11.3.6. A Word Transformation Map

We’ll close this section with a program to illustrate creating, searching, and iterating across a map. We’ll write a program that, given one string, transforms it into another. The input to our program is two files. The first file contains rules that we will use to transform the text in the second file. Each rule consists of a word that might be in the input file and a phrase to use in its place. The idea is that whenever the first word appears in the input, we will replace it with the corresponding phrase. The second file contains the text to transform.

If the contents of the word-transformation file are

brb be right back
k okay?
y why
r are
u you
pic picture
thk thanks!
l8r later

and the text we are given to transform is

where r u
y dont u send me a pic
k thk l8r

then the program should generate the following output:

where are you
why dont you send me a picture
okay? thanks! later

The Word Transformation Program

Our solution will use three functions. The word_transform function will manage the overall processing. It will take two ifstream arguments: The first will be bound to the word-transformation file and the second to the file of text we’re to transform. The buildMap function will read the file of transformation rules and create a map from each word to its transformation. The transform function will take a string and return the transformation if there is one.

We’ll start by defining the word_transform function. The important parts are the calls to buildMap and transform:

void word_transform(ifstream &map_file, ifstream &input)
    auto trans_map = buildMap(map_file); // store the transformations
    string text;                    // hold each line from the input
    while (getline(input, text)) {  // read a line of input
        istringstream stream(text); // read each word
        string word;
        bool firstword = true;      // controls whether a space is printed
        while (stream >> word) {
           if (firstword)
               firstword = false;
               cout << " ";  // print a space between words
           // transform returns its first argument or its transformation
           cout << transform(word, trans_map); // print the output
        cout << endl;         // done with this line of input

The function starts by calling buildMap to generate the word-transformation map. We store the result in trans_map. The rest of the function processes the input file. The while loop uses getline to read the input file a line at a time. We read by line so that our output will have line breaks at the same position as in the input file. To get the words from each line, we use a nested while loop that uses an istringstream8.3, p. 321) to process each word in the current line.

The inner while prints the output using the bool firstword to determine whether to print a space. The call to transform obtains the word to print. The value returned from transform is either the original string in word or its corresponding transformation from trans_map.

Building the Transformation Map

The buildMap function reads its given file and builds the transformation map.

map<string, string> buildMap(ifstream &map_file)
    map<string, string> trans_map;  // holds the transformations
    string key;    // a word to transform
    string value;  // phrase to use instead
    // read the first word into key and the rest of the line into value
    while (map_file >> key && getline(map_file, value))
        if (value.size() > 1) // check that there is a transformation
            trans_map[key] = value.substr(1); // skip leading space
            throw runtime_error("no rule for " + key);
    return trans_map;

Each line in map_file corresponds to a rule. Each rule is a word followed by a phrase, which might contain multiple words. We use >> to read the word that we will transform into key and call getline to read the rest of the line into value. Because getline does not skip leading spaces (§ 3.2.2, p. 87), we need to skip the space between the word and its corresponding rule. Before we store the transformation, we check that we got more than one character. If so, we call substr9.5.1, p. 361) to skip the space that separated the transformation phrase from its corresponding word and store that substring in trans_map,

Note that we use the subscript operator to add the key–value pairs. Implicitly, we are ignoring what should happen if a word appears more than once in our transformation file. If a word does appear multiple times, our loops will put the last corresponding phrase into trans_map. When the while concludes, trans_map contains the data that we need to transform the input.

Generating a Transformation

The transform function does the actual transformation. Its parameters are references to the string to transform and to the transformation map. If the given string is in the map, transform returns the corresponding transformation. If the given string is not in the map, transform returns its argument:

const string &
transform(const string &s, const map<string, string> &m)
    // the actual map work; this part is the heart of the program
    auto map_it = m.find(s);
    // if this word is in the transformation map
    if (map_it != m.cend())
        return map_it->second; // use the replacement word
        return s;              // otherwise return the original unchanged

We start by calling find to determine whether the given string is in the map. If it is, then find returns an iterator to the corresponding element. Otherwise, find returns the off-the-end iterator. If the element is found, we dereference the iterator, obtaining a pair that holds the key and value for that element (§ 11.3, p. 428). We return the second member, which is the transformation to use in place of s.

Exercises Section 11.3.6

Exercise 11.33: Implement your own version of the word-transformation program.

Exercise 11.34: What would happen if we used the subscript operator instead of find in the transform function?

Exercise 11.35: In buildMap, what effect, if any, would there be from rewriting

    trans_map[key] = value.substr(1);
as trans_map.insert({key, value.substr(1)})?

Exercise 11.36: Our program does no checking on the validity of either input file. In particular, it assumes that the rules in the transformation file are all sensible. What would happen if a line in that file has a key, one space, and then the end of the line? Predict the behavior and then check it against your version of the program.

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