

90-10 rule for freelancers, 22


Account Manager of team, 101

account types

basic, 32-33

business, 34

individual, 33


charges, 33

fees, 34

security, 201-202

action plan in proposal, 76

Add to Watch List, 64

administrator of team, 100

advantages of Elance, 42

Affiliates program, 252



Payroll Services Agreement, 200

Services Agreement between Client and Contractor, 200

Terms of Service, 200

project agreements, 197

Change Order Agreement, 199

Client/Service Contractor Agreement, 198

Detailed Project Agreement, 198

Engagement Letter, 199

NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), 197

Statement of Work, 198

applications in workroom, 180

Attachments tab (My Jobs), 166

attracting talent

contractor categories, 133-134

projects, 132

targeting contractors, 134

individuals, 135

job posting, 141-143

keywords, 134

newbies, 140

searches, 136-139

specialists, 135-136

award rate, search results, 64

awarding a job, description, 5


basic account, 32-33


communication, 109

inviting bids, 143

selecting, 69

techniques, 89

underbidding, 109-115

bids, 5

blog, 249

boilerplate proposals, 169-170

boundary setting, 104-105

business accounts, 34

business benefits of Elance, 9-11


canceling job, 240

categories, 6, 36

contractors, 133-134

jobs, 58-59

searches, 137

Change Order Agreement, 199

clarity in job postings, length, 149

Client & Job Preferences, 209

Client/Service Contractor Agreement, 198

clients, 5

account administrator, 183

account owner, 183

attracting talent, 122

contractor assessment

new contractors, 174

phone interview, 174

questions to ask, 172-173

sample work, 173

contractor selection, online, 164

contractors, feedback, 124

escrow management, 212

feedback, viewing, 124

hiring criteria, 164

hiring manager, 183

job posting, 141-143

job pricing, 153

job searches, contractors, 62

needs, contractors, 22-23

persona expressed, 126

presentation, 20-21

profiles, 122-125

attracting talent tips, 129

clarity in, 128

extras, 125

first impressions, 127

job history, 128

payment verification, 123

percentage of jobs awarded, 123

search results, 65

spelling importance, 128

statistics, 123

visiting one’s own, 124

proposals, incoming, 165

red flags, 67-68

registration, 16-17

staff, 183

testimonials, 221-225

viewing contractor screen, 184


description, 6

hiring in, 13

code sharing, 189

communication, 94-99, 102-103, 109

boundary setting, 104-105

job dissatisfaction, 241-242

promotion, 114

community, 248

Affiliates program, 252

Resources, 248

eHealth Insurance, 250-251

Elance blog, 249

Elance University, 253

Referral Program, 252-253

Water Cooler, 249-250

companies, 135

competition, 25-27

competitive edge, 70-71

connections, personal, 71

Connects, 6, 35

account type, 33

purchasing, 38

registration, 20

contractors, 5

contractors. See also freelancers, clients, competition, job searches, proposals, targeting

