7.3.1. Class Members Revisited

To explore several of these additional features, we’ll define a pair of cooperating classes named Screen and Window_mgr.

Defining a Type Member

A Screen represents a window on a display. Each Screen has a string member that holds the Screen’s contents, and three string::size_type members that represent the position of the cursor, and the height and width of the screen.

In addition to defining data and function members, a class can define its own local names for types. Type names defined by a class are subject to the same access controls as any other member and may be either public or private:

class Screen {
    typedef std::string::size_type pos;
    pos cursor = 0;
    pos height = 0, width = 0;
    std::string contents;

We defined pos in the public part of Screen because we want users to use that name. Users of Screen shouldn’t know that Screen uses a string to hold its data. By defining pos as a public member, we can hide this detail of how Screen is implemented.

There are two points to note about the declaration of pos. First, although we used a typedef2.5.1, p. 67), we can equivalently use a type alias (§ 2.5.1, p. 68):

class Screen {
    // alternative way to declare a type member using a type alias
    using pos = std::string::size_type;
    // other members as before

The second point is that, for reasons we’ll explain in § 7.4.1 (p. 284), unlike ordinary members, members that define types must appear before they are used. As a result, type members usually appear at the beginning of the class.

Member Functions of class Screen

To make our class more useful, we’ll add a constructor that will let users define the size and contents of the screen, along with members to move the cursor and to get the character at a given location:

class Screen {
    typedef std::string::size_type pos;
    Screen() = default; // needed because Screen has another constructor
    // cursor initialized to 0 by its in-class initializer
    Screen(pos ht, pos wd, char c): height(ht), width(wd),
                                    contents(ht * wd, c) { }
    char get() const              // get the character at the cursor
        { return contents[cursor]; }       // implicitly inline
    inline char get(pos ht, pos wd) const; // explicitly inline
    Screen &move(pos r, pos c);      // can be made inline later
    pos cursor = 0;
    pos height = 0, width = 0;
    std::string contents;

Because we have provided a constructor, the compiler will not automatically generate a default constructor for us. If our class is to have a default constructor, we must say so explicitly. In this case, we use = default to ask the compiler to synthesize the default constructor’s definition for us (§ 7.1.4, p. 264).

It’s also worth noting that our second constructor (that takes three arguments) implicitly uses the in-class initializer for the cursor member (§ 7.1.4, p. 266). If our class did not have an in-class initializer for cursor, we would have explicitly initialized cursor along with the other members.

Making Members inline

Classes often have small functions that can benefit from being inlined. As we’ve seen, member functions defined inside the class are automatically inline6.5.2, p. 238). Thus, Screen’s constructors and the version of get that returns the character denoted by the cursor are inline by default.

We can explicitly declare a member function as inline as part of its declaration inside the class body. Alternatively, we can specify inline on the function definition that appears outside the class body:

inline                   // we can specify inline on the definition
Screen &Screen::move(pos r, pos c)
    pos row = r * width; // compute the row location
    cursor = row + c ;   // move cursor to the column within that row
    return *this;        // return this object as an lvalue
char Screen::get(pos r, pos c) const // declared as inline in the class
    pos row = r * width;      // compute row location
    return contents[row + c]; // return character at the given column

Although we are not required to do so, it is legal to specify inline on both the declaration and the definition. However, specifying inline only on the definition outside the class can make the class easier to read.

Image Note

For the same reasons that we define inline functions in headers (§ 6.5.2, p. 240), inline member functions should be defined in the same header as the corresponding class definition.

Overloading Member Functions

As with nonmember functions, member functions may be overloaded (§ 6.4, p. 230) so long as the functions differ by the number and/or types of parameters. The same function-matching (§ 6.4, p. 233) process is used for calls to member functions as for nonmember functions.

For example, our Screen class defined two versions of get. One version returns the character currently denoted by the cursor; the other returns the character at a given position specified by its row and column. The compiler uses the number of arguments to determine which version to run:

Screen myscreen;
char ch = myscreen.get();// calls Screen::get()
ch = myscreen.get(0,0);  // calls Screen::get(pos, pos)

mutable Data Members

It sometimes (but not very often) happens that a class has a data member that we want to be able to modify, even inside a const member function. We indicate such members by including the mutable keyword in their declaration.

A mutable data member is never const, even when it is a member of a const object. Accordingly, a const member function may change a mutable member. As an example, we’ll give Screen a mutable member named access_ctr, which we’ll use to track how often each Screen member function is called:

class Screen {
    void some_member() const;
    mutable size_t access_ctr; // may change even in a const object
    // other members as before
void Screen::some_member() const
    ++access_ctr;    // keep a count of the calls to any member function
    // whatever other work this member needs to do

Despite the fact that some_member is a const member function, it can change the value of access_ctr. That member is a mutable member, so any member function, including const functions, can change its value.

Initializers for Data Members of Class Type

In addition to defining the Screen class, we’ll define a window manager class that represents a collection of Screens on a given display. This class will have a vector of Screens in which each element represents a particular Screen. By default, we’d like our Window_mgr class to start up with a single, default-initialized Screen. Under the new standard, the best way to specify this default value is as an in-class initializer (§ 2.6.1, p. 73):

class Window_mgr {
    // Screens this Window_mgr is tracking
    // by default, a Window_mgr has one standard sized blank Screen
    std::vector<Screen> screens{Screen(24, 80, ' ') };

When we initialize a member of class type, we are supplying arguments to a constructor of that member’s type. In this case, we list initialize our vector member (§ 3.3.1, p. 98) with a single element initializer. That initializer contains a Screen value that is passed to the vector<Screen> constructor to create a one-element vector. That value is created by the Screen constructor that takes two size parameters and a character to create a blank screen of the given size.

As we’ve seen, in-class initializers must use either the = form of initialization (which we used when we initialized the the data members of Screen) or the direct form of initialization using curly braces (as we do for screens).

Image Note

When we provide an in-class initializer, we must do so following an = sign or inside braces.

Exercises Section 7.3.1

Exercise 7.23: Write your own version of the Screen class.

Exercise 7.24: Give your Screen class three constructors: a default constructor; a constructor that takes values for height and width and initializes the contents to hold the given number of blanks; and a constructor that takes values for height, width, and a character to use as the contents of the screen.

Exercise 7.25: Can Screen safely rely on the default versions of copy and assignment? If so, why? If not, why not?

Exercise 7.26: Define Sales_data::avg_price as an inline function.

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