Keep At It!

Success takes time, and sometimes you’ll need to remind yourself of that. At the beginning it can seem like you’ll never get a job, or that the ones you’re getting will always be small and you’ll never get the repeat business you want. Kick those thoughts right out of your mind.

You do have what it takes and you do have something to offer. Remind yourself of that as often as necessary. Print it out and tape it on your favorite child’s forehead. You’ll never have to worry about a large percentage of your competition because they’re the ones who gave up. Don’t join that party.

Stay away from negative people who want to drag you down. You don’t need that burden on top of everything else. Let them wallow in their misery, while you go right on submitting proposals. Think of it as a game, you’re putting together the pieces of a puzzle and when you get it right, you are awarded a job and get paid for it.

The Least You Need to Know

You have what it takes to be a successful freelancer.

With each new project, you’re building feedback as a valuable sales tool.

Use your special talents and life experiences to help promote yourself.

Good follow-up is critical.

When the client is satisfied with the end result, ask for great feedback.

Those who stick with it win.

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