DNS and Network Adapter Binding Order


Being able to resolve DNS queries correctly is absolutely critical to making an Edge Server functional. At a minimum, an Edge Server must be able to resolve the names of internal pools and servers, so be sure to enter an internal DNS server IP address on the internal adapter’s network configuration.

It’s also important that an Edge Server resolve external DNS queries for federation or public IM scenarios. These queries can be answered by internal DNS servers, or an Edge Server can use a public DNS server to resolve queries if entered on the network adapter configuration. In a single Edge Server deployment where the A/V Edge is behind NAT, the service must be able to resolve its own publicly addressable name and IP address.

The binding order of the network adapters is not critical to an Edge Server operation, but can have an effect on how an Edge Server resolves DNS queries. Servers use the DNS servers entered on an adapter starting with the adapter listed first in the binding order.

The impact is if a split-DNS namespace is in place where internal and external queries can return the same name with different IP addresses, the Edge Server might resolve names incorrectly. For example, if the external adapter is listed first in the binding order, the Edge Server might be unable to resolve the name of an internal pool correctly because that name is not registered in the public DNS.


To avoid this issue, enter the IP addresses of the internal DNS servers on the internal adapter, and then place the internal adapter highest in the binding order. If internal DNS lookups are not allowed, a host file can be used.

If this configuration still does not make DNS lookups succeed and resolve correctly, it might be necessary to use a host file for resolving internal names. Usually only a few internal pool and server names need to be entered, so it is fairly quick to configure, but be aware, this option exists when troubleshooting name resolution issues.


Disable all unused network adapters and move them lowest in the binding order priority list. This ensures active adapters are always accessed first. Plus, if a cable is ever plugged in to a disabled adapter, it can’t affect the server without being enabled by an administrator.

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