15.9.2. The Query_base and Query Classes

We’ll start our implementation by defining the Query_base class:

// abstract class acts as a base class for concrete query types; all members are private
class Query_base {
    friend class Query;
    using line_no = TextQuery::line_no; // used in the eval functions
    virtual ~Query_base() = default;
    // eval returns the QueryResult that matches this Query
    virtual QueryResult eval(const TextQuery&) const = 0;
    // rep is a string representation of the query
    virtual std::string rep() const = 0;

Both eval and rep are pure virtual functions, which makes Query_base an abstract base class (§15.4, p. 610). Because we don’t intend users, or the derived classes, to use Query_base directly, Query_base has no public members. All use of Query_base will be through Query objects. We grant friendship to the Query class, because members of Query will call the virtuals in Query_base.

The protected member, line_no, will be used inside the eval functions. Similarly, the destructor is protected because it is used (implicitly) by the destructors in the derived classes.

The Query Class

The Query class provides the interface to (and hides) the Query_base inheritance hierarchy. Each Query object will hold a shared_ptr to a corresponding Query_base object. Because Query is the only interface to the Query_base classes, Query must define its own versions of eval and rep.

The Query constructor that takes a string will create a new WordQuery and bind its shared_ptr member to that newly created object. The &, |, and ~ operators will create AndQuery, OrQuery, and NotQuery objects, respectively. These operators will return a Query object bound to its newly generated object. To support these operators, Query needs a constructor that takes a shared_ptr to a Query_base and stores its given pointer. We’ll make this constructor private because we don’t intend general user code to define Query_base objects. Because this constructor is private, we’ll need to make the operators friends.

Given the preceding design, the Query class itself is simple:

// interface class to manage the Query_base inheritance hierarchy
class Query {
    // these operators need access to the shared_ptr constructor
    friend Query operator~(const Query &);
    friend Query operator|(const Query&, const Query&);
    friend Query operator&(const Query&, const Query&);
    Query(const std::string&);  // builds a new WordQuery
    // interface functions: call the corresponding Query_base operations
    QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const
                            { return q->eval(t); }
    std::string rep() const { return q->rep(); }
    Query(std::shared_ptr<Query_base> query): q(query) { }
    std::shared_ptr<Query_base> q;

We start by naming as friends the operators that create Query objects. These operators need to be friends in order to use the private constructor.

In the public interface for Query, we declare, but cannot yet define, the constructor that takes a string. That constructor creates a WordQuery object, so we cannot define this constructor until we have defined the WordQuery class.

The other two public members represent the interface for Query_base. In each case, the Query operation uses its Query_base pointer to call the respective (virtual) Query_base operation. The actual version that is called is determined at run time and will depend on the type of the object to which q points.

The Query Output Operator

The output operator is a good example of how our overall query system works:

std::ostream &
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Query &query)
    // Query::rep makes a virtual call through its Query_base pointer to rep()
    return os << query.rep();

When we print a Query, the output operator calls the (public) rep member of class Query. That function makes a virtual call through its pointer member to the rep member of the object to which this Query points. That is, when we write

Query andq = Query(sought1) & Query(sought2);
cout << andq << endl;

the output operator calls Query::rep on andq. Query::rep in turn makes a virtual call through its Query_base pointer to the Query_base version of rep. Because andq points to an AndQuery object, that call will run AndQuery::rep.

Exercises Section 15.9.2

Exercise 15.32: What happens when an object of type Query is copied, moved, assigned, and destroyed?

Exercise 15.33: What about objects of type Query_base?

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