Sample Job Posting

The following is a sample job posting for a community college in need of a travel writing course. The description is clear, as are the use and goals. I’ve commented in bold on individual aspects.

We are a local community college and need a course written on “Travel Writing” that can be used for online education.

The final course must be 15,000 words divided into 12 concise lessons.

The posting starts with a clear summary of what is needed and for whom and what purpose.

The course should be written in a Word .doc file format on the topic of travel writing.

Goal: The goal of this course is to provide comprehensive information about travel writing and publication for a target market of any age individual.

The goal is clearly stated with the target market. This is of great help for the writer, as he will know what type of detail and vocabulary to use.


— Provide a lesson outline within one week for us to approve before you begin. Topics to include are listed at the bottom.

— The course must be 15,000 words divided into 12 lessons with copyright-free images.

— Quizzes: The end of each lesson must have 10 to 12 review questions in a multiple-choice format. (Highlight the correct answer for our instructional setup, and please provide the answer explanations for these.)

— Images: Any images used must be copyright free.

Do not use Wikipedia as a source.

Deadline: 30 days.

These details describe all the deliverable information and the deadline. The milestones are the outline in one week and the full course within 30 days.

Please include at least the following topics in the course:

— History of travel writing

— Equipment needed

— Inverted pyramid style

— Style manuals

— Getting published

— Targeting publishers

— Interview tips

— Finding the story that sells

To end with, the client posted specific subjects that should be covered but the contractor is not limited to just these.

More aspects or details could be included in such a proposal. But it’s a great example of creating a clear description of what’s needed without overwhelming the bidders with page after page of demands. It provides structure but allows for the creativity of the contractor to come through.

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