Classes with Pure Virtuals Are Abstract Base Classes

A class containing (or inheriting without overridding) a pure virtual function is an abstract base class. An abstract base class defines an interface for subsequent classes to override. We cannot (directly) create objects of a type that is an abstract base class. Because Disc_quote defines net_price as a pure virtual, we cannot define objects of type Disc_quote. We can define objects of classes that inherit from Disc_quote, so long as those classes override net_price:

// Disc_quote declares pure virtual functions, which Bulk_quote will override
Disc_quote discounted; // error: can't define a Disc_quote object
Bulk_quote bulk;       // ok: Bulk_quote has no pure virtual functions

Classes that inherit from Disc_quote must define net_price or those classes will be abstract as well.

Image Note

We may not create objects of a type that is an abstract base class.

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