13.1.3. The Destructor


The destructor operates inversely to the constructors: Constructors initialize the nonstatic data members of an object and may do other work; destructors do whatever work is needed to free the resources used by an object and destroy the nonstatic data members of the object.

The destructor is a member function with the name of the class prefixed by a tilde (~). It has no return value and takes no parameters:

class Foo {
    ~Foo();    // destructor
   // ...

Because it takes no parameters, it cannot be overloaded. There is always only one destructor for a given class.

What a Destructor Does

Just as a constructor has an initialization part and a function body (§ 7.5.1, p. 288), a destructor has a function body and a destruction part. In a constructor, members are initialized before the function body is executed, and members are initialized in the same order as they appear in the class. In a destructor, the function body is executed first and then the members are destroyed. Members are destroyed in reverse order from the order in which they were initialized.

The function body of a destructor does whatever operations the class designer wishes to have executed subsequent to the last use of an object. Typically, the destructor frees resources an object allocated during its lifetime.

In a destructor, there is nothing akin to the constructor initializer list to control how members are destroyed; the destruction part is implicit. What happens when a member is destroyed depends on the type of the member. Members of class type are destroyed by running the member’s own destructor. The built-in types do not have destructors, so nothing is done to destroy members of built-in type.

Image Note

The implicit destruction of a member of built-in pointer type does not delete the object to which that pointer points.

Unlike ordinary pointers, the smart pointers (§ 12.1.1, p. 452) are class types and have destructors. As a result, unlike ordinary pointers, members that are smart pointers are automatically destroyed during the destruction phase.

When a Destructor Is Called

The destructor is used automatically whenever an object of its type is destroyed:

• Variables are destroyed when they go out of scope.

• Members of an object are destroyed when the object of which they are a part is destroyed.

• Elements in a container—whether a library container or an array—are destroyed when the container is destroyed.

• Dynamically allocated objects are destroyed when the delete operator is applied to a pointer to the object (§ 12.1.2, p. 460).

• Temporary objects are destroyed at the end of the full expression in which the temporary was created.

Because destructors are run automatically, our programs can allocate resources and (usually) not worry about when those resources are released.

For example, the following fragment defines four Sales_data objects:

{ // new scope
    // p and p2 point to dynamically allocated objects
    Sales_data  *p = new Sales_data;     // p is a built-in pointer
    auto p2 = make_shared<Sales_data>(); // p2 is a shared_ptr
    Sales_data item(*p);     // copy constructor copies *p into item
    vector<Sales_data> vec;  // local object
    vec.push_back(*p2);      // copies the object to which p2 points
    delete p;                // destructor called on the object pointed to by p
} // exit local scope; destructor called on item, p2, and vec
  // destroying p2 decrements its use count; if the count goes to 0, the object is freed
  // destroying vec destroys the elements in vec

Each of these objects contains a string member, which allocates dynamic memory to contain the characters in its bookNo member. However, the only memory our code has to manage directly is the object we directly allocated. Our code directly frees only the dynamically allocated object bound to p.

The other Sales_data objects are automatically destroyed when they go out of scope. When the block ends, vec, p2, and item all go out of scope, which means that the vector, shared_ptr, and Sales_data destructors will be run on those objects, respectively. The vector destructor will destroy the element we pushed onto vec. The shared_ptr destructor will decrement the reference count of the object to which p2 points. In this example, that count will go to zero, so the shared_ptr destructor will delete the Sales_data object that p2 allocated.

In all cases, the Sales_data destructor implicitly destroys the bookNo member. Destroying bookNo runs the string destructor, which frees the memory used to store the ISBN.

Image Note

The destructor is not run when a reference or a pointer to an object goes out of scope.

The Synthesized Destructor

The compiler defines a synthesized destructor for any class that does not define its own destructor. As with the copy constructor and the copy-assignment operator, for some classes, the synthesized destructor is defined to disallow objects of the type from being destroyed (§ 13.1.6, p. 508). Otherwise, the synthesized destructor has an empty function body.

For example, the synthesized Sales_data destructor is equivalent to:

class Sales_data {
   // no work to do other than destroying the members, which happens automatically
    ~Sales_data() { }
   // other members as before

The members are automatically destroyed after the (empty) destructor body is run. In particular, the string destructor will be run to free the memory used by the bookNo member.

It is important to realize that the destructor body does not directly destroy the members themselves. Members are destroyed as part of the implicit destruction phase that follows the destructor body. A destructor body executes in addition to the memberwise destruction that takes place as part of destroying an object.

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