categories, 133-134

client needs, 22-23

client viewing screen, 184

clients, communication, 102-103

competition, researching, 26

escrow management, 211

feedback, 116

invitations to jobs, 208

job delivery, 116

job postings, 158-159

job search, 58

categories, 58-59

client searches, 62

price filter, 59-61

saving searches, 62

Sort By box, 61

time filter, 59-61

layoffs, 6

niche marketing, 28

online hiring, 164

pitfalls, 115

presentation, 20-21

promotion, 110

communication, 114

enthusiasm, 113

experience, 112

follow-up, 113-114

profile emphasis, 110-111

proposal numbers, 114

talents, 111

proposals, offerings, 75

registration, 17-18

start-up jobs, 108-109

delivery, 116

feedback, 116

pitfalls, 115

promotion, 110-114

proposal numbers, 114

underbidding, 109


individuals, 135

job posting, 141-143

keywords, 134

newbies, 140

searches, 136-139

specialists, 135-136

testimonials, 225-229

underbidding, 109

copy and paste in proposals, 78

credentials, 63

criteria for hiring, 23-25


delivery on job, 116

Detailed Project Agreement, 198

display name, 46

Dispute Assistance Feature, 241

dissatisfaction, communication, 241-242


education, profile, 56

eHealth Insurance, 250-251


business benefits, 9-11

Payroll Services Agreement, 200

rules and regulations, 201

Services Agreement between Client and Contractor, 200

statistics, 4

statistics and growth, 196

support, 244-245

Terms of Service agreement, 200

Elance University, 253

employment, profile, 56

Engagement Letter, 199

enthusiasm, promotion, 113

entrepreneurs, benefits to, 11-12

Escrow system, 210

clients, 212

contractors, 211

mistaken release, 237

stop payments, 212

experience, emphasizing, 112


Facebook, marketing, 233

feedback, 25, 103

client to contractor, viewing, 124

early projects, 116

requesting, 52

searches, 138

status reports, 103

success tips, 230-232

fees for accounts, 34

file sharing, 97, 182

Files page, 97

Financial Accounts, 215

global payments, 216-217

transactions, 215-216

withdrawals, 216

first impressions, client profile, 127

fixed-fee pay, 213-214

follow-up, 113-114

formula for pricing, 84-85

freelancer universe, 126

freelancers, 5. See also contractors

90-10 rule, 22

benefits of, 7

building business, 8

increase in numbers, 6-9

layoffs, 6

satisfaction level, 7


as a job, 12-13

organizing tips, 12

personality fit, 12

realities of, 108

structure, 12

funding escrow, milestones, 210

funds withdrawal, 216


generalists, 135-136

global payments, 216-217

groups, searches, 139


health insurance, 250-251

hiring, 175

client criteria, 164

cloud, 13

criteria, 23-25

online, advantages, 10

red flags, 24

hourly pay, 213-214

hourly rates, 63

minimum, 47

searches, 139

Hourly Work Guarantee, 214


image online, 21

independent contracts, benefits of, 4

individual accounts, 33

individuals, 135

interviews, phone interview, 174

invitations to jobs, 208

inviting bids, 143


job cancellation, 240

job history

client profile, 128

levels, 53

profile, 51-52

job name, 149-150

job postings, 5

clarity in, 148

length, 149

clients, 141-143

inviting bids, 143

contractors’ needs, 158-159

detail, 150-151

details, 159

contractor input, 152-153

pricing, 153

proposals, incoming, 165

research other postings, 151-152

sample, 153-155

streamlining, 160

summary, 159

templates, 155-157

title, 149-150

why you?, 160

job searches

contractors, 58

categories, 58-59

clients, 62

price filter, 59-61

saving searches, 62

Sort By box, 61

time filter, 59-61

hourly rate, 63

keywords, 62

results, 63-66

Add to Watch List, 64

skills, 62

verified credentials, 63


categories, 58-59

price, 59-61

Sort By box, 61

time, 59-61


keywords, 62, 134

basic account, 33

profile, 50-51


laid-off persons, 6

learning from others, 220

length of job postings, clarity, 149

levels, 53

levels of management, 190-191

Linked In, marketing, 233

location, 236

searches, 137-138


marketing, 232

niche marketing, 28

social media, 233

websites, 233-234

messages, workroom messaging, 77

milestones, 98

escrow funding, 210

prefunding milestones, 181

mistakes, troubleshooting, 237-238

My Availability, 208-209

My Jobs page, 95

Attachments tab, 166

Project Summary tab, 166

proposals, 167-168

Public Messages tab, 166

Settings tab, 167

Team, 167

My User Info, 206


NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), 197


bidding techniques, 89

pricing, 85-86

new contractors, 140

niche marketing, 28

nonproposal proposal, 88-90

Notifications settings, 207


office relationships in virtual office, 190

online hiring, advantages, 10

online image, 21

online security, 200

account, 201-202

Elance rules and regulations, 201

privacy, 202-204

online work, increases, 4

organizing tips, freelancers, 12

outside work, 35

overview of profile, 48

owner of account, 183

owner of team, 100



Files, 97

My Jobs, 95

Terms and Milestones, 98

workroom, 96-97

parents, stay-at-home, 8-9

payment, verification

Escrow system, 210

clients, 212

contractors, 211

milestones, 210

global payments, 216-217

prefunding milestones, 181

stopping, 212

verification, client profile, 123

payment system, 35

canceling job, 240

disputes, 241

outside work, 35

Refund, Cancel or Dispute option, 238-241

refunding payment, 239-240

troubleshooting, 236-241


fixed-fee, 213-214

hourly, 213-214

terms, 50

Payroll Services Agreement, 200

percentage of jobs awarded to clients, 123

personal connections, 71

personal style building, 70-71

personality fit with freelancing, 12

phone interview, 174

photograph for profile, 46

pitfalls during start-up, 115

portfolio, 43, 53

preferred placements, 32-33

prefunding milestones, 181

presentation, 20-21, 42

contractors, client needs, 22-23

profile, 44

uniqueness, 22

price filter, 59-61


formula, 84-85

negotiating, 85-86

proposals, 82-83

red flags, 85

