

Sample Proposals and Job Postings

Detailed job proposals and postings are at the heart of successful Elancing. While I have outlined which elements are crucial to each in their corresponding chapters, the more real examples you have to work from, the better. Study these and compare them to your own efforts.

Sample Proposals

Here you will find three sample job proposals. Each one is different in style and content, and each one proved successful in the field. I’ve made comments in bold.

Article Writing

Rachel Ballard is a successful freelance writer on Elance who specializes in health-care marketing, maternal care, pregnancy, and women’s health topics. The following proposal scored her not only an article-writing job paying $150 for 500 words, but also a very long-term client relationship. You can find Rachel on Elance at Med4You, and at

Hello Mascuitto,

First, let me say thank you for the invitation to write for you. My name is Rachel Ballard, and I am a Maternal–Newborn Certified registered nurse, mother, and professional Consumer Health Writer. I specialize in taking complex medical issues (and sometimes those sticky parenting situations) and turning that information into clear, easy-to-read information. Engaging content that is both professional and informative but not stuffy and boring can be hard to grasp—but living it firsthand, and having my medical background, make it easy to overcome.

Here Rachel pointed out the client’s needs and explained how they fit her specialty. She also has a friendly, personable style.

I have been assisting breastfeeding mothers (and I nursed myself) for a decade. As a graduate of the University of Louisville’s well child program, I have been trained by the best, and had a chance to put that training to work with children of every age.

My research skills are solid—I know which medical journals and websites present accurate data, and which ones to stay away from, so getting correct information will never be a problem here. As a reliable writer, my clients have been happy to have me on board. Working with everyone from private physicians to multi-million-dollar companies makes my background solid.

In the previous paragraph, she listed her credentials and answered the “Why me?” question.

I would love to have the opportunity to work with you and help build the content you are looking for with quality, fun, and informative writing. I am always available for consultation—either by Skype, phone, or email. I do my best to be easy to work with, too—I’m a real girl, doing a great job for my clients.

Great enthusiasm.

One question: what’s the turnaround time on this first set of 10 articles? I would be able to have them done within about three weeks, just to give myself time. (I always deliver early, but like to give a window.)

She’s asks a relevant question.

Take a look at my feedback comments here—you will see what my clients have had to say about my work.

My bid will be for all 10 articles, for closer to 1,000 words.

Again, thank you for the invitation, and I look forward to working with you soon. Feel free to request writing samples as needed…I have plenty!

Rachel Ballard, RNC-MNN, BSN

Consumer Health Writer

Website Design

Hi Steve,

This is Raja from WebDesign Solutions. Thank you for taking the time to review our bid! Your project to build a website for your architectural firm is exactly what we do well. At WebDesign Solutions we incorporate a professional team of skilled graphic designers and web developers for exceptional design and development.

Raja addresses the client’s specific goal and explains his firm specializes in the solution.

In reply to your concern over the type of website, we recommend using Wordpress as your content management solution. This will allow you to edit or manage your content without the need to know any coding skills.

He answered a question the client had in his posting.

We have a separate team of Wordpress gurus, and our team is 99.9 percent expert in Wordpress solutions. We can customize, rewrite code, design, and do other Wordpress-related services.

STAGE I: Visual design milestone. $420, 7 business days.

The stage will include:

Webpage design (provided as PSD/JPG)

— Homepage mock-up.

— Simple text-based logo can be designed together with a mock-up.

— Up to 3 rounds of revisions based on your feedback.

— Original, unique design for all the deliverables is guaranteed.

— Homepage will be provided as PSD/JPG.

STAGE II: Coding. $500, 8 business days.

The stage will include:

— XHTML/CSS 1.0 transitional, W3C valid, cross-browser, mark-up.

— Light flash effect (3 to 4 rotating images) or music effects are possible.

— Wordpress 3.0 version template creation and configuration to work with approved design. You can familiarize yourself with the system at

— Uploading up to 6 pages of content. For example: Services, Contact Us, Testimonials, About.

STAGE III: Delivery. $300, 3 business days.

The stage will include:

— Installation of the site on your hosting account.

— Final testing.

— Consultations, explaining how to update the site using Wordpress admin panel, explaining how to create email accounts, etc.

The plan of action is clearly laid out. This amount of detail isn’t always necessary, but it worked well here.

We’ll expect you to:

— Provide text copy and, if possible, images we can use.

— Fill in our design questionnaire.

— Provide your hosting details (FTP, C-panel).

— Reply to our inquiries shortly. Otherwise it’ll be impossible to keep the above-mentioned turnaround time.

What the client is expected to provide is also mentioned. This is a good detail.

Payment terms:

We prefer to work with standard Elance escrow.

Look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

Raja Prasid

Project manager of WebDesign Solutions

Manuscript Editing

This sample proposal is from Cathy Reed, a super-successful Elance writer and editor. You can find her on Elance under the user name Cathy Reed.


Thank you very much for the invitation to edit your manuscript. I have edited many books (and also written e-books) on similar topics—leadership, management, change management, communicating change, etc.—and I have an MA in Organization Development. I am inspired by your approach and would love to work on your book.

