5.3.2. The switch Statement

A switch statement provides a convenient way of selecting among a (possibly large) number of fixed alternatives. As one example, suppose that we want to count how often each of the five vowels appears in some segment of text. Our program logic is as follows:

• Read every character in the input.

• Compare each character to the set of vowels.

• If the character matches one of the vowels, add 1 to that vowel’s count.

• Display the results.

For example, when we run the program on the text of this chapter, the output is

Number of vowel a: 3195
Number of vowel e: 6230
Number of vowel i: 3102
Number of vowel o: 3289
Number of vowel u: 1033

We can solve our problem most directly using a switch statement:

// initialize counters for each vowel
unsigned aCnt = 0, eCnt = 0, iCnt = 0, oCnt = 0, uCnt = 0;
char ch;
while (cin >> ch) {
    // if ch is a vowel, increment the appropriate counter
    switch (ch) {
        case 'a':
        case 'e':
        case 'i':
        case 'o':
        case 'u':
// print results
cout << "Number of vowel a: " << aCnt << ' '
     << "Number of vowel e: " << eCnt << ' '
     << "Number of vowel i: " << iCnt << ' '
     << "Number of vowel o: " << oCnt << ' '
     << "Number of vowel u: " << uCnt << endl;

A switch statement executes by evaluating the parenthesized expression that follows the keyword switch. That expression may be an initialized variable declaration (§ 5.2, p. 174). The expression is converted to integral type. The result of the expression is compared with the value associated with each case.

If the expression matches the value of a case label, execution begins with the first statement following that label. Execution continues normally from that statement through the end of the switch or until a break statement.

We’ll look at break statements in detail in § 5.5.1 (p. 190), but, briefly, a break interrupts the current control flow. In this case, the break transfers control out of the switch. In this program, the switch is the only statement in the body of a while. Breaking out of this switch returns control to the enclosing while. Because there are no other statements in that while, execution continues at the condition in the while.

If no match is found, execution falls through to the first statement following the switch. As we already know, in this example, exiting the switch returns control to the condition in the while.

The case keyword and its associated value together are known as the case label. case labels must be integral constant expressions (§ 2.4.4, p. 65):

char ch = getVal();
int ival = 42;
switch(ch) {
    case 3.14: // error: noninteger as case label
    case ival: // error: nonconstant as case label
    // . . .

It is an error for any two case labels to have the same value. There is also a special-case label, default, which we cover on page 181.

Control Flow within a switch

It is important to understand that execution flows across case labels. After a case label is matched, execution starts at that label and continues across all the remaining cases or until the program explicitly interrupts it. To avoid executing code for subsequent cases, we must explicitly tell the compiler to stop execution. Under most conditions, the last statement before the next case label is break.

However, there are situations where the default switch behavior is exactly what is needed. Each case label can have only a single value, but sometimes we have two or more values that share a common set of actions. In such instances, we omit a break statement, allowing the program to fall through multiple case labels.

For example, we might want to count only the total number of vowels:

unsigned vowelCnt = 0;
// ...
switch (ch)
    // any occurrence of a, e, i, o, or u increments vowelCnt
    case 'a':
    case 'e':
    case 'i':
    case 'o':
    case 'u':

Here we stacked several case labels together with no intervening break. The same code will be executed whenever ch is a vowel.

Because C++ programs are free-form, case labels need not appear on a new line. We can emphasize that the cases represent a range of values by listing them all on a single line:

switch (ch)
    // alternative legal syntax
    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':

Image Best Practices

Omitting a break at the end of a case happens rarely. If you do omit a break, include a comment explaining the logic.

Forgetting a break Is a Common Source of Bugs

It is a common misconception to think that only the statements associated with the matched case label are executed. For example, here is an incorrect implementation of our vowel-counting switch statement:

// warning: deliberately incorrect!
switch (ch) {
    case 'a':
        ++aCnt;  // oops: should have a break statement
    case 'e':
        ++eCnt;  // oops: should have a break statement
    case 'i':
        ++iCnt;  // oops: should have a break statement
    case 'o':
        ++oCnt;  // oops: should have a break statement
    case 'u':

To understand what happens, assume that the value of ch is 'e'. Execution jumps to the code following the case 'e' label, which increments eCnt. Execution continues across the case labels, incrementing iCnt, oCnt, and uCnt as well.

Image Best Practices

Although it is not necessary to include a break after the last label of a switch, the safest course is to provide one. That way, if an additional case is added later, the break is already in place.

The default Label

The statements following the default label are executed when no case label matches the value of the switch expression. For example, we might add a counter to track how many nonvowels we read. We’ll increment this counter, which we’ll name otherCnt, in the default case:

   // if ch is a vowel, increment the appropriate counter
   switch (ch) {
       case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u':

In this version, if ch is not a vowel, execution will start at the default label and we’ll increment otherCnt.

Image Best Practices

It can be useful to define a default label even if there is no work for the default case. Defining an empty default section indicates to subsequent readers that the case was considered.

A label may not stand alone; it must precede a statement or another case label. If a switch ends with a default case that has no work to do, then the default label must be followed by a null statement or an empty block.

Variable Definitions inside the Body of a switch

As we’ve seen, execution in a switch can jump across case labels. When execution jumps to a particular case, any code that occurred inside the switch before that label is ignored. The fact that code is bypassed raises an interesting question: What happens if the code that is skipped includes a variable definition?

The answer is that it is illegal to jump from a place where a variable with an initializer is out of scope to a place where that variable is in scope:

case true:
    // this switch statement is illegal because these initializations might be bypassed
    string file_name; // error: control bypasses an implicitly initialized variable
    int ival = 0;     // error: control bypasses an explicitly initialized variable
    int jval;         // ok: because jval is not initialized
case false:
    // ok: jval is in scope but is uninitialized
    jval = next_num(); // ok: assign a value to jval
    if (file_name.empty()) // file_name is in scope but wasn't initialized
        // ...

If this code were legal, then any time control jumped to the false case, it would bypass the initialization of file_name and ival. Those variables would be in scope. Code following false could use those variables. However, these variables would not have been initialized. As a result, the language does not allow us to jump over an initialization if the initialized variable is in scope at the point to which control transfers.

If we need to define and initialize a variable for a particular case, we can do so by defining the variable inside a block, thereby ensuring that the variable is out of scope at the point of any subsequent label.

case true:
       // ok: declaration statement within a statement block
       string file_name = get_file_name();
       // ...
case false:
       if (file_name.empty())  // error: file_name is not in scope

Exercises Section 5.3.2

Exercise 5.9: Write a program using a series of if statements to count the number of vowels in text read from cin.

Exercise 5.10: There is one problem with our vowel-counting program as we’ve implemented it: It doesn’t count capital letters as vowels. Write a program that counts both lower- and uppercase letters as the appropriate vowel—that is, your program should count both 'a' and 'A' as part of aCnt, and so forth.

Exercise 5.11: Modify our vowel-counting program so that it also counts the number of blank spaces, tabs, and newlines read.

Exercise 5.12: Modify our vowel-counting program so that it counts the number of occurrences of the following two-character sequences: ff, fl, and fi.

Exercise 5.13: Each of the programs in the highlighted text on page 184 contains a common programming error. Identify and correct each error.

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