privacy, 202-204

problem resolution, 242-245

profile, 42, 47

accessing, 44

clients, 122-125

attracting talent tips, 129

clarity in, 128

extras, 125

first impressions, 127

job history, 128

payment verification, 123

percentage of jobs awarded, 123

search results, 65

spelling importance, 128

statistics, 123

visiting one’s own, 124

definition, 5

display name, 46

editing, 44

education, 56

emphasizing, 110-111

employment, 56

job history, 51-52

levels, 53

keywords, 50-51

minimum hourly rate, 47

overview, 48

payment terms, 50

photograph, 46

portfolio, 43, 53

presentation, 44

ratings, 43

reviewing, 171

sales impact, 45

services, description, 49-50

skills, 55

snapshot, 51-52

tagline, 47

YouTube video, 47

project agreements, 197

Change Order Agreement, 199

Client/Service Contractor Agreements, 198

Detailed Project Agreement, 198

Engagement Letter, 199

NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), 197

Statement of Work, 198

project management, milestones

code sharing, 189

file sharing, 182

levels of management, 190-191

milestones, prefunding milestones, 181

screen sharing, 187

status reports, 182

teams, 182-183

to-do list, 188

Tracker, 183-185

video conferencing, 188

Work View, 183-185

workroom, 180

Project Summary tab (My Jobs), 166

projects, bidding, feedback

attracting talent, 132

bidding, selecting, 69

communication, 94

description, 65

feedback, early projects, 116

ideas for in proposal, 76

milestones, 98

notification of award, 94

pricing, 153

status reports, 99

team management, 100-101

promotion, 110

communiction, 114

enthusiasm, 113

experience, 112

follow-up, 113-114

profile emphasis, 110-111

talents, 111

proposals, 5, 74

action plan, 76

assessing, 169-170

boilerplate, 169-170

contractor assessment

new contractors, 174

phone interview, 174

questions to ask, 172-173

sample work, 173

contractors, offerings, 75

copy and paste, 78

enthusiasm, 78

genuineness, 75

hiring, 175

ideas for project, 76

incoming, 165

My Jobs page, 167-168

nonproposal proposal, 88-90

numbers submitted, 114

pricing, 82-83

formula, 84-85

negotiating, 85-86

red flags, 85

questions, 76

questions answered, 170

samples, 79-81

spammy, 20

structure, 78-79

submitting, 86-88

understanding of job, 170

unique qualities, 77-78

Public Messages tab (My Jobs), 166


quality, underbidding, 109

questions, in proposals, 76


rates, minimum hourly, 47

ratings, 25

profiles, 43

success tips, 230-232

recommendations, 230

red flags

client profiles, 67-68

pricing, 85

Referral Program, 252-253

Refund, Cancel or Dispute option, 238-241

refunding payment, 239-240


clients, 16-17

Connects, 20

contractors, 17-18

relationships, 189

community, 248

Affiliates program, 252

Resources, 248-253

loyalty, 191

virtual office, 190


feedback, 103

status reports, 99, 182

research, job postings, 151-152

resolving problems, 242-245

Resources, 248

eHealth Insurance, 250-251

Elance blog, 249

Elance University, 253

Referral Program, 252-253

Water Cooler, 249-250

reviewing profiles, 171

reviews, searches, 139

rules and regulations of Elance, 201


sample work, 173


job posting, 153-155

proposals, 79-81

screen sharing, 187

searches, 136

categories, 137

feedback, 138

groups, 139

hourly rates, 139

individuals, 135

keywords, 134

location, 137-138

preferred placements, 32

results, 144

reviews, 139

skills, 137

specialists, 135-136

security, 21, 200

account, 201-202

Elance rules and regulations, 201

privacy, 202-204

service fees, 34

services, description, 49-50

Services Agreement between Client and Contractor, 200


Client & Job Preferences, 209

My Availability, 208-209

My User Info, 206

Notifications, 207

Settings tab (My Jobs), 167


code, 189

files, 97, 182

screens, 187

skills, 62

listing, 55

searches, 137

snapshot, profile, 51-52

social media, marketing, 233

Sort By box, 61

spamming proposals, 20

specialists, 135-136

spelling importance, 128

staff, 101

Statement of Work, 198

statistics, clients, 123

status reports, 99, 103, 182

stay-at-home parents, 8-9

stop payments, 212

submitting proposals, 86-88

success tips

feedback, 230-232

learn from others, 220

marketing, 232

social media, 233

websites, 233-234

ratings, 230-232

recommendations, 230

support team, 244-245


tagline, 47

talent, attracting

project, 132

targeting contractors, 134-143

talents, emphasizing, 111

Team (My Jobs), 167

team management, 100-101

teams, 182-183

Account Manager, 101

Administrator, 100

Owner, 100

staff, 101

techniques for bidding, 89

templates, job posting, 155-157


awarding a job, 5

bid, 5

category, 6

client, 5

cloud, 6

connects, 6

contractor, 5

freelancer, 5

job post, 5

profile, 5

proposal, 5

Terms and Milestones pages, 98

Terms of Service agreement with Elance, 200


clients, 221-225

contractors, 225-229

time filter, 59-61

time management, Tracker tool, 183

to-do lists, 188


file sharing, 97

milestones, 98

My Jobs page, 95

status reports, 99

Terms and Milestones page, 98

workroom, 96-97, 180

Tracker, 183-185

Hourly Work Guarantee, 214


financial, 215-216

withdrawals, 216

global payments, 216-217


Elance support team, 244-245

mistakes, 237-238

payment system, 236-241

problem resolution, 242-245

work location, 236

Twitter, marketing, 233


underbidding, 109, 115


verified credentials, 63

video conferencing, 188

video in profile, 47

virtual business, increases, 4

virtual office, relationships, 190


Water Cooler, 249-250

websites, marketing, 233-234

widgets, 186

withdrawing funds, 216

work location, 236

Work View, 183-185

Hourly Work Guarantee, 214

working outside Elance, 35

workroom, 96-97

applications, 180

project management, 180

screen sharing, 187

tools, 180

widgets, 186

workroom messaging, 77


YouTube, marketing, 233

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