A.2.6. General Reordering Operations

Several algorithms reorder the elements of the input sequence. The first two, remove and unique, reorder the sequence so that the elements in the first part of the sequence meet some criteria. They return an iterator marking the end of this subsequence. Others, such as reverse, rotate, and random_shuffle, rearrange the entire sequence.

The base versions of these algorithms operate “in place”; they rearrange the elements in the input sequence itself. Three of the reordering algorithms offer “copying” versions. These _copy versions perform the same reordering but write the reordered elements to a specified destination sequence rather than changing the input sequence. These algorithms require output iterator for the destination.

Reordering Algorithms Using Forward Iterators

These algorithms reorder the input sequence. They require that the iterators be at least forward iterators.

remove(beg, end, val)
remove_if(beg, end, unaryPred)
remove_copy(beg, end, dest, val)
remove_copy_if(beg, end, dest, unaryPred)

“Removes” elements from the sequence by overwriting them with elements that are to be kept. The removed elements are those that are == val or for which unaryPred succeeds. Returns an iterator just past the last element that was not removed.

unique(beg, end)
unique(beg, end, binaryPred)
unique_copy(beg, end, dest)
unique_copy_if(beg, end, dest, binaryPred)

Reorders the sequence so that adjacent duplicate elements are “removed” by overwriting them. Returns an iterator just past the last unique element. The first version uses == to determine whether two elements are the same; the second version uses the predicate to test adjacent elements.

rotate(beg, mid, end)
rotate_copy(beg, mid, end, dest)

Rotates the elements around the element denoted by mid. The element at mid becomes the first element; elements from mid + 1 up to but not including end come next, followed by the range from beg up to but not including mid. Returns an iterator denoting the element that was originally at beg.

Reordering Algorithms Using Bidirectional Iterators

Because these algorithms process the input sequence backward, they require bidirectional iterators.

reverse(beg, end)
reverse_copy(beg, end, dest)

Reverses the elements in the sequence. reverse returns void; reverse_copy returns an iterator just past the element copied to the destination.

Reordering Algorithms Using Random-Access Iterators

Because these algorithms rearrange the elements in a random order, they require random-access iterators.

random_shuffle(beg, end)
random_shuffle(beg, end, rand)
shuffle(beg, end, Uniform_rand)

Shuffles the elements in the input sequence. The second version takes a callable that must take a positive integer value and produce a uniformly distributed random integer in the exclusive range from 0 to the given value. The third argument to shuffle must meet the requirements of a uniform random number generator (§ 17.4, p. 745). All three versions return void.

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