capacity and size

It is important to understand the difference between capacity and size. The size of a container is the number of elements it already holds; its capacity is how many elements it can hold before more space must be allocated.

The following code illustrates the interaction between size and capacity:

vector<int> ivec;
// size should be zero; capacity is implementation defined
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;
// give ivec 24 elements
for (vector<int>::size_type ix = 0; ix != 24; ++ix)

// size should be 24; capacity will be >= 24 and is implementation defined
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;

When run on our system, this code produces the following output:

ivec: size: 0 capacity: 0
ivec: size: 24 capacity: 32

We know that the size of an empty vector is zero, and evidently our library also sets the capacity of an empty vector to zero. When we add elements to the vector, we know that the size is the same as the number of elements we’ve added. The capacity must be at least as large as size but can be larger. The details of how much excess capacity is allocated vary by implementations of the library. Under this implementation, adding 24 elements one at a time results in a capacity of 32.

Visually we can think of the current state of ivec as


We can now reserve some additional space:

ivec.reserve(50); // sets capacity to at least 50; might be more
// size should be 24; capacity will be >= 50 and is implementation defined
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;

Here, the output indicates that the call to reserve allocated exactly as much space as we requested:

ivec: size: 24 capacity: 50

We might next use up that reserved capacity as follows:

// add elements to use up the excess capacity
while (ivec.size() != ivec.capacity())
// capacity should be unchanged and size and capacity are now equal
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;

The output indicates that at this point we’ve used up the reserved capacity, and size and capacity are equal:

ivec: size: 50 capacity: 50

Because we used only reserved capacity, there is no need for the vector to do any allocation. In fact, as long as no operation exceeds the vector’s capacity, the vector must not reallocate its elements.

If we now add another element, the vector will have to reallocate itself:

ivec.push_back(42); // add one more element
// size should be 51; capacity will be >= 51 and is implementation defined
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;

The output from this portion of the program

ivec: size: 51 capacity: 100

indicates that this vector implementation appears to follow a strategy of doubling the current capacity each time it has to allocate new storage.

We can call shrink_to_fit to ask that memory beyond what is needed for the current size be returned to the system:

ivec.shrink_to_fit(); // ask for the memory to be returned
// size should be unchanged; capacity is implementation defined
cout << "ivec: size: " << ivec.size()
     << " capacity: "  << ivec.capacity() << endl;

Calling shrink_to_fit is only a request; there is no guarantee that the library will return the memory.

Image Note

Each vector implementation can choose its own allocation strategy. However, it must not allocate new memory until it is forced to do so.

A vector may be reallocated only when the user performs an insert operation when the size equals capacity or by a call to resize or reserve with a value that exceeds the current capacity. How much memory is allocated beyond the specified amount is up to the implementation.

Every implementation is required to follow a strategy that ensures that it is efficient to use push_back to add elements to a vector. Technically speaking, the execution time of creating an n-element vector by calling push_back n times on an initially empty vector must never be more than a constant multiple of n.

Exercises Section 9.4

Exercise 9.35: Explain the difference between a vector’s capacity and its size.

Exercise 9.36: Can a container have a capacity less than its size?

Exercise 9.37: Why don’t list or array have a capacity member?

Exercise 9.38: Write a program to explore how vectors grow in the library you use.

Exercise 9.39: Explain what the following program fragment does:

vector<string> svec;
string word;
while (cin >> word)

Exercise 9.40: If the program in the previous exercise reads 256 words, what is its likely capacity after it is resized? What if it reads 512? 1,000? 1,048?

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