A.2.7. Permutation Algorithms

The permutation algorithms generate lexicographical permutations of a sequence. These algorithms reorder a permutation to produce the (lexicographically) next or previous permutation of the given sequence. They return a bool that indicates whether there was a next or previous permutation.

To understand what is meant by next or previous permutaion, consider the following sequence of three characters: abc. There are six possible permutations on this sequence: abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, and cba. These permutations are listed in lexicographical order based on the less-than operator. That is, abc is the first permutation because its first element is less than or equal to the first element in every other permutation, and its second element is smaller than any permutation sharing the same first element. Similarly, acb is the next permutation because it begins with a, which is smaller than the first element in any remaining permutation. Permutations that begin with b come before those that begin with c.

For any given permutation, we can say which permutation comes before it and which after it, assuming a particular ordering between individual elements. Given the permutation bca, we can say that its previous permutation is bac and that its next permutation is cab. There is no previous permutation of the sequence abc, nor is there a next permutation of cba.

These algorithms assume that the elements in the sequence are unique. That is, the algorithms assume that no two elements in the sequence have the same value.

To produce the permutation, the sequence must be processed both forward and backward, thus requiring bidirectional iterators.

is_permutation(beg1, end1, beg2)
is_permutation(beg1, end1, beg2, binaryPred)

Returns true if there is a permutation of the second sequence with the same number of elements as are in the first sequence and for which the elements in the permutation and in the input sequence are equal. The first version compares elements using ==; the second uses the given binaryPred.

next_permutation(beg, end)
next_permutation(beg, end, comp)

If the sequence is already in its last permutation, then next_permutation reorders the sequence to be the lowest permutation and returns false. Otherwise, it transforms the input sequence into the lexicographically next ordered sequence, and returns true. The first version uses the element’s < operator to compare elements; the second version uses the given comparison operation.

prev_permutation(beg, end)
prev_permutation(beg, end, comp)

Like next_permutation, but transforms the sequence to form the previous permutation. If this is the smallest permutation, then it reorders the sequence to be the largest permutation and returns false.

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