Cathy begins by stating why she is an expert in achieving the client’s goal. She also mentions she’s “inspired” by the client’s approach. This is both flattering and also means she’s paying attention to this specific project.

I have 28 years of experience as a writer, editor, and communications manager and currently edit many nonfiction/business manuscripts and many academic theses, dissertations, and journal articles on a variety of subjects. Where required, I do developmental and structural editing as well as copy editing.

The “Why me?” portion. Short and to the point.

I am bidding $1,400 for the project and suggesting a three-week timeline, but I can vary the time to fit your schedule.

I edit in MS Word Track Changes and am attaching two editing samples from nonfiction manuscripts.

Also, below are testimonials from some of the authors for whom I have edited manuscripts. (You can see many more reviews/testimonials in the Job History and Service Description sections of my Elance profile.)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Cathy Reed, BA, MA

C. Reed Writing & Editing



* “Cathy is a phenomenal editor. She is committed to excellence…provides timely feedback…is easy to work with. Cathy, you are amazing!” CM

* “Cathy is a superb editor, proofreader, and ghostwriter…I highly recommend her.” PV

* “I could not be happier with Cathy’s editing of my book. She showed the utmost respect for my writing style…I learned a lot from working with her.” HE

* “Cathy edited my PhD dissertation. She delivered timely and excellent quality work and provided highly useful comments. I would strongly recommend her for editing other dissertations.” AA

Cathy finishes with actual client testimonials. This is a nice touch, and the client immediately sees what others have said about Cathy.

Sample Job Postings

In this section are three sample job postings by clients that show many of the successful techniques I’ve pointed out. I’ve made comments in bold.

Website Designed

This sample proposal can be found on Elance’s blog in an excellent article titled “Hands-on With the Elance Work System: Part 1,” by Matt Katasaros. Not all postings are this detailed, and this is a great example of one that’s well done.

8-Page Static Corporate Website

Good, specific title.

We have a corporate website for a company, Cloud Telecomputers, that needs to be redesigned. The website is currently at and will remain there for the final site.

Description of core project goal.

The site will feature these pages: home, about us, technology, work with us, management/investors, contact, and a demo page. All of the pages (except contact and demo) will be static text/graphic pages with no dynamic content. The contact page will have some static contact info as well as a contact form for users to fill out with questions and comments, etc.

The demo page will need to have a user name/password field that gives the user access to the product demo (which is an interactive flash demo of the product). All of the content (text and graphics) and flash demo will be provided to you for use.

Since the site is so simple, we want to have some added flash features, like button rollover, flash page transitions, etc., to add some sleekness to the look and navigation to the site. These flash extras will be described in more detail to the contractor awarded the job.

The client obviously has a clear idea of what he wants. This is an excellent sign for contractors that this would be an attractive job to have if the price is right.

As per the design of the website, we want something sleek and simple. We really like Apple designs and the Apple website ( and would like to do something loosely based off their site. We have done some sketches to give you an idea of how we would like the site done.

The client has even gone so far as to provide design sketches—a nice big green flag for contractors.

We are on a strict deadline for this job. The job will start the day the contractor is awarded the job and should be completed no later than August 1st.

Thank you.

3D Animation

Effective postings can be written that are much shorter yet still detailed. Following is an example of one such project description. The client’s goals are clearly described in a short amount of space, and further information and ideas are available on request. This is well done.

3D Animator for Short Promotional Spot

A clear, detailed title.

We need a 3D animator to animate some graphics for a 30-second promotional spot. The animator will need to create a factory-like setting with a machine at the center of it. The machine is producing robots (very, very simple iconic robots) and sending them down a conveyor belt. Each robot has a unique item on it (i.e., a watch, shoes, etc.). At one point in the spot, the machine will break and start producing the same robots but with an orange stripe across the center of the robot.

This is so well described that you can clearly see what the client is visualizing.

We can provide art direction, designs if needed. Further details can be provided.

And if it’s not enough, the client has more.

Virtual Assistant

Full-Time Virtual Assistant

Research, research, research. This is the main aim of this position. You will also be asked to handle administrative tasks in a timely manner, often with fixed and important deadlines.

We are a start-up technology firm specializing in biodegradable plastics. Although we have some steady clients, we are in a high growth phase and need considerable marketing research done. Also, even though we’re a small firm, we’re very close knit. We’d prefer a trial run of one month to make sure personalities fit.

The client clearly lays out the main goal—research—plus the need to handle extra duties. The purpose of the company is also stated, including the fact they want to make sure everyone gets along. This is a good sign.

Job Description:

Your responsibilities:

— Data analysis/entry into Excel, Word, or other programs
— Research using the internet or other information databases
— Outbound calling to clients, vendors, or others
— Social media and blog management
— Travel planning and coordination — Email management
— Other miscellaneous tasks that can be performed online
— Must be accessible online and on Elance Work View during agreed-upon office hours

While not warm and fuzzy, the job details are clearly listed.

Your qualifications:

— Previous experience as an administrative assistant preferred
— Broadband internet connection
— Strong understanding of internet and online communication tools
— Ability to multitask and take on multiple projects — Ability to meet deadlines — Strong communication skills and attention to detail a must
— A complete Elance profile
— References or an established reputation on Elance preferred

The contractor qualifications are clearly listed.

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