14.3. Arithmetic and Relational Operators

Ordinarily, we define the arithmetic and relational operators as nonmember functions in order to allow conversions for either the left- or right-hand operand (§ 14.1, p. 555). These operators shouldn’t need to change the state of either operand, so the parameters are ordinarily references to const.

An arithmetic operator usually generates a new value that is the result of a computation on its two operands. That value is distinct from either operand and is calculated in a local variable. The operation returns a copy of this local as its result. Classes that define an arithmetic operator generally define the corresponding compound assignment operator as well. When a class has both operators, it is usually more efficient to define the arithmetic operator to use compound assignment:

// assumes that both objects refer to the same book
operator+(const Sales_data &lhs, const Sales_data &rhs)
    Sales_data sum = lhs;  // copy data members from lhs into sum
    sum += rhs;             // add rhs into sum
    return sum;

This definition is essentially identical to our original add function (§ 7.1.3, p. 261). We copy lhs into the local variable sum. We then use the Sales_data compound-assignment operator (which we’ll define on page 564) to add the values from rhs into sum. We end the function by returning a copy of sum.

Image Tip

Classes that define both an arithmetic operator and the related compound assignment ordinarily ought to implement the arithmetic operator by using the compound assignment.

Exercises Section 14.3

Exercise 14.13: Which other arithmetic operators (Table 4.1 (p. 139)), if any, do you think Sales_data ought to support? Define any you think the class should include.

Exercise 14.14: Why do you think it is more efficient to define operator+ to call operator+= rather than the other way around?

Exercise 14.15: Should the class you chose for exercise 7.40 from § 7.5.1 (p. 291) define any of the arithmetic operators? If so, implement them. If not, explain why not.

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