16.2.6. Understanding std::move


The library move function (§ 13.6.1, p. 533) is a good illustration of a template that uses rvalue references. Fortunately, we can use move without understanding the template mechanisms that it uses. However, looking at how move works can help cement our general understanding, and use, of templates.

In § 13.6.2 (p. 534) we noted that although we cannot directly bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue, we can use move to obtain an rvalue reference bound to an lvalue. Because move can take arguments of essentially any type, it should not be surprising that move is a function template.

How std::move Is Defined

The standard defines move as follows:

// for the use of typename in the return type and the cast see § 16.1.3 (p. 670)
// remove_reference is covered in § 16.2.3 (p. 684)
template <typename T>
typename remove_reference<T>::type&& move(T&& t)
   // static_cast covered in § 4.11.3 (p. 163)
   return static_cast<typename remove_reference<T>::type&&>(t);

This code is short but subtle. First, move’s function parameter, T&&, is an rvalue reference to a template parameter type. Through reference collapsing, this parameter can match arguments of any type. In particular, we can pass either an lvalue or an rvalue to move:

string s1("hi!"), s2;
s2 = std::move(string("bye!")); // ok: moving from an rvalue
s2 = std::move(s1);  // ok: but after the assigment s1 has indeterminate value

How std::move Works

In the first assignment, the argument to move is the rvalue result of the string constructor, string("bye"). As we’ve seen, when we pass an rvalue to an rvalue reference function parameter, the type deduced from that argument is the referred-to type (§ 16.2.5, p. 687). Thus, in std::move(string("bye!")):

• The deduced type of T is string.

• Therefore, remove_reference is instantiated with string.

• The type member of remove_reference<string> is string.

• The return type of move is string&&.

move’s function parameter, t, has type string&&.

Accordingly, this call instantiates move<string>, which is the function

string&& move(string &&t)

The body of this function returns static_cast<string&&>(t). The type of t is already string&&, so the cast does nothing. Therefore, the result of this call is the rvalue reference it was given.

Now consider the second assignment, which calls std::move(s1). In this call, the argument to move is an lvalue. This time:

• The deduced type of T is string& (reference to string, not plain string).

• Therefore, remove_reference is instantiated with string&.

• The type member of remove_reference<string&> is string,

• The return type of move is still string&&.

move’s function parameter, t, instantiates as string& &&, which collapses to string&.

Thus, this call instantiates move<string&>, which is

string&& move(string &t)

and which is exactly what we’re after—we want to bind an rvalue reference to an lvalue. The body of this instantiation returns static_cast<string&&>(t). In this case, the type of t is string&, which the cast converts to string&&.

static_cast from an Lvalue to an Rvalue Reference Is Permitted

Ordinarily, a static_cast can perform only otherwise legitimate conversions (§ 4.11.3, p. 163). However, there is again a special dispensation for rvalue references: Even though we cannot implicitly convert an lvalue to an rvalue reference, we can explicitly cast an lvalue to an rvalue reference using static_cast.


Binding an rvalue reference to an lvalue gives code that operates on the rvalue reference permission to clobber the lvalue. There are times, such as in our StrVec reallocate function in § 13.6.1 (p. 533), when we know it is safe to clobber an lvalue. By letting us do the cast, the language allows this usage. By forcing us to use a cast, the language tries to prevent us from doing so accidentally.

Finally, although we can write such casts directly, it is much easier to use the library move function. Moreover, using std::move consistently makes it easy to find the places in our code that might potentially clobber lvalues.

Exercises Section 16.2.6

Exercise 16.46: Explain this loop from StrVec::reallocate in § 13.5 (p. 530):

for (size_t i = 0; i != size(); ++i)
    alloc.construct(dest++, std::move(*elem++));

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