16.2.4. Function Pointers and Argument Deduction


When we initialize or assign a function pointer (§ 6.7, p. 247) from a function template, the compiler uses the type of the pointer to deduce the template argument(s).

As an example, assume we have a function pointer that points to a function returning an int that takes two parameters, each of which is a reference to a const int. We can use that pointer to point to an instantiation of compare:

template <typename T> int compare(const T&, const T&);
// pf1 points to the instantiation int compare(const int&, const int&)
int (*pf1)(const int&, const int&) = compare;

The type of the parameters in pf1 determines the type of the template argument for T. The template argument for T is int. The pointer pf1 points to the instantiation of compare with T bound to int. It is an error if the template arguments cannot be determined from the function pointer type:

// overloaded versions of func; each takes a different function pointer type
void func(int(*)(const string&, const string&));
void func(int(*)(const int&, const int&));
func(compare); // error: which instantiation of compare?

The problem is that by looking at the type of func’s parameter, it is not possible to determine a unique type for the template argument. The call to func could instantiate the version of compare that takes ints or the version that takes strings. Because it is not possible to identify a unique instantiation for the argument to func, this call won’t compile.

We can disambiguate the call to func by using explicit template arguments:

// ok: explicitly specify which version of compare to instantiate
func(compare<int>);  // passing compare(const int&, const int&)

This expression calls the version of func that takes a function pointer with two const int& parameters.

Image Note

When the address of a function-template instantiation is taken, the context must be such that it allows a unique type or value to be determined for each template parameter.

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