14.8.1. Lambdas Are Function Objects

In the previous section, we used a PrintString object as an argument in a call to for_each. This usage is similar to the programs we wrote in § 10.3.2 (p. 388) that used lambda expressions. When we write a lambda, the compiler translates that expression into an unnamed object of an unnamed class (§ 10.3.3, p. 392). The classes generated from a lambda contain an overloaded function-call operator. For example, the lambda that we passed as the last argument to stable_sort:

// sort words by size, but maintain alphabetical order for words of the same size
stable_sort(words.begin(), words.end(),
            [](const string &a, const string &b)
              { return a.size() < b.size();});

acts like an unnamed object of a class that would look something like

class ShorterString {
    bool operator()(const string &s1, const string &s2) const
    { return s1.size() < s2.size(); }

The generated class has a single member, which is a function-call operator that takes two strings and compares their lengths. The parameter list and function body are the same as the lambda. As we saw in § 10.3.3 (p. 395), by default, lambdas may not change their captured variables. As a result, by default, the function-call operator in a class generated from a lambda is a const member function. If the lambda is declared as mutable, then the call operator is not const.

We can rewrite the call to stable_sort to use this class instead of the lambda expression:

stable_sort(words.begin(), words.end(), ShorterString());

The third argument is a newly constructed ShorterString object. The code in stable_sort will “call” this object each time it compares two strings. When the object is called, it will execute the body of its call operator, returning true if the first string’s size is less than the second’s.

Classes Representing Lambdas with Captures

As we’ve seen, when a lambda captures a variable by reference, it is up to the program to ensure that the variable to which the reference refers exists when the lambda is executed (§ 10.3.3, p. 393). Therefore, the compiler is permitted to use the reference directly without storing that reference as a data member in the generated class.

In contrast, variables that are captured by value are copied into the lambda (§ 10.3.3, p. 392). As a result, classes generated from lambdas that capture variables by value have data members corresponding to each such variable. These classes also have a constructor to initialize these data members from the value of the captured variables. As an example, in § 10.3.2 (p. 390), the lambda that we used to find the first string whose length was greater than or equal to a given bound:

// get an iterator to the first element whose size() is >= sz
auto wc = find_if(words.begin(), words.end(),
            [sz](const string &a)

would generate a class that looks something like

class SizeComp {
    SizeComp(size_t n): sz(n) { } // parameter for each captured variable
    // call operator with the same return type, parameters, and body as the lambda
    bool operator()(const string &s) const
        { return s.size() >= sz; }
    size_t sz; // a data member for each variable captured by value

Unlike our ShorterString class, this class has a data member and a constructor to initialize that member. This synthesized class does not have a default constructor; to use this class, we must pass an argument:

// get an iterator to the first element whose size() is >= sz
auto wc = find_if(words.begin(), words.end(), SizeComp(sz));

Classes generated from a lambda expression have a deleted default constructor, deleted assignment operators, and a default destructor. Whether the class has a defaulted or deleted copy/move constructor depends in the usual ways on the types of the captured data members (§ 13.1.6, p. 508, and § 13.6.2, p. 537).

Exercises Section 14.8.1

Exercise 14.38: Write a class that tests whether the length of a given string matches a given bound. Use that object to write a program to report how many words in an input file are of sizes 1 through 10 inclusive.

Exercise 14.39: Revise the previous program to report the count of words that are sizes 1 through 9 and 10 or more.

Exercise 14.40: Rewrite the biggies function from § 10.3.2 (p. 391) to use function-object classes in place of lambdas.

Exercise 14.41: Why do you suppose the new standard added lambdas? Explain when you would use a lambda and when you would write a class instead.

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