V.16 Gromov’s Polynomial-Growth Theorem

If G is a group and g1, . . . , gk are generators of G (meaning that every element of G can be expressed as a product of the gi and their inverses), then we can define a Cayley graph by taking the elements of G as vertices and joining g to h if there is some i such that h is equal either to ggi or to gImage

For each r, let Imager be the number of elements that are at a distance of at most r from the identity: that is, the number of elements that can be written as a “word” of length at most r in the generators and their inverses. (For instance, if g = g1g2Image, then we know that g belongs to Image5.) It turns out that if G is an infinite group, then the rate of growth of the sizes of the sets Imager can tell one a great deal about G; this is particularly true when the growth is less than exponential. (The growth is always bounded above by an exponential function, since there are at most exponentially many words of a given length in the generators g1,. . . ,gr.)

If G is an Abelian group generated by g1,. . . , gk, then every element of Imager is of the form Image = 1aigi, where a1, . . . ,ak are integers such that Image = 1 |ai| ≤ r. It follows easily that the size of Imager is at most (2r + 1)k (and with a bit more effort one can improve this bound). Thus, as r tends to infinity, the growth rate of Imager is bounded above by a polynomial of degree k in r. If G is the FREE GROUP [IV.10 §2] generated by g1,. . . , gk, then all words of length r in the elements gi (but not their inverses) give rise to distinct elements of G, so the size of Imager is at least kr. Thus, in this case the growth rate is exponential. More generally, there will be an exponential growth rate whenever G contains a non-Abelian free subgroup.

These observations suggest that the growth rate is likely to be smaller if G is more like an Abelian group. Gromov’s theorem is a remarkably precise result along these lines. It states that the growth rate of the sets Imager is bounded above by a polynomial in r if and only if G has a nilpotent subgroup of finite index. This condition does indeed say that G is somewhat like an Abelian group, since nilpotent groups are “close to Abelian” and a subgroup of finite index is “close to the whole group.” For example, a typical nilpotent group is the Heisenberg group, which consists of all 3 × 3 matrices with 0s below the diagonal, 1s on the diagonal, and integers above the diagonal. Given any two such matrices X and Y, the products XY and YX differ only in the top right-hand corner, and the “error matrix” XV - YX commutes with everything in the group. In general, a nilpotent group is built out of Abelian groups in a controlled manner in a finite number of steps.

A fuller discussion of the theorem, including the exact definition of “nilpotent,” can be found in GEOMETRIC AND COMBINATORIAL GROUP THEORY [IV.10]. Here we highlight the fact that it is a beautiful example of a rigidity theorem: if a group behaves roughly in the way that a nilpotent group would (because the growth rate of the sets Imager is polynomial), then it must in fact be related to a nilpotent group in a very precise and algebraic way. (See MOSTOW’S STRONG RIGIDITY THEOREM [V.23] for another example of such a theorem.)

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