of all pairs of integers with absolute value at most n. A configuration is a way of assigning to each point x in Gn a number σx, which equals 1 or -1. The points represent atoms and σ(x) represents whether x has “spin up” or “spin down.” With each configuration σ we associate an “energy” E(σ), which equals - Σ σxσy, where the sum is taken over all pairs of neighboring points x and y. Thus, the energy is high if many points have different signs from some of their neighbors, and low if Gn is divided into large clusters of points with the same sign.

Each configuration is assigned a probability, which is proportional to e(-E(σ)/T. Here, T is a positive real number that represents temperature. The probability of a given configuration is therefore higher when it has small energy, so there is a tendency for a typical configuration to have clusters of points with the same sign. However, as the temperature T increases, this clustering effect becomes smaller since the probabilities become more equal.

The two-dimensional Ising model with zero potential is the limit of this model as n tends to infinity For a more detailed discussion of the general model and of the phase transition associated with it, see PROBABILISTIC MODELS OF CRITICAL PHENOMENA [IV.25 §5].

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