
In preparing this edition we are very grateful for the help of several current and former members of the standardization committee: Dave Abrahams, Andy Koenig, Stephan T. Lavavej, Jason Merrill, John Spicer, and Herb Sutter. They provided invaluable assistance to us in understanding some of the more subtle parts of the new standard. We’d also like to thank the many folks who worked on updating the GNU compiler making the standard a reality.

As in previous editions of C++ Primer, we’d like to extend our thanks to Bjarne Stroustrup for his tireless work on C++ and for his friendship to the authors during most of that time. We’d also like to thank Alex Stepanov for his original insights that led to the containers and algorithms at the core of the standard library. Finally, our thanks go to all the C++ Standards committee members for their hard work in clarifying, refining, and improving C++ over many years.

We extend our deep-felt thanks to our reviewers, whose helpful comments led us to make improvements great and small throughout the book: Marshall Clow, Jon Kalb, Nevin Liber, Dr. C. L. Tondo, Daveed Vandevoorde, and Steve Vinoski.

This book was typeset using LATEX and the many packages that accompany the LATEX distribution. Our well-justified thanks go to the members of the LATEX community, who have made available such powerful typesetting tools.

Finally, we thank the fine folks at Addison-Wesley who have shepherded this edition through the publishing process: Peter Gordon, our editor, who provided the impetus for us to revise C++ Primer once again; Kim Boedigheimer, who keeps us all on schedule; Barbara Wood, who found lots of editing errors for us during the copy-edit phase, and Elizabeth Ryan, who was again a delight to work with as she guided us through the design and production process.

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