9.2.5. Assignment and swap

The assignment-related operators, listed in Table 9.4 (overleaf) act on the entire container. The assignment operator replaces the entire range of elements in the left-hand container with copies of the elements from the right-hand operand:

c1 = c2;      // replace the contents of c1 with a copy of the elements in c2
c1 = {a,b,c}; // after the assignment c1 has size 3

Table 9.4. Container Assignment Operations


After the first assignment, the left- and right-hand containers are equal. If the containers had been of unequal size, after the assignment both containers would have the size of the right-hand operand. After the second assignment, the size of c1 is 3, which is the number of values provided in the braced list.

Unlike built-in arrays, the library array type does allow assignment. The left-and right-hand operands must have the same type:

array<int, 10> a1 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
array<int, 10> a2 = {0}; // elements all have value 0
a1 = a2;  // replaces elements in a1
a2 = {0}; // error: cannot assign to an array from a braced list

Because the size of the right-hand operand might differ from the size of the left-hand operand, the array type does not support assign and it does not allow assignment from a braced list of values.

Using assign (Sequential Containers Only)

The assignment operator requires that the left-hand and right-hand operands have the same type. It copies all the elements from the right-hand operand into the left-hand operand. The sequential containers (except array) also define a member named assign that lets us assign from a different but compatible type, or assign from a subsequence of a container. The assign operation replaces all the elements in the left-hand container with (copies of) the elements specified by its arguments. For example, we can use assign to assign a range of char* values from a vector into a list of string:

list<string> names;
vector<const char*> oldstyle;
names = oldstyle;  // error: container types don't match
// ok: can convert from const char*to string
names.assign(oldstyle.cbegin(), oldstyle.cend());

The call to assign replaces the elements in names with copies of the elements in the range denoted by the iterators. The arguments to assign determine how many elements and what values the container will have.

Image Warning

Because the existing elements are replaced, the iterators passed to assign must not refer to the container on which assign is called.

A second version of assign takes an integral value and an element value. It replaces the elements in the container with the specified number of elements, each of which has the specified element value:

// equivalent to slist1.clear();
// followed by slist1.insert(slist1.begin(), 10, "Hiya!");
list<string> slist1(1);     // one element, which is the empty string
slist1.assign(10, "Hiya!"); // ten elements; each one is Hiya !

Using swap

The swap operation exchanges the contents of two containers of the same type. After the call to swap, the elements in the two containers are interchanged:

vector<string> svec1(10); // vector with ten elements
vector<string> svec2(24); // vector with 24 elements
swap(svec1, svec2);

After the swap, svec1 contains 24 string elements and svec2 contains ten. With the exception of arrays, swapping two containers is guaranteed to be fast—the elements themselves are not swapped; internal data structures are swapped.

Image Note

Excepting array, swap does not copy, delete, or insert any elements and is guaranteed to run in constant time.

The fact that elements are not moved means that, with the exception of string, iterators, references, and pointers into the containers are not invalidated. They refer to the same elements as they did before the swap. However, after the swap, those elements are in a different container. For example, had iter denoted the string at position svec1 [3] before the swap, it will denote the element at position svec2[3] after the swap. Differently from the containers, a call to swap on a string may invalidate iterators, references and pointers.

Unlike how swap behaves for the other containers, swapping two arrays does exchange the elements. As a result, swapping two arrays requires time proportional to the number of elements in the array.

After the swap, pointers, references, and iterators remain bound to the same element they denoted before the swap. Of course, the value of that element has been swapped with the corresponding element in the other array.


In the new library, the containers offer both a member and nonmember version of swap. Earlier versions of the library defined only the member version of swap. The nonmember swap is of most importance in generic programs. As a matter of habit, it is best to use the nonmember version of swap.

Exercises Section 9.2.5

Exercise 9.14: Write a program to assign the elements from a list of char* pointers to C-style character strings to a vector of strings.

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