Which Projects to Bid On

Ideally, you should choose those projects you’re most qualified for and can prove this through your portfolio, feedback, work experience, and/or references. However, also choose those that get your heart pounding. If you’re enthusiastic about the job, your client will feel this through your communications. Enthusiasm is contagious and everyone wants to feel like their project is exceptional and exciting.

If you don’t have the expertise or credentials built up to bid on the best projects, bid on those that are similar but smaller in scope. Or bid on those that cover one aspect of the larger, more attractive projects. This way you can build up feedback and references from clients in related areas.

Part of the reason you’re building your freelance career is for the ability to do more of what you love. Don’t forget this and get sucked into the same-ole same-ole jobs you might have had in a previous incarnation. Get your pulse racing and clients will respond.

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