Deploy Monitoring Server Reports


The next step is to deploy the Monitoring Server reports to the SQL Reporting Server. This step can only be done using the Lync Server Management Shell. From one of the Lync Server servers, open the Lync Server Management Shell and run as administrator. Where D is the drive letter assigned to your CD/DVD drive, run the DeployReports.ps1 PowerShell script as follows:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft Lync Server
 2010DeploymentSetupDeployReports.ps1 –storedUserName <domainuser>
–storedPassword <password>

This is the most minimalist version of the command. The full syntax including optional items is outlined in the following:

DeployReports.ps1 –storedUserName <domainuser> -storedPassword <password>
–readOnlyGroupName <ReportReadOnlyGroupName> -reportServerSQLInstance
 <ReportServerSQLInstance> -monitoringServerIdentity <MonitoringServerID>

Following is an explanation of each option:

storedUserName—The username used to access the Monitoring Server store.

storedPassword—The password for the value of storedUserName.

readOnlyGroupName—The domain group that is granted read-only access to the Monitoring Server reports. This group must already exist in Active Directory for the action to complete successfully.

reportServerSQLInstance—The SQL instance that hosts SQL Reporting Services. If left blank, the script assumes it is the same server that holds the Monitoring Server databases.

monitoringServerIdentity—This is used to specify the Monitoring Server in environments where more than one Monitoring Server exists. It is not needed in environments where only one Monitoring Server is deployed. The Monitoring Server identity can be found using the Get-CsService –MonitoringServer cmdlet.

When the script has run, ensure it finishes successfully, as shown in Figure 7.9.

Figure 7.9 DeployReports.ps1 Script Completed Successfully


Run the get-CsService –MonitoringServer cmdlet and pay special attention to the ReportingURL field. This is the URL where you access the Lync Server reports. For the sample environment, it is The reports are covered in detail in the “Administration” section that follows.

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