V.32 The Robertson-Seymour Theorem

Bruce Reed

A graph G is a mathematical structure that consists of a set V(G) of vertices and a set E(G) of edges, where each edge links a pair of vertices. Graphs can be used to represent many different networks in an abstract way. For example, the vertices might represent cities, and the edges might represent highways linking the cities; similarly, we could use a graph to represent which islands of an archipelago are linked by bridges, or to represent the wires of a telephone network. Among graphs there are certain families of “nice” graphs. One such family is the family of cycles: a k-cycle is a set of k vertices arranged around a circle with each point joined by an edge to the points immediately before and after it. Another family is that of complete graphs: the complete graph of order k consists of k vertices, all pairs of which are joined.

An important concept in graph theory, particularly when families of graphs are involved, is that of a minor. Given a graph G, a minor of G is any graph you can obtain by applying a sequence of operations of two kinds, known as contractions and deletions, applied to edges. To contract the edge that joins two vertices x and y, one “fuses” x and y into a single vertex, joining it to all the vertices that were previously joined to either x or y. For example, if you contract an edge of a 9-cycle, you will obtain an 8-cycle. Deleting an edge means what one would guess: for example, if you delete an edge from a 9-cycle you will get a path with nine vertices and eight edges.

It is not hard to check that a graph H is a minor of G if and only if we can find a collection of disjoint subsets of G, one for each vertex of H, with the following properties: they should be connected, which means that any two vertices in one of the subsets are joined to each other by a path in that subset, and for any pair of vertices in H that are linked by an edge in H the two corresponding subsets of G should be linked by an edge. For example, a graph has a 3-cycle (or triangle) as a minor if and only if it contains a cycle.

For an example of how minors can arise naturally, note that if a graph is planar (meaning that it can be drawn in the plane in such a way that edges do not cross), then so is any minor of it. This is expressed by saying that the class of planar graphs is minor closed. Now, there is a theorem of Kuratowski that tells us which graphs are planar. One form that this theorem takes is the following statement: a graph is planar if and only if it does not have either K5 or K3,3 as a minor, where K5 denotes the complete graph of order 5, and K3,3 denotes the complete bipartite graph that consists of two sets of three vertices, with every vertex in one set joined to every vertex in the other set. Thus, the class of planar graphs is characterized by two forbidden minors.

Kuratowski′s theorem tells us which graphs can be embedded into the plane. What happens for other surfaces? For example, it is easy to see that for any d the set of graphs that can be drawn on a d-holed torus is minor closed, but is there a finite set of forbidden minors in this case? To put it another way, is the set of obstructions to being embeddable into the d-holed torus only finite?

A special case of the Robertson-Seymour theorem states that the answer to this question is yes for any surface. But the theorem itself is much more general. It states that for any minor-closed class of graphs, there is a finite set of forbidden minors. In other words, for any minor-closed class Image there exist graphs G1, . . . , Gk such that a graph G belongs to the family Image if and only if G does not have any Gi as a minor. There is also a pleasant form of the theorem (which is easily seen to be equivalent) that says that the class of all graphs is “wellquasi-ordered” by the minor relation: this means that given any sequence G1,G2,. . . of graphs there must exist one that is a minor of a later one.

It turns out that testing a graph for the presence of a given minor can be done reasonably fast, so that one amazing spin-off from the Robertson-Seymour theorem is that for any minor-closed class there is an efficient algorithm for checking whether or not a given graph belongs to the class. This has had a huge number of applications in routing problems and the like.

The actual proof of the Robertson-Seymour theorem is enormous: it was published in a sequence of twenty-two papers. Interestingly, it turns out that the case of graphs embeddable into a given surface plays a key role, as we now explain.

We will consider the form of the theorem mentioned above involving a sequence of graphs. So let us suppose for a contradiction that we have a “bad” sequence: that is, a sequence G1, G2, . . . for which no Gi is a minor of any later Gj. Let the number of vertices of the first graph G1 be k. Since no later Gi has G1 as a minor, it certainly follows that none of G2, G3, . . . has a complete minor of size k (or else we could delete some edges and obtain G1). For this reason, Robertson and Seymour studied families of graphs that do not have a complete minor of size k. They were able to show that every graph that does not have a complete minor of size k may be built up in a certain way from graphs that are “nearly embeddable” into a fixed surface (that depends on the value of k). This means that in a certain sense that can be made precise the graph is not too far from a graph that is embeddable into the surface. By some very deep arguments, they were able to show that the family of all such graphs (the graphs that can be built up from nearly embeddable graphs, for a given surface) has a finite number of forbidden minors, thereby proving the theorem.

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