Your New Work World

Several different opportunities exist for you to present your online image. The key is to remember that the little details add up. Let’s go back to the person walking into the business meeting. If you’re decked out in your suit and tie but haven’t shined your shoes since the beginning of time, someone will notice. How about if the collar on your shirt is frayed or you’re only wearing one cuff link? Sounds silly, but it all adds up.

The same goes with your online image. Pay attention. It’s worth it for the freedom you gain. You can now be sprawled on the couch with curlers in your hair and a cat on your lap, while your online image reflects the sparkling professional you are in the virtual work world.

Why You?

For freelancers, this is the question that will cross every client’s mind when they’re considering which contractor to hire. And this is the question you must guide them into answering in your favor. An important part of the process will be covered in Chapter 6. But your image and therefore your sales presentation start with the first impression.

If you keep the question “Why you?” in your mind as you build your online persona, you will make better marketing decisions. It’s the accumulation of details and the overall effect they have that will lead the prospective client to you like bees to honey.

Be the 10!

In the freelancing and small business worlds, online or otherwise, the 80–20 rule is alive and well. In fact, you could take it one step further and call it the 90–10 rule. Meaning, 90 percent of freelancers and small businesses do just okay, or outright fail, while 10 percent really shine. Ten percent of small businesses generate 90 percent of the revenue.

Don’t let this dissuade you. By reading this book you’re already well on your way to being in the 10 percent. You have the potential to glide right by the remaining 90 percent. Take these tools and strategies to heart. There is a reason the 10 percent succeed, and it has nothing to do with Harvard degrees or Daddy’s rich friends. It’s crafting your image, following through with what you say you’ll do, and producing quality work on time.

But you must apply what you learn, and only you can do that.

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