The final and override Specifiers

As we’ll see in §15.6 (p. 620), it is legal for a derived class to define a function with the same name as a virtual in its base class but with a different parameter list. The compiler considers such a function to be independent from the base-class function. In such cases, the derived version does not override the version in the base class. In practice, such declarations often are a mistake—the class author intended to override a virtual from the base class but made a mistake in specifying the parameter list.


Finding such bugs can be surprisingly hard. Under the new standard we can specify override on a virtual function in a derived class. Doing so makes our intention clear and (more importantly) enlists the compiler in finding such problems for us. The compiler will reject a program if a function marked override does not override an existing virtual function:

struct B {
    virtual void f1(int) const;
    virtual void f2();
    void f3();
struct D1 : B {
    void f1(int) const override; // ok: f1 matches f1 in the base
    void f2(int) override; // error: B has no f2(int) function
    void f3() override;    // error: f3 not virtual
    void f4() override;    // error: B doesn't have a function named f4

In D1, the override specifier on f1 is fine; both the base and derived versions of f1 are const members that take an int and return void. The version of f1 in D1 properly overrides the virtual that it inherits from B.

The declaration of f2 in D1 does not match the declaration of f2 in B—the version defined in B takes no arguments and the one defined in D1 takes an int. Because the declarations don’t match, f2 in D1 doesn’t override f2 from B; it is a new function that happens to have the same name. Because we said we intended this declaration to be an override and it isn’t, the compiler will generate an error.

Because only a virtual function can be overridden, the compiler will also reject f3 in D1. That function is not virtual in B, so there is no function to override. Similarly f4 is in error because B doesn’t even have a function named f4.

We can also designate a function as final. Any attempt to override a function that has been defined as final will be flagged as an error:

struct D2 : B {
    // inherits f2() and f3() from B and overrides f1(int)
    void f1(int) const final; // subsequent classes can't override f1 (int)
struct D3 : D2 {
    void f2();          // ok: overrides f2 inherited from the indirect base, B
    void f1(int) const; // error: D2 declared f2 as final

final and override specifiers appear after the parameter list (including any const or reference qualifiers) and after a trailing return (§ 6.3.3, p. 229).

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